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Chapter 50: The Portal Opens

Seeing that the people of the Warhammer Corps were still taking the initiative to ask for a battle after witnessing the colonel killing the Conqueror with ease and keeping up with the three captains, Fu Tianxiao and his party were envious and had mixed feelings in their hearts.

Every team will not be perfect. There will also be some minor conflicts between team members due to differences in interests, ideas, and closeness. However, under the leadership of Tang Zheng, the Warhammer team has kept these conflicts to a minimum. They have a strong sense of teamwork.

Long-term and absolutely loyal.

Not only Fu Tianxiao, but also Wang Fang wants to be a part of it. Being resurrected is such a luxurious event. Even if it takes 10,000 points to be resurrected and make friends, everyone will do it.

After all, every point represents an increase in the chance of survival, but from the tone of the Warhammer team, their leader is quite generous!

"Quiet!" Tantai shouted to stop the group members, "Wait patiently!"

The deputy commander's prestige was so great that even the doted Lu Fan no longer lost his temper, biting his lip and staring at the battlefield below.

Qin Yan felt deep self-blame in her heart. She believed that she was too incompetent to even help Tang Zheng.

"How come the time is not up yet, there are still three minutes and fifty seconds." The eyelash girl didn't care about the life or death of others, she kept counting down the seconds, but her voice was louder, so she was heard.

Pang Meiqin turned her head, glared at the girl with eyelashes, and waved her hand away.

The eyelash girl felt bad and wanted to hide, but it was too late. She was hit on the cheek, her vision went dark, and she rolled out. The smell of blood filled her mouth, and she spit out several teeth.

"You really want to leave?" The flight attendant with beautiful legs was worried about Tang Zheng, who happened to use the eyelash girl as a punching bag.

The girl with eyelashes wanted to deny it, but the corners of her mouth were cracked and she couldn't speak clearly.

Even if Pang Meiqin smashed the eyelash girl into thousands of pieces, the conquerors didn't care. They all stared downstairs and paid close attention to the battle situation.

The three regiment commanders used all their firepower to suppress the colonel, but the price they paid was a massive consumption of life energy and increasing injuries.

The colonel swung his war hammer and struck with a heavy blow, clearing away dozens of Yue Jing's clones and tearing them into mottled pieces.

Yue Jing was hiding in his clone, like a poisonous snake in the shadow, waiting for an opportunity.

Li Zheng's three spheres appeared above the colonel's head. They continuously radiated purifying beams, scorching beams, and black hole bombs, interfering with him and reducing the range he could dodge.

General Tang Zheng was possessed and had no weapons, so he relied on a pair of iron fists to fight with the colonel. When the beams were about to hit him, they seemed to be refracted by an invisible mirror, and they all hit the colonel.

Li Zheng's support is still in place.

Bang, bang. Tang Zheng's fists were hitting faster and faster. The colonel could no longer keep up with him and could only raise his war hammer to block.

"Open!" Tang Zheng exhaled and shouted, and the gravitational field immediately began to distort irregularly. The colonel felt that his body was out of control. Every inch of muscle was being pulled randomly, and even his eyeballs seemed to be sucked out.

The war hammer was under the greatest tension. The colonel was not paying attention, but Tang Zheng opened the war hammer, and then he was hit in the face with a heavy punch like a storm.

Because the punch was so fast, the combat uniforms on Tang Zheng's hands were already on fire. In the end, even the afterimages were no longer visible, they were all dense sonic booms.

The force of the fist penetrated the colonel's body, shaking the air behind him in circles in the shape of a trumpet. The gravel on the ground was blown away. As soon as several Yue Jing clones came closer, their sternums were sunken by the aftermath of the shock, and they fell out.


The colonel was completely tortured and roared, and most of the spiritual energy in his body was released, appearing in the shape of lightning and storm, impacting all around.

Tang Zheng unfolded the gravity barrier to block it, but was still knocked away. He rolled out like a top, and the blood he spat out stained the ground with a dazzling "one".

"Tang Zheng!" Li Xinlan and others exclaimed in unison.

Tang Zheng can actually fight, and he is not as seriously injured as he appears, but he cannot attack foolishly. He must be wary of the other two. Only by showing that he is seriously injured will they feel safe, and he keenly feels that

The two guys left some room to spare.

After getting rid of Tang Zheng, the colonel did not pursue him. Instead, he aimed his war hammer at the three balls and sniped at them. These ghosts were too torturous.

Hundreds of clones were killed by the psychic storm, but Yue Jing hid very well and completely escaped. When he saw the opportunity coming, he sprang out like a poisonous snake and fired out infinite spear stabs.

The field of vision in front of the colonel suddenly changed, appearing in an eternal wasteland, and then the blue sky was instantly occupied by black spots like locusts.

It was an infinite spear blade, overwhelming like a tsunami hitting the ground!

"Is it a mental attack?" The colonel felt that he was in an illusion, but the next moment, when those gun blades pierced his body, he knew that it was a physical attack.

"Death!" the colonel roared. He knew he had no time, so he burned his life force and refilled his body with huge spiritual energy.

His skin is losing moisture, drying up, and has even peeled off, turning into powder.

The most powerful psychic storm was launched, and blue energy ripples spread out in circles. This time, the entire square was affected.

