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Chapter 550: In the Hunting Field

His own power? Gandhi's heart suddenly moved. As the leader of the Congress Party, he naturally longed to have his own power, but he also had an instinctive rejection of the army. He was worried that once these troops turned their guns, he would be in danger.

And he is also worried about Britain.w w.. c o m)

"Mr. Feng, I am very willing to get China's support, but once we accept China's help, the British side may have a different view!"

Feng Yuxiang smiled contemptuously: "Mr. Gandhi, does the UK still deserve the title of a powerful country with its current actions? Facing the rise of Germany, they have betrayed two allies. What does such a country have to worry about?"

With 10,000 to 20,000 troops and 9,000 administrative officials, the British controlled India, which has a population of hundreds of millions. The biggest weapon is fear. It is precisely because of this fear that they cannot correctly understand their opponents and cannot correctly understand their opponents.

Know yourself, it is this fear that allows Western countries to run rampant in the world.

China has also made this mistake before. The huge Manchu Qing Dynasty was blackmailed and blackmailed again and again. In fact, most of them were just false threats. It would be very wasteful for Westerners to travel thousands of miles to China to attack and kill wantonly. They simply did not

Not many people could be sent, even the so-called Eight-Nation Allied Forces had less than 20,000 people.

Today's India is worse than China, and this fear is even more deeply rooted in the bones. Everything Gandhi did was thinking about Britain's bottom line. Feng Yuxiang looked down upon this slave mentality.

"Mr. Gandhi, you'd better understand the world again. All of Britain's energy is focused on Europe. This is India's best opportunity for independence. Once it becomes an independent country, won't India need a defense force? Besides, if Britain can't

Stop and give up on India. How can you fight against Chandra now that you have no troops? You just wait to be replaced by Chandra!"

At this point, Gandhi's expression finally changed. He also realized the crisis of the situation. In order to control the situation in India, Britain had transferred three aircraft carriers stationed in Singapore to India to participate in suppressing the uprising in India.

However, as the situation in Europe becomes increasingly tense, the United Kingdom is already preparing to transfer three aircraft carriers back. This is mostly due to China's actions. After Qiao Yu sold the ship to Germany, Hitler quickly ordered the ship to be refitted. And the name was changed.


In addition, according to intelligence, the construction of Germany's domestically produced aircraft carriers is intensifying, and Germany is also renovating small aircraft carriers. Once the German aircraft carriers become combat effective, the narrow English Channel will not be able to protect the British Empire at all. This will pose real pressure to the United Kingdom.

It was too big, and they had to shrink their forces and try their best to protect Europe.

For this reason, India did not hesitate to lose the pearl of the Far East. Not long ago, Gandhi got the news through government officials. Now coupled with the news from China, Gandhi could already judge that the day when Britain would withdraw from India was not far away.

I have been struggling for many years, and the independence I have been looking forward to is about to come, but this independence does not seem to be as beautiful as imagined. Things are not going well yet. China and Japan are eyeing India, and there are also Chandra's internal

The various situations during the uprising were complicated and made Gandhi somewhat mentally and physically exhausted.

"Mr. Feng, my partner and I will seriously consider your suggestion. What else do you need us to do now?"

"It's not what we are going to do, but what you are going to do. Japan's first batch of arms has been shipped from China. According to intelligence, they will bypass the Strait of Malacca and then be sent to a port on the east coast of India. This batch of arms

It’s worth 20 million, enough for Chandra to arm twenty divisions of guerrillas. If you don’t take action, Chandra’s power will grow exponentially!”

Gandhi finally couldn't bear it anymore and was very frightened. "Mr. Feng, this matter is of great importance. I suggest telling the British authorities the information!"

Feng Yuxiang even felt crazy at this time. He had heard about Adou who could not be helped, but today he finally saw him alive. The reason why China went directly to Gandhi was to avoid the British government.

China and Britain are enemies when it comes to colonial issues. The British hate China more than Japan. Now that China wants to restrict Japanese forces from entering India, I'm afraid Britain will still look forward to Japan's entry and then provoke

The conflict between China and Japan will allow the British to easily withdraw from the Far East.

Gandhi had no idea about the thoughts of these big countries. Instead, he always thought about his master. Feng Yuxiang even doubted whether there was any benefit in supporting such a person and what he could accomplish!

In fact, Feng Yuxiang still doesn’t understand the thoughts of the Chinese government. It is precisely because Gandhi could not accomplish anything that China wants to support him. India controlled by people like Gandhi is harmless. China must not support a country like the Soviet Union.

The powerful brother, in turn, ruined his own face.

"Mr. Gandhi, all you need to do is provide intelligence and cooperation. We will send a capable team to help you sink the arms ship!"

As soon as Gandhi heard that China was going to take action, he immediately agreed that this difficult task should be handed over to a more powerful country.

China's special operations forces were the first to be established in the world, but the initial special operations forces were more of elite soldiers. Their main missions were to attack enemy rear facilities, destroy logistics lines, conduct long-distance raids, etc.

