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"Everyone, although we have established a military government, the most difficult thing is how to establish the prestige of our government and unify Sichuan. I think we might as well discuss what to do next!"

Qiao Yu presided over the government meeting for the first time. All the newly appointed civil and military officials were doing their work. Everyone was constantly thinking about this issue. Shi Dingzhong was the first to speak.

"Governor, in my opinion, we should first stabilize Dongchuan, train elite troops, and stockpile arms. Don't rush westward for the time being to avoid conflicts with the militia. When the militia and Zhao Erfeng Duanfang are almost done fighting, we can eliminate them all in one fell swoop and unify them.


Shi Dingzhong's words sounded very reasonable, and many people nodded in agreement, but Han Yong didn't think so.

"Governor, I, Old Han, don't think so. The so-called troops are valuable and quick. Xichuan is still in chaos. It is a good time to send troops. Otherwise, if the opportunity is missed, the power of the Kuomintang will skyrocket. Now all provinces are ready to take action. Although the Qing government sent

We have left Yinchang and gone south to attack Wuhan, but I heard that Yinchang is a big loser and has absolutely no ability to quell the rebellion. When the time comes and it drags on for a long time, everyone will rise up and become independent! It will be bad if we lose the opportunity!"

Even though Han Yong usually seems a bit rude, his words still make sense, especially the issue of time. This is the key among the keys, and the opportunity must not be missed.

"What Minister Han said makes sense. We should march into Xichuan quickly. However, the problem in Sichuan is different from that of other provinces. Because of the road protection movement, public opinion in Sichuan is boiling. If we cannot convince public opinion very well, we will not be able to truly control the local area. Even if we have

No amount of troops will help!"

When Wu Tong spoke this time, Qiao Yu knew that he, the chief of staff, did have some insight when he mentioned the issue of public opinion. This public opinion must be subdued, otherwise Sichuan will be in chaos as long as some ambitious people instigate it.


"Now that we are talking about the issue of public opinion, I have a suggestion. We have established a new government, and we must take new measures. But where is the breakthrough? I have thought of three new policies in total. The first is to abolish the Lijin system, and the second is to restrict

Land rent, third education subsidy! What do you think?"

Qiao Yu proposed three new policies that have been brewing for a long time, and everyone listened carefully. The abolition of the Lijin system can effectively reduce logistics costs and promote the circulation of goods. Not only can Chongqing's industrial products greatly reduce costs, but people can also earn more from agricultural products.

This is a good thing that benefits the country and the people. The only problem is that it will reduce the government’s fiscal revenue, but if you weigh it a little, it is definitely worth it!

As for the education subsidy, although we don’t know the specific measures, it is nothing more than investment in education. Sichuan has always attached great importance to education. If more people can read and become literate, it will give the people more hope and be able to change their own situation.

Destiny, this is also a matter of good governance.

As for the issue of limiting land rent, it was a bit troublesome. Bai Kuan saw that everyone was thinking about this matter, so he took the initiative to speak.

"Shun Qing, since ancient times, it has been a matter of course to farm land and pay rent. How should we restrict the land rent if it is something you and I want? Besides, the landowners in those places are greedy. Will they allow you to lower the land rent?"

"Uncle, land rent has indeed existed since ancient times, but it does not mean that it is reasonable, especially now that the land rent is too high. Take Chongqing as an example. You basically have to pay half of the land rent, and you have to endure layers of exploitation.

In fact, at the end of the year, people basically have no savings left in their hands!”

"The Governor is right!" Qian Tai took over the words. He had been taking care of the Qiao family's property and knew this very well. "In fact, it is not just as simple as lack of savings, but also if there is a slight natural disaster or someone in the family is sick.

We will suffer huge losses on weddings, weddings and the like. Once you borrow a loan at a high interest rate, don’t expect to be able to pay it back. Many families have been ruined because of this!”….

"Everyone, that's why I want to control land rent. How did the Qing government get to the brink of subjugation? The people just can't survive. Besides, if we want to develop industry, we need to have enough markets. To put it simply, we need someone to buy you.

