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Five hundred and sixtieth chapters bloody sea and air battle

Britain dispatched a total of seven aircraft carriers this time. Including the warships, supply ships, and troop transports that escorted the aircraft carriers, the total number exceeded more than 120. The scale was even larger than the Battle of Jutland.

Among the huge British fleet, the aircraft carrier is undoubtedly at the core and receives the strictest protection, with other warships acting as bodyguards.

It was still very difficult for German submarines to break through the layers of protection and attack the aircraft carrier. Therefore, the Germans focused their attention on the outer warships, and the battlecruiser USS Hood fell into sight.

The battleship Hood was a British-built warship during the Battle of Jutland. The Battle of Jutland had a huge impact on British naval strategy. Both British battleships and battlecruisers suffered greatly from neglecting defense. Therefore,

When designing new warships, the British focused on strengthening defense capabilities.

The Hood has increased the thickness of its defensive armor. The main armor belt on the side has been increased from 8 inches to 12 inches. The protection of key parts has been strengthened. The ammunition depot fire protection facilities have been improved. The total weight of the armor has been increased from the original design of 10,100 tons to 13,550 tons. The hull structure

The weight has also been greatly increased. Protruding torpedo-proof protruding compartments are installed below the waterline on both sides of the hull to protect the ammunition magazine and power compartment, which improves the torpedo defense capability and provides additional buoyancy.

The Hood was only completed and launched in 1918. The First World War was coming to an end, and Britain no longer needed to build ships desperately. In addition, with financial resources exhausted, the British originally planned to build four Hood-class ships, but in the end only one was completed.

However, the Hood also epitomizes the British shipbuilding capabilities, with a standard displacement of 41,125 tons and a speed of 32 knots. This was just after the First World War. It was simply an astronomical figure to allow such a huge ship to be built.

It's absolutely amazing that a guy can run so fast. Even the British themselves feel great satisfaction and regard the Hood as the key to the Royal Navy's revival.

After this warship entered service, it underwent several major repairs and visited the world. However, the advent of the aircraft carrier era reduced the Hood to a bodyguard role.

The German submarine immediately locked onto this behemoth. At this time, the Hood was still paying attention to the aircraft battle in the sky. British and German carrier-based aircraft came and went, and from time to time, aircraft broke through the defense line and dropped bombs on the warship. Therefore, all

The warships were on high alert and completely ignored the threat of submarines.

The sailors aboard the Hood still had a sense of desolation in their hearts. They thought they would be able to show off their skills as they served on Britain's most powerful warship. However, when they actually arrived on the battlefield, they realized how embarrassing their situation was.

An incomparable cannon, but it didn't have a chance to fire, and it was completely turned into a display.

The form of the naval battle has completely changed. Just when they were a little disappointed, they suddenly discovered that there were four water waves above the water, shooting towards the Hood in a fan shape, and there was a huge black wave not far away from the sea.


German submarine!

Only then did the British Navy suddenly realize that they had encountered the most ferocious enemy. In World War I and World War II, German submarines played a shining role. Even though the aircraft carriers in World War II had assumed the dominant position on the sea, during World War II, the

Eighty percent of the aircraft carriers sunk in the war were sunk by submarines, and another 10% were sunk with the cooperation of submarines.

To put it bluntly, submarines are the fatal nemesis of large warships. As soon as the war began, many British warships and merchant ships had been attacked by German submarines. The battle in the Atlantic Ocean was already very cruel.

Although the Hood discovered the torpedo attack, it was already too late. Three of the four torpedoes hit the Hood, and two of them hit the middle of the huge warship. Germany's torpedo technology is very mature and its power is amazing.

, a huge depression quickly appeared in the middle of the ship, which cracked quickly under the pressure of sea water.

One of the two torpedoes hit the tail steering gear, and the Hood's power system was instantly destroyed. The aircraft carrier descended rapidly, the warship lost control, and sporadic explosions continued to be heard in the middle.

Suddenly, like a red sun brewing in the cabin of the Hood, an unparalleled black smoke and fire rushed out. All the warships on the sea were startled by this huge sound.

Especially the British Royal Navy soldiers, they were at a loss what to do.

The ammunition compartment in the middle of the Hood exploded, and the giant ship quickly broke into two pieces and sank to the bottom of the sea at an extraordinary speed. Few people on the ship survived. Seeing such a tragic scene, all British

There is a shadow cast over people's hearts.

In the original history, the Hood was sunk by the Bismarck. In this time and space, the Bismarck became an aircraft carrier, but the Hood still did not escape the fate of being sunk, and the ship was still destroyed and people died.

At this time, the British Navy could no longer care about the Hood. All their attention was focused on the aircraft carrier. The second wave of German attacks broke through the interception of British carrier-based aircraft and began to violently bombard the British aircraft carrier.

