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Chapter 548: Japanese Actions

In fact, big countries are not willing to directly conflict with each other. Everyone has a big family and a big business, and no one wants to be ruined overnight. However, big countries are often the most sensitive and always want to nip crises in the bud. Therefore, conflicts between big countries

Most of them are caused by misjudgment, and the so-called arms race is mostly the same.╰╭.╯ ╮

Qiao Yu does not want to arouse the suspicion of the United States because of close contacts between China and Germany, because once the United States becomes suspicious, it will increase its vigilance against China. In turn, China will also expand its power. In this way, the two countries will continue to

Increasing the chips and using more and more force will eventually lead to an irreversible situation.

In the end, even if China does not want to confront the United States, it will still confront it, and it will form an alliance with Germany if it does not want to. Therefore, Qiao Yu took some actions in advance to actively cool down the relationship between China and Germany, dispel the wariness of the United States, and ensure mutual trust between China and the United States.

There is no doubt that China will suffer a loss by taking the initiative to do so, but this is also caused by the comparison of strength between China and the United States. The industrial system of the United States is too strong. China's steel production at full capacity is just over 10 million tons, and the United States wants to reach 5,000 tons.

It is very easy to produce 10,000 tons. This gap makes China have to take the initiative to show its goodwill.

The current trade between China and Germany is mainly China's export of tungsten ore, manganese ore and other important strategic materials to Germany, while Germany exports materials such as industrial machine tools to China. However, China's mechanical equipment manufacturing capacity is also rising. Reducing Germany's

Products and supporting China's self-produced equipment have also become very urgent.

Self-produced things may not be of high quality and have a short lifespan. They may even be shoddy, but after all, they are our own things. The biggest advantage is that they will not be restricted at any time, especially if this kind of machine tool equipment wants to improve, more work must be done.

, the more experience and technology is accumulated, the better the product quality will be.

In fact, China has gradually reduced its dependence on German equipment for many important equipment and is actively looking for domestic substitute products. Therefore, it is the right time for Qiao Yu to restrict trade with Germany. China cannot always be a raw material exporter;

Export manufactured industrial products.

Based on the considerations of all parties, China reduced the export volume of tungsten ore by 15%. At the same time, the price also increased by 20%, and the import of industrial equipment also began to be reduced step by step. China's move was quickly caught by major countries.

The old fox Roosevelt instantly understood what China meant. In fact, he was also thinking about the situation in Europe. The German tiger was about to grow up and should be appropriately restricted. The United States also began to appropriately withdraw its investment. The two major countries cooperated very well.


Germany is naturally very aware of the actions of China and the United States. Obviously, Germany's expansion momentum has aroused the fear of the world. This time it is not a second-rate country like Britain and France, but a real power. Germany rose rapidly after World War I, and China and the United States deserve a lot of credit.

Underestimated, the Americans provided critical capital. China provided a large amount of raw materials. Now that the two countries are taking action at the same time, people cannot help but think carefully.

Not long ago, Germany first occupied the Sudetenland adjacent to Germany, and then swallowed up the entire Czechoslovakia. In one year, it successively annexed two industrial countries. Hitler's prestige skyrocketed, and even Hitler, who was always known for his rationality,

The Germans also began to blindly worship this head of state who had magical powers.

The German army also completely fell to Hitler, and Hitler's own morale was also raised to a considerable level. He no longer had that kind of awe for other countries in the world.

"I originally thought China was an ambitious country, but the yellow race is an inferior race after all. They are not as brave as the Germans and will not transform the world with us. Now China has begun to show its goodwill to the Western world and to those who

The surrender of the cowardly Min Zhu country is a kind of betrayal; the United States is also an inferior country. European criminals, thieves, and thieves were all deported to the United States. Those people are the ancestors of today's Americans. The same is true for the United States today.

You don’t deserve such a privileged land at all. One day the German flag will be planted on the streets of New York..."

Hitler was venting his emotions crazily to his subordinates again. His endless speech made everyone a little tired, but they had to listen to the Führer's complaints. Hitler finally calmed down, and Foreign Minister Ribbentrop suddenly spoke.

He said: "Dear Head of State, China has only reduced a small part of its trade volume. In fact, China and Germany are still important trading partners, and China is indeed a country with great potential. We should try our best to strive for it. They are the masters of the Far East.

Japan cannot replace China's position at all!"

Ribbentrop has been to China for negotiations. He knows very well what kind of country China is. From south to north, it is densely populated and has a vast territory. It is as big as dozens of Germany. A country with such huge potential must not be let go easily.


Hitler's pupils began to shrink sharply, he stared at Ribbentrop and said word by word: "Mr. Foreign Minister, do you think China is really irreplaceable?"

