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Chapter 488 Aircraft carrier, you either

"President, he showed his sword to frighten the enemy. The British did not respond, but King Rama VII surrendered first!"

China's military exercises in the South China Sea lasted for three days. They were huge and attracted the attention of the whole world. Western media used a lot of words such as Dragon's Ambition; The Lion Awakens, Sword Points at Britain; South China Sea, Boiling Sea, etc.

Titles such as these have attracted enough attention, and the domestic media have also encouraged the government to take back the sovereignty of Hong Kong, complete the final reunification of the country, and realize the long-cherished wish of the Chinese people. A large number of young students also took to the streets and started demonstrations. Hong Kong

Workers also launched a small-scale strike.

The media is buzzing with excitement, and private voices are shaking the world. However, the governments of various countries have chosen to remain silent. Very little official information has been disclosed. In fact, this situation is easy to understand. Countries are now engaged in marathon negotiations in Geneva.

, all countries try to remain silent to avoid letting the other party see their timidity, and to maintain a strong position as much as possible.

Of course, all countries are in a state of tension externally and tight internally. In particular, the British cabinet has held many meetings in a row. Not long ago, a very important British agent in North America suddenly disappeared without a trace. Before that, he was responsible for

Select personnel from the Ryukyu Restoration Organization and secretly send them to Ryukyu to plan attacks against Chinese soldiers.

The British originally thought they could provoke the fragile Sino-Japanese relations and break the cooperation between the two countries at the Geneva Conference, but instead of succeeding, China pointed the finger at the United Kingdom.

The UK felt a huge sense of frustration.

In fact, the British have ignored one problem, that is, whether it is a conspiracy or a conspiracy, China has been playing it for thousands of years. Even though there are mountains of Chinese books on political conspiracy, none of them appear in English. The British are still drinking blood.

If you want to plot against China, you still need to go to the market!

Although the United Kingdom has not taken any action on the surface, the military has conducted repeated assessments and found that the scene in which the British fleet was wiped out during the China-Japan military exercise is likely to become a reality in the future. If the United Kingdom cannot have more than twice China's

Naval aviation power should not try to compete with China in the Far East.

After coming to this conclusion, the British Prime Minister did not eat for three days. Not only Hong Kong, but also Singapore was included. If China wants to take it at any time, it can take it. The colonial order of the British Empire in the Far East has been seriously affected.


There have been calls for the return of Hong Kong in the UK. After occupying Hong Kong for more than 80 years, the UK has obtained huge benefits through Hong Kong. Now there is no hope of keeping it. Why should it use it to grudge China anymore? Instead of being kicked out in disgrace.

It is better to hand it over honestly and gain favor from the Chinese people.

Although the British government has many arguments, the British, who are good at bluffing, also know that they cannot show cowardice at this time, so they pretend to be sophisticated and have no reaction at all.

But King Rama VII, who had been watching the performance in China, was completely impressed. The Celestial Kingdom should not be insulted lightly. What is needed most now is to introduce the power of China to balance Britain and France. From now on, he, the king, will stand on three pillars.

I can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Therefore, after watching the military exercise, Rama VII went all the way north. Rama VII was also the first head of state to officially visit the Republic of China after the Manchu Qing Dynasty was overthrown. Moreover, Siam was originally a vassal of China, and Western colonial forces entered

After that, Siam broke away from the vassal system. Does this time Rama VII comes to China mean that this system is being restored?

Everyone silently calculated that this is really the case. Half of Vietnam and North Korea have returned. Of course, they were snatched by force, while Siam voluntarily surrendered purely because they admired the majesty of the Celestial Empire. The meaning of this is absolutely

Different, according to the old saying, this is called the coming of all nations to the court. Even ordinary people feel encouraged when they find out about it. Beier has face!

King Rama VII arrived in Tianjin by boat. At the dock, China had sent a strong team to greet him. Prime Minister Wang Yongjiang came personally, and Hebei Province Governor Zhou Jun also accompanied him.

Zhou Jun was an expert in economic construction that Qiao Yu valued as early as when he was in Sichuan. Later, during the adjustment of officials, Zhou Jun was transferred to Hebei and was honored as the governor. According to the former Qing Dynasty, this was the governor of Zhili, the most important

Jiangchen, the next step is to join the cabinet and become prime minister, and he is one of the popular candidates for prime minister.

After Zhou Jun took office, he focused his development on Tianjin. According to Qiao Yu's plan, Tianjin would only exist as a full-time capital, retaining as many ancient buildings as possible to demonstrate the dignity of the country and embody China's

Cultural inheritance.

The economic functions were completely handed over to Tianjin. This arrangement gave Tianjin an excellent development opportunity. A large amount of capital that had originally hoped to be invested in Beijing flowed into Tianjin. In addition, Tianjin itself has a superior location, with both an outlet to the sea and a

The connecting zone between Northeast China and North China was also opened very early. It is also known as the three poles of China's economy and is the most prosperous place.

Accompanied by Wang Yongjiang and others, Rama VII excitedly browsed the scenery of Tianjin. Rama VII also urgently needed to understand how powerful China was and whether it was worth relying on!

