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Chapter 531 Blockade

Chapter 531 Blockade

The mission of the South China Sea Fleet is to deal with naval threats in surrounding areas. Therefore, the Cam Ranh Bay of the French Far East Fleet and the British Singapore are areas that the Chinese Navy is closely watching. Daily training has often used these two maritime forces as imaginary enemies. In addition,

I also had a detailed understanding of the sea areas in Cam Ranh Bay and other places.

As the saying goes, to be prepared, the Chinese Navy has put in a lot of effort in peacetime, and it came in handy at this time. The first wave of attacks showed great power. The main targets selected by China were several buildings near Cam Ranh Bay.

At the airport, the French Navy does not have an aircraft carrier, so the greatest threat to Chinese carrier-based aircraft is land-based aircraft, so China attacked the airport first.

Attacking the airport is also a very learned thing. Some people may think that to attack the airport, you must first attack the aircraft. In fact, this is a very wrong idea. The truly efficient way is to attack the runway. Once the runway is destroyed, the aircraft will not be able to take off and land normally.

He could only wait in the hangar for the fate of being massacred.

Today's runways are much simpler than those of later generations, and the requirements for aircraft to take off are also lower. However, China's attack is still very effective. In order to cause greater damage to the runway, the bomb charge was increased. After some bombing,

Craters of varying sizes appeared on the runway.

Of course, the French can still repair it quickly, but it will take at least a few hours. The most precious thing on the battlefield is time. Using this gap, China has been able to do too many things.

The following second wave of attacks was a formation with torpedo aircraft as the core attacking warships. The French Navy seriously neglected its air defense capabilities during its construction, even the most advanced Dunkirk. By the time France realized

After gaining the advantage of air power, due to financial constraints, there was no time to modify it.

However, although the air defense force was weak, the French still fought back desperately. Whether on warships or on land, all the French soldiers seemed to be going crazy. The dense firepower network crisscrossed the air and fired at them. These soldiers seemed to have Napoleon attached to them.

His body was ordinary, but he became extremely brave.

In fact, there is no room for them not to work hard. If the Far East Fleet is destroyed, France will lose control of the sea, and it will not be able to get supplies from Europe. Not only that, even these soldiers fighting in the Far East will not be able to go home.

Various legends have been circulating among French soldiers for a long time. In their view, the peoples of the Far East are inferior people. They have not entered a civilized society at all and do not know how to treat prisoners of war well. Once they become prisoners, their heads will be chopped off.

Even if you are lucky enough to survive, you have to work as a coolie. There is even a saying that the Vietnamese cannibalize human flesh. If they catch white people, they will be thrown into a pot, cooked, and then eaten.

Most of these messy claims are false. In fact, it is because the French have a guilty conscience. They have done too many evil things in the Far East and are just worried about others liquidating them. However, most soldiers still believe it anyway. They dare not fight hard and fail.

The result is unbearable for them.

A Chinese torpedo plane was hit by anti-aircraft artillery and exploded like a goddess scattering flowers, and the scattered fragments fell into the cold sea water.

The other pilots were not afraid. They had seen this kind of sacrifice many times. Although the aircraft carrier was the most powerful weapon, there would be casualties in battle, and no one could take any chances.

Finally, a torpedo plane broke through the fire net and dropped the torpedo it carried. The torpedo stirred up a bright spray of water and rushed towards the Guba at an extremely fast speed. The French soldiers on the ship were already there.

They opened their mouths wide at the incoming torpedo, but it was too late.

With a bang, a torpedo hit the bow of the Guba, and a hole of several meters suddenly appeared on the warship. As an old ship before the First World War, the Guba's waterline defense was very weak, and the torpedo

Successfully tearing open the outer armor defense, a fire broke out in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, two more bombers dropped bombs on the Guba. Four heavy bombs fell in the middle of the warship. The violent explosion blew away most of the superstructure. There were many casualties on the warship, which was extremely miserable.

As the most powerful warship, the Dunkirk received special attention from the Chinese Air Force and was attacked by more than a dozen torpedo planes. Although it was lucky to shoot down a few torpedo planes, five torpedoes hit it.

The Dunkirk, a giant ship of more than 30,000 tons, quickly became a pile of scrap metal.

After destroying two battleships, other warships were not spared. China launched a total of three waves of attacks, sinking more than 20 battleships. The main force of the French Far East Fleet disappeared, and the port facilities were seriously damaged. To restore at least

It takes half a year.

After a war, China lost only fifteen aircraft, but in exchange for the destruction of the entire French Far East fleet, it once again proved the huge advantage of the aircraft carrier and completely changed the balance of power in the Far East. Previously, France was arrogant and conquered cities and territories.

It's not impressive, but a naval battle showed France's true colors.

The way China intervenes is even more unexpected than other countries around the world, and the ruthlessness of its actions also makes other countries look at it. For a colony far away from the mainland, if the fate of a colony that loses sea control has been determined, France will be really vulnerable to China. With this kind of power,

The huge gap is simply irreparable. More and more people are increasingly seeing the importance of aircraft carriers. Having an aircraft carrier means you have everything.

