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Chapter 572: Freezing Assets

Although Japan's two aircraft carriers took the initiative to retreat, their impact on the Far East has not ended. It can even be said that it has just begun. Facing Japan, which is ready to move, Britain is most worried.

Japan has occupied the island of Sumatra, and most of the Strait of Malacca has been occupied by Japan. Japan has also vigorously built military bases on the island and deployed hundreds of combat aircraft. These aircraft alone can turn Singapore into a sea of ​​fire. This

The lifeline of the Far East is increasingly in danger under the threat of Japan

But at this time, Britain's power in the Far East had shrunk significantly. With no choice, Lao Qiu once again had to ask China to come forward to ensure the safety of the route!

Since Qiao Yu decided to help Britain at this time, he would definitely take action. However, Qiao Yu gave Churchill a brand new prescription, which was to abandon Singapore and use the Kra Canal.

The Kra Canal is a project that Qiao Yu has always attached great importance to. This canal can greatly shorten the distance from the South China Sea to the Indian Ocean. It is of great value both economically and militarily. China has spent eight years and invested in this project.

With a labor force of hundreds of thousands, more than 3,000 Nanyang natives died of exhaustion during the construction process, and the cost reached 500 million yuan.

Literally speaking, it is China's largest project in Southeast Asia, and it is also the key to China's control of the entire Nanyang. Of course, after the construction of this canal, it will seriously damage Singapore's interests. In the past, Singapore clung to the key points of cooperation and could live by collecting tolls alone.

The days are comfortable, not to mention that the ships coming and going need to replenish fresh water and fuel here, etc., which brings huge demand.

Now that the Kra Canal has been successfully built, Singapore's unique position has been completely broken. The UK's grievances are simply unspeakable and it has tried to sabotage the canal construction several times, but they have all been successfully resolved by China.

In the end, the canal was successfully built, but the international situation has undergone earth-shaking changes. The canal that the British hated so much in the past has become an important escape route for them. As long as this canal remains, supplies from the East will continue to be transported to Europe.

, supporting the British war effort, even if the Strait of Malacca is blocked, the effect will be the same

In this way, Churchill had an extremely ridiculous feeling. Did the Chinese foresee such a day and spend a lot of money to build the Kra Canal? But in any case, with this lifeline, it is a good thing for Britain.

Of course, China will not be without demands. The Chinese government officially requested that the United Kingdom hand over the Andaman Islands to China. The Andaman Islands are composed of a string of small islands running north to south and are located on the east side of the Bay of Bengal. They are blocking the west of the Kra Canal like a line of guards.

, if China cannot win here, the way out of the Indian Ocean will be blocked.

Before China passed the Lend-Lease Act, the United Kingdom had already agreed to renegotiate the Sino-Indian border issue, and the Andaman Islands were within the scope of the negotiation. The United Kingdom also knew that this land would not be preserved sooner or later, but it did not expect it to be so soon.

After some weighing, Churchill had to sadly find that the Far East did not have the ability to fight Japan and had to rely on the power of China.

"Congratulations to the President, you have captured another strategic location without losing any blood." Jiang Baili said to Qiao Yu with a smile. In the past few years, Jiang Baili's health has not been very good and he spent most of his time recuperating. However, with the outbreak of World War II, the situation in the Far East has become increasingly tense.

He has to plan for China's future

Jiang Baili and Qiao Yu jointly deduced the changes in the world situation a few years ago. After China extended its hand to the Southeast Asia, it completely turned into a two-ocean country, with the Pacific Ocean in front and the Indian Ocean behind. How to manage this huge land is very difficult.

Testing the wisdom of China’s leadership

After several discussions, Qiao Yu and Jiang Baili jointly finalized a grand strategy, adopting a defensive strategy in the Pacific and actively attacking in the Indian Ocean to expand their power.

The United States will be the largest industrial power for a long period of time. It is inconvenient for China to directly conflict with the United States when its foundation is not strong yet. Therefore, it takes a defensive position in the Pacific region to protect China's interests and prevent the United States from intervening in Asia.

There is no country in the Indian Ocean coastal area that can compete with China, so it is a good opportunity for China to expand its sphere of influence. In Qiao Yu's mind, the Indian Ocean has become China's back garden, intervening in India and supporting Abyssinian

Yadu is part of this strategic layout

Now that he has the Andaman Islands in his hands, it is undoubtedly a solid step towards the established goal. Qiao Yu is inevitably a little proud in his heart.

"Even if Britain can win the final victory this time, national decline is inevitable. Many colonies controlled by Britain in the past will definitely fall apart. This is a feast. How much you can grab depends on your ability!"

