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Chapter 64 First Encounter

The newcomers all had eyes. When they saw the direction in which Tang Zheng was defending, the natives were shot dead almost as soon as they emerged from the dense rain forest. The one who rushed to the nearest didn't get more than thirty meters, so they immediately attacked him.

Moving here, staying next to strong people in dangerous situations will give them a sense of security.

Zhao Haixing was unconvinced, Xiang Ning didn't care, and Pan Hui was very happy. She felt that she was right in judging people. She wanted to give him a wink, but unfortunately she was focused on fighting and didn't pay attention to him at all.

Li Kelun was also affected and missed his target. After all, as the leader of a regiment, he was a little arrogant. It was really embarrassing to be compared with others.

The natives who had escaped with their lives rushed forward. Li Kelun's face turned blue and he uttered a cold word for "explosion".

Boom, the native's head exploded, and the body rushed forward a few steps, fell down, and was buried in the fallen leaves.

"Shoot their eyes." After Xiang Ninggang finished shouting, a sudden change occurred.

Not all the indigenous people are brainless primitives. With a high-pitched howl, the indigenous people began to charge with their arms covering their eyes.

At this time, the heavy firepower of the survivors was completely useless. Although the watches of Li Kelun and others were turned on, they did not fight enough bosses, so they could only unlock and use equipment below A level.

The chief appeared, leading the morale-boosted natives to charge, and a hail of javelins enveloped the survivors.

The teleporting man disappeared from the spot, and then appeared behind an aborigine, stabbing his vest with a knife. The ground shook, the soil rose, and a golden python rose up from the ground, swallowing up the aboriginal jumping in the forest and killing him.

He bit it into two pieces. Then his body was smashed out like a steel whip, sweeping away a large area.

The conquerors began to release their abilities, but there were too many natives and they could not intercept them all. They succeeded in getting close.

The newcomers screamed and were at a loss, their hands holding weapons shaking violently.

"Dream!" Xiang Ning yelled. A transparent ball expanded instantly and enveloped everyone. The natives seemed to have seen a mirage. They completely ignored the survivors, but fiercely pulled out their daggers and slashed at their own people.

"Kill!" Tang Zheng would not give up this good opportunity to increase his points. Carrying the scimitar he got from the chief's tree house, he slaughtered the natives wantonly.

The necks of the natives were definitely not as hard as the blade forged by this secret method. Headless corpses fell to the ground one after another, their heads rolling around.

After spending ten minutes cleaning up these trash fish, the team continued on their way. The newcomers were trembling with fear, with almost no blood on their faces. One woman couldn't bear the pressure of death and collapsed.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to go to some golden city." The newcomer turned around and ran away. But before he got three meters away, he was shot in the calf by Zhao Haixing and fell to the ground.

"Coward." Zhao Haixing jumped forward a few times, rushed in front of the female newcomer, took out a rope and tied her hands and feet.

"Don't kill me, I won't run away, please!" The woman cried and begged, but it was to no avail.

Zhao Haixing was indifferent. Instead, he swung the butt of the gun with a ferocious expression and hit the woman on the head and chest. The force was so strong that you could even hear the sound of bones breaking.

The violent Zhao Haixing vented his anger, and within a few beats, the woman started to cough up blood.

"Did you see it? This is the fate of his escape. If you don't fight, I won't say anything, but escape is absolutely not allowed." Zhao Haixing glanced at the newcomer with a poisonous wolf-like gaze, and then hung the woman who was beaten half to death.

On the root trunk.

The woman was so angry that she almost had no strength to plead.

The newlyweds were as silent as ice and did not dare to plead for mercy. Tang Zheng looked at Xiang Ning and found that they were not surprised and had no intention of trying to dissuade them.

Zhao Haixing grabbed the woman's hair and raised her head, then cut her protective clothing with a sharp blade to expose her body, then took out a jar of honey and smeared it on her body.

"Hey, that's too much." Tang Zheng frowned. He didn't mind Zhao Haixing punishing the escaped woman, but the way of death was too cruel. He knew that this was a strategy that Zhao Haixing came up with because he was worried about deducting points for killing people.

"Is this cruel? It's good that I didn't break my legs. Hey, if you bite this dagger, whether you can escape or not depends entirely on it." Zhao Haixing took out a folding knife and stuffed the blade into the woman's mouth.

As soon as the woman heard that she could run away, she bit her without even thinking about it. With a flick of his wrist, the hateful Zhao Haixing opened her cheek and blood flowed out.

"That's enough!" Tang Zheng shouted, and Gu Xueqi immediately pointed her gun at Zhao Haixing, ready to fight at any time.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Haixing was unhappy, "I'm just abusing a newcomer like an animal, what's the problem?"

"If you say anything more, I will hang you here and let you rot and get maggots." Tang Zheng could see that Zhao Haixing was a psychopath and was taking advantage of the opportunity to kill people for fun.

"This is our team, Karen, please say something." Zhao Haixing complained to her boyfriend.

"Okay, let's get on our way." Xiang Ning also couldn't stand Zhao Haixing's behavior. It was only because of Li Kelun that he didn't say anything. He had to admit that as the killing game became more and more cruel, there would be many perverted guys among the conquerors.

