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Chapter five hundred and sixteenth start

Yan Xishan led a huge purchasing group to Germany, which was undoubtedly a huge support for Hitler who had just taken office. Now Germany's poor economic situation is also testing the Nazi party. If the economy cannot be pulled out of the trough, Hitler will gain

The power is only temporary and will be ruthlessly abandoned by the people like the Weimar Republic.

However, in addition to discussing economic cooperation, Yan Xishan's trip also included a secret military cooperation agreement. Hitler tried to restore Germany's military power from the day he came to power. However, faced with numerous restrictions after World War I, Germany wanted to reorganize its army.

It is not an easy task. The biggest difficulty is the lack of talents. On the one hand, it is excellent military commanders. On the other hand, it is also a problem of the entire military industry system.

The military industry is also an industry that requires continuous progress and must continue to develop. More than ten years have passed from World War I to the present, and the progress in concepts and technology has been huge. However, German military industry enterprises have basically stagnated due to strict sanctions.

The state of the country lacks practice for new technologies.

Without practice, it is impossible to produce excellent weapons that adapt to the new situation. In this regard, China has a huge advantage. The equipment of the army, navy and air force all have things that Germany needs to learn. In addition, according to the original agreement with Sekter, China also

A number of military talents have been retained for Germany, and these talents are now scattered among various military-industrial enterprises and major combat forces in China.

These people have learned a lot of new things in the past few years. Now that Hitler is in power, it is time for China to return these people to Germany. Hitler was actually not completely clear about this transaction. When Yan Xishan mentioned it to him

, Hitler went crazy with joy.

He understands the value of these people very well. Having them can at least reduce the exploration time of the German army and military industrial enterprises by three to five years. You must know that Germany, as a country striving to catch up, time is the most important thing. With the help of China,

With this experience, Hitler became more confident.

Mustache's expression became more and more excited, and he could not stop his surging emotions. He began to speak eloquently in front of Yan Xishan, his expressions and movements were exaggerated to the extreme. He hoped that China and Germany could join hands to deal with it together.

The British, French and other colonial powers destroyed the red power of Russia.

Yan Xishan has no interest in these at all. Talking about the new order must at least wait until Germany becomes stronger. Germany is not worthy of talking about far-reaching cooperation with China. China can send such a big gift package when Hitler comes to power. The main thing is

The reason is that China has its own calculations.

The most important thing is the technical demand. What China needs to acquire this time is Krupp armor technology and optical glass technology. These are good things that will greatly improve China's military industry. China will definitely not

Bai helped Germany preserve its military-industrial strength.

This is the protection fee. China has helped Germany save for more than ten years. Now it is time to pay. Of course, China has also learned a lot from Germany during this cooperation, but this is just an add-on and cannot be compensated.

Germany owes China a debt of gratitude.

In addition, China also values ​​​​a German technology, that is, tungsten technology, which can produce super-hard alloy steel and various cutting tools. It is definitely a huge improvement in the production level of machine tools and is of high value. For this technology

China's plan is to exchange resources. To put it simply, China will provide tungsten ore to Germany, and then Germany will provide comprehensive technology.

This kind of cooperation is of huge benefit to both China and Germany, so the negotiations have become very easy, and the agreement was quickly finalized. Yan Xishan visited the major cities in Germany and was impressed by the German influence wherever he went.

Zheng Fu and the Nazi Party gave a warm welcome. Banners proclaiming "Long Live China-Germany Friendship" were posted everywhere. People held flowers and cheered enthusiastically.

Yan Xishan was still a little uncomfortable with such an unprecedented welcome, especially when he had to give speeches everywhere he went. Yan Xishan could easily lecture officials, but faced a large number of people, Yan Xishan was caught off guard.

, but fortunately, I didn’t make a fool of myself.

In order to express its gratitude to Yan Xishan for his visit to Germany, Germany immediately sent a large delegation to visit China. Leaders of major countries in this era would not easily go abroad. On the one hand, transportation is far less convenient than in later generations, and the risk factor is also high.

In addition, it is really inconvenient for leaders like Qiao Yu who have great power to go abroad, otherwise unpredictable changes will easily occur in the country.

The same was true for Hitler. During his return visit, he did not personally lead the team, but he did send two generals, one was Goering and the other Goebbels. These two closest comrades of Hitler went to China on behalf of Hitler.

As soon as Hitler came to power, the exchanges between China and Germany took a big step forward, which greatly promoted the development of both countries. China's second five-year plan at this time was also successfully completed, and the original industrial targets were basically reached.

, steel production reached 9 million tons, 1 million tons higher than the original target.

All infrastructure construction has been implemented, and various industrial sectors have been refined. Almost all industrial products can be produced in China. Of course, it has only solved the existing problems, far from reaching a good level, and even some

The key thing depends on virtue's technology, but at least an unprecedented industrial pattern has been laid. This is the capital for China to dominate the world in the future.

