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Chapter 482: Carat Canal

Tagore's evaluation of China was full of praise, and he even believed that China would become the new leader of the Far East. He especially criticized India's social ills, which had a huge impact on Indian society. The vast majority of India's upper-class elites

They were all cultivated by the British and have been completely controlled by Western values.

These people are still very grateful to the British colonial power. Before the British invasion, India had been divided for hundreds of years. India had been reduced from an ancient civilization to a regional term. In fact, speaking of India, it is indeed tragic.

, modern history is entirely written by the British, while part of the ancient history has to seek information from China, and its own historical inheritance has been completely cut off.

Historical inheritance is very important for a civilization. It can be said that except for China, no civilization in the world has voluminous, complete and clear historical materials. The West does not have enough historical inheritance to transfer Homer's epics and the Bible to other civilizations.

Everything is regarded as historical fact.

If this standard is followed, China's Classic of Mountains and Seas can also be used as a history book. However, when shameless Westerners cannot compare with China, they question the authenticity of historical records and take double standards to the extreme.

Historical inheritance not only tells the world the evolution trajectory of a civilization, but is also the best teaching material for a country's national identity. India was able to be colonized by the British willingly, mostly because of the lack of historical inheritance and the lack of self-persistence.

The completely westernized Indian elite read something different from Tagore's article, that is, the admiration for Chinese-style violent revolution, which seemed unacceptable to these people. Revolution would not only destroy the colonial order, but also

Shaking the caste system in India will literally cost the lives of these powerful people.

Therefore, a large number of Indian elites stood up and criticized China. Indian society was turbulent for a while, and how to choose the future path became a hot topic in Indian society.

For China, India is just a corner of South Asia and is not worthy of China's investment of greater energy. China's First Five-Year Plan was officially implemented in 1924. By 1927, it was already in its fourth year of implementation, and it was about to arrive.

Last year.

The core of the entire First Five-Year Plan is to radiate the southwest industrial zone with Sichuan as the core to the whole country, focusing on developing areas with the best economic development conditions such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Northeast and Guangdong to complete the industrial layout of the entire country and lay the foundation for future development.

A solid foundation.

Although the First Five-Year Plan encountered the impact of the Sino-Japanese War during the implementation, due to the short duration of the war, except for Shanghai, all wars were fought outside China and did not affect the overall economic development of China.

On the contrary, due to the huge pressure of the war, the development of China's heavy industry and military industry has received a large amount of funds, and the development momentum is very rapid. It is expected that China's steel output will exceed 4.7 million tons in 1927, and will exceed the five-year target by 2028.

The million-ton plan has become a foregone conclusion.

The output of coal this year has exceeded the expected 40 million tons, reaching 41.2 million tons, and the output of oil and power generation is not far from the target. In terms of the output of major industrial products, China has almost exceeded the plan, and even Prime Minister Wang Yongjiang

They all thought that the goals set at the beginning were a bit low.

"President, we originally hoped to maintain a peaceful situation during the First Five-Year Plan and avoid war as much as possible. If it develops smoothly, we can easily surpass Japan. However, it seems that we have broken out a war with Japan in advance, and there is no

It affects the overall situation, and on the contrary, it greatly promotes the rapid development of industry. China’s potential cannot be underestimated!”

Seeing the successful completion of the First Five-Year Plan, Wang Yongjiang, the helmsman, became famous around the world. Before this, the industrialization of all European and American powers was spontaneously led by capitalists, adopting a step-by-step model, starting with light industry, and then

The shift to heavy industry begins with imitation and then leads to independent innovation. The whole process is much more common than in China.

China's rapid industrial development, led by the state, shocked the world to a large extent. Besides China, the Soviet Union also adopted a more stringent five-year plan, and the results were equally astounding, leaving many Western economists dumbfounded.


Qiao Yu himself is very clear about the power of the five-year plan. This is definitely the only way for later countries to establish their own industrial system. However, it is only after they are actually implemented that they can see the power of this method and coordinate at the national level.

Arrangement can maximize limited resources and plays a huge role in the early stages of industrialization.

It is especially helpful to poor and weak countries like China where private capital is weak. Of course, this plan also has serious problems.

"Prime Minister, we have only reached the quota in quantity, and the quality problem is far from being solved. We have produced nearly five million tons of steel, but the main special steel still has to be imported from Germany, and in the steel industry

In terms of usage, we have invested too much steel in the construction industry and turned it into buildings and roads, but it is still a bit behind in machine production. These problems cannot be ignored!"

Steel is the backbone of industry. The reason why it plays such an important role is that all kinds of machines needed by industry are made of steel. The more machines a country hoards, the stronger its production capacity will be. However, China will use too much steel.

After being invested in the construction industry, it has not turned into a machine. This is also a very fatal problem.