Zhao Haixing was not afraid of Xiang Ning and was about to continue complaining when he felt a pressure coming on him, making him bend his knees and knelt down with a plop. Then his whole head was pressed into the fallen leaves, and the earthy smell poured straight into his mouth. There was nothing he could do.

Call for help.

"Is this your ability?" Li Kelun ignored Zhao Haixing and stared at Tang Zheng, trying to figure out his ability.

"Let's go, time is running out." Tang Zheng left, leaving Zhao Haixing staring at him with resentment on his face.

"The leader is very powerful." Gu Xueqi understood that in addition to being kind, Tang Zheng also wanted to show his integrity to Xiang Ning and the others. An upright person will always be more trustworthy than an unscrupulous villain.

"He's a nice guy. I seem to like him." Pan Hui walked beside Xiang Ning and muttered quietly, "Look at his muscle lines, how toned they are. I really want to take a bite of him."

"You idiot, be careful not to leave anything behind." Xiang Ning's suspicion eased, and Tang Zheng's behavior made her feel relieved.

Because of this quarrel, the atmosphere in the team became dull. Except for the occasional exclamations from the newcomers, no one was talking.

Tang Zheng would not be stupid enough to be the vanguard to clear the way. Within ten minutes, he was walking in the team again, and the unlucky Carlo and O'Reilly were pushed out.

Miriam got lost and wandered around in the rain forest. She was also attacked by the natives, but she was so strong that not even a hair was hurt.

The first round of shots fired by the natives was blocked by the butler Charlie, and they began to charge. However, before they could get close to the blond loli, they all suffered from respiratory failure and fell to the ground.

They did not notice that when Miriam took a deep breath and exhaled it, countless bacteria and viruses spread to the surroundings along with the invisible and colorless fog of plague.

When the indigenous people inhale these gases, the genetic defects in their bodies are immediately activated and various acute illnesses occur.

The two chiefs were relatively able to resist. They coughed up blood and rushed to the little Lolita's side. However, as soon as the scimitar was drawn out, Charlie punched him in the chest and rolled away.

"Teddy bear, come out!" Miriam adjusted her clothes and stepped on the ground with her little leather boots.

The Tyrant Teddy Bear bursts out of the ground, punches the Chief, and releases bacteria at the same time.

"It's so dirty, Mirien wants to take a bath." Mirien wiped her sweat with a handkerchief, and when she saw the endless rain forest, she screamed and suddenly kicked the tree trunk next to her.

The big tree they were hugging only received two blows before it snapped with a click.

"Who is it?" Miriam suddenly turned her head and looked to the left. Charlie dodged and blocked the owner.

The teddy bear killed him with his hands full of blood and brains.

"Don't move, you're captured!" Before Liu Hang could finish speaking, a shadow covered him, and a teddy bear punched him hard.

Liu Hang retreated, and the giant python jumped out and hit the teddy bear. The teleporting man appeared next to Charlie without warning and attacked him wildly.

Charlie didn't care about the blow at all. He fought hard to get hurt and punched the teleporting man.

"No!" The teleporting man obviously didn't want to exchange his serious injuries for a dead person, so he teleported to dodge.

The teddy bear's body was patched and patched, its mouth was full of fangs, and it was covered with dark black blood stains. It was roaring and occupying the giant python, constantly tearing its flesh and blood.

Li Kelun appeared, snapped his fingers and hit him repeatedly. The teddy bear's movements immediately froze, and explosions continued to occur.

Miriam looked solemn as she took off Archimonde's hand and transformed it into the shape of a scalpel, fully alert.

"Who are you?" Li Kelun took ten seconds to kill the teddy bear, and then looked at Miriam calmly. They heard the sound of fighting and came over, but they didn't expect to find a little loli.

"Strangers, before asking others' names, it is etiquette to state your own name." Miriam held an umbrella and stepped on the ground. Four more teddy bears came out and made a pounce.

striking posture.

Zhao Haixing was about to say harsh words, but when he saw the teddy bear, he got stuck. After seeing the battle just now, he knew that with his own strength, even if he could fight a teddy bear, he would still be injured, but now he was standing next to him

There are four of them, and an unidentified butler.

"Little girl, why are you alone in the rainforest? How dangerous it is. Tell auntie where your partner is?" Xiang Ning said with a smile, trying to trick Miriam.

"They got separated." Miriam is not a scheming lolita like Lu Fan, and she doesn't know how to distinguish people's hearts. "It's them who got lost, not me."

Through the second half of the sentence, Tang Zheng and Xiang Ning more or less understood Loli's character.

"Do you want to come with us? Are you hungry? Auntie has food here." Xiang Ning was ready to ask for information. At the critical moment, she might be able to use her as a hostage.

"I'm not hungry, I have food!" Miriam shook her head, "Sister said you can't go with strangers, I'm leaving."

The little loli curtsied, turned and left.

"Wait, it's too dangerous for you to go alone." Xiang Ning persuaded.

Tang Zheng didn't say much, but observed the battlefield. The death of the natives made him frown, and then he looked at Liu Hang and the teleporting man.

Tang Zheng was judging the little Loli's strength and guessing ability through their status. He originally thought it was a summoning type, but the appearance of the corpse made him deny it.

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