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Chapter five hundred and seventieth IX Prepare to fight

Selassie announced that Mogadishu would be handed over to China. This was the moment that Qiao Yu had been waiting for for a long time. The Chinese Navy had long been prepared and dispatched two newly built escort aircraft carriers to form the Indian Ocean Task Force. In addition, the old

The old Super Valiant was also sent to the Andaman Islands.

The Chaoyong was originally sold to Siam by China, which successfully opened the door to Siam. Not long ago, Siam's democratic parties broke out in an unprecedented demonstration, which then evolved into an uprising that spread across the country.

Luodu fell into chaos, and King Rama VII had to ask China to send troops to help stabilize the situation. At the same time, Siam did not have the financial resources to continue to maintain its navy, so it bought the Siam aircraft carrier fleet to China for a symbolic one Chinese dollar.


China has carried out some maintenance on this old ship, installed it with sonar and other equipment, and put it into battle again. Because the ship is old, it can only be responsible for the defense of offshore areas.

The name Siam was renamed Chaoyong, and just five days ago, King Rama VII had announced his abdication. In fact, there was nothing that could be done about it. The number of people who were shot during the entire suppression operation was more than 30,000.

In addition, dozens of times more people died as a result of the riots.

It is no longer important who killed these people. What is important is that all of them must be recorded in the name of Rama VII. If he continues to be king, I am afraid that the people across the country will oppose it, and China also believes that this king no longer needs to exist.


His reputation, betrayal, and abandonment by China finally brought Rama VII's throne to an end. However, the conditions given to him by China were quite generous. As long as he agreed to abdicate, the safety of him and his immediate family members could be guaranteed. At the same time, the royal family

The property can also be guaranteed.

China is willing to send Rama VII to wherever he wants to go, and has also allocated 5% of the shares of the Kra Canal Company to Rama VII. Don’t underestimate only 5%.

In such an international waterway, with countless ships passing by every day, the canal company is a perfect hen that lays golden eggs.

With these shares, it is absolutely guaranteed that generations of people will have food and drink without worries, and there will be no need to worry. Although Rama VII was nostalgic for power, he also knew that this was the only way to survive, so he had to accept China's suggestion.

After the Siamese royal family was completely overthrown, most of the previous princes and ministers were purged. In addition, the democratic parties also suffered heavy losses. The whole of Siam turned out to be a leaderless situation. It was a fraud to wait for the Siamese generals to submit a joint request, that is, to

Siam was incorporated into Chinese territory.

Of course, all of this was the result of Chinese directing. Finally, another country on the Indochina Peninsula fell into the hands of China. World War II provided China with an unprecedented good opportunity, allowing China to expand its strength leisurely. Quietly, the heroes

The pattern of dominating the Asia-Pacific has initially emerged.

The only problem is Japan. Only by completely crushing this island country can China truly make a complete and comprehensive layout, become the undisputed hegemon in East Asia, and divide the Pacific Ocean with the United States.

China has been waiting for an opportunity, and Japan is also waiting for a suitable time. There are still four powerful countries that have not participated in the war. That is, the United States, China, the Soviet Union and Japan. The top leaders of the four countries all know that this world war will

It will definitely affect them, and no one can escape, but it is still unknown who will be involved first.

In fact, the most anxious thing is the British government. Churchill reluctantly led Britain to victory in the Battle of Britain, and barely blocked Hitler's attempt to cross the sea to attack the British Isles. However, this was just the beginning. After the new year, German shipyards will build newer models.

Aircraft carriers and sea control in the English Channel are always under threat, but fortunately, the attitudes of China and the United States have become increasingly clear.

A large amount of weapons, equipment, and military supplies were sent to the United Kingdom, and China and the United States also provided a large amount of anti-submarine equipment, which greatly reduced the power of Hitler's wolf pack, especially when the Bismarck sank, and Dönitz was also on the aircraft carrier.

On the ship, he sank to the bottom of the sea along with the Bismarck.

After losing this excellent commander, the German Navy's attack efficiency became increasingly low and its prestige was no longer impressive. Moreover, the United States has deployed five large aircraft carriers in the Atlantic Ocean, ready to participate in operations against Germany at any time.

Roosevelt had privately assured Churchill that the United States would declare war on Germany as long as Germany attempted to land in England, which finally gave Churchill the confidence to continue fighting.

Churchill knew very well that for Britain, Germany's aircraft carriers were the most threatening weapon. Only by destroying the aircraft carriers could Britain rest easy. Therefore, Britain mobilized all intelligence forces and selected the best pilots from the air force to form a bomber formation.

, their mission is to raid German shipyards, and even if they cannot disrupt Germany's aircraft carrier construction work, they will still delay Germany's construction speed.

Chinese pilot Liu Shaoqing and others were selected. At the same time, pilots from the United States to assist the United Kingdom were also in place. At the same time, the United States also sent the B17, the famous Sky Fortress. This is also the latest aircraft developed by the United States and has just completed its test flight.