A complete industrial system has a life of its own and can continue to innovate and develop. As the industrial system becomes more and more complex, more and more products are produced, and correspondingly more and more entrances are needed. During the two world wars,

Among them, Germany's national power surpassed that of Britain. To a large extent, Germany's entrance greatly exceeded that of Britain.

This is becoming more and more obvious with the upgrading of the industrial system. Countries like the United Kingdom and France are hopelessly backward. Their relatively small entrances and small territory can no longer afford an increasingly complex industrial system.


China's cities are also constantly developing, and first-tier cities are not inferior to those in Europe and the United States. Although China's real estate industry has been affected to a considerable extent due to the disturbances of Jewish consortiums, it has regained its strength after a period of recovery.

Several large urban circles have been formed.

China is progressing rapidly, and so is the world. After Roosevelt came to power, he started spending money profusely. In fact, there was nothing special about Roosevelt's New Deal. The core content was spending money. In the midst of an economic crisis, ordinary people did not dare to spend.

, there is no money for consumption, and entrepreneurs dare not invest, which makes social demand lower and lower, and the entire national economy is in depression and difficult to recover.

After Roosevelt came to power, the government came forward and spent money lavishly, investing in infrastructure, carrying out water conservancy construction, building airports, building railways, and building docks. Regardless of whether they were needed or not, they were built first to provide jobs for the unemployed. The infrastructure construction process

This requires massive amounts of steel, cement and other building materials, as well as large machinery.

As a result, a large amount of demand was created. The government's stimulus actions made the economy run again, and the speed was getting faster and faster. However, as an outsider, Qiao Yu saw everything clearly. Roosevelt's New Deal still remained.

There are many problems. The biggest problem is that Zhengfu’s investment is largely obtained by printing more money.

It may be effective in the short term, but in the long run, it will inevitably lead to a sharp rise in the value of the U.S. dollar and huge domestic inflationary pressures. Moreover, Roosevelt's financial reforms actually tended to monopolize banks, which will inevitably lead to further accumulation of wealth and ultimately benefit the most.

Or a monopoly group.

When financial stimulus loses its effect, that's when war breaks out!

Qiao Yu is actually also thinking about why World War II is inevitable. The answer lies here. After all methods have been used, and there are no restrictions on the big killer weapons such as nuclear weapons between countries, then only the red bayonet and a fight will remain.

The market became the only option.

Therefore, Qiao Yu's requirements for China are very clear, that is, the entire Third Five-Year Plan period must focus on world wars, and China must comprehensively strengthen its armaments, and the top leaders of the Chinese government also have a considerable degree of consensus that war

It is absolutely inevitable, what everyone is waiting for is when it will start.

Just when everyone was focusing their attention on several powerful countries, news came from the prominence of Africa that Italy had caused trouble on the border of Abyssinia (later Ethiopia).

At that time, all countries unconsciously thought of Japan's actions against Borneo.

Italy has long coveted Abyssinia, but Italy is a country with a high heart and a thin life. It wants to eat a lot of meat, but it doesn’t have good teeth. Between 1895 and 1896,

Italy launched an aggressive action, but met with stubborn resistance from Abyssinia. The Italian army suffered a tragic defeat. Not only did it sign a treaty to confirm Abyssinia's du li status, but it also compensated Abyssinia 1,000

Thousands of liras.

Looking at the major powers in the world, none of them has ceded territory to others and paid indemnity, leaving their mouths full of food. Even if France did not win the war, it still received a lot of benefits. It was an invincible war. And Italy's behavior is exactly the same.

So cute...

However, Italy decided to sell it to the end. After Mussolini came to power, Italy greatly strengthened its armaments, especially the economic crisis, which caused more serious damage to Italy. The United States has a strong accumulation, Britain and France have colonies, and Germany has technology.

But Italy has nothing. An economic crisis has exposed Italy's true colors.

Mussolini knew very well that if Italy wanted to get rid of the haze of the economic crisis, it must expand its territory, control the entire Mediterranean, and rebuild the glory of the Roman Empire. Under Mussolini's instructions, Italy controlled Italian Somalia and Abyssini.

Bloody conflicts occurred on Asia's borders.

Abyssinia also made a serious mistake at this time, pinning its hopes on the mediation between the League of Nations and the British. After getting the news, Qiao Yu was extremely excited. A long-awaited opportunity came again.

In front of China, Africa is a land that contains huge treasures, and Italy is the weakest among the great powers. Its combat effectiveness is extremely weak. Countries such as Britain and France are weak and incompetent, but China wants to uphold justice and fight for Abyssini.

Ya do justice.

Of course, what is more realistic is to use this incident to extend China's influence deeper into Africa. China is not a formal member of the League of Nations at this time, but a special observer country. However, this does not prevent China from making its voice heard in the League of Nations. The Chinese representative is here

Geneva issued a strongly worded statement, severely condemning Italy's deliberate provocation of conflict, and stated that if Italy dares to invade Abyssinia, China will take all necessary sanctions against Italy!

This chapter has been completed!
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