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Six hundred and twentieth chapters meddling in the Middle East

() Nuclear weapons are the most useful and at the same time the most useless weapons. They are said to be useful because they maintain a balance of terror among major powers and avoid the outbreak of large-scale wars. They are said to be useless because in the original history, only the Americans fought

After an actual war, other countries did not have this opportunity. All nuclear weapons were stored in warehouses and slowly decayed.

Of course, as a big country, nuclear weapons are something that is absolutely indispensable. This is the amulet monk Fang Baojian. With nuclear weapons, we will not be invaded or bullied, and we will be invincible in the world. Only in this way can we act openly.

to interfere in other countries.

China's first nuclear power plant was chosen in Lanzhou, which is an important town in the northwest and is also the base camp for China's nuclear weapons research and development. More than 200 scientists are working here for the nuclear weapons program.

Qiao Yu could not relax at all costs for this kind of national weapon, so he personally came to participate in the operation ceremony of the nuclear power plant, and at the same time he also wanted to inspect the progress of nuclear weapons.

The new Prime Minister Yan Xishan and Chief of Staff Jiang Baili personally accompanied him. Wang Yongjiang had retired, and the position of Prime Minister fell to Yan Xishan. It was only after Yan Xishan became Prime Minister that he learned that China actually had such a secret science and technology plan...

"President, some time ago I heard that both the United States and Germany might be developing nuclear weapons, but we were the only ones who didn't make any move. I was still complaining about you. I didn't expect that you started to do it earlier than we thought. And the news didn't leak out at all. It's simply ridiculous.

It’s so unexpected!”

"Baichuan, nuclear weapons are of great importance. It is even said that once such weapons appear, they will definitely change the history of mankind. We cannot do it carelessly. As the saying goes, the stupid bird flies first. China has a weak foundation and cannot be as crazy as the Americans. It can only use the most suitable

There is a way, there is time to make up for it!”

Jiang Baili has been involved in the formulation of all nuclear weapons plans. He said with a smile: "President, all scientific and technological development follows laws. China has been researching for ten years and has produced a large number of side results, which is a relatively high level for the entire country's scientific and technological level.

What a big improvement, many of these technologies have been used in our weapons. They will shine in this world war and be of great help to the country!"

What Jiang Baili said is not wrong at all. Often some large-scale scientific and technological projects will bring about overall breakthroughs in scientific and technological levels, thereby driving overall technological progress. This was true for the Manhattan Project in the United States, and the same was true for the later Apollo Project.

Chinese scientists are working hard on nuclear weapons and building nuclear power plants, which requires new materials, new processes, and large-scale processing equipment. In addition, nuclear power plants also need corresponding supporting technologies to integrate with the entire power grid. These are all

are closely related, and once there is a breakthrough in these aspects, it will be fed back to the entire military industry system, making weapons more sophisticated.

It is precisely relying on the scientific and technological achievements brought by the nuclear weapons program that China's engine technology has also advanced by leaps and bounds. The latest products can already be compared with the world's top engines. China's technological shortcomings are being made up bit by bit. The most valuable thing is that through this

Through the plan, China has trained a large number of outstanding scientists, which are the country's most precious wealth.

When will the backbone of a country be supported by people who do practical things? Those so-called masters who write thousands of words and speak like lotuses are just dispensable embellishments. When the country solves the problem of survival, the people must pursue some spiritual enjoyment.

At times, these people seemed indispensable.

However, a country that is still struggling for survival has cultivated a group of literary giants. Academic masters are not a glorious thing. This only proves that the country's precious education funds are spent in the wrong place and have not cultivated the most urgently needed talents.

Some people may think that their words can shock people's hearts and cleanse their souls, but no one thinks about the tragic situation of soldiers fighting on the front line who have no usable equipment and can only fight bullets with their chests. What they need most at that time is

Firearms experts are skilled workers who build factories one after another to produce weapons for them to defend their homeland and country, instead of listening to spiritual atomic bombs.

It's okay to play with words, and it's not guilty to write articles, but in a country where people are starving and fighting, it's shameless to still play with these things. It's a businesswoman who doesn't know the hatred of the country's subjugation, and the government still spends money to support these people.

A crime against the nation.

After Qiao Yu came to power, he heavily tilted educational funds toward science and engineering. Even if there was excess, it was used to cultivate talents in medicine, law, and finance, and he minimized subjects such as literature and history.

This policy has been adhered to for twenty years. China has established powerful science and engineering colleges represented by Sichuan University, Northeastern University, Beijing University of Science and Technology, Hubei University of Science and Technology, Tianjin University, etc., which can provide more than 200,000 science and engineering students every year.

High-level talents, and a large number of vocational technical schools have also trained more workers.

