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Chapter 57: The Second Association

"Qiao Xietong, I've told you everything now. Everything was arranged by Niu Chuanshan. I was only responsible for dismantling the four artillery pieces, then disguising them as damaged artillery pieces and sending them out for repair. After they were shipped out, Niu Chuanshan's faction

The people who came took the artillery away and hid it. The gunners were all selected from the water camp. They probably wanted to bombard the Bai Mansion. I only know this, and now I can only let you handle it!"

Qiao Yu asked a few more questions, and Deng Hua answered truthfully. It seemed that he indeed knew this. The top priority was to find the artillery as soon as possible to avoid casualties. Although the possibility of bombarding the Bai Mansion was high, there was no guarantee that it would not happen.

If he bombarded other places, his family had a big business. If he fired a few shots at the factory area, his losses would be considerable. Qiao Yu immediately arranged for manpower to patrol everywhere.

At this moment, gunshots were heard from the dock. Han Yong had already exchanged blows with Shuiying. However, the gap was evident in this exchange of fire. The New Army had sophisticated firearms and accurate shooting. Under the leadership of some veterans, the new army quickly

They pushed the Shuiying camp over, but the Shuiying side was lagging behind in terms of firearms and had a shorter range, and there were no machine guns to suppress the formation, so they were quickly beaten to the point where they couldn't even lift their heads.

The commander of the water defense camp was named Li Jiuru. He was a typical old-school soldier who was most loyal to the Qing Dynasty. He had long been dissatisfied with Qiao Yu's troubles in Chongqing. He was very excited after receiving Niu Chuanshan's letter, and complained that Niu Chuanshan was too indecisive.

If he had started a few months earlier, the man named Qiao would not have developed at this stage. The old guy immediately started preparations to attack Qiao Yu's troops.

However, the old guy also knows that Qiao Yu's men are numerous and well-equipped, and they are not something he can deal with. However, Niu Chuanshan's repeated assurances can eliminate Qiao Yu and others immediately. By then, the group will be leaderless, and it will naturally be easier to deal with, so the old guy

Only then was he completely reassured. Now that the two armies were shooting at each other across the street, Li Jiuru felt tremendous pressure. What he especially disliked was the opponent's machine gun, which covered a large area with one sweep. The people on his side were like wheat.

There is no way to break through the opponent's blockade.

The officers under him couldn't stand it anymore: "Sir, we can't watch our brothers die in vain. Let's go pull up the cannon and bombard them, otherwise we won't be able to stop those machine guns at all!"

Old man Li Jiuru was not stupid, he immediately glared: "Idiot, you have artillery, the other side also has artillery, and there are more and more powerful than us. They are afraid of hurting innocent people so they don't use them. If we fire now, you are not afraid that the other side will also

Are they going to bombard us with big artillery? Tell the brothers to hold on and they will launch an attack from Niudaotai soon. As long as you hold on, you will all be promoted to rank."

While the old guy was talking, he felt a whooshing sound on the top of his head, and his headband instantly shattered, and a few locks of gray hair fell down. The shot just missed Li Jiuru's head, and most of his three souls and seven souls were suddenly lost.

He immediately ran to the back of the formation to supervise the battle, and no longer dared to move forward.

At this time, the two sides had been fighting for dozens of minutes, but there was no sign of what Niu Chuanshan had promised. Li Jiuru's heart was churning, especially if he failed again. At this time, the old man remembered Qiao Yu's record. Until now, he had still failed.

He has never suffered a loss, but Niu Chuanshan is always unlucky. Is there any chance of success this time?

Just when he was thinking about this, suddenly there was a loud noise in the city. It was an artillery! Li Jiuru was immediately overjoyed. This cannon fired well. It would be best to kill all Qiao Yu's group with one shot. At this moment, there was another continuous explosion.

Two cannon shots were fired, and both of them landed in the direction of the Chamber of Commerce. Li Jiuru shouted loudly: "Brothers, listen quickly, the Chamber of Commerce has been bombarded, and the person named Qiao is dead. Rush quickly, the Qiao family's

The property is all yours!"

