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Chapter 111 Female high school students strike

ff37;ww.ff35;ff18;xff33;.ff23;om u85c0f;8bf4;66f4;65b0;6700;5feb;5c0f;8bf4;9605;8bfb;7f51; The strengthening of mitochondria caused some of Tang Zheng’s skills to mutate

, the most significant thing is that the gravity abyss becomes a white dwarf star. With infinite pressure, it can be regarded as a field that changes direction. No matter who fights in it, it will be affected.

Tang Zheng took off his protective clothing, threw it on the bed, took out a bucket of water, and poured it on himself.

"Oh, what a bad uncle!" Lu Fan followed in and saw Tang Zheng's naked back. He covered his eyes. Then he opened his fingers and took a peek. He was suddenly shocked and burst into tears.

flowed out.

"Why is it so badly injured?" Li Xinlan took another step slowly, and Pang Meiqin took out a towel and wiped it with Tang Zheng.

There was not an inch of intact skin on Tang Zheng's body, and there were traces of burning. After being washed away with water, the rotten skin was peeled off, revealing the delicate skin.

"It won't be easy to bleed anymore!" Tang Zheng cut the artery with a dagger and found it was very hard. He changed the pistol and fired a round at the palm of his hand, but it could not penetrate.

"No way?" Lu Fan squatted next to Tang Zheng and poked his calf with his finger, curious. Then he rolled his black and white eyes, took out the Alice kitchen knife, and stabbed it a few times.

"Stop making trouble, let's all go and have a rest!" Tang Zheng let out a long breath and walked to the bathroom. It was worthy of being a senior general's cabin, and it was very well-equipped.

"Let's talk about the issue of Yu Deye tomorrow." Tantai knew that Tang Zheng needed to rest, so he clapped his hands and asked everyone to go to the room.

Li Xinlan was worried and wanted to stay, but when she saw Pang Meiqin sitting directly on Tang Zheng's bed and talking to him, she sighed imperceptibly and turned to leave.

"Sister, why don't you stay?" Bai Guo followed Qin Yan into the room, pouting, very dissatisfied, "If you are like this, your brother-in-law will be snatched away."

"What brother-in-law? Don't scream." Qin Yan covered her head with the quilt, feeling restless.

"Huh?" Tang Zheng wrapped himself in a bath towel and came out carrying the protective clothing he had washed. He saw Pang Meiqin already lying on the boat, taking off only her underwear.

The flight attendant with beautiful legs jumped up and reached out to press Tang Zheng's lips.

"Don't say anything!" Pang Meiqin squatted down, stuck out the tip of her tongue, and licked the beast under Tang Zheng's crotch to wake him up.

From Tang Zheng's position, you could see Pang Meiqin's smooth back and buttocks. He wanted to refuse, but because he had just been strengthened after being injected with the original mitochondrial body, his mood was very unstable. In addition, there were still many other things in his body.

There was excess energy that could not be dissipated, and when Pang Meiqin teased her, her body was suddenly filled with impulse.

Tang Zheng pulled Pang Meiqin up, pushed her to the wall, lifted one of her legs, and pressed her up.

The stewardess was very cooperative and guided Tang Zheng's beast, which was covered in her own saliva, into her body. The feeling of being swollen made her let out a long moan.

In just a moment, the cabin was filled with ambiguous gasps. Pang Meiqin's legs were wrapped around Tang Zheng's waist, her hands were holding his neck, and her whole body was hanging on him, following his movements, like a ship in a storm.

The sailboat kept bumping.

The battle lasted for a long time, and Pang Meiqin finally let Tang Zheng vent his anger. Within a few seconds, she found that he touched her thigh.

"That's enough, your body won't be able to bear it." Pang Meiqin's persuasion didn't work, and before she finished speaking, he had already entered her body from behind, and the violent collision made her subconsciously hold on to the wall.

Pang Meiqin found that Tang Zheng's body and strength were getting stronger. Every impact hit her soul directly, making her want to monopolize him even more.

With the violent movements, the liquid flowed down Pang Meiqin's thighs, and she gradually fell into selfless pleasure.

Tang Zheng's mind was actually a little unclear. He just felt that this instinct vented the excess energy in his body and made him no longer uncomfortable, so he worked harder.

It wasn't until noon on the third day that Tang Zheng woke up. The moment he opened his eyes, he found that the world was brighter. He could also see the tiny spots on the wall in the distance. Dust was floating in the air.

There was no way to escape his sight.

"Now we're in trouble." His eyesight was too good, which was also a problem. Tang Zheng closed his eyes and shook his head. After opening them again, he finally got used to it.

"I seem to have slept for a long time?" Tang Zheng glanced at the time on his watch, and then thought of rolling over the sheets with Pang Meiqin before going to bed, and suddenly hit his head in annoyance.

"What's wrong with me? This is not the life I want at all!" Tang Zheng leaned back and fell on the bed in a large shape, covering his face with helplessness on his face.

Xinlan and Qin Yan could definitely hear what happened the day before yesterday, and Tao Ran must have known about it. He didn't know how to face them, and Miqin. He felt that it would be unfair to her if he continued like this.

She should find a boyfriend who loves her.

"What a mess!" Tang Zheng smashed the wall irritably.

"You're awake, let's eat!" Li Xinlan knocked on the door and came in with a dinner plate with hot food on it.

Tang Zheng didn't reply. He didn't dare to look into the young woman's eyes at first, but when he heard these calm words, he suddenly became angry.

"Tantai is still waiting to discuss the plan with you, let's finish it early!" Seeing that Tang Zheng didn't move, Li Xinlan added that she decided to quit, so she pretended to be cold.