"Actually, the biggest piece of meat is Europe. It is the birthplace of modern industry. Both talent and technology are top-notch in the world, and they can be used once they are in hand. No matter how many colonies China has, it will not

It requires a huge investment in development. So in my opinion, after this war is won, the Americans will definitely get the most benefits. Two consecutive war wars, God is really treating the United States favorably."

The geographical advantage of the United States is unmatched by any country. The local resources are extremely rich, and it is far away from the troubled Eurasian continent. During the two world wars, the United States paid the least and gained the most. It has become a superpower.

world hegemony

However, one thing worth thinking about is that such good conditions on the American continent did not give birth to brilliant ancient civilizations. This is simply unbelievable. Civilizations were basically born in other major river basins, but not in the Mississippi River. It is really surprising.


This question was not raised by anyone else, but discovered by Qiao Yu's eldest daughter Qiao Rui. Qiao Rui found several Sichuan University alumni and did a lot of research together. Finally, they found a reason. This discovery made them happy.

Crazy and called the United States a land cursed by God!

The reason is very simple. It is a climate problem. The warmth and coldness of the earth are cyclical. They cycle every hundreds of years. Although the United States has superior natural conditions, due to the lack of east-west mountain ranges, the cold air from the Arctic can go directly south. Once it

As global temperatures drop and arctic cold air invades the American continent, the United States will be hit by unprecedented snowstorms, with winter temperatures even lower than 50 degrees.

Under such conditions, a large number of people will freeze to death, the population will drop sharply, and the civilization process will be interrupted. After the climate warms up, the remaining people will thrive again, waiting for the next reincarnation to come. This is why the Indians in the United States have been in

causes of primitive society

In contrast, the east where China is located is blocked by mountains and mountains, and the degree of cooling is not that alarming. Although there will be cold periods, which may even trigger the prosperity of dynasties, it is not enough to destroy civilization, and China can continue to do so.

When the Western colonists entered the Americas, they happened to catch up with a warm period, so they were able to survive. After Qiao Rui made this discovery, she excitedly reported it to her father, telling him that he no longer had to think about ways to deal with the Americans, and could just sit back and wait.

When the next cold period comes, the United States, a land that seems to make even God jealous, will turn into a big ice cellar, and nature will use unparalleled power to wipe out the civilization of this continent!

Qiao Yu is just looking at this inference. Even if it is true, it will be hundreds of years later. What should we do in the international struggle? What should we do?

"Brother Baili, you are right. The United States and Europe have the same roots and species, and share the same religious beliefs. They can indeed get the biggest dividends, but there is another country that cannot be ignored, and that is the Soviet Union. On the European continent, France

It’s over, the only one that can compete with Germany is the Soviet Union!”

"Well, what the president means is that he can support the Soviet Union to defeat Germany first, and then check and balance the United States and Britain!"

"Yes, the Soviet Union is a country that is greedy and has many conflicts with the United States and Britain. If it can promote confrontation between them, it can give China another twenty years of development. By that time, even if the Western world will target us

, China also has enough power to deal with them!"

"The president's vision is still so far-reaching. We were preparing for this war more than 20 years ago. Now the war has not really started, but we have to formulate post-war plans and go through it step by step. It is really not easy."

Qiao Yu was also filled with emotion. If it weren’t for his century-old experience, Qiao Yu would never have been able to make such a long-term plan.

"As long as this step goes smoothly, China will be able to successfully dominate the world. Our generation is destined to lay a solid foundation for future generations. Those who have gone before will plant trees for those who will enjoy the shade. Brother Baili, I have weighed it again and again and feel that we should force Japan as soon as possible.

It is more advantageous to launch a war. If Japan is eliminated first, our subsequent layout will be much easier!"

During the discussion, the secretary sent a notice from US President Roosevelt. The US intelligence agency once again discovered that the Japanese government was using Japanese Americans to detect US intelligence. The American people's dislike of Japan continued to rise. Ross was prepared to comply with public opinion and freeze Japan.

All property in the United States

This is the prelude for the United States to further intervene in the war. It seems that the United States is a little impatient. Now the situation in Europe is getting more and more tense. The United Kingdom is teetering. The United States wants to join the war but there is not enough reason. Hitler has adopted a tolerant attitude towards the United States.

No matter how the United States provided help to Britain, Hitler did not provoke the United States, leaving Roosevelt to worry and having no excuse to join the war.

After thinking about it, the Americans put the breakthrough point on Japan, punished the island country, forced Japan to go crazy, and then dragged Germany into the water.

The United States was very smart in its calculations. Qiao Yu also immediately ordered that China follow the United States and freeze all Japanese property, expel Japanese expatriates, and continue to tighten the rope around Japan's neck. At the same time, Qiao Yu also ordered the establishment of a Northeast Asian theater to upgrade

The nation’s combat readiness level! (To be continued, (.) Vote for recommendation and vote monthly,,


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