, it didn’t take long to start large-scale production.

The United States is eager to send this aircraft to Europe. On the one hand, it wants to test its combat effectiveness, and on the other hand, it also wants to show its support for the United Kingdom. China has already provided aircraft carriers. If the United States does not provide more special things, how can it ensure that the United Kingdom and Britain

I have my own mind.

The United States didn't care about anything and began to arm Britain with all its strength. After B17 came to Britain, after some adaptive training, it formed a powerful formation with British bombers and carried out air strikes against the Hamburg Shipyard in Germany.

This operation was conducted at night. Germany had deployed a large amount of anti-aircraft firepower around the shipyard, but it still failed to have the desired effect. The bomber formation successfully bombed the shipyard, and there was also an oil tanker docked at the port.

Exploded upon being hit.

The damage caused by the fire far exceeded that of the bombing. The Tirpitz, which was under repair, was affected again. Many maintenance workers died in the fire. In addition, the Deutschland aircraft carrier under construction was also attacked and its deck was destroyed.

More than a third fell.

Although Germany shot down twelve British bombers during the battle, the damage caused has been done and is irreversible. Moreover, Britain will continue to harass them regardless of the cost. The German aircraft carrier will not be easily launched.

This was completely a war of attrition between planes and pilots. Hitler, who had the whole of Europe, was not afraid of Britain, but when he thought about China and the United States standing behind Britain, he couldn't help but feel scared.

Hearing the news that the shipyard was attacked, Hitler was extremely upset. He swept across France in a month, and the brilliant results made him stand at an unprecedented height. He became the most outstanding conqueror in the history of Germany. The territory of the Third Reich was finally

Covering most of Europe, the only ones in Europe that can compete with Germany are red Russia and Britain.

The failure of the Battle of Britain caused Hitler to lose confidence in the air force. The sinking of the Bismarck and the British attack on the shipyard made him lack trust in the navy. What can really bring glory to Germany is the powerful army.

It was an indestructible armored force, and Hitler urgently needed to use greater victory to cover up the failure of the British Air War.

Aggression and expansion are like drugs. As long as you taste the benefits, there is no way to stop. Germany is obviously addicted to the drug and it is difficult to turn back. In fact, this is not something that Germany can decide. If you don’t hit others, others will

Whoever beats you will not watch Germany comfortably digest the fruits of victory.

Hitler knew very well that Germany could only continue to fight, break the old world structure, create a new world, and defeat all opponents, otherwise all powerful countries would become Germany's enemies, and the war potential of those countries was far beyond what Germany could match.

All the top Nazi leaders gathered together in the German base camp in East Prussia. What they were discussing was whether to attack the Soviet Union and how to attack the Soviet Union!

Many German generals were firmly opposed to provoking a war between the Soviet Union and Germany before conquering Britain. This would only make Germany fall into the dilemma of fighting on two fronts and repeat the mistakes of World War I.

However, Hitler insisted on his own opinion. He elaborated on his point of view. The first point was that insufficient naval and air power prevented Germany from conquering Britain quickly. If the delay continued, the United States and China would speed up their efforts to arm Britain.

After the war machine is fully activated, it will unceremoniously declare war on Germany, which is exactly the same as in World War I.

The second point is the Soviet Union. Now the strength of the Soviet Union is expanding rapidly. Stalin has ordered the army to be expanded to five million. The strength of the Soviet Army is no less than that of Germany. If the Soviet Union continues to grow like this, sooner or later the Soviet Union will attack Germany.

The third point is that based on all the intelligence, the United States has secretly approached the Soviet Union and is trying to form an alliance to fight against Germany. Once China, the Soviet Union, the United States and Britain unite, Germany has no chance of winning.

So Hitler finally concluded a way to win, which was to use blitzkrieg to destroy the Soviet Union. France would be destroyed in one month, and the Soviet Union would be destroyed in three months.

As long as the Soviet Union is destroyed, China and Germany will be bordering each other. If the two countries want to go to war, the entire Asian continent will have to attack the European continent. The scale of the war is unimaginable. Therefore, China will probably worry about losses and will not dare to go to war, and the United States will not easily attack Europe.

After the mainland loses its support, the United States will not easily attack Germany. It can be said that as long as Germany eliminates the Soviet Union, it will be strong enough to be feared by both the United States and China.

In this way, we can gain a valuable opportunity to integrate Europe. Many people began to believe Hitler's rhetoric, but some people strongly opposed it, and that was Rundstedt, an old Prussian general with seniority in the German army.

Most profoundly, he pointed out that Hitler's plan was entirely based on destroying the Soviet Union in three months. In fact, three months was not enough time to move from the west to the east of the Soviet territory, let alone conquer it.

However, Hitler did not listen. He dismissed Rundstedt from his post and began to prepare for a large-scale attack on the Soviet Union! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian () to vote for recommendation, monthly vote, your

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