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Chapter 625 Landing in Kyushu

() The Battle of Kursk became more and more fierce. Tanks were destroyed at any time. At the peak, there were even three to four hundred tanks. When there were no problems, these steel behemoths ran rampant and were very majestic. But when there was a problem, they remained motionless.

Incredibly clumsy.

In fact, the most vulnerable part of a tank is the track, and this is where problems often occur. There are not many tanks that are completely destroyed and have little repair value. About ten tanks out of a hundred are considered good. These tanks are usually

The frontal armor was penetrated, the internal ammunition compartment was detonated, or the fuel tank was detonated, and the vehicle could never be recovered.

Others are minor problems. As long as they are properly repaired, they can rush to the battlefield again. However, there is a prerequisite for this, which is to be able to control the battlefield during the war. If the opponent gains the upper hand, the power to clean the battlefield will fall to the enemy.

In your hands, even if your own tank is slightly injured, as long as it cannot move, it will fall into the hands of the enemy, and it will be completely destroyed.

The Soviet Union's losses in battles were often higher than those of the Germans, but the Soviet Union had strong reserves and could often replenish them in time. The Germans often lost many more tanks than the Soviet Union in the early stages of the war, but after the Soviet Union's large forces came to assist,

They could only retreat, leaving the battlefield to the Soviet Union.

At this time, the Soviet Union's powerful maintenance team came into play, a considerable number of which were aided by China. These maintenance teams used off-road trucks, carried specialized machinery and equipment, and were able to move along with the armored forces. Each truck was equipped with four professional maintenance teams.

Join the crew, carrying spare parts and maintenance equipment.

Generally, damage to the track can be solved in more than half an hour. Even if there is a problem with the road wheel, it can be quickly replaced within an hour. Damage to other parts can also be solved, and the maintenance vehicle is also accompanied by a supply vehicle.

, can replenish ammunition and fuel for the tank, and soon a tank can regain its combat effectiveness.

Of course, if the damage is serious, it will have to be returned to the factory for repairs, but in fact, most of the time such tanks will be dismantled into parts, replaced with other tanks, or reassembled into a new tank.

Basically, more than 80% of damaged tanks can be repaired, and the Chinese maintenance team not only repaired Soviet tanks, but also dismantled German tanks when they had time. After understanding the structure, they saved a few tanks.

German Tiger tanks are coming.

China's efficient battlefield maintenance capabilities completely conquered the Soviet army. They also followed China's example and made their maintenance team as professional as possible. This benefited the Soviet Union. But it caused Germany to get into full trouble. They spent all their efforts

Xinli destroyed a large number of Soviet tanks, but in the following battles, Soviet tanks were still overwhelming without any reduction, as if the Soviet tanks were endless.

This has become a nightmare for Germany, and Germany's supreme commander Manstein also has a headache. He gradually understands the secret of the Soviet Union's victory, but he has no good way to deal with it.

Manstein once studied tactics in China and knew the Chinese army very well. However, the more he knew about it, the more frightened he felt. The technology imported from China may not be the most advanced, and the quality may not be the strongest, but China

There is an amazing ability, which is to be able to maximize the power at hand and produce the best results.

Moreover, one of the points repeatedly emphasized by the Chinese ** team is that whatever equipment they have and what battles they fight, they must be the masters of the equipment and cannot rely too much on weapons technology. Germany during the war actually made such a mistake. They pursued one-sided

Technical capabilities allowed them to design a lot of equipment that was not practical. Nazi scientists were a group of excellent people, but the German military industry lacked the integration ability to give full play to its own advantages.

The war situation was becoming more and more unfavorable to Germany. The mobile force was constantly decreasing and was difficult to recover. Manstein was also in trouble. As the saying goes, a good woman cannot make a meal without rice. The war has developed to this point and it is no longer something that one or two outstanding commanders can reverse.

, the war has increasingly become a contest between national systems. It is obvious that Germany has become increasingly unable to cope with its powerful allies.

The war situation in Kursk has slipped in a direction that is not conducive to Germany. Germany has completely lost its strategic initiative, and their ally Japan is in an even worse situation. China and the United States have joined forces to sweep away all Japan's colonies in the Pacific.

, there is currently only one island of Borneo that has not fallen into the hands of the Allies, and there are more than six million Japanese living on it.

However, Qiao Yu has ordered that Borneo be completely sealed off. Not even a bird can fly out. He only waits to capture Japan's mainland and force Japan to surrender unconditionally. At that time, Japan will definitely not be able to survive.

It is a soldier who surrenders without fighting.

After months of intense preparations, both China and the United States were ready. The commander-in-chief of the landing operation was Liu Xiang, and the deputy commanders-in-chief were Yang Sen and MacArthur. The first batch of landing troops totaled 27 divisions, including five.

tank divisions, with a total of 640,000 soldiers.

