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Chapter 608 Aid to Europe

In order to sneak attack on Ryukyu, Japan has invested all its capital and sent out all the elites of the navy. As the saying goes, the hope is great, and the disappointment is great. Now three large aircraft carriers have been sunk. One has been damaged. The Japanese Navy

Two-thirds of the essence was gone in one go.

And the most critical thing is the loss of a large number of pilots, which is what Japan can't bear the most. Even in later generations, carrier-based aircraft pilots will still be a country's most valuable arms, and it is very difficult to train them.

Japan first sent more than 200 planes for a sneak attack, but they suddenly crashed into an iron plate. Most of these fighter planes were shot down. In addition to dying in battle, the pilots were either captured or fell into the sea and were fed to sharks.

As three Japanese aircraft carriers sank, more than 150 fighter planes were sent to the bottom of the sea. During the pursuit, more than 50 Japanese aircraft were shot down. All in all, Japan lost more than 400 elite pilots.

In addition, coupled with the Battle of Singapore and the Battle of the Coral Sea, Japan lost nearly 600 skilled pilots, which completely exceeded the endurance limit reached. Even if Japan pays more attention to the air force in this time and space than in the original time and space,

A complete pilot training mechanism has been established, but limited by national strength, the number of Japanese carrier-based aircraft pilots is still insufficient.

After losing these 600 best people, the Japanese Navy has less than 100 mature pilots left. Everyone can produce aircraft, and aircraft carriers can be produced with hard work, but there is really no way to quickly produce pilots, and now they are lost

The essence cannot be recovered even when the war is over.

Although when Tokyo received the news of the disastrous defeat, all the senior officials collectively lost their voices, and Prime Minister Hideki Tojo's face turned green. He also knew that Japan was really in danger this time!

The news of the decisive victory of the Chinese Navy was soon announced. The first ones to be encouraged were the allies, and the Americans were undoubtedly the happiest. The Pearl Harbor incident made the United States hate Japan, but the Battle of the Coral Sea had already told the story.

Compared with the Japanese Navy, the United States still has some way to go. It will take some time to transform industrial capabilities into war capabilities.

Roosevelt was also under a lot of pressure. What he was most worried about was the complete collapse of Australia, and Japan threatening the West Coast of the United States. Once Japanese soldiers landed on the United States, even if the United States could finally defeat Japan, it would be an indelible stain on the president.

However, after learning that Japan's two largest aircraft carriers had been sunk by China, Roosevelt breathed a sigh of relief. The alarm was finally lifted. Roosevelt immediately issued an enthusiastic congratulatory message, praising China's victory.

Immediately afterwards, British Prime Minister Churchill and Russia's master Stalin both issued similar congratulatory messages. China was also very excited. Eliminating the core of the Japanese combined fleet also eliminated Japan's threat to China's coast. Then China can let go

Attack Japan without worrying that Japan will attack you.

Just after defeating Japan, Chen Shaokuan commanded the aircraft carrier fleet to march directly eastward and attacked many Japanese strongholds in the Pacific, including Truk. Wherever the Chinese aircraft carrier went, it immediately set off a sea of ​​​​fire, everyone or everything,

As long as it is labeled as Japanese, it will not escape bad luck.

Truk is an island that Japan snatched from Germany after World War I. The United States, Britain and other countries had little interest in these jade-like islands, and Japan took advantage. After Japan obtained these islands, they used them as

The pillar on the Pacific Ocean, worked hard.

Truk is the most important island among them. The Japanese Combined Fleet has its headquarters here. There is a large airport on the island, and Japan has arranged more than 300 aircraft to be stationed here. Truk is also called an unsinkable island by Japan.

Aircraft carrier, Gibraltar of the East.

However, Chen Shaokuan didn't care about Japan's bragging. After the Chinese fleet arrived, it launched a fierce bombing here. The Japanese planes reluctantly responded, but were quickly shot down. More than a hundred fighter jets were destroyed on the airport.

Japanese personnel losses were very heavy.

Facts have proved that small islands without sea control are completely fragile. After destroying most of Truk's defense system, Chen Shaokuan commanded the army to turn back north. His action this time was not to capture territory. The main task was to destroy

, destroy Japan's maritime fulcrum, and at the same time cut off the connection between Japan's mainland and its Southeast Asian colonies.

Japan's seemingly huge colonial empire was all maintained by its navy. Now without the navy, Japan would have nothing. Chen Shaokuan sank more than 600 Japanese merchant ships and more than 800 aircraft of various types as he walked by.

There were more than 130 warships and more than 5,000 personnel were lost.

This was equivalent to destroying most of Japan's maritime lifeline, and Japan could only watch helplessly, with no choice. Just when Chen Shaokuan led his troops to cause trouble in the Pacific Ocean, Qiao Yu had already ordered the South China Sea Fleet to be destroyed.

The two aircraft carriers Yuan and Jingyuan were transferred to the northern line to cover the Chinese army's launch of a landing operation against Jeju Island.