China ignored the opinions of other countries. After destroying the French Far East Fleet, which threatened the most, it immediately blockaded the coastal areas of Vietnam. In order to better control the coastline, China transferred the Yuan Yuan and the mother ship over.

The mission of these two aircraft carriers is to approach the Strait of Malacca to deter Britain and prevent Britain from participating in the war.

In addition, it is necessary to cooperate with three other aircraft carriers to blockade Vietnam on the periphery. Now most of France's supplies have to go through the Strait of Malacca and then be transported to Vietnam. Now the Chinese fleet has formed two insurmountable blockade circles, and a big net has been sent to France.

People came over.

Any ship that dared to transport supplies to the French army would be ruthlessly attacked by China. In addition, various ports in Vietnam were also attacked by China. A large number of cargo ships were sunk. Even fishing boats were not spared, and port facilities were destroyed.

The destructive power of war is indeed unmatched by other actions. It may take several years to build a port, but it only takes a few hours to destroy it. The entire coast of South Vietnam, including the ports in Cambodia, has been violently attacked.

Due to the limited combat radius of carrier-based aircraft, one aircraft carrier can control an area of ​​about 200 nautical miles. Fortunately, France's defense force is not strong, so Chinese aircraft carriers can do whatever they want. Three aircraft carriers may gather together to attack a certain area.

A major military town, or dispersed, raiding various places.

In addition to attacking the rear, the Chinese Navy also focused its attack on Vietnam's waist. The narrowest point here is only 50 kilometers. Carrier-based aircraft can easily bomb a round trip. Now the main force of the French army has invaded.

North Vietnam, which had become the lifeline of logistics, was now being bombarded indiscriminately, and the situation of the French suddenly became worse.

If the arms could not be transported, the soldiers would not attack. If the medicine could not be transported, the injured soldiers would have to resign themselves to fate. Even food could not be transported. The French soldiers had no choice but to requisition food on the spot and rob Vietnamese people in large quantities.

Greater public opposition.

It can be said that before the Chinese Army entered the war, the French had already messed up their position and found it difficult to maintain. Many French generals even advocated returning the main force to South Vietnam and waiting for reinforcements.

But the French also know whether they can really wait for backup. How can they transport supplies if they lose control of the sea? They are just trapped beasts.

This is the power of sea control. As long as you control the ocean, you control everything. If you own the ocean, you will have victory. Every time the Chinese navy is used, China's top brass will more clearly realize the power of maritime superiority.

I also completely understood why a small island country like Britain established an unprecedented empire on which the sun never sets just by relying on its maritime advantages.

China is a traditional continental country. For many years, China's threats have come from land. China has always lacked sufficient understanding of the blue area of ​​​​the ocean, and even has an instinctive rejection.

This traditional concept cannot be changed in a short time. The Army is still the well-deserved eldest brother among the Chinese Army, accounting for more than 80% of all generals.

However, with the increase in national power, China's top leaders' views on the military have changed dramatically. Not many countries in the world want to attack China anymore, and a powerful China must focus on the ocean and expand

The living space of the entire country.

The status of the navy and the army is also quietly changing. The army is destined to be a cannonball fired by the navy. Especially in this war, before the army has launched an attack, the navy has already created a situation that is absolutely beneficial to China, making the military

The naval faction was greatly inspired, and the call for aircraft carriers became more and more intense.

The reason why France was able to fight against the Vietnamese before was largely because the sea could provide a steady stream of supplies and arms. Now that the sea routes have been cut off, the French garrisons in the three Indo-China countries seem to have fallen on an isolated island.

assistance has been lost.

Not only the sea route, but also the land. You must know that Siam currently has a quasi-ally relationship with China. The Chinese navy participated in the war, and Siam also took the opportunity to block the western border, cutting off France's possible access to supplies.

The three countries of Indo-China suddenly turned into a huge cage, with more than 200,000 French colonial troops trapped inside. They were now in a dilemma. At this time, Paris was caught in a huge disagreement. China destroyed France's Far East Fleet.

, as a big country, France must not be so resigned and must go to war with China.

Many people advocate sending France's only aircraft carrier, the Béarne, to the Far East. Of course, they also know that using one aircraft carrier to fight against China's five large aircraft carriers is asking for death. Therefore, France found the United Kingdom and the United States, hoping that two

Countries can abide by treaties, send troops together, form a powerful joint fleet, and punish the Chinese.

However, the United Kingdom and the United States have no such interest at all. The Spanish Civil War is intensifying, and the Soviet Union and Germany have stepped up their intervention. These two countries are a thorn in the side of the United Kingdom and a thorn in the flesh. Whoever succeeds will be the misfortune of the United Kingdom. The British must be tenacious.

To maintain the balance of the European continent, of course, the overly strong France is not what the UK needs. It would be better if it could be weakened. As for the United States, it has already received a large order from China, its mouth has been blocked, and it has also received a guarantee from China, not to mention

They will pull chestnuts out of the fire for France. The most fundamental thing is that neither country is sure of defeating China across the ocean. They can only watch France be blocked!

This chapter has been completed!
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