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Chapter 537: Changes in Japan

Although Germany and Japan were allies in their original history, they were also bedfellows with different dreams. Each hoped that the other would attract firepower and then take advantage of them behind their backs. Now what Germany wants to do is nothing more than this, to let China dominate the Asia-Pacific region.

Attract the attention of the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union.

Then Germany let go of its expansion in Europe. This was completely a wishful thinking. The Chinese government would never let the Germans take chestnuts from the fire. After all, the risks were too great.

Wu Tong, the Minister of Defense on the side, also expressed his opinion: "President, gentlemen, the current war is ultimately a competition of production capacity and a competition of industrial workers. Germany is unique in the world in terms of intermediate and high-level technicians, with more than 500,000 people.

, the United States is closely followed with nearly 500,000, but the quality is not as good as that of Germany. Britain and France both have about 200,000. As for the Soviet Union and Japan, their levels are about the same, both around 100,000. We have less than 80,000. Of course,

Due to the promotion of automated production lines, our production capacity is definitely not inferior to that of the Soviet Union. In addition, China has a large number of middle and low-level technicians and rich human resources. Even if we arm an army of 10 million, it will not affect military production at all.

But we must pay attention to the fact that there is a huge gap between China and countries such as Germany and the United States, even a gap that cannot be crossed. If Germany integrates the entire Europe, the number of German technicians will inevitably exceed one million, and Europe is the birthplace of modern science.

, has the largest number of scientific research forces, and with these advantages, Germany will be able to create the most advanced weapons. Who else will be Germany's opponent by then!"

Wu Tong's words undoubtedly reveal the power of Germany from another aspect. In international competition, resources are very important, but talents are more important, and they are the basis of everything. China and Germany have conducted in-depth talent exchanges, and they have a deep understanding of Germany's details.

He understood it very thoroughly, so Wu Tong was even more worried about making Germany bigger.

Qiao Yu also made a judgment in his mind. Germany's military technology is indeed superior. Of course, Germany also has a fatal problem, that is, their corporate organization and coordination capabilities are far inferior to those of the United States. Modern industrial tools such as standardization and assembly lines are not implemented deeply enough.

Moreover, Germany excessively pursued weapon performance and neglected the pursuit of quantity. In the end, no matter how powerful the Tiger tank was, it would be submerged in the torrent of Soviet steel.

Of course, there is another more fatal factor that makes Germany unable to compete with the United States and the Soviet Union in terms of numbers, and that is the resource problem, especially the lack of energy such as oil, which prevents Germany from having the ability to violently launch violent troops. Generally speaking, Germany is a regional power and lacks the ability to become a world leader.

The basic base of power is located in a harsh geographical environment surrounded by all sides. Therefore, this country has little hope.

"Everyone has expressed their opinions, so let me summarize. First, cooperation with Germany must continue, and we must obtain as much advanced German technology as possible to nourish our industrial system. Second, it is not advisable to form an alliance with Germany.

, but we must also note that Germany is already looking for allies around the world, which means that a new world war is approaching, and our country must determine its own way out; thirdly, according to the information revealed by the German Foreign Minister, Japan may also join Germany's

Within the alliance. This is a dangerous signal, and intelligence on Japan must be strengthened!"

Qiao Yu expressed his opinion, which was of course the final word. Although there were many pro-German factions in the military and government, there was no room for them to use them at this time. In fact, China and Germany had gone astray. Of course, China has always been concerned about military cooperation.

It's very enthusiastic.

The Chinese military and Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent specialized personnel to hold talks with Ribbentrop. The focus of the discussion between the two parties was on the issue of aircraft carriers. Germany hopes that China can provide a full set of aircraft carrier technology and help Germany train a group of aircraft carriers.

Aircraft pilots, it would be best if they could sell a decommissioned aircraft carrier to Germany.

China currently has four new large aircraft carriers, also known as Yuanzi ships, and a larger Jingyuan will be launched soon. These five new aircraft carriers are the core combat capabilities of the Chinese navy. In addition, China has one large and four small aircraft carriers.

Of the five modified aircraft carriers, Chaoyong was sold to Siam, Yangwei and Guangyi have been decommissioned, and only Zhenhai and Zhenhai are still in service.

This time, Germany set its sights on the Yangwei, a warship with meritorious service during the Sino-Japanese naval war. Although its displacement was less than 10,000 tons, it was enough to help Germany train excellent aircraft carrier talents.

However, China gave Ribbentrop a better choice, that is, the USS. China can sell the USS to Germany, and China can provide modification technology. The open bow adopted by the USS is also the common practice in early modifications of aircraft carriers.

The method is to place an all-through deck on top of the original hull, and the deck at the bow of the ship is supported by pillars.

The ability of this structure to withstand wind and waves is very poor. Japanese aircraft carriers once had the experience of being turned into twists and turns by wind and waves. Moreover, the wind and waves in the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean are much stronger than those in the Pacific Ocean. The strength of the ship is difficult to withstand the wind and waves in the Atlantic Ocean. China

Suggestions for modification were put forward, which exactly fit the needs of Germany.

Moreover, the full load displacement of the USS exceeds 25,000 tons, and the number of carrier-based aircraft can reach 80. This can already compete with the British aircraft carrier. Although the warship is older, it can still participate in the war. A combat-effective aircraft carrier and a

A pure training ship is a completely different concept.

