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Chapter 43 Crisis Everywhere

In the square garden, the intensity of the battle was increasing. As the conquerors exerted their strength, the plague lords continued to fall to death, but more appeared through the portal and were ejected towards the battlefield.

Those below the third level can only protect themselves and can hardly exert much power. Fortunately, there are enough hero levels. As the strength of the conqueror increases, the games become more and more difficult. The Trojan teams I see are all of similar strength.

, this is for balance.

However, for the conquerors whose explosive progress is slow, they are at a disadvantage because there is almost no time for them to adapt and improve. If they do not get stronger, they will die. As for the newcomers in each game, they are just adding to their head, with an average of three

Being able to screen out a potential teammate on the field is already pretty good.

There is no fairness in this world. Instead of complaining about others, it is better to risk your life and give it a try!

Of course, the newcomers and low-level conquerors of the Warhammer Team are undoubtedly lucky. Without Tang Zheng, their situation would definitely be much more miserable.

For example, at this time, even the other two teams had to choose to rely on them, and because of Tang Zheng's order, they began to use full firepower.

"What is the colonel thinking? Is he blind?" the female anchor complained. All the high-level demons came to the door, but they were still fighting in front of the city hall. Even if the dog was blind, he could still hear the unique roar of the demon language.

"Is it to consume our strength? Wait until the battle situation reaches a stalemate, and then send out the reserve team for a final battle?" Dong Zixuan thought of things too simply, and was very idealistic.

"I would rather do this." Tantai glanced at the hall. According to the direction and his eyesight, he could completely see the situation in the command room.

At this time, the colonel was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, with his hands behind his back, watching the battle below. Behind him was a group of space warriors wearing power armor.

Tang Zheng and the others only wore combat uniforms because they were resting. Their cumbersome powered armors were all placed in another room. Unfortunately, there was no time to retrieve them now.

"Humans and demons are mortal enemies. There is no reason for them to stand by and watch?" Fu Tianxiao struck up a conversation with Tang Zheng, hoping to enhance their relationship through communication.

Tantai suddenly raised his gun and fired towards the command room, shattering the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The Space Marine was startled, stepped in front of the colonel, and deployed his energy shield.

"Don't worry, he didn't plan to attack me!" The colonel looked at the bolt shells fired into the ceiling, doubts flashing in his eyes.

"Why did His Majesty the King issue an emergency order instructing us to kill these humans first even if we lose the fortress?" A soldier asked. He felt that the King must have lost his mind to issue such an unreliable order.

Judging from the other party's behavior, he doesn't look like a bad person.

"This is what I want to know too?" The colonel sighed, struggling in his heart. There are tens of thousands of civilians in the fortress. Are they just left to the greenskins?

After seeing the strength of these invaders, the colonel understood that taking them down was almost a dream. Instead, the greenskins would break through the fortress because of the deployment of their strength.

"These people are so strong. They actually killed so many plague lords without heavy weapons. They are powerful enemies!"

"The defense forces are never afraid of any strong enemy. Even the Blood God will kill you!" Some soldiers roared out. They were loyal to the king and couldn't wait to fight. "Colonel, go ahead and attack. We can annihilate you in just ten minutes."


"Wait a little longer, wait until both they and the demons are defeated. Didn't the king say that he will send the Blood Crow Legion? Then we will make a final decision and save these guys from running away." The vice-captain is more intelligent and the strategies he thinks of are more insidious.

The command room fell into silence, leaving only the sound of heavy breathing. The soldiers stared at the fighting parties in the square garden and collected intelligence. For the conquerors, their strength may only be ordinary second-level, but their rich combat experience is definitely

It's not comparable to Ruan Feifei's type.

Each Space Marine killed at least tens of thousands of lives in his hands.

Although the battle is fierce, the conquerors have controlled the situation and there are no deaths. However, if the newcomers are not careful, they will die. As of now, there are less than thirty left.

"Get out of the way!" The girl with eyelashes pushed her wildly, trying to use others as human shields as she mingled with the crowd.

The Plague Lord ejected towards the crowd and hit the ground, like a heavy artillery bombardment. Stones flew everywhere, and the conquerors dodged, causing the newcomers to lose their formation and move closer to them anxiously.

The unclean ones and the bloodthirsty demons rushed forward in a swarm. Although many were killed and the front line seemed to have been broken, the threat was still great.

"Biyun, Liangmao, Tao Ran, you go kill the miscellaneous fish!" Tantai commanded, sharing Tang Zheng's blame so that he could concentrate on attacking.

Tang Zheng pulled out the general's sword and beheaded the Plague Lord, leaving more than thirty piles of rotten flesh behind him.

Looking at the battlefield, Tang Zheng ranks first in the number of kills, and his terrifying and efficient attack power is amazing.

"His strength can definitely be ranked among the top three among the second-level heroes." Yue Jing sighed, having been hit so hard that he had lost the will to win.

"Number one, right?" Fu Tianxiao felt that Tang Zheng should be stronger than Yue Jing. Faced with a dilemma, the leader would think of running away, but he was more determined.