The ordinary green-skinned ones were the worst. As soon as they came into contact with the blue ripples, their entire bodies burst. The black orcs and beast-armored soldiers were better off, but they were all carried to the ground.

Looking down from a high altitude, you can see that the orcs exploded into blood balls one by one, and then evaporated, leaving no bones or residue behind, and disappeared completely.

Boom, boom, the ground was lifted up to a depth of five meters, the soil was splashed, and the building of the city hall was also riddled with holes in the storm and tilted to the right.

The Trojan team on the roof was also attacked. The three newcomers screamed, and their entire brains seemed to have been stuffed into a meat grinder and ravaged ten thousand times.

Jiang Xiuming imitated the pain of the newcomer. Although it took less than a blink of an eye, he was still noticed by Tantai and Queen Mu.

"The colonel is dying, let's go down and kill him!" Xu Biyun grabbed the protective net and suggested again.

"No, the colonel is determined to fight to death. The attack launched by such a person at the last moment of his life is definitely not something that ordinary people can withstand." The veteran understood the colonel's feelings. It was an obsession that he had to achieve even if he risked his life.


"Are we just going to wait like this?" Tao Ran asked boldly. She wanted to help Tang Zheng, even if the result was her own death.

"Didn't you notice? Only three regiment commanders can take the colonel's attack. If it had been anyone else, they would have died long ago." The bald man didn't want to go on, so he quickly spoke up to dispel their crazy thoughts.

"Why is it that our regiment leader is the only one who is attacking? Are you fighting desperately? Li Zheng is hiding on the periphery and knows how to use balls to support and suppress. That Yue Jing is even more shameless and only plays sneak attacks." Li Huiwen defended Tang Zheng and blamed them.

"That's a tactical need." What Wang Fang said was actually the truth. Only in this way can Li Zheng and Yue Jing exert their greatest strength. They are not responsible for the main offensive position.

"It's bullshit. Our captain can also summon the female musketeers for long-range support and priest treatment. Why do we have to be at the front and face the colonel?" Li Huiwen was unreasonable and bullied a conqueror.

The feeling is really great.

"I can only say that your captain is a versatile man and can be qualified for any position. In fact, the current battle formation is the best." Wang Fang has a pretty good personality. If it were another conqueror who was taught such a lesson by a miscreant, he would have gone crazy.


Everyone in Tantai didn't talk nonsense. This tactic was indeed the most suitable, and with Tang Zheng's level, he didn't actually suffer much loss.

"Don't worry about it. It's a matter of life and death. How can you fight if you consider everything?" Dong Zixuan thought Tang Zheng was very generous.

"Where are you from?" Li Huiwen accused the policewoman, but was interrupted by a Trojan horse announcement.

"Please note that the portal opens in advance and will last for two minutes. All Trojan teams are requested to enter as soon as possible. If you exceed the deadline, you will be stranded in Warhammer World forever."

On the west side of the top floor, one hundred meters away, with the roar of flashing electricity, a three-meter-high bronze portal opened.

"Let's go!" Baldhead shouted, and the others also showed expressions of relief, and were about to run over, but stopped in shock, because the direct descendants of the Warhammer team didn't even look at the portal, nor did they move their feet.


"Why don't you leave?" Fu Tianxiao ran two steps and then stopped, "You can't help the leader fight, so there's no use staying here?"

"You can't control it. If the leader doesn't leave, we won't leave!" Ruan Feifei coldly pushed back.

"It's unreasonable. Don't worry about these lunatics, let's go!" the man with the eyepatch complained and went to pull Wang Fang away. He actually wished that Li Zheng died here.

Wang Fang smiled bitterly. Faced with the opportunity to survive, the team's cohesion was immediately revealed.

"Stop, no one is allowed to leave." Kovo suddenly shouted and raised his right hand. The ball of light flashed on it. After running for two steps, the girl with eyelashes was hit in the calf by a beam of light and fell down screaming.

"Why?" Baldhead was puzzled.

"Idiots, if you leave, what if they take the opportunity to kill the leader?" Kovo said bluntly, not afraid of offending the Warhammer Team.

The guys from the two teams looked at the Warhammer team. The neat and huge lineup made them feel shocked. If there was a real team fight, Li Zheng and Yue Jing would definitely die here.

"Who do you think we are?" Dong Zixuan resented, "We are now allies in the trenches."

"Stupid woman, why hasn't anyone kidnapped you and sold you to Brazil as a prostitute?" Jiang Xiuming was stunned, and then he couldn't stand it anymore. There are really many weird people in the Warhammer team. It's not easy for Tang Zheng to lead them till now.


"Then just wait!" The bald head doesn't matter. He can run a distance of one hundred meters in less than two seconds, which is enough time.

"You can use weapons!" Lu Fan took out the white ivory and black sandalwood and fired at the colonel downstairs, each ball of light roaring.

As the leader, how could the reaction be slow? The moment they heard Trojan's announcement, they were already trying to get weapons. After all, the opening of the portal also meant that Trojan had regained some control over the area.

"What are you waiting for? Attack fiercely and overturn the colonel within a minute!" Li Zheng took out a sarcoma and swallowed a mouthful of recovery pills at the same time...)

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