In the face of absolutely superior strength, the Japanese defenders only resisted for ten days before surrendering. Jeju Island was occupied. Soon the island became an important forward position for the Chinese navy and air force. The original airport on the island was also used.

, a large number of Chinese bombers stationed on Jeju Island and began crazy bombings against the Japanese mainland.

These are not the only things that make Japan desperate. With the loss of Jeju Island, Japan's control of the Korean Strait also disappeared. The Japanese army trapped in Busan completely lost sea assistance and became a turtle in a urn.

In addition, veteran Zhang Zuolin also commanded the Chinese army to cross the Xing'an Mountains and beat the Japanese army in the Far East to pieces. As the saying goes, no good thing comes in pairs, and misfortunes never come singly. Japan's misfortune is not over yet. China has sent troops into South Asia.

, most of the Chandela forces that had turned to Japan were eliminated.

In the process of attacking Chandra, the most active ones were not the Chinese, but the Congress party headed by Gandhi. They were all upper-class nobles of Brahmin origin, and they deeply hated the agrarian revolution initiated by Chandra. With China

After the support of the army, these local Indian nobles finally rose up and took action, and Chandra's power was defeated.

The Americans were not to be left alone. They seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and began to organize a counterattack from Australia, fighting fiercely with the Japanese army. The actor MacArthur also regained his fighting spirit and kept claiming that he would completely throw the Japanese into the Pacific Ocean to feed the sharks.

The relationship between rise and fall is so mysterious. Before the sneak attack on Ryukyu, Japan still had the most powerful army in the Pacific region and completely suppressed the United States. However, in the blink of an eye, the country's power declined rapidly, like a shooting star. Although it was bright, it quickly declined.

It disappeared into the night sky.

The main force of the Japanese combined fleet has been lost, and the Pacific battlefield has entered a new stage, that is, when it comes to grabbing the fruits of victory, whoever has faster hands and feet will be able to take advantage of more benefits.

Of course, the new generation of U.S. aircraft carriers has not yet been launched, and the advantage of time is still on China's side. The cunning Roosevelt sent an invitation to Qiao Yu at this time, hoping to convene a meeting of giants, where the heads of state of the four major countries would gather together to discuss strategies to fight fascism.


This is just a slogan for the outside world. The most important thing is to discuss how to carve up the world.

But just when things were looking great on the Pacific battlefield, problems arose again in Europe. The Nazis' new aircraft carrier was about to be launched!

At the beginning of World War II, the German Navy had three aircraft carriers with very strong combat effectiveness. However, due to rash actions, the Bismarck and Munich were sunk, and the British still firmly controlled the sea.

However, Germany has already tasted the benefits of aircraft carriers. Hitler's enthusiasm for aircraft carriers has not weakened at all. He has been urging the Nazi Navy to produce newer aircraft carriers as soon as possible to gain control of the sea for Germany.

In addition, Germany also hopes to repair the Tirpitz and put it back into battle. However, the British will never allow Nazi aircraft carriers to threaten their maritime security again. Therefore, British bombers frequently visit German shipyards and do everything possible to hinder the construction of German aircraft carriers.

The British obstruction still had an effect. The construction of the German aircraft carrier was seriously delayed, and the Tirpitz was also difficult to repair. In addition, the Soviet-German war broke out, occupying a large amount of German resources, and the Nazi aircraft carrier fell into difficulty.


But when Germany's plan to quickly defeat the Soviet Union failed, Hitler had to turn his attention to aircraft carriers. He wanted to rely on aircraft carriers to defeat Britain first. In this way, the United States would lose its reach to Europe, and at the same time it could prevent

Disgusting strategic bombing.

With Hitler's support, the construction speed of the Nazi aircraft carrier accelerated again, and the repair work of the Tirpitz was also coming to an end. Naturally, Germany's actions could not escape the eyes of the British. When Lao Qiu got the news, he was shocked

The memories left by the Nazi aircraft carriers were too painful for him. The British Empire almost lost control of the sea. It can be said that it was the most dangerous moment for Britain since the Industrial Revolution. Napoleon had never made Britain so afraid.

In a year's time, the German aircraft carrier was about to go into battle again. How could Churchill not be frightened? Looking around the world, the only ones who could help Britain in the navy were the United States and China. Therefore, Churchill had to ask Roosevelt and Qiao Yu for help.

The world's major giants are fully aware of the situation at hand. Japan is at the end of its rope. The biggest threat is Germany. Only by eliminating Germany can the final victory be considered.

However, except for a few aircraft carriers that support the situation, the US aircraft carriers are all staying in the dock and have not been launched. They are basically powerless.

Everyone's eyes had to fall on China again. Qiao Yu also knew that with the victory in the Ryukyu Naval Battle, the situation in the Asia-Pacific battlefield had eased a lot, so China could send an aircraft carrier formation to Europe to assist the British in the battle.

However, the aircraft carrier appearance fee is very expensive. If you want to invite this big name, you must provide enough benefits. Therefore, Qiao Yu immediately proposed to use the Indian Ocean route in exchange! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come

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