The first one to receive special attention is Ark Royal. This is a warship name that the British like very much. Warships have been named Ark Royal one after another. This aircraft carrier can carry 72 combat aircraft, ranking first among all British aircraft carriers.

It is second to none.

However, it is precisely because of this that the armored defense of the Royal Ark is relatively weak, and the space is used to accommodate aircraft. German carrier-based aircraft dropped more than ten bombs on the Royal Ark, three of which successfully hit the Royal Ark, and one of them successfully hit the Royal Ark.

It was a near-miss, and the other two landed on the deck.

At this time, there were many aircraft loading bombs and fuel on the deck of Ark Royal. The deck was a mess. When the aircraft carrier was at its most vulnerable, two bombs fell, and soon there was a terrible explosion. A large number of bombs

There were a series of explosions and the fuel burned violently.

The Ark Royal instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire. The soldiers who were working nervously on the deck did not have time to escape. They were all swallowed up by the fire and turned into a pile of coke. The fire quickly spread to the interior of the warship. The aircraft carrier seemed to become

The living coffin found at sea has been completely scrapped.

The focus of Germany's attack has been on the Glorious and Indomitable. The British had lost two aircraft carriers at this time and could no longer bear the huge losses. They went completely crazy and fought back against the Germans. All carrier-based aircraft pilots

No longer caring about the danger, they fought desperately against Germany. The ship's anti-aircraft firepower also ignored the possible accidental damage and fired into the air like a sudden storm.

The German torpedo planes were slow and had to be dropped very close to the time of bombing, so they suffered the most heavy losses. All twenty torpedo planes in this wave were shot down.

Faced with the madness of the British, the Germans were desperate. This was a good opportunity to completely trample their old rival Britain under their feet. They must not let the British have an easy time. They wanted to avenge the Battle of Jutland and vent the Treaty of Versailles.

Shame will completely crush the dignity of the aloof British Empire.

Two more German bombers broke through the British interception and dropped bombs on the Indomitable. This time the bomb fell on the rear of the deck, blowing a huge hole, but it did not completely destroy the Indomitable, or even destroy it.

Affecting the combat effectiveness of the Indomitable, this aircraft carrier is still fighting tenaciously at sea. This is the only benefit of Britain's strengthening of its defense capabilities.

Germany is bombarding British warships, and the British carrier-based aircraft fleet has also found traces of the German fleet. God is indeed not on the side of the British today. The weather conditions above their fleet are very good, and the Germans can easily find the target.


But the German fleet was under the cover of storm clouds, and it was difficult for the British to find it. Just when these carrier-based aircraft were about to run out of fuel, they finally discovered the German aircraft carrier formation.

This time Germany's good luck has come to an end. Just twenty minutes ago, a boiler of the Munich suddenly had a problem. In fact, this is expected. This warship is an old ship from the First World War and has experienced the hands of China and Germany.

, although both countries try their best to maintain it, both countries use this warship as the main training ship.

High-intensity use has caused many hidden injuries on the Munich, especially since the beginning of the Polish campaign, this warship has been in a state of fierce combat. Dönitz was already preparing for a comprehensive overhaul after the naval battle.

The Munich, but as luck would have it, something went wrong at the most unlikely time.

Munich's speed dropped, and she did not have time to hide in the storm and get protection. She was spotted by British carrier-based aircraft. Dozens of aircraft launched a fierce attack on Munich. This wave of attacks was mainly Spitfire.

Combat power, three bombs fell on the Munich in the blink of an eye.

One of the bombs fell from the gap in the elevator. In an instant, a violent explosion occurred in the cabin. The raging fire enveloped the entire warship. The German navy soldiers desperately tried to put out the flames regardless of their own lives, but

It's too late.

This aircraft carrier was once the starting point of the Chinese navy, giving birth to China's powerful navy, and at the same time it was the hope for the revival of the Nazi navy. It carried the two countries' pursuit of the ocean. There is no such glorious warship in history.

The fire completely engulfed the warship, but this legendary aircraft carrier was still floating on the sea tenaciously. In fact, it was not until a day later that it completely sank to the bottom of the sea. After the end of World War II, the Chinese Navy spent a lot of effort to salvage it from the bottom of the sea.

, this warship was eventually towed to Qinzhou, and the broken hull was used to build China's largest naval museum. It will become the most famous building in Qinzhou in the future, witnessing China's difficult road to the ocean!

When the Munich was attacked, the German Bismarck and Tirpitz also tried to rescue them. However, by the time they arrived at the scene, the British navy had successfully retreated, and the Germans were in vain. At this time, the Germans

I didn't notice that another air formation appeared not far away. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian () to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.


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