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Chapter 20 Inactivation Treatment

The pock-marked man wished that the conqueror would agree immediately. He wanted to do bad things, but unfortunately he didn't have the strength.

"No problem!" Tang Zheng knew that everyone had no choice but to do their best to obtain information. "I need information about the three types of alien species, including weaknesses, natural enemies, and nasty things..."

Tang Zheng reported a lot of things casually and in a clear order. The female doctor kept nodding her head. The more she looked at Tang Zheng, the more she liked it, "That's right. You are very good. I want you to be my assistant. How about it? Consider it.

one time?"

"No interest." Tang Zheng looked at the newcomers, "Except for the patients, veterans, Qin Yan, and Mu Nianqi, everyone else is waiting outside. No one is allowed to wander around without my order. Meiqin, Zixuan, look.

Hold them."

"My granddaughter..." The old sanitation worker squeezed over and looked at Tang Zheng pleadingly.

"It's okay, don't worry!" Tang Zheng carried the little girl and Lu Fan into the laboratory. He frowned when he saw that there was only a hospital bed stained with an unknown liquid. Alien species must have been dissected on it.

"Help them lie down!" The female doctor walked to the test table and began to work on the preparatory work of preparing the vaccine.

"Why are we infected with this kind of bacteria?" Tang Zheng stared at the closed door, "Will the alien species disguise itself as a companion and stay among us?"

"This is what I was about to tell you. I need to draw each of your blood for testing to be sure." The female doctor glanced at Mu Nianqi and licked the corners of her lips. "Another perfect specimen. Could it be that today?

Is it my lucky day?”

"I don't need it." Mu Nianqi refused. She knew her body very well, and because she had received special medicine, it was impossible for these plagues to cause harm to her. "Tang Zheng, you don't need it either."

"Hey, don't talk nonsense if you don't know." The female doctor was depressed, but she didn't want the experimental opportunity to slip away.

"Draw the blood of the newcomer first." Tang Zheng felt that even if there was a problem, it would be with the newcomer. After all, the conqueror was not that easy to deal with.

Tang Zheng didn't know that after being injected with the virus, he was immune to almost all viruses and bacteria. Serum made from his blood could also temporarily inactivate bacteria.

"Let the newcomers come in in groups of three. Be prepared. If you see the situation is not good, take action and kill them!" Tang Zheng wiped the sweat from the foreheads of the two little girls.

The veteran opened the door and informed the newcomer. Qin Yan went to the nearby refrigerator to get equipment.

The female doctor drew blood quickly. Lin Weiguo stared at each newcomer, as if he wanted to see flowers on their faces.

The short-haired woman frowned. Through the newcomer's narration, she already knew what was going on inside. Once the blood was drawn, she would definitely be recognized because her blood was different.

"Hey, it's your turn!" Pang Meiqin urged, and Gu Xueqi next to her quietly clenched her pistol. Every newcomer was eager to go in early, as it seemed that this way they could heal their bodies. Only the one in front of him was hesitant.

"I don't want it, I'm afraid of injections!" The short-haired woman is still trying to get through. Her brain has actually been occupied by bacterial alien species and has temporarily become a parasite. If she hadn't wanted to get Tang Zheng or Mu Nianqi's body, she would have been killed long ago.


This kind of alien species can only survive by parasitizing the bodies of other races, and they long for powerful bodies so that their bacteria can evolve with stronger vitality.

Pang Meiqin was stunned, and immediately pulled out the ripper and slashed at the short-haired woman. This was a lame excuse. After all, she would die without an injection. If she was afraid, she would probably bear the pain.

Gu Xueqi also aimed at the short-haired woman, flipped the pistol safety with her thumb, and shot at her.

The short-haired woman's reaction was not slow. She grabbed a man next to her and pulled him in front of her. At the same time, the spine on her back split open, forming a big mouth.

The woman standing behind the short hair almost vomited. Its shape was so disgusting, with a big and narrow mouth on the back, and some bony tentacles on both sides, which were constantly squirming and making rustling sounds.

"Tang Zheng, it's outside." Pang Meiqin put away her knife, whipped her leg, and kicked away the unlucky man who was being used as a human shield.

The skin on the short-haired woman's face fell off and turned into a flesh ball. It cracked open and shot out a large number of bugs towards Pang Meiqin and Gu Xueqi. The same happened with the big mouth behind her. Bugs with green mucus swarmed in.

come out.

The newcomers screamed, trying to get away from the short-haired woman. A few unlucky ones next to it ran too slowly. When the bugs crawled on them, they spit out an acid, corroding the protective clothing and then biting open the skin.

After drilling in, you can see a small bump bulging on the surface of the body.

Tao Ran unfolded the Sighing Barrier, and the black ball covered part of the corridor. All insects that entered were immediately slowed down.

The crowd was so dense that Dong Zixuan couldn't even release lava.

As soon as the disemboweler's motor sounded, Tang Zheng and the others smashed into the wall, jumped out, and killed the short-haired woman.

Tang Zheng's gravity suppression was fully activated, hindering the progress of the insects. Qin Yan exploded, releasing the Kingdom of Shadows, slowing down the progress of the insects. Now even a new person could not afford to die.