How can people buy our products if they don’t have any money in their hands? Today, most of the products produced in Chongqing are still sold in cities and towns. However, if we want to continue to develop, we must open up the rural market. This is an inevitable choice!


Qiao Yu added a few words. Everyone present from the Chamber of Commerce knew very well what Qiao Yu said. Nowadays, most of Chongqing's commodities are daily necessities. They rely on quantity to win, and rural areas have the largest population. It seems that

We really need to control land rent.

"There will definitely be objections, and they will be very strong, but we must keep going, at least to make the people feel that their lives are better than those of the Qing Dynasty. Even if it is just a little, it is enough for our newly established government to gain

I support it! I think the tentative maximum rent should not exceed 30%, and loan sharking must also be controlled. The annual interest rate must not exceed 20%, otherwise the moneylender will be severely punished. As for the situation of rolling donkeys, this situation must be strictly controlled!"

The so-called donkey rolling generally has a period of one month, and the monthly interest is between 3% and 5%. If the interest is not paid by the maturity date, the interest will be doubled and recorded in the principal of the next period. Generally, it takes one year.

It can even double. Many ordinary people are crushed by the heavy interest rates. Qiao Yu's strategy is also modeled on the rent and interest reduction policies of later generations. However, later generations were formulated under the conditions of the Anti-Japanese War. Nowadays, farmers are protected even more.

, the main purpose is to gain support from the majority of farmers.

And one of the most important functions is to calm people's hearts. Wu Tong mentioned this in his speech, because the people in Sichuan are in a state of boiling over the issue of right of way, the local area is extremely unstable, and right of way involves too many things.

Moreover, the main parties involved are still in Chengdu and there is no way to deal with it. Qiao Yu can only take this roundabout way to calm people's hearts. Don't the common people want to protect their hard-earned money by protecting the road? Now the revolution has abolished the lijin, lowered prices, and limited

The interest rate limit on rent has reduced the burden on the people. After fighting for so long, although the right of way has not been resolved, with these benefits, the people can calm down their grievances.

At the same time, it is also establishing the authority of the new government to the people of Sichuan. After careful discussion, all the officials of the military government have agreed on the general direction, mainly on some details. Finally, it was approved by the parliament and turned into three bills, which were quickly spread through various newspapers.

In order to spread, it has even spread to other provinces. The disputes over these three bills are like three pebbles, causing countless waves.

Constitutional parties in various provinces saw the strong will of the Sichuan military government to protect and develop industry and commerce. Lijin was a major malpractice of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. Now that it has been abolished, it will greatly help business exchanges. Although the constitutional parties in various provinces have not really started to oppose the Qing government, they have

Many people of insight are also calling for the abolition of Lijin. In addition, the idea of ​​reducing the burden on farmers is also refreshing. Nowadays, the Chinese people mainly focus on cities and believe that China's industry is far behind the West, so it is necessary to develop industry and commerce, and will mainly

They focused on the cities and neglected the countryside. Now with the passage of the bill restricting rents and interest rates, some people have also turned their attention to farmers.

This is only for other provinces, and the one that has been most shocked is Sichuan Province. With the promulgation of the bill in Dongchuan, local governments have begun to take action. Lijin Checkpoints have been abolished one by one. All counties have provided subsidies to poor students, renovated school buildings, and raised funds in accordance with regulations.

A series of actions were taken to improve teachers' remuneration, and loan sharking was also restricted.

The most eye-catching issue is the land rent. Chinese people have been dealing with land for thousands of years. Although Sichuan is known as a wealthy province, the land rent is also very high. The land in Dongchuan is slightly poorer, but the land rent is close to half of it.

The Nishikawa Ping principle is even more, even reaching 60% to 70%. If the maximum land rent does not exceed 30%, and more than double the amount of grain is left, you can eat fine grain in one year, plus the tax.

With the cancellation of the policy, ordinary people can suddenly increase their income by a large amount and can exchange for more goods. How can they not be happy?

The people in Dongchuan have benefited, and the farmers in Xichuan are also looking forward to the implementation of the three bills as soon as possible so that their burdens can be lighter. As long as they are implemented, life will definitely be better. With a head start, naturally

The enthusiasm for supporting the civilian army suddenly diminished a lot.


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