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It is finally over. The book has nearly five million words and lasted more than two years and two months. It has been a long journey. Whether it is an old friend or a new friend, I thank you all for your company and support. Let us go

Now, thank you very much!

Let’s talk about some episodes,

In the first volume, Flesh Don't Lie, a few more stewardesses were supposed to die, and the last ones left should be Qin Yan and Xin Lan, but at that time, it was completely presented as a survival game with no possibility of surviving to the end.

As a result, everyone thought it was too cruel, saying that too many people died, and then left a few more people alive.

Without those comments at that time, Pang Meiqin would never have survived, while Gingguo would have been in the pending stage.

In the third volume, Death is Silent, Xiahou Dun actually appeared as a male supporting character, but in the end he was reduced to a passerby and died worthless.

I have never been to Japan. In order to write this volume, I searched for information on the Internet, asked friends who had been to Japan, and tried my best to complete every detail.

Those Japanese place names are all real. I looked at the map of Japan and identified each location.

You must not know that I have checked the name of the Shinkansen and the travel time between the two places. I have also checked the bento boxes sold on the high-speed rail.

By the way, in order to write about the shogi game, I spent a long time reading the introductory knowledge.

I was chatting with several book friends at the time, and they all said that I was too meticulous. Instead of spending all this time, I should write more plots. But I feel that it is these details that make a story feel real.

Volume 4, Escape from Castlevania, is the game where I feel the sense of panic is the most imminent and the game that makes people feel that death is very close at hand.

In fact, the outline is even crueler than this. But after seeing the reaction in the book review area, I really didn’t dare to make it more serious. The scene in my mind really makes people lose hope. It is a volume of despair and a volume of annihilation.

, only Tang Zheng will be left in the end, and this volume is also a mature volume in his heart!

The fifth volume, Cretaceous Bite, has a setting of foreign aid. I am very satisfied with it, and I think the word "bite" is used very well in the name of the volume.

In the eighth volume, Shadow of the Curse, the pit of the soul ring was dug just for the purpose of fighting Silver.

The ninth volume, Dark Fairy Tale, was originally supposed to be a volume with a lot of words, but I shortened it. Life was not going well at that time, and everything was not going well. Fortunately, I was too stubborn to commit the crime. The more unlucky I felt, the more I wanted to persevere.

Fortunately, the consequences of gritting one's teeth and working hard finally paid off. I got the news of a big push, and my results improved significantly after that. Thank you to the editor for your love.

Volume 10, Machinarium. Starting from this volume, the number of words in each volume begins to increase.

Speaking of which, I was really unlucky. When I received the big recommendation, I had a fever. During those days, I kept writing even though I had a headache.

Volume 11, Midnight Phantom, probably the biggest charm and attraction is Mei Jueye, a book friend who left a guest post in the book review area.

I was really satisfied with this character and wrote about his characteristics. For him, everyone quarreled a lot in the book review area and commented on his actions.

By the way, to this day, I still don’t understand what I did to make this book friend suddenly leave the panic. I didn’t even say a word to him. Anyway, at the end, let me apologize.

, thank you for your love and support for this book!

Volume 12, Thorns of Death,

Chengcheng's death is a pain. This character is destined to be a tragedy. I wrote those few scenes with great care and satisfaction. If I want to evaluate the ten most satisfying scenes in the book, then Chengcheng's death is definitely

It ranks among the top three because I even cried when I wrote it.

To make readers feel that a character really exists and be moved by it, I think the author must first be emotionally involved!

In this volume, I also met an enthusiastic book friend who wrote a side story of panic. He wrote a summary of nearly 70,000 words of the previous article. Every character, plot, and equipment that appeared was almost

It's more complete than my outline.

Volume 13, Dead Bug Starship, Tao Ran appears, Li Huiwen appears, Hei Changzhi is to make people pity and love, the latter one is to make people feel pitiful and hateful, for Li Huiwen's ending, I have considered and

The honest man got back together, but later gave up because he felt it was too unfair to him.

Li Huiwen is not worthy of Xu Liangmao, he should have a better wife, so in the finale, he has a wife who can get along with him.

Volume 14, Vice City, I am very satisfied with the setting of the crime value. The Japanese team is an opponent in the final volume. Originally, more scenes were to be written in the later stage. Sakura Asakura will also be an important female supporting role, but it is a pity that the writing is not practical.

The sharing is too little.

Volume 15, Biochemical Thriller. I am really satisfied with this volume. Whether it is the entanglement between Tang Zheng and his classmates or the plot, there are only some small mistakes in the ending. This is also a regrettable part of the whole book.


Volume 16, Dark Fairy Tale, the clone appears for the first time, paving the way for the final battle.

Writing this volume is actually very tiring, because I can’t tell you the answer in the early stage, and I have to dig holes, which is really uncomfortable. What you see is a detailed written group, but what I considered is the whole article, which is not presented.

Yes, I have to think about it. In fact, it is completely possible to write out both teams, but after thinking about it in the end, I still rejected it.