"That's right, my head of state!" The person speaking this time was Manstein. He had received a long-term internship in China and had truly seen the Chinese military. He was the person who had the most say on China's potential.

"Mr. Yuan, although China's industry is far behind ours, China is rich in resources and can completely achieve self-sufficiency. Moreover, their army advocates strategy and has developed a large number of new tactics. Most of our current tank combat theories are derived from China.

Later, the same is true for the air force. The naval aviation was completely established with China's help. China is even the world's leading leader in military thinking. Moreover, the squadron is tenacious and brave. The most terrible thing is that they can easily arm 10 million, even

Twenty million troops without affecting the normal operation of the national economy at all, Mr. Führer, I see no reason why Germany can despise China!"

Manstein was a talented, rigorous and pragmatic person. He did not have much fear of Hitler. He spoke rationally and rationally. Pulling China onto Germany's chariot was a strategy that Manstein had always advocated.

, Germany's resource bottleneck is a big problem, and China is a resource-rich country. The complementarity between the two countries is too strong.

Hitler shook his head. Then he said in a very rare calm tone: "China has potential, but what we need is not a protracted war, because once the war drags on, Germany will fail. What we need is a quick victory.

, it will be completely over within a few months or a year, defeat all our main enemies, and control the entire Europe. China and the United States have no time to mobilize. We need Japan to contain China and the United States, and we do not need this island country to hold on for long.

, just a few months is enough, we have become the masters of the world!"

"Führer. If we can't end the battle quickly..." Before Manstein could finish speaking, Hitler waved his hand and said decisively: "Then we will be finished!"

Hitler based all hopes of Germany's victory on a quick victory. This very extreme idea is not unorthodox. Unifying a divided Europe in a short period of time sounds like a fairy tale, but this man

The head of state has created so many miracles that no one can find any reason to refute them.

Finally, Hitler concluded: "Try your best to bring China to our side. If China still does not agree, we will form an alliance with Japan. But we must try to avoid confrontation with China. It is enough to let these yellow cowards remain neutral. Germany will be like

Completely change the world!"

Naturally, China is not clear about the debate that took place in Berlin, but at this time, China was focusing all its energy on the Far East, and the Japanese made new moves. This time, they chose Chandra as their target.

Since receiving support from China, Chandra has been making waves in eastern India, which has affected most of India. His policy of abolishing the caste system and dividing the land equally has hit the needs of the lower classes of Indian society. Countless untouchables have

Joined his team.

The continuous supply of troops allowed Chandra to fight against the British colonial government for a long time, but to be honest, the Indians did not have much talent in fighting. Chandra did not know the importance of military speed and did not take advantage of the situation to sweep the entire India. The British

People took advantage of this period to greatly strengthen India's military strength.

And because the upper caste Indian aristocrats turned to the British, including Gandhi, they all supported the British to take suppressive measures against the heretic Chandra. It has to be said that after the Indians have been slaves for many years, they have become slaves in their bones.

The sex was profound, and all the elites at the upper level were bribed by the British.

These people who spoke English and whose minds were filled with British doctrines were naturally disgusted with the agrarian revolutionary Chandler, and Chandler's actions threatened their interests. These people decided to help their master deal with the threat first.

Big Chandra.

As a result, the situation in India has fallen into corruption. China does not really want India. An India that has thoroughly carried out land reform and eliminated the caste system is definitely not what the Chinese want to see. Therefore, it is best for India to be corrupt like this.

went down, so China also relaxed its support for Chandra.

Later, China sent Jews in, and the situation in India became even more chaotic. Some Jews were even planning to acquire a piece of land here and establish a Jewish state. It was really a waste to put such a good piece of land in the hands of Indians.


This chaotic situation allowed Japan to see an opportunity. Not long ago, Japan received news from Germany and was preparing to form an alliance with Japan. Being able to embrace Germany's lap is a blessing for Japan.

The great thing is that now Japan is caught between China and the United States and is in a very difficult situation.

And forming an alliance with Germany can use Germany's power to contain the United States, and can also deter China. In this way, Japan can seize colonies in the Far East and accumulate strength.

It is precisely with the support of Germany that Japan has become bolder. They have focused their attention on India, a place of chaos. If they can gain a foothold in India, they can extend their power to the Indian Ocean. Now

Japan already owns half of Malacca.

When these arrangements are completed, the British colonial forces will be driven out at any time.

China's intelligence organization has just intercepted the information that Japan sent a military advisory group to Chandra. Qiao Yu has ordered to pay close attention to Japan's situation. Now that Japan has taken action, China must take immediate action.

"India is a good training ground. Since the Japanese chose Chandra, we might as well participate and teach the Japanese a lesson so that they can steal chickens but not lose rice. In addition, let me control Japan's trade.

Get up and don’t let them have a good time!”

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