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Chapter 631 Elimination

Under Qiao Yu's guidance, China Pharmaceuticals became the first country in the world to master penicillin production technology, and also achieved large-scale industrial production, becoming the largest antibiotic producer in the world.

After the outbreak of World War II, there were countless wounded people in all countries. The demand for penicillin was almost unlimited, and the price continued to rise. Chinese pharmaceutical companies made a lot of money, and then invested in the development of other types of antibiotics, making

China has become the world's largest antibiotic producer.

With the guarantee of antibiotics, China's plan to immigrate to Southeast Asia will go more smoothly. The first thing to solve when arriving in an unfamiliar area is the problem of acclimatization. Without good medical care as a basis, immigrants will often suffer serious losses and even die.

It will damage the enthusiasm of the people, so adequate preparation is very necessary.

The Chinese government has mobilized nearly 10,000 medical personnel from various places, prepared a large number of medical equipment and medicines, and established a large number of temporary hospitals to provide health protection for immigrants. China has implemented immigration plans for many years, and all of these are familiar.

The common people have also benefited from immigration in recent years. For example, the development of the Northeast has brought countless business opportunities, and the fertile black land has provided a large amount of food. This is the first time in many years that the Chinese do not have to worry about starvation.

problem, it is definitely a significant progress.

In a traditional agricultural society, land output is limited and cannot keep up with the increase in population. What follows is widespread famine. At this time, refugees appear, and the growth rate of refugees is a geometric multiple. Social production capacity

Even more unable to keep up, in order to suppress the refugees, the imperial court had to levy more taxes, which resulted in more refugees. It was like a chain reaction that could not be controlled at all. In the end, the change of dynasty became irreversible.

This law was almost unsolvable in the agricultural era. This was the reason why China rose and fell due to chaos many times. As for the West at the same time, there was no reference, and they were even more chaotic.

It was not until after the industrial age that this deadlock found a solution. Especially with the emergence of chemical fertilizers, the rate of increase in food production exceeded the rate of population growth for the first time. This meant that the population could increase significantly without worrying about food shortages.

problems, and society stabilized accordingly.

China also took advantage of the Great Depression to introduce a large number of Western technologies and established a large number of chemical fertilizer plants to ensure the stability of agriculture. Of course, it is obviously not enough to pin all hopes on chemical fertilizers. It also needs to have enough reserve land. With maneuvers

Only with a certain amount of leeway can we truly ensure permanent food security.

The large-scale development of Nanyang has long been a set goal of the Chinese government. China's population has grown rapidly in recent years. There is a large amount of surplus labor in the countryside. Apart from going to cities to work, there are only a few options left for them, such as joining the army.

After large-scale immigration operations began, they could all find jobs in Nanyang, and at least become small landowners with hundreds of acres of land.

The temptation is still very great. The Nanyang islands with abundant rain and heat can produce three crops a year, and the yield is very considerable. Most young people have signed up, and many people from the northwest and central plains have applied for immigration with their families.

However, the most active among all regions are Guangdong and Fujian, which are the traditional hometowns of overseas Chinese in China. They have been in the habit of going to Southeast Asia for hundreds of years, and there are also a large number of ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia. They are different from the people in the northwest and the Central Plains.

People not only have to farm, but also do business. They all have some capital and can build factories and mines. Nanyang is still a virgin land, and the business opportunities are huge.

The Chinese government did not expect that people would sign up so enthusiastically, and immediately formulated a large-scale investment and construction plan to overhaul transportation in Nanyang, build airports and terminals, and develop railways and highways. It also needed to rebuild cities destroyed by war and invest in

The scale is huge, and of course the benefits must be staggering.

This investment plan not only attracted the attention of Chinese businessmen, but even Americans were salivating. The war brought unprecedented prosperity, and the production of various countries increased wildly. However, with the beginning of the Allied counterattack, the defeat of the fascist side was certain.

Without the strong demand for war, the economies of all countries will face depression.

If you want to get rid of the depression, you must create new economic growth points and find new areas for investment. China's large-scale investment in Nanyang is a very good choice. The Americans also hope to get a share of the pie. Although they admit that China has

sovereignty over Southeast Asia, but hopes that China will give up some of its economic interests.

Chinese political axes, including Qiao Yu himself, are extremely disgusted with this kind of request. How can Americans take advantage of the territory that China has worked so hard to acquire? Besides, China has a strong enough production team and technical reserves, so there is no need for it at all.

Americans participate.

In the end, Qiao Yu only agreed to use 10% of all projects for international bidding, and these biddings also allowed Chinese and foreign companies to compete on the same stage. Americans will definitely not get a lot, but there is another advantage to this.

That puts pressure on Chinese companies. If they don't work hard, their share will be taken away.

