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Chapter 1 Silver Trojan

Chapter 1 Silver Trojan ()

Walking in the dusk, she is like a young woman who still has charm, walking into the sweet dream of a midsummer night with a touch of night wind!

Declining General Manager An's offer to treat him to dinner, Tang Zheng carried a month's salary of 2,000 yuan in his pocket, picked up the orange camel travel bag, and left the finance department as if he was running away. He had no choice but to face An Xiu.

Runa's greedy eyes were like a ferocious bear staring at a delicious honeycomb. This virgin who had just finished his freshman year was a little on pins and needles. He had only watched an island romance movie once on his roommate's computer and didn't even have a girlfriend.

I don't quite understand the meaning of this look.

Unlike those boys who enter college and rush to find a mate like wild beasts in heat, Tang Zheng has his ideal country in his heart. Within ten years after graduating from college, he has accumulated a fortune that is enough to squander for a hundred years.

"Am I too indifferent?" After muttering, Tang Zheng shook his head and threw away this unfounded worry. He began to think about how to spend the remaining week of college summer vacation. It was too late to go home, so he could try.

Take a look at the sunrise at Mount Tai recently. Of course, you must bring a camera. If you are lucky enough to take a few good photos, you might even be able to compete in the National Geographic Global Photography Contest and earn a bonus.

After exiting Xiqiao Street, turn left for less than fifty meters, which is the No. 9 stop sign for the train station. Seeing a bus with only seven or eight people on it, Tang Zheng hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and walked on. If possible,

He really didn't want to go to the appointment, but if he was waiting for the police to come to his door, it would be better to explain it to him in advance.

Mu Nianqi is the most famous freshman in the first class. Because of her strong character and various honorary auras, she is nicknamed Her Majesty the Queen. At the opening ceremony, she gave a student speech on behalf of the freshmen. As a freshman, she joined the school student union and served as vice president.

The president is also one of the top ten young people in the province. A certain mechanical patent she applied for in high school brought her tens of millions of wealth. As for the various medals and honorary certificates that represent a good child in the eyes of her parents, they are floating around in astronomy.

It will definitely cause an uproar. Several photos of Mu Nianqi wearing a German World War II military uniform, boots, an M35 helmet and holding an mg42 machine gun almost made his eyes pop. Unexpectedly, this queen is also a military fan.

This was simply a joke. Tang Zheng was not lucky to have been struck by an affair, but was extremely annoyed because three minutes later a strange phone call came. He unexpectedly answered the call and revealed his name, although the other party did not say a word.

, but the rapid breathing is enough to show that the person is in a very angry mood.

Fumbling for his cell phone in his pocket, Tang Zheng guessed whether the other party was going to tie him to the railway track for humane destruction. He knew that the other party had that ability. Fifty minutes later, he called again and called him by name.

Tang Zheng's name was mentioned, which is enough to show that the energy in Mu Nianqi's family is beyond the imagination of a small person like him.

"I know that you and I are in the same school, and you are also in the first batch. Your name is Tang Zheng. You are 1.83 meters tall and weigh 70 kilograms. You have a tough and calm personality, a bit of a chauvinist. You are working in a supermarket in Beiguo... Three days later at seven o'clock in the evening

Let's meet in front of the statue in the train station square. If you break the appointment, you'll be responsible for the consequences!" Listening to the other party's narration, which he knew more about than his own mother, Tang Zheng felt cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

"What should I do?" Tang Zheng took out a coin and counted the patterns on it, trying to calm down. He didn't want to sit back and wait for death, like an unjust prisoner who was about to be sent to the gallows. As long as he hadn't been executed yet, there would be

On the possibility of jailbreak, "First of all, it is to find common topics, gain trust, and then try to downplay the significance of the photos being seen. But why did she leave me three days? It couldn't be to explain the funeral affairs, and she also sent those wrong photos.

Who was it originally meant to be shown to?"

Just as he was thinking about how to deal with the accusation from the powerful vice-president, a hysterical "be careful" hit Tang Zheng's eardrum hard, and then his body was thrown out of the chair with a bang and rolled out. Before he lost consciousness

The last thing I saw was the sticky blood flowing into the corners of my eyes, the overwhelming glass shards shooting over like a downpour, and then the orange-red sky filled with the setting sun that filled the window and swirled along with the bus on the long street.

The sound of sudden braking and all kinds of shouts and noises came one after another, and the panicked crowd felt like they were being poured over by a boiling oil pan.

When Tang Zheng woke up again, he had a splitting headache. Several people seemed to be standing on the left side of his body, and his ears were filled with various whispers. Then a pair of hands supported his back and helped him sit up.