"Forget it, even Pang Meiqin is better than me!" Li Xinlan still felt a little inferior and felt that Tang Zheng should not be delayed since she was married.

Tang Zheng stared at Li Xinlan's cheek, took the dinner plate, and placed it on the table.

"It's cold and hurts my stomach. Uh, what are you looking at?" Li Xinlan was stared at by Tang Zheng unnaturally. She stood up to leave, but Tang Zheng grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the bed.

Tang Zheng kissed the young woman's lips and held her waist.

"I'm sorry!" Tang Zheng was so angry that he felt like breaking the pot. He originally wanted to apologize, but seeing that the young woman's resistance was not very violent, he rubbed her breasts.

The young woman with a breath like orchid was very lethal to Tang Zheng. With his mitochondria strengthened, he was full of energy at this time. Without thinking about anything else, he turned over and pressed Li Xinlan on the bed.

"No!" Li Xinlan hesitated. She actually liked the feeling of being hugged by Tang Zheng.

"It's too late." Tang Zheng took off the young woman's protective clothing and kissed her breasts.

Li Xinlan groaned, hugged Tang Zheng's head, and responded to him. She understood that this man didn't want to hurt Tao Ran and Qin Yan, but didn't know what to do, so she started to escape reality in this way.

The young woman's body was very plump, especially her pair of plump buttocks, which Tang Zheng couldn't put down. He asked the young woman to turn over and lie on the bed.

Looking at Li Xinlan's buttocks, the flesh swayed with his own impact, Tang Zheng temporarily forgot about his worries. When he felt that it would be a good idea to choose a young woman, a long leg wearing socks suddenly stepped out of the air, and a woman wearing a

A female high school student in uniform appears.

Oh, the sharp samurai sword struck Tang Zheng in the head.

"Punishment troops?" Tang Zheng's eyes narrowed, and he waved out with one hand. The gravity bullet hit her body, and most of it was offset. The samurai sword slashed down without mercy.

Tang Zheng slapped the blade, then grabbed the female high school student's wrist, pulled it in front of him, grabbed her head, and threw her to the ground.

Li Xinlan also caught a glimpse of the punishment troops appearing from the corner of her eyes. She wanted to attack, but Tang Zheng behind her did not leave her. The collision prevented her from focusing on releasing her abilities. In addition, this embarrassing posture was seen by girls.

Her cheeks were so red that they were almost bleeding, and she wanted to bury her head in the sheets.

The air rippled, and more and more female high school students appeared, arrogantly scolding them, and attacked and killed two people.

"Get dressed!" Tang Zheng withdrew from the young woman's body, stood in front of her, and fought with the female high school students.

This time, all those who came were powerful disciplinary committee members. The Yukishiro Maru in their hands was full of water, and every time they slashed, they could bring out sword energy.

"Damn it, I'm in trouble this time!" Tang Zheng was still naked at this time and was not used to being stared at by these female high school students. However, he did not hesitate and kicked a certain girl in the stomach.

Kick her over.

Gunshots were also heard outside the cabin, and other people were apparently also attacked.

Tang Zheng let go of the blade, grabbed the arm of a female high school student, and pulled her hard, knocking her off balance, then raised his palm and hit her on the chin.

Click, the female high school student's neck bones were torn off, and her jaw was completely shattered.

Tang Zheng blocked her in front of him and slashed the high school girl's sword, cutting her body into a bloody mess.

"Die all!" Tang Zheng pulled out the Wuhui Huguang and chopped it down forcefully. Within a few seconds, bodies fell to the ground in the room.

"Be careful, I'll go out and take a look." Tang Zheng grabbed the clothes on the bedside. Before he could put them on, more than a dozen beams of light appeared out of thin air and shot at his head.

The ice wall appeared, was shattered by the beam, and the ice cubes splashed randomly.

Tang Zheng was armed with steel hellfire, because the beast had not completely fallen asleep, so he was touched, which made him take a breath of cold air and become even more angry.

The Master Chief in power armor appeared and strafed the room.

Tang Zheng turned on the thruster and ejected, hitting the Master Chief.

Boom, the two people rolled out of the cabin. Qin Yan and Tantai were also wearing hellfire, and they fired at more than a dozen sergeants. The corridor was full of stray bullets.

"Why did the punishment troops appear so silently?" Lu Fan was very depressed. She took out a scavenger, but before she even climbed up, it was beaten into a pile of scrap metal.

"I also want power armor." The little loli said coquettishly.

"I'll give it to you when I get back!" Tang Zheng captured a lot this time, including several powered armors. However, Lu Fan's body was too small, so he needed to pay points to have Trojans modify it.

Although the sergeants are tough, they can no longer pose a death threat to Tang Zheng, who is a third-level hero. At most, they are just some trouble, but Dong Zixuan and others are at a disadvantage in the confrontation.

It took five minutes for the Warhammers to clear out the punishing troops without any danger.

"Brother Lin, Dong Zixuan, you go to the deck and take a look!" Tang Zheng was about to go back to the house to put on clothes, but more than twenty hot plasma beams fell from the sky and penetrated directly through the aircraft carrier, turning it into a honeycomb.

The hull shook violently, filled with water, and began to sink!

"All survivors, gather on the deck!" Makarov's warning sounded in the cabin, "The aircraft carrier is sinking."

"There is intensive fighting in Area B, please go around!"

ff37;w03c9;30fb;ff3.ff43;off4d; ff55;247b;5c0f;8bf4;66f4;65b0;6700;5feb;5c0f;8bf4;9605;8bfb;7f51;

This chapter has been completed!
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