The Americans knew that Nanyang could not be conquered, so they set their sights on another place, that is Europe. In terms of war, Europe was the most damaged, with the most areas in need of reconstruction and the greatest business opportunities.

The United States is already planning its own plan. Western Europe must be in the hands of the United States. With this plan in mind, the counterattack in Europe is imminent. However, before landing in France, the United States and Britain decided to launch a landing operation in Sicily now to bring Italy to the island.

The loser was dealt with first.

It is not easy to calculate Italy. Before the war started, Italy was the fourth most powerful country in Europe, second only to Britain, France and Germany. However, after the war started, it showed its vulnerability. Within a few days, it was defeated by Abyssinia.

The army was defeated and all colonies in East Africa were completely lost.

Whites have always bullied blacks and killed them at will, but Italy was the first great power in history to be defeated by blacks. The failure on the battlefield in East Africa still had a serious impact on Italy. More than 300,000 soldiers died tragically, and more than a dozen others

Thousands of people were injured and became disabled. Such heavy losses cast a shadow on the hearts of the Italian people, and more and more people opposed Mussolini's rule.

Mussolini also felt an unprecedented crisis. He could only hope to win in the North African battlefield, but what awaited him was still a disastrous defeat. Especially after the United States entered the war, Britain no longer fought alone, its equipment became more and more advanced, and its supplies

It was also very sufficient. The savior Rommel that Mussolini invited from Germany in great excitement also suffered a disastrous defeat, and all the colonies on the southern coast of the Mediterranean were lost.

Mussolini had always hoped to restore the majesty of ancient Rome, but at this point, the imperial dream had been completely shattered, and Mussolini was shocked to realize that not only was his dream shattered, but he was also in danger of being killed. The Allies issued a declaration

, all fascist countries must surrender unconditionally, and also decide to punish war criminals.

Mussolini calculated that he was definitely one of the culprits and could not escape death. He had no choice but to risk all his wealth and give it another try. Italy's victory or defeat depended on the Germans. Italy would use the remaining main force

All were handed over to Germany, and they all participated in the attack on the Soviet Union, trying to change the unfavorable status quo of the fascist group by defeating the Soviet Union.

However, facts proved that this was a wrong choice. Hundreds of thousands of Italian troops lost their lives in Stalingrad. Mussolini's adventure not only failed to save Italy's fate, but instead dragged Italy into an abyss of eternal destruction.

The opposition forces in Italy have completely swelled. They have realized that if they want to change the fate of destruction, they must cut off from Germany, and if they want to cut off from Germany, they must kill Mussolini and blame all the sins.

For Mussolini, this was the only way to save Italy.

In fact, according to the original agreement, the United States and Britain did not choose to land in Italy in the Mediterranean. China and the Soviet Union also had the same intention. They advocated concentrating all their forces to attack Germany. As long as Germany was defeated, Italy would naturally be a problem.

However, after the Turkish War, the Soviet Union successfully controlled the Turkish Straits and landed on the Balkan Peninsula, which completely stimulated the United States and Britain. The leftist forces in Greece also began to move closer to the Soviet Union. Soon Greece would fall into the hands of the Soviet Union, which made Roosevelt and Churchill angry.


Their initial plan was to let China take action to fight the Soviet Union. In their view, China had a morbid obsession with land, and Turkey's position was so important, China would never give up. Who knew Qiao Yu would let go so easily?

There was no conflict with Stalin at all, so the United States and Britain had no choice but to step out.

If the Soviet Union directly occupies Greece, then Italy will be the next step. If this trend continues, half of the Mediterranean Sea will become the Soviet Union's footbath. Can the United States and Britain stand it?

Therefore, they decided to launch a landing operation in Sicily to block the Soviet power from Western Europe. Therefore, both sides decided to attack Sicily, Italy's largest island, and use it as a springboard to occupy the entire Italy and force this waste snack to withdraw from the war.

The United States and Britain both sent their best generals. Patton and Montgomery commanded 160,000 American and British landing forces on 3,200 warships and transport ships, and under the cover of 1,000 aircraft, landed in the southwest and southeast of Sicily.

The cold Mediterranean boiled instantly. Well-trained and well-equipped Allied forces quickly landed on the beach. The morale of the Italian troops on the coast was low and they fled in all directions after only putting up weak resistance.

The fiercest resistance during the battle turned out to be the German 15th Armored Division. They braved the constant bombing of fierce Allied aircraft and desperately launched a counterattack towards the beachhead, trying to drive the Allied forces into the sea, while the Italians were here

At that time, they were like a flock of lambs, completely losing their organization.

The Germans almost vomited blood like this. You must know that we are helping you defend your own homeland. The hosts don't know how to work hard, but let the guests fight hard. Italy can be considered a strange flower.

In the end, the Allies relied on the suppression of naval artillery to repel the German armored forces and successfully landed in Sicily. Mussolini's fate also entered a countdown.

(To be continued)

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