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Chapter 72 The Unexpected Death

"Captain, this is not a game. You can't be resurrected if you die." Wei Xiangnan grabbed Brother Warcraft's sleeve and reminded him that for them, resurrection is a very luxurious concept, and they can hardly save 10,000 points.


"Well, that's right. It looks like I need to get a resurrection card." Brother Warcraft touched his chin and then sighed, "Hey, that thing is hard to come by, and you can't even buy it with some points."

"Tang Zheng has one!" Pang Meiqin muttered.

Ever since the clone Tang Zheng was seen resurrected after death in the dark fairy tale, the flight attendant learned from Tang Zheng that Ying Shangwu actually gave him a resurrection card when he left the Trojan room. The value of this thing,

It meant a life. That woman was so generous.

"I think we can counterattack. Now that so many people in Fatty's team have died, the morale of the army must have been shaken." The tough guy's combative style is undoubtedly revealed. As long as there is an opportunity, he will pounce on him and tear off a bite of his flesh.

"It's too dangerous. The opponent has the right time, location, people and people. The disadvantage in numbers alone cannot make up for it. Moreover, they can get reinforcements at any time. Once we are delayed, it will be over." Yue Jing disagreed.

"You're just a coward." The tough guy remembered that on the subway, this guy called for backup and looked down on him.

Yue Jing was depressed and his face turned red.

"Yue Tuan is right. Once we fail, we will have no chance to turn the tables, so we must be cautious. Let's play wolf pack tactics. If we have the chance, attack them and kill them."

There is no sense of existence.

"Look at the hero list!" Fu Tianxiao exclaimed, interrupting everyone's debate.

On the list, Tantai's ranking skyrocketed like a plane, and he was still two places behind Tang Zheng. All these points were obtained because of the command just now. Unfortunately, his spiritual system could only assist, competing with the leader for the top spot.

It's such a disadvantage, otherwise I could be ranked higher.

"Hey, I've also risen up, not bad." Brother Warcraft bubbled up beautifully. He likes to look down on others on the ranking list.

"I've also been promoted." Wei Xiangnan was very happy. The expressions of the others were also good, and the atmosphere was relaxed, changing the depression when they were initially being chased.

Because they completely wiped out the pursuit team, which consisted of more than seventy people and six captains, the points of Tang Zheng's temporary team increased collectively. Of course, if the results of Queen Mu's team were added, it would be even more substantial.

At this time, other teams also noticed the changes in the hero list.

"That Chinese boy did a good job." Vasily drank vodka and laughed in the meeting.

"It seems that they ambushed many enemies." Natasha's expression did not change at all, and she did not envy this kind of achievement, because she could catch up at any time.

The Trojan teams in other areas were not so confident. They all looked solemn and stared at the list, trying to see through them.

"Remember these names, Warhammer will be a strong enemy."

"Don't provoke them yet!"

Japan, Southeast Asia, Black Africa, South America...

The strong men in these areas have already taken Tang Zheng and his party seriously. Some want to kill them as soon as possible, while others don't want to confront them and try to stay as far away as possible.

"Tsk, it's so shameful for us, the head of the China region, to even suppress the second-best team in the world."

We are all members of the Chinese team. Basically, there is no jealousy in our hearts. Apart from envy, we hope that our compatriots will excel. Of course, there are also some who are pessimistic.

"If you are so arrogant, you will definitely be targeted."

"The group is not far away from being destroyed."

No matter how you evaluate him, he is already famous in the Warhammer team. When everyone looks at the list, Tantai's score has soared the most, and they know that he is the one who directed the team fight.

"Hey, hey, just after the leader finished his performance, it's the deputy group's turn. This Warhammer team is really eye-catching." A young black man with a short haircut sang RAP and crushed the enemy's head in his hand.

He is a member of the LA Night Saints team, a second-level hero, nicknamed the Darknet Shepherd. He noticed the change in the hero list as soon as it happened.

"You have to survive to the end to be worthy of evaluation. If you die, it won't be a waste of saliva." The red-haired girl with twin tails held a huge pistol and restrained most of the Trojan team by herself, and she was able to do so with ease.

"I have met this young man, he is a very good young man." Ben-Hur, who was fighting a mitochondrial BOSS, suddenly said something, which stunned the group members. The group leader rarely praised others.

"Don't be distracted and continue fighting." The Smiling Witch's voice sounded through the communicator, causing the coalition forces to immediately silence themselves.

Fatty led the coalition forces to the battlefield. The bloodshed along the way gave them a bad feeling, but they were shocked when they saw dozens of tattered corpses randomly discarded.

"All dead? Am I right?" A conqueror rubbed his eyes, not believing the facts before him.

"Eight people from the second level Ying, sixteen people from the first level Ying, yes, they are all dead." The think tank knocked on the communicator, there was a lot of noise, and he didn't bother to call.

"Captain, are you still chasing me?"

Before the fat man could answer, the explosives planted around him exploded, and the impact wave instantly overwhelmed the coalition forces, causing them to fall from the building.

