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Chapter 33: Blood at the Airport

"Haha, idiot!" Wei Binbai, who had already taken off, saw this scene and laughed happily.

"Tianxiao!" Xiaobai was originally going to fly to the predetermined position, but when he saw Fu Tianxiao crashing, he immediately pulled the control stick, flew a large spin maneuver, and returned.

Yu Deye's helicopter took off, but because the opponent changed its route, he almost hit it head-on. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough and flipped to the right to avoid it by a hair.

"What the hell, what are you doing? Do you want to die?" The frightened Yu Deye glanced behind him and shouted angrily at the communicator. If time hadn't been tight, he would have really wanted to fire a few missiles at Xiaobai.


There was already a chaos at the airport, with the newcomers shouting loudly, asking the landing craft to wait, fearing that they would abandon them.

Even though they wore protective clothing, the gap in physical fitness still caused the newcomers to fall behind a lot intermittently.

"Why are you asking me to drive the landing ship? It's so annoying. Hurry up, Shaou, and urge them. If they can't get on board in thirty seconds, there's no need to get on." Pang Meiqin had already launched the landing ship, but the newcomers still had

Half didn't come up.

"Don't squeeze, I didn't hear you. What about you, the one with curly hair, don't squeeze." Dong Zixuan stood by the door to maintain order, but faced with the opportunity to survive, no newcomer wanted to give it to others, so they tried their best.

Pushing other people around.

The hatch was already small, and coupled with the crowding, the landing ship's speed was even slower.

"I told you not to rush, but I didn't hear you!" Ruan Feifei also wanted to take off quickly, but was delayed by these newcomers. She was already furious. Now she completely exploded.

The female anchor pushed hard, separated the crowd, grabbed the curly-haired man by the collar, pulled him out with brute force, and then punched him in the lower abdomen.

The curly-haired man vomited acidic water, clutched his stomach and knelt on the ground. Then he saw the female anchor's beautiful legs wrapped in tight clothes lifted up, and she went straight to the door.

Bang, the curly-haired man spurted blood and fell back. Before the female anchor could relieve her anger, she raised her calf and kicked him hard in the chest.

No newcomers interceded on behalf of the curly-haired man. Seeing his miserable state, some newcomers stopped, but there were still a few who pushed in regardless, shouting to the people in front to hurry up.

"Shaou, telekinesis." The female anchor shouted.

"Okay!" Shaou already disliked the fat man, so he activated his telekinesis, grabbed him and threw him out of the crowd.

"No!" The fat man got up and ran over with a face full of panic, but then he was hit by an invisible telepathic hand. He rolled out with nosebleeds and broken teeth.

This time, the newcomers finally calmed down and began to obey order.

Ruan Feifei saw some blood of the curly-haired man on the instep, so she stepped on him and wiped it.

"You're a bitch. If I don't beat you, you won't know how to restrain yourself." Shaou cursed and glared at these newcomers.

"No, we can't put it down, we have to find another landing ship." Pang Meiqin saw that the load capacity meter was close to the boundary line and reminded her quickly.

"No boarding allowed." Shaou and Ruan Feifei pushed through the crowd, jumped onto the landing ship, and prepared to close the hatch.

"Don't leave us behind!" The newcomers were so frightened when they saw that the landing ship had left the ground. They all walked through the crowd, trying to grab the bulkhead and climb up.

The landing ship was swaying, and the air flow from the jets blew away the dust on the airport, making the newcomers almost unable to open their eyes, but no one cared, they were already going crazy in order to survive.

Some people gave up when they saw that they couldn't climb up, and cursed the conquerors for being unkind and unjust.

The newlyweds who were crowded in the cabin like sardines looked at the newcomers below. They were all glad that they had run fast and did not waste time. However, before they could take a breath, the next second, Pang Meiqin uttered a sentence that made them tremble.

If you are frightened.

"No, it's overloaded. It can't fly. Throw four people down." Pang Meiqin yelled. The overload alarm was extremely harsh and the red light flashed, reminding her that the plane was about to crash.

Shaou moved very quickly. When he heard this, he immediately turned around and reached out to fish it out.

The newcomers were all squeezing in, away from the hatch, for fear of being caught. This move made the landing ship even more unstable. It tilted down and hit the ground with a bang, causing a lot of sparks.

Fortunately, Pang Meiqin, who has the best driving skills, was operating the flight. The flight attendant with beautiful legs used her superb skills to stabilize the fuselage. Otherwise, if it had been someone else, the plane would have definitely crashed.

"Hurry up, throw four people down!" Pang Meiqin yelled. In fact, she had already thought about the newcomers and had already given the maximum number of people. Just like this, she couldn't do complicated things when flying later.

maneuver in the air, otherwise it will crash.

The pouring of the landing ship directly threw Shaou out of the cabin. Fortunately, he grabbed the door, but when he wanted to get in, someone actually grabbed his leg.

"Get away!" Shaou was angry, and activated his telekinesis, directly twisting the arm of the newcomer who caught him into a twist.

Ruan Feifei grabbed a newcomer by the collar, discharged electricity from her fingertips, paralyzed him, threw him out of the cabin, and then gave Shaou a hand.