When the soldiers of the water defense camp heard this, they all became energetic. Lord Qian still had such a hidden skill. This is called catching the thief first and capturing the king. After taking down Qiao Yu, wouldn't these people scatter like birds and beasts? So they all shouted loudly.

Shouted and rushed to the opposite side, they were still greeted by ruthless machine gun fire, and they fell in pieces...

At this moment, Li Jiuru also realized that something was wrong. Why did he fire so many cannons? Why didn't he keep firing? Just because he didn't know, it didn't mean that others didn't know either. After Qiao Yu took control of the artillery team, he sent people everywhere

, it turned out that the intelligence personnel in the city were also mobilized. After a search, they found two field guns, more than fifty rounds of shells, and five gunners in the warehouse of a rice store. The angle was just right.

Direction to Baifu.

However, the other two mountain cannons could not be found, and Qiao Yu was also extremely anxious. However, good news came out at this time. It turned out that Niu Chuanshan knew that Daotai Yamen was not safe when the two sides fought, so he asked his men to protect him.

He fled to the water camp to save his life. Unexpectedly, as soon as he came out of the back door, he was blocked by Qiao Zhen and his men, and the Taotai master was captured. When Niu Chuanshan saw that the situation was defeated, he had no choice but to recruit him.

Those four artillery pieces were arranged by Master Huang. They also carefully searched the Daotai Yamen and captured Master Huang from the toilet.

After questioning, I found out that two powerful field cannons were hidden in the rice shop, aiming at the Bai Mansion, and the other two mountain cannons were hidden in the coffin shop, aiming at the Chamber of Commerce. This is what Qiao Yu often sees.

According to Master Huang's estimation, Qiao Yu is most likely to appear in these two places to command the battle. The factory area is a bit remote, so this arrangement was made.

Qiao Zhen immediately led people to surround the coffin shop, but it was still a little late. She asked the other party to fire three rounds. These three rounds were relatively accurate. One shot hit the main hall of the Chamber of Commerce, and the other hit the main hall of the chamber of commerce.

In the backyard, a cannon hit the courtyard next to it. It can be said that if there was no preparation, the cannon in the main hall would be enough to kill countless people, because many big businessmen would gather there for meetings in the evening.

Niu Chuanshan was captured, all four artillery pieces were found, and the commotion in the market was controlled. The last thing left was Shuiying. Qiao Yu commanded the army and surrounded the Shuiying garrison. Li Jiu was like this

He also knew that he was helpless, so he immediately killed himself by drinking bullets, and asked his soldiers to surrender, and the chaos disappeared.

"Second brother, your men are really in trouble this time! A total of about a thousand water camp soldiers surrendered, and the best ones were selected from them and added to them. In addition, the artillery team was also handed over to you.

Recruit those who are lacking immediately, and the number will be the same as the number one!"

How could Qiao Zhen not be happy that her subordinates had expanded their strength, but Qiao Zhen was also a little worried: "Lao San, this incident is too big, and there are not a few people who know what happened. All the big businessmen in Chongqing, plus those

There is no guarantee that the foreigners in the concession will not spread the truth. How will we respond when the imperial court sends troops to conquer?"

Qiao Yu knew that his second brother's worries were justified, but the current situation was beyond the control of the Qing court. According to the speed at which the Qing court mobilized troops, they would definitely not be able to reach Chongqing in less than a month, and they still had to investigate the truth of the matter. As long as it was delayed

After a while, the road protection movement completely broke out. If the Qing government didn't beat itself, I would beat him!

"Second brother, don't worry, but we can completely use Niu Chuanshan again to push all the responsibilities onto the rogue party who sneaked into the Baolu Comrade Association. I wonder if the Qing court's confusion will make it possible for a while.

Understand it, even if they understand it, we have the support of the local forces in Dongchuan, and after expanding the army, we will have a town of troops, what is there to be afraid of!"

Qiao Zhen also laughed loudly: "Third brother, Niu Chuanshan is going to bombard you with big guns, can he still do anything for you?"

"Unless he doesn't want his head anymore, he will definitely do as we say!"


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