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Chapter 529: Red Spy King

"President, Hanoi is now controlled by China, and most officials are also controlled by China. Even if you can escape from the Presidential Palace, you will not be able to escape Hanoi, let alone escape to a foreign country!"

"Major Li, don't worry. As long as you can help me escape from the Presidential Palace, there will be others to help me. There are not many people I can trust now. Please help me for the sake of the country and the nation!"


Li Xuan nodded hurriedly and said: "President, don't worry, even if I risk my life, I will help the president escape. The future of Vietnam depends on your leadership. We not only have to expel the French, but also the Chinese!"


Ruan Aiguo shook his head in pain: "Major Li, the future of the country lies with you. I can't make my mistakes again. Vietnam must rely on its own strength. The great powers are all the same. Whether it is China or France, you

Keep it in mind!"

Li Xun left Ruan Aiguo's bedroom, the expression on his face changed quickly, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth!

Wu Tong and Wang Tianhe sat across from each other in a villa in Guilin. The information displayed in front of them was the latest news from Vietnam. Wu Tong looked at it carefully and sighed: "This Ruan Aiguo can be considered a character.

We are so strict, but he can still cultivate his own power, which shows that his ability to endure is extraordinary, and judging from his tone, he has a back-up, I really don’t know who is helping him behind the scenes!"

Wang Tianhe was also a little confused at this time: "Old Wu, I can only confirm that Huang Yuhuan is Ruan Aiguo's person, but obviously this manpower is not enough, there must be helpers. But I can't guess who else is behind it, now

I think Ruan Aiguo is not the most critical. The forces behind this are the ones that should be dug out the most!"

"Yes, Ruan Aiguo is a dead dog and cannot make waves at all, but he is a good bait. If we can use him to find out other hostile forces hidden in Vietnam, and then eliminate them in one fell swoop, then we will be able to complete the battle."


Ruan Aiguo had no idea that all his actions had fallen into the eyes of China, and any struggle was in vain. He was still trying his best to act, especially after the war broke out, he had to show up and deliver various inspiring speeches and appeals.

The people fully supported the war to unify the country.

At this time, the vanguard of the French army had already crossed the dividing line, and the vanguard was pointing directly at Xuanhua. Xuanhua was originally an important node connecting the north-south railway line. The geographical location is very important, and it is also an important logistics base for Vietnam. The competition between the two sides has reached its peak.

When it's intense.

There is still a big gap between the Vietnamese army and France. Their only advantage is that the bombers provided by China exceed the French bombers in terms of bomb load and range. Therefore, the Vietnamese often use bombers to carry out bombing operations against the French rear.

.Severely affected the French army's logistical supplies, and France also lost a large number of soldiers during the bombing.

However, at this time, the French could only grit their teeth and hold on. It would take another month for domestic reinforcements to arrive on the battlefield, and it would also take some time for a large amount of advanced equipment to be delivered.

The energy required by the French to transport troops from the mainland to the Far East is too great. The consumption along the way can drive people crazy, and after the war begins, the finances are like water. The war is like a gold-devouring beast, and the French economy has not yet been able to get rid of it.

Due to the impact of the Great Depression, our financial resources were actually quite weak.

Before the war, the people were filled with indignation and called for a fight. However, after the war actually broke out, the French government had to drastically reduce various expenditures and make every effort to meet the needs of the war. This brought back the painful memories of the French people, and many of them

People began to raise anti-war banners.

Seeing this scene, Hitler, France's old enemy, was overjoyed. He saw France's weakness more and more clearly. This country no longer dared to fight. Germany could let go and reorganize its armaments. However, Hitler also vaguely had a new idea.

Is it possible to cooperate with China to deal with Britain, France and the Soviet Union? Germany has scientific and technological advantages, and China has unparalleled population and resources.

What's more important is that these two countries are at the two ends of the Eurasian continent and have no direct serious conflict with each other, so they are most suitable for an alliance.

At this time, the Spanish Civil War officially broke out. Franco rebelled against the Spanish government controlled by the left. The situation in Europe suddenly became tense. Europe was still the center of the world. In the Far East, the great powers could barely maintain a cold-shoulder attitude.

, and a war broke out in Europe, and no one could stand by and watch.

Hitler immediately announced his support for Franco, and Italy followed suit, saying that Italy gritted its teeth because the war in Abyssinia made Mussolini almost vomit blood.

At the beginning, Italy invested 300,000 people, and later gradually increased the number to 500,000. It also deployed a powerful air force and even used chemical weapons. However, the progress of the war completely exceeded Italy's expectations.

The Abyssinians adopted flexible tactics and resolute clearing of the country. Italy could hardly get any supplies wherever they went, and had to face endless attacks by militia and guerrillas. How many people died was a trivial matter.

The most terrible thing is that the morale of frontline soldiers has dropped rapidly, and many soldiers have developed psychological problems and even war-weariness.

At this time, Mussolini had no way out and could only use poison gas bombs to open the way crazily. His goal was Addis Ababa. According to Western concepts, as long as the capital was captured, it would be regarded as conquering a country, and Mexico

Solini also doesn't believe that the Afghan army will abandon the capital.