After years of development, China's special operations forces have become quite complete, and their missions have become more complex. They have been assigned more and more overseas missions, spying on intelligence, carrying out kidnappings and assassinations, rescuing hostages and other special tasks.

This time, the Japanese ships transporting arms did not operate in China's offshore waters. Instead, they made a large circle, starting from the Pacific Ocean, bypassing the Philippines, then around Malacca, and finally entering the Indian Ocean. Following this route, the distance will increase.

More than double, but the safety factor has also been greatly increased, and it can avoid the spies of China and Britain.

Japan's actions are not careless, but it is impossible to be foolproof in everything. Even if Japan can strictly keep secrets, don't forget that there is still Chandra on his side.

Although China has weakened its support a lot, over the years, China's influence has long been spread among Chandra's subordinates. Naturally, his cooperation with Japan cannot be hidden from the Chinese side. If the Japanese side cannot get information, it will use money.

The price paid by Dela to obtain intelligence is smaller, and it can also try to ensure that China's intelligence system in Japan is not used.

An intelligence agent has to lie in wait for several years, or even more than ten years, and the only time it can really be used may be once. Then it will be useless. It is impossible for any intelligence agent to appear as frequently as 007. That is not performing a secret mission, but seeking death.

, Qiao Yu has tried his best to send intelligence agents to Japan since he became the governor of Sichuan. Now some intelligence agents have been lurking for twenty years.

Although Gandhi and his Congress Party have little fighting power, they are also local snakes in India and are very powerful. In addition, they are worried about the expansion of Chandra's power, so they are very careful. After some investigation, they have determined that the warship docked this time.

Located in Cuttack, which is only about 200 kilometers away from Kolkata, it is a bustling small port.

Currently, the control center of Chandra is Kolkata, an important town in eastern India. However, due to the British Navy's aircraft carrier blockade, it is very difficult for ships to directly send munitions to Kolkata, so sending them to Cuttack first becomes a good option.

Most of the rural areas here also have activities of Chandra's guerrillas. Once they are sent here, they can quickly reach Chandra's hands.

According to the plan, Japanese consultant Miura will use these Japanese weapons to assist Chandra in training two Japanese weapon divisions, which will serve as the core force of Chandra's army in the future. In other words, it is also the most advantageous tool for Japan to control Chandra.

China's southwest border defense force has never been strong. The main reason is the severe logistical constraints. With China's current conditions, it is impossible to build a railway. It can only maintain the existence of a part of the border defense force. If Japan has a foothold in India, it will be difficult for China to

The threat from the southwest is very serious, and it is precisely for the purpose of killing the threat that China will actively intervene in it.

Miura Jiro brought 20 million yen in arms. For Chandra, this was a life-saving straw. Therefore, Chandra strictly ordered that the Japanese consultant must be given the best treatment. Miura was not polite at all.

He regarded himself as the Supreme Emperor and enjoyed extraordinary treatment, including beautiful women and delicacies.

India is a treasure trove of races. There are all yellow, white and black races. Most Indians have darker skin and always have a smell on their bodies. There is nothing that can be done about it. In the tropical climate, almost

Sweating every day, and ordinary people cannot take a shower at any time, so it is naturally inevitable.

However, the upper-class nobles in India have fairer skin and good looks. Chandra suppressed a large number of nobles and kept a large number of noble women and girls in the army, allowing the soldiers to vent their excess enthusiasm. Among them

The fine products were retained.

Now that Miura Jiro has arrived in India, he is naturally qualified to enjoy these noble ladies from the past. It is so wonderful to be a groom every day. There are all kinds of beauties. Miura also specially selected a group of girls who are only eight or nine years old to satisfy him.

His abnormal preferences.

Not only him, but even his subordinates can enjoy it as they please. For more than ten days, these people have sore waists and legs when they get up every morning, and their whole bodies are weak. However, they are supported by a virtual fire and cannot bear to waste precious time.

You must know that after returning to China, their incomes are not high and they have no chance to contact those high-end geishas.

Of course, the considerate Indians brought them special sacred oil, which brought great blessings to Miura and others. These short Japanese could only rely on these things to show their prowess.

Happy times always pass the fastest. The Japanese arms ship has entered the Indian Ocean and will soon reach Cuttack. Miura and others have to act together with Chandra's guerrillas to receive the arms.

They did not know that a Chinese ocean-going submarine had quietly entered the Indian Ocean at this time. In fact, the easiest route from China to India is to take the Kra Canal, which can directly enter the Bay of Bengal. However, it is a pity that it will take another two years for the Kra Canal to be opened.

It was finally completed, so now we have to take a long detour.

China's submarine technology is completely inherited from Germany. After twenty years of hard work, the design and production technology has become very mature. The submarine entering the Indian Ocean this time is China's latest product. The captain is Tang Lin, who sank the Tosa.

He is now the most well-known captain in China, and his merits are enough to enter the ranks of senior officers. However, he is unwilling to leave the ocean, so he has been commanding the submarine. This time he has to transport Chinese special forces to approach quietly.

Near Cuttack, and then attack Japanese arms ships. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

This chapter has been completed!
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