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Chapter 503 Siam Fleet

After the outbreak of the economic crisis in the United States, the unemployment rate increased wildly. Those outstanding engineers in the past were faced with the risk of unemployment. In fact, a large number of senior workers have become unemployed. In this unprecedented stock market crash, the most serious losses were

The so-called middle class.

They don’t have the savvy of predators, who can predict risks in advance, and they don’t have the rich financial resources to start a family. In fact, they are not much comparable to the extremely poor people. The poor have no money to invest in the stock market. The most bankrupt people in the United States are

Small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, senior workers, teachers, doctors, lawyers, and middle-level managers.

In the eyes of ordinary people, these people can undoubtedly be regarded as successful people. Of course, there is no comparison with the real financial giants and international bankers. They are just meat on the chopping board. Overnight, their houses and cars are gone.

, his job is gone, and even his wife has run away.

For these workers, having a place to work and food to eat is the greatest blessing. At this time, the Chinese Consulate in the United States is applying for work visas to China for these workers.

Of course, China does not want everything. Now that the United States is in dire straits, high-level talents that China could not hire at any price are now begging China to take them in. Naturally, China also has to make some selections. There is no real

Those who are talented and knowledgeable are not allowed, those who have illegal records are not allowed, those who do not respect Chinese customs are not allowed, and those who have racial prejudice are not allowed... The United States is actually very practical and a little careless. It is not as noble as the old Europe. Maybe it is still the United States now.

I have not reached that peak, and there is not much rejection of this method of selecting livestock.

Of course, they don't have to choose China, and they can only choose the Soviet Union. In fact, there are only two countries that are still aggressively recruiting talents, one is China and the other is the Soviet Union.

Both China and the Soviet Union are in the rising stage of industrialization. The governments of both countries have strong control over the economy. The Soviet Union has adopted a strong public ownership system and will not have the problem of overcapacity at all. Although China is privately owned,

, but China pursues an industrial route, and the entire economy is operating very healthily. Almost all factories are in a period of expansion, and the demand for machines and technicians is almost unlimited.

Now there are long queues at the consulates of China and the Soviet Union. China and the Soviet Union each have advantages in recruiting talents. The Soviet Union has a recruitment advantage. They are both Caucasian and have similar living habits, which is very attractive to Americans.

However, China, like the United States, is a capitalist system, and its society is in a period of rapid growth. If you develop in China now, you are likely to obtain a higher status in the future, and even start your own business. This is something that the Soviet Union cannot


In addition, China has a more powerful weapon, that is, China's wages and benefits are much better than those of the Soviet Union. In fact, this is not because the Soviet Union was stingy, but that the funds they used to recruit workers were obtained through agricultural and mineral products.

It was taken out from the teeth of ordinary people. Now many people in the Soviet Union are still suffering from hunger.

China's funds were obtained through the U.S. stock market. It was a complete windfall. It didn't hurt at all to use it. Moreover, China's light industry and agriculture were more developed, and it could provide more daily necessities. Most American workers still chose it.

In China, workers’ income is about half more than those who choose the Soviet Union.

Zhu Shunchang and Shi Weiming were originally responsible for capital operations. Now their mission is to recruit talented people for China. They exchange the huge amounts of money they earn into talents, technology, and machines. Every day, they have hundreds of dollars in their hands.

Tens of thousands of capital flows. Faced with these huge capitals, Zhu Shunchang felt a crazy secretion of adrenaline every time he thought about it, and his whole body seemed to be unprecedentedly excited.

"Wei Ming, we currently control at least 500 million U.S. dollars. Even if it is only one tenth, it is still 50 million. I am afraid that not many people in the entire world have so much wealth!"

"Old Zhu, you don't want to embezzle this money!" Shi Weiming stared at Zhu Shunchang with a pair of big bright eyes.

"The red wine in your face and the money and silk are in your heart. It's nonsense to say that you can't be moved. But I'm also afraid!"

"Lao Zhu, for the sake of our partnership, I advise you to put away this kind of thinking as soon as possible. I have summed up an experience over the years, that is, the money you should get is a lot, and the money you shouldn't get is a penny.

You don't need a penny to touch, especially when dealing with the government, you have to be extra careful, maybe there are countless pairs of eyes staring at us now, and before you take action, they will reward you with a peanut!"

Zhu Shunchang's neck was chilled by what Shi Weiming said. He had worked for the government for many years and had long understood the key to this. He still didn't know the rules. It was just his subconscious idea to take the property as his own. Normally speaking

It will never be said out loud.

But today, by some strange combination of circumstances, he spoke to Shi Weiming about his true feelings, and a very strange feeling surged in his heart.

China's actions of bargain-hunting the United States are still continuing. At this time, Europe is also experiencing problems one after another with the economic crisis in the United States, and China's capital power continues to gain.

In addition, the aircraft carrier port that China promised to help Siam build has been completed after two years of intense construction. The location was chosen in Sattahip, which is 70 kilometers southeast of Bangkok and is the junction of the Bay of Bangkok and the Gulf of Siam.

, has a very good deep-water harbor.

The naval base was chosen here, which is close to Bangkok, the capital of Siam. At the same time, going south along the Gulf of Siam, it can directly threaten the new homeland. It is like a sharp sword chosen over the head of the British. In the past, the British had passed through

After Malacca, it will be able to directly enter the South China Sea, thereby threatening China's southern coastal areas, and also be able to assist Hong Kong.