He announced to all the soldiers that the main force of the Afghan army was in the capital. As long as the capital was captured, the country could be completely conquered. However, the reality was completely different from Mussolini's idea. There were only about 50,000 soldiers in Addis Ababa.

The Afghan army was elite, and they did not defend the city, but were dispersed and deployed on the periphery.

As for the main force of the Albanian army, it had already been reduced to pieces and entered rural areas, saving its effective forces. After a fierce battle, Italy occupied an empty city. Although Mussolini still trumpeted his victory, the Albanian army now

Bithynia is like a piece of chicken ribs.

The scope of Italy's control was very limited, and it had to face endless attacks. It had no energy to develop resources, but had to spend huge military expenditures. This seriously weakened Italy's national power, and Mussolini's opposition forces also increased unprecedentedly.

China doesn't pay attention to Italy. This country is good at playing football and making noodles, but it is not suitable for war. It is not unlucky to have a leader like Mussolini with a big appetite and no minions.

That's weird.

What really makes China happy is that the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War attracted all the attention of Europe. Especially the two major powers, the United States and the Soviet Union, also took action, and China's pressure was instantly relieved.

U.S. President Roosevelt is a rare politician in American history. He keenly discovered the changes in Europe. Germany has once again risen. The United States must pay more attention to Europe. Preventing European unification is also an established strategy of the United States.

Originally, Spain's leftist government adopted a pro-Soviet strategy. The Soviet Union has been surrounded by layers of siege since its birth. It is surrounded by enemies and has few friends. Now, with great difficulty, a pro-Soviet regime has emerged, especially since Spain's position is very important.

, guarding the Strait of Gibraltar is the only way for Russia to rush out of the Mediterranean from the south. How can we not let the Soviet Union fight to the death?

In addition, Germany caused too much damage to Russia during World War I. The Russian army was always wary of German armed forces. As a result, the Far East became a secondary region, leaving only France as a big country to confront China.

Moreover, France does not dare to send too many troops to the Far East. You must know that Spain and France are connected. If a pro-German regime appears here, France will face the risk of being surrounded. France, which has become a frightened bird, is absolutely unwilling

See this situation.

Changes in Europe seriously affected the French offensive in the Far East, and the Vietnamese barely stabilized the front in Xuanhua.

After careful preparations, Nguyen Aiguo finally decided to flee Hanoi. He first notified Li Sun to send him out of the presidential palace. Li Sun had already made preparations. He found someone with a similar appearance to Nguyen Aiguo and quietly replaced Nguyen Aiguo.

Then he asked Ruan Aiguo to disguise himself as an ordinary employee and left the presidential palace smoothly.

After leaving the Presidential Palace, a rickshaw was waiting for him. After boarding the rickshaw, Ruan Aiguo quickly left the Presidential Palace and went straight to the outside of the city. After arriving outside the city, a car was waiting and took Ruan Aiguo to Qishan.

Huang Yuhuan will meet him there and provide a plane to help Nguyen Aiguo escape from Vietnam.

The entire plan was very closely linked, especially as a war was going on on the front lines. No one would have thought that the president of Vietnam would flee at this time. It can be said that the hope of success was still high.

Just when Ruan Aiguo left Hanoi smoothly by car, a pair of military police quietly came to a European-style building. The armed police with live ammunition quickly rushed in and took out a white man not long after.

While this man was being pulled by the military police, he kept defending himself, "I am a German and a journalist. Germany and China are friendly countries. Don't get me wrong!"

"There is no misunderstanding, Mr. Sorge, you are under arrest!"

When the Chinese side learned that Ruan Aiguo was trying to escape, they had already guessed that there would be other forces helping him. However, they did not know who the other party was, so China deliberately used a loophole to make them think that China did not know about Ruan Aiguo.

The patriotic plan just lures the snake out of its hole.

China's strategy has really worked. Ruan Aiguo's value as a country's leader is still very great, especially since he was supported by China. If he stands up to testify against China, it will definitely have a huge impact on China's prestige.

It even alienated the political leaders of Southeast Asian countries from China. As a result, a large number of lurking intelligence agents began to work on Ruan Aiguo's escape.

The more espionage activities there are, the easier it is to be exposed. Several hidden radio stations are also involved in the transmission of intelligence. China quickly obtained a large amount of information and targeted a German journalist Ramsey, who had a wide range of friends.

, being interested in everything seems to be the work-consciousness a reporter should have, but he was obviously too attentive and attracted the attention of intelligence agents.

After careful investigation, it was quickly discovered that his problem was that this person was not named Ramsay, but Richard Sorge. He really served the Soviet intelligence agency. As this big fish surfaced,

, it became obvious who was helping Nguyen Ai Quo behind the scenes, it was the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union also sent consultants to Vietnam at the beginning. It seems that the Soviet Union still has a lot of influence in Vietnam's military and political circles. With Sorge's arrest, a large hidden network has finally been broken!

This chapter has been completed!
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