"Enemy attack!" Everyone hurriedly opened their shields, and some even shot aimlessly and intimidatingly.

"Quiet, there are no enemies." The wise man shouted, this method cannot kill the conqueror at all, it is just to disgust his own side.

The fat man was determined to chase after him, so he let out a bad breath, but seeing the uneasiness and hesitation on his subordinates' faces, he gave up.

"Tell Ferrando to send someone over." The fat man was really angry and vomiting blood.

The battle situation calmed down temporarily, and everyone finally had time to take a breath.

"What should we do now? Go and meet Vasily?" The tough guy glanced at Zhukov, and the meaning was self-evident. He did not believe these foreigners.

"Start with those soldiers and look for clues on the eve of clearing the parasitism." Kovo stood up. If he didn't show off, he would be reduced to a foil.

"If you don't know how to explode, go out and pick up Aya." The tough guy's voice was cold. These guys were of no use in battle, so he kept Aya under supervision. After all, his body was strengthened and there was no pressure to deal with an ordinary person.

The newcomers who were named did not move and looked at Tantai.

"Go." Tantai also needs to give the conqueror time to recuperate. He can't do everything by himself. "High school student, you lead the team."

"Okay, deputy leader." The high school student is very serious and wants to do everything well.

"Hey, kid, has your hair grown yet?" Among the five survivors, the one with the lowest level is a high school student, so naturally some people are not convinced.

Li Huiwen didn't have sex, but because of her relationship with Xu Liangmao, she didn't go. She was relieved when she saw that Tantai didn't say anything.

Because of the sudden fight, Aya was tied up and thrown into a room.

"You guard the door, let's go in." After arriving at the destination, the high school student pointed at Gao Liangcai, unlocked the door with the other three, and walked into the room.

"Bah, you really think of yourself as the captain." Gao Liangcai spat and did not dare to disobey. He knew that the veteran valued this young man very much, so he did not want to cause trouble. However, this perverted child refused to change after repeated admonitions. After hearing Aya's voice, he stretched out his arms.

It has a long neck, look inside.

"As expected of a mixed race, she's quite beautiful." Gao Liangcai muttered and shouted to his allies, "Hey, stop touching me, be careful of the leader beating you up."

Aya was tied to a chair with her hands behind her back and placed in the living room. Because the rope was tied around her body, it highlighted the curve of her chest.

"You won't get pregnant if you touch her? I was scared to death just now to protect her. What's wrong with touching her? Think of it as reward." A young man cursed. He was originally picking up Aya's rope, but he smelled the lightness on her body.

The smell of perfume, looking at her legs exposed under her bridesmaid dress, made me uneasy and stretched out my hand.

"What are you doing?" The high school student grabbed his hand.

"You little bastard, how can you say anything?" The young man became angry and punched him.

"Stop arguing, take her back quickly. If we meet the enemy, we will definitely die." The other two men were not willing to take advantage. They took out their folding knives, lowered their heads and just cut the rope on Aya's body, when a sudden change occurred.

With a click, Aya stretched out her hand like lightning, broke the man's wrist, grabbed the dagger, and stabbed it into his eye socket. Then she pulled it, and the broken eyeball flew out, and the body fell down.

The three high school students were shocked and at a loss. After all, they were hostages. If they were killed, they would be blamed.

In such a moment of hesitation, Aya's breasts stepped on the young man's crotch, causing him to scream like a slaughtered pig.

"I'm going to kill you!" the young man roared, but his voice was mute.

Aya's dagger was thrust into his mouth, and when he stirred hard, his tongue became minced and blood flowed out.

Pulling, Aya slashed the dagger horizontally, slicing the young man's cheek, and then stabbed his eye socket with her backhand, killing him.

Boom, the high school student's eyes fired lasers, which shot past Aya and blasted a big hole on the ground.

"Put down the dagger, or I'm going to kill someone." The high school student pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Aya, "Deputy commander, something happened."

"Yes, put down your weapon." The other man also pulled out his pistol. He was in a state of confusion. Not only did he go wrong, but two people died. Now he will be blamed when he goes back.

"What happened?" Gao Liangcai didn't have much courage. Just as he was about to enter the house, he saw Aya kill two people quickly and neatly. He was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

Aya bent down and pretended to put a dagger on the ground. This action partially exposed her fair breasts.

The high school students and the men glanced at each other instinctively.

Phew, Aya flicked her wrist, and the dagger shot out, piercing the high school student's eye socket.

Phew, the high school student was stabbed. Instead of screaming, he fired a laser from one eye and shot Aya's right foot.

The other man reacted a little slower. The bloody scene made his brain a little confused, but he still transformed into a beast and pounced on Aya.

Aya did a backflip, avoiding the laser beam, and at the same time, her right foot, like a tomahawk, kicked the high school student's chin from bottom to top.

With a click, the entire mandible shattered, and the high school student fell out with a mouth full of broken teeth.

Aya put her hands on the ground, ****, spun like a top, clamped the lycanthropic man's head, twisted his waist with the help of inertia, and directly broke his neck. (To be continued. If you like this work

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