Everyone nodded, but Li Zheng was not convinced.

"If I have a weapon, I'm no worse than him." The ball that sprang out from behind Li Zheng originally only opened one eye and was emitting a beam. At this time, it opened two more eyes, and the beam began to shoot continuously.

The area where the Plague Lord was hit was immediately charred, vaporized, and necrotic.

"Li Zheng!" Wang Fang complained. She didn't think her boyfriend was talking too much, but she didn't want him to get all fired up just for the sake of a feud.

The conquerors could all see that Tang Zheng's abilities were too comprehensive. Without using any equipment, those generals and the gravity wells could kill any opponent of the same level. They were too difficult to deal with.

"He has used a lot of ultimate moves today, why aren't he tired yet?" Kovo looked at Tang Zheng secretly and couldn't figure out his bottom line. He calculated it based on the life energy that was twice as much as the hero's second level, but the opponent

His performance was even higher than the highest evaluation he gave.

"Is this guy a blood cow?" Jiang Xiuming mixed in the crowd and felt strange, "Has he ever used fire? Or is it a prop that Trojans have not collected?"

The number of Plague Lords has been reduced, and several portals have been closed. The Blood God's teleportation of servants also consumes divine power and cannot last long.

"It's time to take action, otherwise they will kill all the demons and leave." The belligerent guys asked the colonel again, "Even if it's just us, we can annihilate them."

The colonel is silent.

The bug that Tang Zheng placed in the command room worked, and all the conversations of the colonel and his entourage fell on their ears.

"Be careful, the Space Marines are about to take action!" Tantai reminded.

"Why does that king want to kill us?" Xu Biyun was puzzled, "There is no revenge?"

"You should ask the king." Ruan Feifei still had the energy to speak, trying to show the demeanor of a strong man.

"It's been a disaster. I hope that Blood Crow Legion will come later." Li Huiwen interrupted, trying to integrate into the team.

Xu Liangmao didn't like this, but he couldn't control his wife.

"Do you want to tell Yue Jing?" Ruan Feifei thought she could trick them and take away their space watches as trophies. These people have bad conduct and there is no need to be moral.

"Tell them." Tang Zheng did not hesitate. There was still an hour before twelve o'clock, and changes were likely to occur. He needed more survivors to share the enemy's attention.

Beep, beep, the Space Marine's communicator rang, indicating that the Blood Ravens Legion had entered the predetermined orbit and could launch a sudden attack at any time.

"The king's order is supreme, go and fight!" The colonel waved his hand, and the soldiers collectively stood at attention, then jumped from the floor-to-ceiling windows, turned on the propellers, and flew towards the battlefield.

In outer space, warships launched oval landing capsules. They relied on gravity to accelerate and rushed into the atmosphere. As the coolant on the surface burned, it dragged out a tail of flames, which looked as beautiful as a meteor.

"They are indeed here!" Fu Tianxiao, who was reminded by Tantai, screamed and wanted to attack in advance.

"Stop, wait for my order before shooting. Based on their experience, they will definitely attack the demon, then pretend to support us, and launch a sneak attack when they lose their vigilance." Tantai explained, not wanting to let those who can't calm down.

Guys do bad things.

"Sorry, we're late."

Sure enough, the Space Marines opened fire on the demon and apologized, concealing their true purpose.

"Look at the night sky!" Wang Fang shouted. Everyone looked up and saw more than a hundred 'shooting stars' falling towards the square.

No survivor thought it was beautiful, because they knew that every 'meteor' contained powerful space warriors.

"Why are you so late?" Tang Zheng asked angrily, deliberately lowering the other party's alertness.

Before the Space Marines had time to answer, the landing module had arrived, the bottom thrusters were turned on, and after reducing gravity and accelerating, it landed on the square with a bang.

Hey, the hatch will open, and the heavily armed Space Marines will come out and kill all the enemies.

"Attack!" Tantai assigned his targets as fast as he could, and then shouted, the general attack began.

Life and death are at stake, no one dares to retain their strength anymore, all firepower is unleashed.

All kinds of dazzling skills were thrown at the landing cabin, and the first wave of Space Marines who had just stepped out of the cabin door were swept away.

Boom, boom, explosions came one after another, and then the sound was loud, the landing module was blown to pieces, and metal fragments were flying around.

Tantai's attack was just right. The Space Marines didn't even expand their formation before they were hit head-on.

Bolts of lightning flashed between the landing modules, sparks exploded, the stone slabs cracked, and hot magma flowed out, soaking them.

Kovo stretched out his finger, and dozens of white lights shot into the landing ships accurately like guided arrows, shining in their eyes.

Li Zheng's ball is also suspended above his head, sweeping the beam 360 degrees and cutting through the landing modules, leaving only melted incisions.

Yue Jing originally wanted to attack with stealth, but his range attack was too sharp, and he stopped in shock. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to (this site), give rewards, your support is

My biggest motivation.)

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