"I'm so angry, you bunch of bastards." Shaou waved one hand, and the five newcomers were torn apart by telekinesis and fell out of the landing ship.

Because Shao didn't care about accuracy, they hit the door of the cabin and bruised their bodies.

"That's enough." Seeing that Shaou was about to throw the newcomers out, Ruan Feifei stopped him.

The newcomers were like chickens in a cage waiting to be slaughtered. When they heard the female anchor's words and saw that Shaou didn't do anything, they relaxed. Then some people found that they peed their pants, and some had both sexes.

My legs felt weak and I sat down.

After a lot of trouble, Pang Meiqin's landing ship finally took off successfully.

"No, please, pull me in." A female newcomer grabbed the hatch and saw that it was about to close. She cried like a heroine and begged.

The female anchor remembered her rookie days and couldn't bear it. She stretched out her hand to pull her, but Shaou had already kicked her and stepped on her hand.

The female newcomer felt pain, gave up, and fell from a height of seven meters. Because she was wearing protective clothing, she did not die immediately, but her internal organs were injured, she was vomiting blood, and she could not get up.

"What a woman. With so many people, I can't maneuver. I don't want to be shot down later." Shaou gasped for breath, his eyes were bloodshot, and he wanted to kill someone.

The newcomers looked at the landing ship flying away, jumped up and cursed, but a few were smarter and ran towards Shen Qingshuang's aviation gunboat.

The mechanical man was slower and did not choose a helicopter, but a support weapon. He originally did not want to wait for the newcomers, but Tang Zheng's order came to mind in the communicator.

"Pick up the remaining newcomers."

"Understood." Shen Qingshuang turned on the speaker without bargaining, "Come here and get on the gunboat."

The new people discovered the New World as if they were drowning and waiting to die, rushing towards it desperately.

The orc reinforcements arrived, and various armed tanks rushed towards the airport to cover the airport with firepower. When they saw the helicopters taking off, they all tried their best to shoot them down as soon as possible.

The greenskins are not stupid and know that once the helicopter takes off, it will cause a devastating blow to the ground troops.

The newcomers who were left behind finally boarded the aviation gunboat. However, the injured curly-haired man and several newcomers who were left behind were injured in the fall, and their speed slowed down and staggered, and they almost missed the gunboat.

Shen Qingshuang took off, but there was nothing he could do. The orc's fearless mecha appeared, opened its bomb nest, and fired more than a dozen rocket launchers. The greenskins also carried rocket launchers and bombarded them. If they didn't take off, they would have no chance.

The high school student brother who was traveling with Shen Qingshuang unleashed his power and shot out laser beams from his eyes. When he was about to hit the rockets, they scattered instantly like spider webs, intercepting them.

Shen Qingshuang opened the cannon, and the fuselage kept shaking due to the shock wave of the explosion. The two newcomers were unlucky enough to lose their grip and fell through the gap of the hatch that had not been closed.

The half-day panic lasted not even a minute, but it made the newcomers feel like their days were like a year. The dozen newcomers who were left behind finally ran over panting.

"Wait for us!"

These dozen or so people were still happy at first, feeling that they did not charge blindly, but now they are stupid, looking at the plane flying away, at a loss.

The mechanized troops of the orcs caught up with them and shot them unceremoniously.

Several newcomers fell in a pool of blood, and the rest scattered and fled, but their legs were obviously not as fast as the engine. The orcs stopped shooting and simply ran over them, leaving tattered corpses on the ground with blood flowing.

Tang Zheng, piloting a flying helicopter, took off first and rushed towards the greenskin military camp, just in time to meet the mechanized troops coming for reinforcements.

The bomb nest was opened, and after locking the leading tank on the radar, the launch button was pressed.

Whoosh, the rockets fired like a sharp sword that pierced the sky, hitting the chariot and blowing it into a pile of scrap metal. Then they carried out a carpet bombing, covering an area of ​​fifty meters.

Because the orcs' battle fortress, which was armed to the teeth, was carrying out air defense, Tang Zheng did not hover, but flew over the right side of the convoy.

Behind him, the orcs operated machine guns and fired at Wu Zhi. The bullets dragged red lines in the sky, which looked extremely gorgeous.

The Orcs had too many tanks, as well as motorized demolition groups, spreading out like wasps to avoid being swept away by the helicopters.

The other conquerors took off in helicopters and entered the battle sequence, exploding large seas of fire on the ground. However, they all saved their ammunition. After all, they still had to fly to the fortress, and they would definitely encounter obstacles along the way.

After Tang Zheng's helicopter flew over a thousand meters, he turned back and saw that the landing ship and gunboat had taken off, and Pang Meiqin and Shen Qingshuang were calling for air support.

"Go forward at full speed and be sure to protect the two manned ships!" Tang Zheng informed the entire group. When he flew past the temporary airport, he saw several newcomers being chased away by the orcs. One of them waved to his helicopter.

Because of this delay, he was hit by an Orc armored vehicle.

Tang Zheng had a cold face and flew at full speed without stopping.

Dozens of armed helicopters from two other temporary airports scrambled into the air and flew towards the survivors to intercept them.

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