As soon as he walked through Tianjin, Rama VII felt a huge shock. Compared with Western cities such as London and Paris, the urban construction gap in Tianjin is very small. It is even said that each has its own strengths and weaknesses in some aspects, especially in Tianjin.

King Rama VII did not find the existence of slums in the city, which surprised him even more.

You must know that slums are almost an unavoidable and stubborn disease in Western cities. A large number of low-income people gather in slums. Poverty is often closely related to violence and drugs. Therefore, slums have also become a paradise for criminals and a cancer for public security.

There are no obvious slums in Chinese cities, which is simply unexpected. Rama VII didn't know it. He just thought that China's economy was developing very well and there were no poor people, so he was even more surprised.

Knowing that creating wealth is not difficult, how do men distribute wealth? China has actually solved this world problem?

Of course, this is just the speculation of Rama VII. The Chinese government obviously does not have such great ability. China can basically avoid slums. On the one hand, it is because the government has made great efforts on this issue to avoid the emergence of slums and unify the people.

After years of development, the zhu party has acquired the executive capabilities that a ruling party should have and can overcome difficulties as much as possible.

Another main reason is China's land reform policy. The vast majority of farmers who have poured into cities are not completely propertyless. They often still hold equity in exchange for land, and can receive dividends based on the shares. As a small shareholder, if they

If you really can't survive, you can still go back to your original farm. In this way, everyone will have a way out. At worst, they can go back to their hometown and not end up living in the city.

Rama VII came to Bei Jing with great shock. This ancient capital has lasted for hundreds of years. Bei Jing and Tianjin are completely different styles. Tianjin is a completely westernized metropolis. Bei Jing seems to have come from ancient times.

It is like a living fossil that has come here. It is leisurely and comfortable, and there is a feeling of looking down on the world that is unique to the imperial city.

The emperor was nothing great. We all sent away several of them, and the president was even more like a revolving door. The world was not settled until President Qiao came to the throne. Since ancient times, there has been a cycle of ups and downs. The Yuan Dynasty was replaced by the Ming Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty let the Qing Dynasty

After seizing the country, the Republic of China destroyed the Manchu and Qing Dynasties. The world has reincarnated, and now there are four dynasties.

The only thing that hasn't changed is that Old Bei Jing is still the capital city. Looking at the vicissitudes of life with a smile, I remain unmoved. This kind of freedom and calmness is definitely not comparable to other cities.

The profound and profound feeling also weighed heavily on the heart of King Rama VI. This is the atmosphere of the Celestial Dynasty, and the shock is heartfelt. Qiao Yu personally welcomed King Rama VII into the presidential residence. In fact, both of them were

Post-1990s - post-1990s.

Rama VII is three years younger than Qiao Yu, but the throne of Rama VII is inherited by his family, while Qiao Yu relied on his own ability to conquer the country. This is the founding monarch and Shoucheng

The difference between the kings is completely different in terms of momentum alone.

"Your Majesty the King, you have traveled thousands of miles to bei jing. On behalf of the Chinese people, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you. China and Siam have a profound friendship and a long history of exchanges. In the exchanges between the two countries, they are all

Mutually beneficial cooperation is completely different from Western plunder. Now His Majesty the King's personal visit to China is bound to open a new era of exchanges between China and Siam and benefit the people of both countries!"

"There is nothing wrong in what Mr. President said. Siam also knows very well that China is the best partner. However, in the past, Britain and France were powerful and Siam was small and weak, so they had to compromise. Now that China has once again ruled Asia, it is the time to rebuild Asia.

What a great time for order!”

"Your Majesty the King, China does not have such big ambitions. We just want the people to have a better life. The international order is still too far away. China is very interested in the Kra Canal. I think building a canal capable of carrying 10,000-ton ships

The canal will be a good thing for both China and Siam, benefiting the country and the people. Siam can gain huge economic benefits, and China can also gain a safer and more reliable way to communicate with foreign countries!"

King Rama VII hurriedly said: "Your Excellency, Siam is also aware of the benefits of this proposal, but is a little worried that Britain will try its best to obstruct it!"

Qiao Yu waved his hand and said domineeringly: "Your Majesty, don't worry about the British. This is the internal affairs of China and Siam and has nothing to do with the British. They have no right to interfere!"

Speaking of this, Qiao Yu glanced at Rama VII playfully, and then said: "China's new aircraft carrier Zhenyuan will be officially launched within a year, and China's escort aircraft carrier Chaoyong is ready to retire. If Siam needs

, China is willing to transfer it to Siam, and can also provide supporting frigates. In addition, it can also help you train technical personnel and provide a full set of technical services. What does His Majesty the King think?"

Now everyone knows the huge power of aircraft carriers, but not all countries can possess this kind of maritime hegemony. With Siam’s industrial capabilities, even if it works hard for another two hundred years, it may not be possible to build one. At this time, China is willing

How could King Rama VII not be overjoyed by selling one to Siam? This is a good thing that he never expected!

Although the Chao Yong is a remodeled old ship, its actual service time is very short, and it is at least 70% to 80% new. If this warship can be obtained, Siam's naval power will at least surpass that of the Netherlands, and its status in Southeast Asia will immediately be greatly improved.


"Your Majesty the President, if your country can provide aircraft carriers, Siam is willing to form an alliance with China!"

This chapter has been completed!
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