"President, I don't think so. China is a big country with many entrances and big cities. There is nothing wrong with focusing on developing the construction industry. Capital is like water. With sycamore trees, there is no need to worry about the arrival of phoenixes.

It is necessary for us to make the city beautiful!"

As Prime Minister, Wang Yongjiang's focus is obviously different from Qiao Yu's. Qiao Yu is more concerned about production capacity and focuses on future wars. However, this kind of insight into the future cannot be shared with others. What Wang Yongjiang values ​​​​is even more.

For the overall development of society, more jobs must be arranged, more people must improve their living standards, and the government must also obtain more tax revenue through real estate!

Qiao Yu also understood Wang Yongjiang's views, so he said: "Prime Minister, you know better than me about economic development, but I only have one request, which is to be based on fighting, and fighting a big war. For heavy industry, the military industry must not relax its development.

No matter when it comes, this will be the priority for investment!”

"President, now the countries in the world are basically at peace, and the momentum of economic development is also good. A war may not be possible!" Wang Yongjiang admires Qiao Yu's vision and insight, but Qiao Yu's emphasis on military affairs has led to

The army has seized a large amount of resources and is not very satisfied.

Of course, China's victory over Japan this time proved that the previous military investment was worthwhile, but now that Japan, the most vicious enemy, has been crippled, who else should we fight in order to prepare for war?

"The world is definitely not peaceful. The economic situation is relatively good now, but Wei Ruolan and the others have already issued a warning. Problems will inevitably occur within two years. When the economy collapses, all contradictions will emerge. New updates

A large-scale world war is inevitable. China must not take any chances. We have a weak foundation and weak industrial strength, so we have to prepare in advance. The war may break out in ten years or even later, but Prime Minister, you are sure

Will China catch up with the United States within ten years?”

Qiao Yu said it very sincerely. He must make his prime minister aware of the future crisis. Wang Yongjiang thought for a while and shook his head: "President, it will take at least half a century to fully surpass the United States. I am afraid that our generation

The capital may not necessarily be able to see that the gap in our resources is not too big. The main problem lies in the labor force. Take technicians as an example. The core strength of all factories are fourth- and fifth-level technicians. In this aspect, Germany is the strongest.

We have a strong population of more than 400,000, and the United States is not far behind. Other powerful countries such as Britain and France also have 100,000 people. However, China currently only has more than 10,000 people, and many of them are imported from foreign countries. We

The number you cultivate yourself may be less than 10,000!"

Industrial development is not a matter that can be opportunistic. The biggest reason lies in the problem of skilled labor. Many things can be hacked. Only skilled labor can only be accumulated through a little bit of work and cannot be faked. And a skilled four

Level five technicians require at least ten years of training.

In industrial production, more people see big machines and assembly lines, but you must know that people are the core of everything. In many factories, after an old worker retires, the defective rate will suddenly increase significantly.

In fact, this problem can often be solved by lifting and pulling. Old workers may have mastered such a simple technique, but it has a huge impact on quality.

For later generations, China can become the world's factory. The painstaking efforts to cultivate skilled workers after the founding of the People's Republic of China played a very huge role. However, this is a long-term project. By the time it shows its power, it will already be twenty or thirty years later. And the initial

The founders were also ignored, and everyone only saw an industrial miracle!

"Prime Minister, the training of workers is a top priority. The government must come up with incentives to encourage old workers to take on more apprentices. One worker can take on three or four apprentices. The government must provide compensation for technical schools. Within ten years, the government must provide

In the meantime, I will expand China’s technician team tenfold!”

"Don't worry, President, I will implement it as soon as possible, but I have one more thing to ask the President. This time the Chinese Navy's visit to Thailand probably has a deeper meaning!"

Currently, Thailand is the only independent country in the Indochina Peninsula. It exists as a buffer zone between British and French colonies. After China defeated Japan, the Guangxi cruise ship visited Thailand before it could clean up its dust. It was so interesting.

Regarding Wang Yongjiang, Qiao Yu had nothing to hide and said with a smile: "China's goal is actually very simple, that is the Kra Isthmus, where I plan to build a canal to connect the Pacific and Indian Oceans!"

Anyone who knows a little bit about the politics and military of the Isthmus of Kra will know it. The Isthmus of Kra is located at the narrowest part of the Malay Peninsula. It is bounded by the Gulf of Siam to the east and the Andaman Sea to the west. It is the shortest link between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

Channel, as early as the 17th century, the King of Thailand tried to build a canal. However, due to the huge investment, there was no construction at all. This time, China marched into Southeast Asia with the power of defeating Japan.

By proposing to help Thailand build the canal, the target is very clear: the Strait of Malacca, which is controlled by the British! This is also a prelude to China's intention to break the British colonial order.

This chapter has been completed!
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