In order to cooperate with the operation, China and the United States also dispatched powerful maritime forces. A total of twelve large aircraft carriers as the core fleet mainly used carrier-based aircraft to attack Japan's transportation system, destroy Japan's rear, and prevent the armies from assisting each other.

In addition, seven battleships were dispatched towards the landing site, including five from the United States, two from China, 13 cruisers, 42 destroyers, and five shallow-water gunboats. These warships formed three fire cover fleets.

, mainly providing fire support for landing troops.

Both China and the United States attach great importance to this amphibious landing operation of unprecedented scale. For China, this is a reckoning with the most vicious enemy in modern times. The only way is to completely crush Japan and make the four islands harmless.

, can China fully stand in the east of the world and become a powerful country in the Asia-Pacific, and it is also a battle to eliminate historical baggage.

Since the Opium War, China has suddenly fallen from the top of the world to the bottom. The national fortune has declined, and the country has even lost confidence in Chinese civilization for a time. Although Qiao Yu reshaped China through a series of border wars after he came to power.

image, but China still has one final step to go.

For any country to become a world power, it must defeat a great power. China has completely crushed Japan. Domestically, it allows the people to calm down, put aside historical baggage, and march towards a new era with head high. Externally, it declares China's status as a powerful country and officially becomes the world's great power.

the dominant force.

As for the United States, it also attaches great importance to this landing operation. Roosevelt's landing in Japan has been regarded as an exercise to counterattack Western Europe. The United States must find the secrets of large-scale amphibious operations and cope with possible more brutal landing operations. Of course, the United States also treats Japan.

Very interested, the United States also hopes to maintain a strong presence in Japan, which is of great value to the United States in expanding its influence in the Pacific.

Being valued so highly by China and the United States at the same time is not a good thing for Japan, especially after the four islands are cut apart, Japan can only transport supplies to Kyushu Island through some remaining small boats at the risk of being sunk.

There simply weren't enough supplies to build defenses.

However, this is already the greatest energy of Japan. Japan was unstoppable in the early days of the Pacific War and beat the United States into a panic. However, Japan soon showed its true colors. After all, Japan was an island country with limited national power and no way to carry out the war.

A long war of attrition.

Emperor Hirohito had recently replaced Prime Minister Tojo and replaced him with Kuniaki Koiso. To be honest, Tojo was very loyal to Hirohito. It could be said that he was like a dog. He was very obedient and obeyed orders. But Hirohito did not

Satisfied, the reason is that this dog is too stupid. He caused Japan to suffer heavy losses one after another. This responsibility must be borne by someone. Hirohito is sacred, he cannot be wrong, so Tojo can only be sacrificed.

After Koiso Kuniaki became Prime Minister, he first advocated expanding the scope of suicide attacks and recruiting more young people to drive Zero fighter jets to ram Chinese and American warships and even important warehouses in southern North Korea. However, both China and the United States have

Based on experience, these suicide attacks had little effect.

Koiso Kuniaki did not get off to a good start. He then thought of a more decisive method, which was to use biological and chemical weapons. After the Japanese occupied Nanyang, they used local indigenous people to conduct a series of chemical experiments and produced a large number of

of chemical poisonous gas.

Japan now has a large amount of chemical shells stored in Japan, which is Japan's last resort. Koiso Kuniaki suggested that after the Chinese and American troops land, Japan should use a large amount of poison gas on the mainland to kill and injure the Chinese and American troops.

This idea is not evil, and Koiso Kuniaki also knows that the army has measures to prevent poison gas. The final result may be to kill a thousand enemies, damage 10,000, and all the dead are ordinary Japanese people, but these wars

Kuangrui can no longer care about this.

Only by inflicting a large amount of casualties on the Chinese and American troops can the two countries be forced to retreat, and Japan can end the war with dignity instead of surrendering unconditionally. This is also the highest instruction of the late Emperor Hirohito. Hirohito knew that China, the Soviet Union, the United States and Britain had already issued

The Tehran Declaration stated that it would only accept unconditional surrender and that war criminals would be thoroughly punished. This was something Hirohito could not accept. He was a descendant of God and could never be interrogated and humiliated by these mortals. For the sake of the honor and dignity of the Emperor

, he could only sacrifice the Japanese people unceremoniously.

Japan is preparing a vicious plan, and the Sino-US landing offensive has officially begun. Under the cover of the air force, Tsushima Island is the first to be captured. It is located between Japan and North Korea and is an important maritime strategic point. China has already launched an attack on the island.

After several months of intensive bombing on the island, there was almost no living thing on Tsushima, and the Chinese and American troops easily captured it.

After establishing a simple port and airport, the landing force moved directly to Kitakyushu, officially launching a war operation to attack the Japanese mainland.

This chapter has been completed!
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