After Ribbentrop learned about China's generosity, he went crazy with joy and hurriedly reported the news to Berlin. Hitler also summoned his close relatives and dignitaries overnight to discuss the matter.

China's generosity is not unconditional, but it has many technical requirements. For example, Germany wants to provide China with the core technology of six machine tools; Germany also wants to send technicians to help China build a 10,000-ton forging press; in addition, it also needs to

Electronic technology, etc., adding up to no less than twenty items.

The most important of them is the forging press, which is well-deserved as a national weapon. China has already started research in this area and has obtained a large amount of information through the Jews. However, due to China's insufficient technical reserves, in the end, it only built a 5,000-year-old forging press.

tons of forging press.

As for the 10,000-ton level, it is still difficult to achieve with China's technical level. The technical requirements for this kind of thing are too high. Before World War II, neither the United States nor the Soviet Union had it. China had to rely on German technology if it wanted to build it. In Qiao Yu's opinion, the technology is far away.

It is more important than weapons. Many weapons on the battlefield are consumables. With technology, there is the ability to produce continuously and there will be a steady supply of supplies.

It is very cost-effective to exchange an aircraft carrier for these. Of course, as part of the agreement after these technology exchanges, Germany will have to pay 200 million US dollars to purchase the aircraft carrier. Buying an old ship at such a price is a bit expensive no matter how you calculate it.

, but the German top management was extremely happy at this time.

"Dear Head of State, the Navy believes that the USS must be obtained no matter how much it costs. As long as Germany has an aircraft carrier, the English Channel will no longer be a natural hazard. With the cooperation of our shore-based aircraft and carrier-based aircraft, we can master it.

With sea control, landing on the British Isles will definitely become very easy. Moreover, we can also use aircraft carriers to blockade the Baltic Sea and even bomb Leningrad, which are of great value to Germany!"

Dönitz briefly thought about the purpose of the aircraft carrier. Hitler did have an unusual sensitivity to technology, or an innate talent. He quickly realized the value of the aircraft carrier, but then Hitler also had a question.

"The aircraft carrier is so important. The despicable British guys will definitely stop Germany from possessing it. Do you have any good ideas?"

Hitler has made up his mind to get the trumpet. However, trading the most powerful weapon in the world will definitely attract fierce opposition from the great powers. You must know that this is still Europe, the doorstep of Britain and France, whether it is Germany or

China does not have the ability to do whatever it wants.

"Führer, can we get the USS under the guise of inviting the Chinese aircraft carrier to visit?" Propaganda Minister Goebbels came up with an idea, and Göring and others present were also thinking about it. This seemed to be an idea.

Not a bad idea. As long as the warships reach Germany, Britain will have no choice but to do so is undoubtedly blatantly deceiving the world. Can Britain and France just sit idly by?

Everyone in Germany is racking their brains about the aircraft carrier, and China is also worried about its evil neighbor Japan. Japan is an aggressive country with huge ambitions.

China swallowed up the three countries of Indo-China, which was a huge stimulus to Japan. Their logic is very simple, that is, China can expand, we can expand, and we also want colonies. They don’t care about their own weight!

After Japan made a selection, it still set its sights on the Netherlands. This country was the weakest among all parties in Nanyang and was suitable for Japan to attack. For this reason, the emperor specially wrote a personal letter to Qiao Yu. Little did he know that China was firmly opposed to it.

, even resorting to economic sanctions to make Japan give up its claim of aggression.

This was a great shock to the Japanese government and opposition parties. Elder Saionji even said that this was the Chinese people suppressing Japan. The central dynasty has been suppressing Japan for thousands of years. This is a humiliation to Japan. Japan must expand its territory.

Guarantee complete economic independence. Only in this way can Japan become a real big country without looking at anyone's eyes.

Speaking of which, this is the tragedy of a small country with few people. They will never think in their shoes and never know how to be grateful. On the contrary, it seems as if the whole world is sorry for them.

In the past few years, Japan has immigrated to Borneo with more than 4 million people, and has obtained huge benefits, which has restored Japan's national strength. Now Japan's ambitions for aggression have been rekindled. Japan has transferred two large aircraft carriers Soryu

and Feilong were stationed in Saipan.

This is an island that Japan acquired from Germany after World War I. It is adjacent to Guam under the jurisdiction of the United States. However, Guam did not receive much attention from the United States at this time. The reason is that Guam is not only far away from the United States, but also located among islands controlled by Japan. It is safe.

Sex is very poor, and the United States only has a small number of troops stationed.

The purpose of Japan sending troops to Saipan is very simple, which is to further deal with the Netherlands. If they go south from the Chinese coast, they will inevitably encounter resistance and opposition from China. Now they can avoid China by taking the southeast route.

The Japanese government also used newspapers to report endlessly on the Dutch crimes in Southeast Asia, and even cited various anti-China examples. The Japanese government tried to use this method to drag China down. We are not only fighting for ourselves, but also venting our anger on the Chinese people.

, can your government still stop Japan’s actions?

Regarding this trend of the Japanese media, China is very clear that Japan is a bastard trying to take advantage of the weight. If it is determined, China will simply remain silent and wait and see what happens. Qiao Yu does not believe that the United States can still secure the Diaoyutai. Roosevelt is an old fox.

It’s time to take action! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

This chapter has been completed!
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