Mu Nianqi's ring of north wind formed a tornado, strangling the insects, and her clone also appeared behind the short-haired woman to attack and kill.

The veteran's speed is his weakness, and he cannot advance forward.

Tang Zheng entered hero mode, activated gravity, and all the bugs flew back, hitting the short-haired woman like hailstones.

Qin Yan liquefied, and then the Spear Jungle appeared under the short-haired woman. It did a backflip, but as soon as it dodged, a war hammer whirled and hit its head.

Boom, bone spurs suddenly stabbed out from the chest of the short-haired woman, forming a shield and blocking the war hammer. Tang Zheng pulled the shadow cloak, teleported over, caught the war hammer with one hand, and then smashed it on the bone shield.


The short-haired woman fell, and Qin Yan came to kill her with the magic gun Thorns. Pang Meiqin's explosive missiles, with a faint light, had already landed on her body.

The short-haired woman's body shape changed again. All the flesh and bones were piled up in front of her body, like a flower, blocking attacks, while behind her was a raised sarcoma, like a chrysanthemum, that kept spitting out bugs.

As bacteria, after phagocytosis of parasites, they will absorb some genes and integrate them into cells to achieve the purpose of evolution. Therefore, such heterogeneous species, even if they are of the same kind, are not exactly the same.

There were a lot of bugs crawling all over Tang Zheng's legs, and when they were stepped on, they would make a popping sound and feel slippery, like stepping on a loach, making the hair stand on end.

Even Mu Nianqi didn't like these furry bugs, they were so disgusting that she vowed to soak in the hot springs for three days and three nights when she went back.

Although the newcomers were frightened, they were lucky this time. The terrain in the corridor was narrow, and the strongest members of the team rushed to the front and attacked the aliens, but none of them died.

The female doctor stuck out her head and looked at the performance of the Warhammer team. She wished she could turn them all into a collection of specimens. You must know that this kind of alien species is called a special biological disaster and is the target of hunting in the entire galaxy, because even a single

Only, as long as it is given time to reproduce, it may destroy a planet.

Tang Zheng's war hammer was swung into a windmill shape, and each blow was as heavy as a thousand pounds. The alien species could no longer bear it. There were cracks on the bone shield, and a lot of bugs were spit out from its chrysanthemums. As long as it entered the enemy's body, it would

Their physiques were greatly weakened, but the conqueror's defense was very tight and he was not given such a chance at all.

Qin Yan's Kingdom of Shadows has enveloped the entire corridor, stabbing the jungle with spears and shooting indiscriminately, strangling the insects. Tao Ran's black fish of time and space flew out, chasing the alien species and biting them fiercely.

The alien species retreated into the living room. After being unable to defeat it, it prepared to escape. At this time, it had completely lost its human appearance and turned into a huge bone-spurred mass of flesh with more than a dozen pairs of abdominal legs underneath, and it fled quickly.

The female doctor pressed a red button, and the alloy walls lowered the entire apartment, completely sealing it, and then powerful disinfectant sprayed out from the nozzle.

"Be careful, this guy has a very strong vitality. When he is about to die, he will turn into something like dust and hibernate. He can only be killed completely with one attack." The female doctor lowered the temperature of the apartment and kept it at

Below zero, only in this way will the decomposition speed of alien species slow down.

"Dong Zixuan, Tao Ran, Xin Lan, come here!" Tang Zheng selected the three with the strongest field control and attack to limit the movement range of the alien species.

The alien species is still struggling to its death. This time, the bugs spit out no longer attack the Warhammers, but run away in all directions. As long as one survives, it will not die. When it matures, it can come back for revenge. This is the most terrifying thing about it.

The barrier of Taoran's sigh unfolds. No matter what, once you enter, time will flow slowly.

Li Xinlan's Ice Age was activated, and the disinfectant quickly froze and turned into ice cubes. The bugs seemed to be buried in rosin and turned into amber.

The surface of the alien body is already covered with ice slag, but it is still struggling, but the speed of spitting out bugs has slowed down.

"Zixuan, Xueqi, burn it to death!" Tang Zheng didn't quite believe what the female doctor said, and decided to follow his own ideas. With tens of thousands of degrees of heat, coupled with the phoenix purification of the school flower, the alien species probably wouldn't survive.

The flames enveloped the alien body and burned it, and a burning smell began to fill the air.

"Broken!" Li Xinlan used her ability to the extreme. With a bang, all the ice cubes shattered into powder, and the insects naturally also shattered.

The black fish of time and space swims around the alien body, and the black ash that flies out is swallowed into its stomach, not even the dregs are left.

"What you should do is help treat my companion." Tang Zheng handed over the battle to the veteran to supervise the female doctor.

"Hmph, my specimens are all destroyed, how are you going to accompany me?" Looking at the burned-to-death alien species, the female doctor curled her lips and said, "Stingy man, don't worry, I'm not crazy enough to want such horror.

sample level."

"Give me the information quickly and I'll get the materials needed to prepare the vaccine." Tang Zheng didn't believe this woman's lies.

The female doctor didn't make it difficult for Tang Zheng this time and wrote a list casually.

"The eyeballs of the Tomb Grass Stars?" Bai Guo didn't dare to look any further. The items were each weirder than the last. (To be continued)!~!

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