"Do you know where this place is?" A woman wearing a sapphire blue stewardess uniform squatted in front of her, put her hand on Tang Zheng's shoulder, and asked with an uneasy look on her face.

Tang Zheng frowned. After the dizziness subsided, several pairs of beautiful legs wearing flesh-colored stockings came into view. The two peach-shaped buttocks wrapped in a neat 10-centimeter skirt above the knees were right in front of Tang Zheng who was sitting there.

He could almost touch his cheeks, and the smell of fresh bamboo shoots perfume lingered in his nose, making him couldn't help but sneeze.

"Thank you, eh, stewardess? Shouldn't I be in the hospital?" Tang Zheng looked confused and checked his body. After making sure there was no injury or bleeding, he began to look at his surroundings. As for the stewardess who was supporting him, he had already stood up and stepped back a few steps.

Step, reserved and polite.

This is a room with an area of ​​one hundred square meters. The wooden floor is cold and the walls are a bit white. There is no window for ventilation. There is only one door, but it seems to be locked. A high school student in school uniform

The boy with a raw look was grinding his teeth and turning the bronze door handle vigorously, but unfortunately he got nothing.

"Huh? Shall we prepare another special care ward for you and find a few beautiful nurses to serve you?" The person who mocked Tang Zheng was a middle-aged man with a thick belly and some obesity. This guy was about forty years old.

With an expressionless face, he sat aside, his eyes frequently falling on several flight attendants, constantly comparing them.

"What the hell is this place? My son is still waiting for me to pick him up from kindergarten." A man with a dusty face couldn't help roaring, and punched the floor hard. He was wearing a

Dirty clothes with the words "air conditioning repair" printed on them, this is an ordinary maintenance worker.

The remaining ten flight attendants were wearing unknown brands of perfume. Mixed with the smell of sweat in the room, they were filled with a slightly seductive smell. The high school student occasionally glanced at the buttocks and tightness of the flight attendants.

lingering on the calf.

After confirming that they could not get the answer they wanted from Tang Zheng, the flight attendants sighed in unison and stopped paying attention to him. Except for three or four who were whispering something, the other people's faces were full of tears.

A worried look.

"Do you belong to China Southern Airlines or Air China?" The fat middle-aged man looked at these flight attendants wearing the same style of uniforms and struck up a conversation with interest, "What happened before you showed up here? Maybe I can find out the reason."

"Disgusting fat pig." A grumpy flight attendant felt uncomfortable being stared at by a middle-aged fat man. She hugged her D-cup breasts and was about to curse a few words when her colleagues shouted happily and interrupted.


"It's Captain Zhao Jingye. Is he here too?"

Tang Zheng finally saw how a person appeared in the room. He started with the limbs, then materialized them bit by bit, outlining the outline of the human body. The whole process lasted about five seconds.

"What the hell is this place? Hey, Director Kang, hello, how come I met you here? I'm Xiao Zhao." Captain Zhao waved his hand and said hello to several flight attendants who came up to say hello.

Say hello, and then seeing the middle-aged fat man, he immediately walked over with a look of surprise on his face, and after five or six steps, he already extended his right hand with a very eager attitude.

Director Kang first glanced at the flight attendant who called him a fat pig, and then said with a smile, "I was going to attend Mayor Huang's dinner party, but I don't know why I ended up here. By the way, Xiao

Zhao, are these girls from your airline?"

"Haha, let me introduce to you. Come on, this is Director Kang of the Municipal Transportation Bureau." Given such an opportunity to curry favor with Kang Songde, Zhao Jingye really worked hard. As soon as he rolled his eyes, he was full of smiles and greeted the flight attendants.

Even though he waved, they couldn't refuse and greeted Director Kang with a smile on his face.

After chatting for a while, everyone's topic returned to the question of where this place was. Naturally, the high school student, Tang Zheng, and even the maintenance man were not qualified to answer, and Director Kang did not expect them to say anything.

It turns out that after I was told that my old friends from the Public Security Bureau would handle this matter, I already took the hand of a flight attendant and started studying the palm prints.

"Hey, someone is here again." The outline of an arm appeared in the room again. The high school student shouted. After secretly glancing at the flight attendants to make sure that he had attracted their attention, he walked towards the newcomer.

He doesn't know what to do, but he wants to be noticed.

"I'm not dead yet, haha, I'm not dead, Lao Lin, you're right to listen to me. You can definitely escape by taking advantage of the heavy rain to collapse the wall." The speaker was a bald man in his thirties.

The man had a stern face, a burly body, and an aggressive look with cruelty and violence, especially the wet gray-blue prison clothes on his body and his abnormal blinking, which almost stung everyone's nerves.