This is because this education system has provided valuable talent support for China's construction, so that China can compete with first-class powers such as Germany and the United States despite its weak overall industrial strength, and only then can China's weapons be ranked among the top equipment in the world.

Of course, this also attracted a lot of criticism. Many so-called scholars came out to scold Qiao Yu, as if it was the end of the world. If the government ignored the development of cultural undertakings, thousands of years of cultural inheritance would be destroyed. But no matter how they shouted,

No matter how loud the voice is, it cannot change the fact that China is developing rapidly.

More and more Chinese people have benefited from development and enjoyed dignity. They also know that only hard work can change the destiny of the country. Those who jump and yell are just clowns.

The morale of the entire Chinese people is undergoing earth-shaking changes. Chinese people are more rigorous and pay more attention to the concept of time. Similar expressions have completely disappeared from the dictionary. Everything has strict standards, and laws and regulations are strictly enforced. Modern society

The structure has already emerged in China.

After Qiao Yu and his party arrived in Lanzhou, specialized personnel were in charge of receiving them. They went directly to the nuclear power plant. Yan Xishan served as the chief executive in the northwest and was extremely familiar with the situation in the northwest. Because of his familiarity, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

The huge and clean engineering area, the tall chimney, and the numerous guards around it all show the importance of this place. The person in charge introduced to Qiao Yu and others: The current nuclear power plant is still a prototype reactor, and its main function is to test nuclear power plant technology and explore the future.

commercial value, and the other is to accumulate enough weapons-grade plutonium for China.

The ability to build such a huge factory area in the northwest wasteland is indeed a display of strength and a shocking power of industry. After visiting the factory area, Qiao Yu and others listened to the report.

At present, China can accumulate nearly one kilogram of plutonium every month, and about ten kilograms a year. It is estimated that seven or eight kilograms of plutonium can be used to make an atomic bomb. Based on current production capacity, China can produce three in about two years.

Plutonium bombs, and uranium bombs can only be produced in quantities of one per year at the fastest.

Qiao Yu also knew very well that nuclear weapons were revolutionary weapons that could not be produced casually. Didn't the United States only produce three of them at the beginning? Qiao Yu just explained that he should ensure the progress as much as possible, and at the same time

We must also pay attention to safety work, especially since all scientists involved in this project are the treasures of the country and must receive the best protection.

Many of the earliest scientists who came into contact with nuclear weapons eventually contracted cancer due to excessive exposure to radioactive substances and poor protection. Some died early, and some also contracted cancer and suffered a lot. It can be said that these

Everyone is dealing with the devil.

The ones who are most aware of the danger are themselves, but these people have no regrets. For this country and this nation, they have paid a considerable price. And because the actions they are engaged in are too confidential, their names have become taboo, somewhat

People are only known after death.

These people are the true backbone of a country and nation. They carry the future of an ancient empire on their shoulders. As for those who only know how to write vitriolic articles and only know how to yell and curse, they really do not deserve this title.

Qiao Yu also knew that some sacrifices were inevitable, but he still carefully instructed the responsible personnel to take good care of the treasures of these countries. They must implement strict work disciplines and conduct regular physical examinations.

After seeing the progress of nuclear weapons, Jiang Baili and Yan Xishan were very pleased. They were also shocked by this powerful weapon. A bomb can destroy a city and cause hundreds of thousands of casualties. This is simply amazing.

It was something unimaginable. They all felt sincerely happy when they thought that this powerful weapon would soon be in the hands of China.

In addition to nuclear weapons, China has also made breakthroughs in rocket technology. The first cruise missile with a missile range of 200 kilometers has been developed and will soon be put into active service. The combination of missiles and nuclear weapons is the anchor to guard the country.

, China has reached this point, and it is truly time to be fearless.

At this time, the international war situation changed again. On the North African battlefield, the British and American coalition forces achieved a decisive victory, defeating Rommel, the Desert Fox. Italy, the fish belly, also reached its final moment.

China also dispatched thirty-five divisions of troops into the Kuwait region as agreed, and the Soviet Union also sent a powerful force to the Transcaucasus region. The two countries have jointly issued an ultimatum to Turkey, requiring Turkey to join the Allied forces in fighting.

At the same time, the Turkish Strait will be opened to assist the Allied forces in counterattacking the Balkan Peninsula. If Turkey does not agree, the Allied forces will regard Turkey as an enemy.

The Middle East is the heart of the world's energy. Although China does not expect to completely take over the Middle East, it still needs considerable control capabilities. The troops dispatched by Qiao Yu are all China's elite forces. The two Sichuan generals, Liu Wenhui and Wang Mingzhang, are responsible for the command.

, in fact, they have been marching towards Iraq since they landed in Kuwait, and are currently pointing at the Turkish border. Regardless of whether they agree or not, this country will be ruthlessly attacked. (To be continued.)

This chapter has been completed!
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