However, after the construction of the Sattahip base is completed, if the UK wants to enter the South China Sea, it must first pull out this nail, otherwise the route will be threatened at any time, which will be like a choke point for the UK to enter. Compared with the effect of building the Kra Canal

That's about it. At first, the British obstructed Siam's entry in every possible way and frequently put pressure on Siam, but they failed to achieve their wish. At the critical moment when the two countries were competing in Southeast Asia, the U.S. economic crisis broke out...

What followed was a big problem in the British economy, the unemployment rate was rising wildly, the domestic opposition continued to demonstrate, and the pro-Soviet left-wing forces also rose rapidly, exerting an increasing influence in the social field. Britain itself

There were so many troubles that he naturally had no energy to stop China's actions. Qiao Yu took the opportunity to ask China to speed up the construction progress and send the Chao Yong to the Gulf of Siam as soon as possible, which would put fatal pressure on Britain.

Qiao Yu has long been disgusted with Britain to the extreme. Although this ruthless world hegemon has inevitably declined, his desire to harm Britain has not weakened at all. On the contrary, he is still using all kinds of tricks and becoming more and more excessive.

Although the UK signed a communiqué with China stating that it would return Hong Kong's sovereignty after five years, the UK wants to use these five years to turn Hong Kong into a huge burden and cause trouble to the Chinese government.

One of the first things the British did was to promise to provide housing to every Hong Kong family. The British government also borrowed heavily to build various projects, including luxurious residential areas, parks, roads, libraries, theaters, etc.

, each item does not seek the best, but only seeks to spend the most money, and most of them adopt the installment payment model.

In addition, the British in Hong Kong began to provide pension and medical insurance to Hong Kong residents, and even started preparing for Hong Kong to achieve universal suffrage. In a short period of time, the people's livelihood in Hong Kong was quickly improved, and even many people who did not know the truth continued to applaud what the British in Hong Kong had done.

, thinking that they truly consider the people of Hong Kong.

However, Qiao Yu knows very well that these are the big pits left by the British. Every job of the British is completed by borrowing, which is completely overdrafting the future of Hong Kong. The benefits provided have greatly exceeded those in China.

Level, after the Chinese government takes over, if it cancels it, it will offend the people of Hong Kong. If it does not cancel it, it will use taxes to fill the hole.

The same is true for so-called universal elections, which are not consistent with China's domestic political system. These actions are all causing trouble for China to regain Hong Kong. In this regard, the UK is constantly in trouble.

However, they were too smart in their calculations and never expected that a super economic crisis would break out. The British originally hoped to rely on loans to survive for five years and then ignore the flood. Who knew that it would only last for more than two years?

We can’t go on anymore, our loans have been cut off, and there are unfinished projects everywhere in Hong Kong!

Although Qiao Yu felt comfortable watching the British make a fool of themselves, after all, China still wanted to take over Hong Kong, and it was China that had to rely on China to clean up this mess. Every time he thought about this, Qiao Yu felt itchy with hatred.

You must not be polite or follow the rules when dealing with veteran gangsters like the British. The best way to deal with gangsters is to dress yourself up as a robber. If you dare to act like a gangster, I will kill you with a gun!

It was out of this desire for revenge that after the initial construction of the Sattahip Naval Base was completed, Qiao Yu informed the Siam government and asked them to accept the Chaoyong.

At this time, there was already an aircraft carrier craze in Siam. They were very yearning for this warship that had made great contributions in the Sino-Japanese naval battle. It had long been named Siam and was regarded as a symbol of the Siamese navy. Now it has been awarded by China.

The news of the official transfer of the aircraft carrier made everyone in Siam excited.

In addition to handing over an aircraft carrier to the Siam Navy this time, China also handed over two destroyers, four frigates, and a supply ship. In addition, before that, China also handed over a group of offshore patrol ships and two submarines to Siam.

, in a blink of an eye, the Siamese Navy went from nothing to a very important force in the Southeast Asia. You must know that the only countries that currently have aircraft carrier fleets in the Southeast Asia are China and the United Kingdom, and no other countries.

In order to deal with the threat of China's aircraft carrier, the United Kingdom sent the Shen Shen to Singapore. This aircraft carrier is the first specially built aircraft carrier in the United Kingdom and can be called the originator of modern aircraft carriers. However, this is only a light aircraft carrier, and it is the same as the Super Valor.

At the same level, the Siamese Navy even believes that after having the Super Courage, it will be able to compete with the British Royal Navy. This is undoubtedly great news for Siam, which has only one hand. It is worth spending any money on it.


The Chaoyong has completed the final modification work at the Chinese shipyard. All Chinese symbols have been removed and replaced with Siamese symbols. At the same time, the name has been changed to Siam. The number of people working on the warship exceeds 40%.

The third one is all Siamese, and only key parts are managed by Chinese personnel.

Under the escort of the escort aircraft carrier Yangwei, it crossed the vast South China Sea and officially began a new service journey.

After several days of continuous sailing, Siam finally arrived in Siam at the end of 1929 and officially joined the Siamese Navy.

This chapter has been completed!
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