As soon as this man made a sound, the whole room was silent. The flight attendants subconsciously crowded together and moved closer to Zhao Jingye, but the latter raised his head and pretended to observe the ceiling. As for Director Kang, he closed his eyes and pretended

Pensive state.

"What the hell, why are there everyone?" The high school student also stopped, embarrassed, raising his feet and not knowing what to do. At this moment, he was already cursing in his heart. Since the other party was wearing prison uniforms, these two people

His identity is self-evident, after all, no one wants to seek bad luck.

The man named Lao Lin did not respond. After looking around the room, he stood up, walked to a corner of the room, and squatted down with his hands on his legs. Unlike his companion whose eyes were full of possessiveness, he seemed to be interested in everything.

not interested.

"Haha, I didn't expect to meet so many good people as soon as I came out. We have been holding back for twelve years and we really can't help it. Tens of millions of little brothers are also clamoring to have fun." The bald man said.

Liao Zhi laughed triumphantly and saw the flight attendants retreating out of fear. After taking a deep breath of contentment, he spread his arms and said, "I like the free air."

"I'm going to suffer." Seeing the prisoner walking towards the stewardess, Tang Zheng subconsciously put his hand into his travel bag. Inside there was an extremely powerful Fury tactical folding knife. It was an authentic Italian product and belonged to his uncle when he was admitted to college.

The gift I gave you is absolutely astonishing.

However, things did not turn out badly. After the prisoner walked a few steps, he suddenly smiled at the flight attendants, bent down and said sorry, I didn't mean any harm, I was just joking. You have to know that we are model prisoners.

He returned to the corner, sat next to Lao Lin with his back against the wall, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Almost everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and several flight attendants even patted their chests and were very happy. However, Tang Zheng's scalp was numb and his body was subconsciously tense. The veins on the back of the hand holding the folding knife bulged due to excessive exertion.

He saw Tang Zheng's reaction, but he didn't express anything, just a trace of caution flashed across his face.

A calm prisoner is far more difficult to deal with than an impulsive prisoner. Tang Zheng didn't believe that a guy who had been holding back for more than ten years and even dared to escape from prison would be afraid of several women, let alone a person who suddenly entered a safe zone from a dangerous situation.

, the first few sentences he said were definitely a way to vent his heart without much water, so now there is only one answer, he is waiting for the best hunting opportunity.

"I see, isn't it a survival game?" The high school student jumped up and shouted, "I often read novels, and there was a story like this where the Lord God summoned ordinary people and then transported them to a certain world to play.

Survival challenge, no wonder the mobile phone has no signal."

"Have you all lost your vision for life? God always looks for people like this." Finally finding an honest opportunity to strike up a conversation, the high school student asked the stewardess excitedly. Unfortunately, no one answered him. The stewardesses even

She didn't even glance at him.

Tang Zheng shook his head imperceptibly and secretly thought that he was asking for trouble. In a strange environment, people would subconsciously gather into small groups based on status, age and clothing. In their eyes, high school students are obviously unreliable, and

The questions he asked were really worthless.

After all, no one can unconditionally trust a stranger. They generally regard protecting themselves as their first priority, unless you can prove your innocence and worth of association. Therefore, at this time, everyone's work and identity are the most basic.

guarantee and credibility, otherwise everyone will definitely remain silent and stay away.

Looking at the two prisoners, it was obvious that they were isolated, and the socially experienced maintenance workers also understood this and did not make trouble for each other. As for Tang Zheng, if he did not take out his student ID card, he would probably be the one with the least status and dignity.

Who knows if he is a homeless person who is not taken seriously? However, his tall figure and angular appearance have saved a lot of image points. At least he seems to have a sense of security, but of course, that's all.

Tang Zheng didn't care about those indifferent eyes. He pursed his resolute lips and looked at the people in the room without leaving a trace, because he wanted a few reliable helpers and the possibility of surviving alone was really not much.

Moreover, it is obvious that the position of team leader cannot be obtained. The most likely person is Zhao Jingye, who has the title of captain and is very familiar with the most numerous flight attendants.

Just as Tang Zheng was formulating a response strategy for what might happen next, the black cube in the center of the room suddenly lit up and turned translucent. This sudden incident shocked everyone, especially

When the rock version of the Internationale played, everyone looked at each other, a little confused as to what was wrong.

"Look, here it comes, the Lord God is here." The high school student rushed over with excitement on his face and said, "I am indeed right. What kind of challenge is this time? Where are the weapons and equipment? Haha, I can also be

The protagonist.”

This chapter has been completed!
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