In Volume 18, Eve of Parasite, the infection Trojan appears, the main plot begins to be revealed, and a heavyweight team appears.

Volume 19, reality invasion,

In fact, starting from this volume is the beginning of the finale. Haven't you seen that these plots are all preparing for the final battle?

Volume 20, Dark Mandala,

A world-class big boss, a world-class battle, I think the majestic scene has been shown, and any team facing these difficulties will be as insignificant as a fish.

Volume 20, the final volume, which is the highlight of the Holy Land War,

This is probably the volume I wrote with the most care. Halfway through the writing process, I started thinking about it, constantly improving it, and setting up the Holy Land War game.

Five games, five matches, the content is carefully selected by me. If I spread it out, I can write another five volumes. But I still want to take them out in Holy Land War.

Secret Room Guide, Death Rally, Magic Ship Pirates, Orc City, not to mention these. The fifth game alone contains several mini-games.

I always choose the most important ones to write about Death Fishing Game, Death Racing, and Horror Go. Have you ever thought about it? If I write too many words, some people will feel delayed, because no matter what you do, they will all

Will not be satisfied.

The best part is also the most delicious part!

I wrote the major scenes, the battle with the nuclear flames, Di Jingfei, and the Silver Trojan Horse very carefully. No one can deny that it is ugly. When I was updating these chapters, even if there were a lot of comments from trolls, I didn’t.

Saw spraying on me.

By the way, thank you to those who defend me, thank you!

The story starts with the Silver Trojan Horse and ends with the Silver Trojan Horse. It is the final boss, which should be easy to guess.

A good novel, the final boss battle is definitely a classic and good-looking. After beating the silver Trojan in panic, it’s over.

The Controller. In the whole book, it is mentioned no more than five times. There are not even a few sentences to describe it. This sense of existence is endless. Everyone has seen such a final boss. If I write about it as a key point, some people will definitely

If you are dissatisfied, say who is this guy? I have never seen him before, etc.

A richly colored silver Trojan, a final boss with a strong sense of presence, and the final double-tang battle against the Trojan, with big moves that exploded in succession. I think I did my best.

In the panic, Silver Trojan, Trojan game, and Trojan system have already given the answer. This is the biggest suspense!

What is the controller, Xiu, and the real Trojan horse system? That is the hole I laid. It is not just about this book, but a big idea for the overall series. Of course, it is not convenient to disclose it now.

Slowly presented to everyone.

Phew, it seems that I have typed a lot. Take a deep breath and continue.

In terms of characters, I'm super satisfied.

Regardless of whether he is a good person or a bad person, everyone remembers him anyway. In fact, I am a good person, and it should be due to my personality. I cannot write a thicker, darker and cruel protagonist. As for the lewd and sexy ones, I can’t

Will try it.

Royal sister Qin Yan, young wife Xinlan, agent Tantai Zongqi, veteran Lin Weiguo, honest man Xu Liangmao, stewardess Pang Meiqin with beautiful legs...

If I had to choose a favorite, it would probably be Lu Fan. Let me make it clear that I am not a lolita fan. I just think that a child persisting in a survival game is a very remarkable thing in itself.

In the later period, there were fewer scenes with Fan Fan, which was a pity.

The image of Chu Baichuan and Ai Yixin as a couple is also vivid on the paper. People may hate them and think they are bad, but that is because thinking from the perspective of the Warhammer team, in fact, it is quite difficult for them to live.

The Anping brothers who left the scene early, Chengcheng mother and daughter, the discordant Xu Liangmao couple, and the group of soldiers. In fact, there are many more such characters, but in the end most of them were left in the outline.

The tone of the book at the beginning was death, cruelty, struggle, and then redemption. But as the books went on, the tone began to become lighter, because I found that doing so was too cruel, and the readers seemed to be unable to bear it, so they began to become gentler.

, not so bloody!

Everyone says that Warhammer is not a perfect team and has too many things holding it back.

In fact, I never thought about writing a perfect team at first. There are not so many things that go well in this world. The growth process of the Warhammer team is naturally stumbling. Supporting characters with various personalities will appear, and various kinds of things will happen.

All kinds of trouble.

If I have time, I might write a scary side story, such as the story of Ying Shang Wu, the story of Mu Nianqi, or even the story of Nightmare Loli and Vasily.

Today, the panic is over!

I typed out the words one by one with my own hands and got nearly 5 million. I also have some book friends who like to read. I feel a little sense of accomplishment.

There is no ending in the world that will satisfy all readers. We have worked hard and put our heart into it, and if we can make most readers like it, I will be very satisfied.

For those book friends who don’t like this ending, I can only say, I’m sorry, it’s really beyond my capabilities, and I hope that the next book can gain your approval.

We have loved reading novels and writing since high school, so writing novels is not a job for me, it is a kind of enjoyment. I love doing this!

To this day, we still retain what we wrote in high school and college.

After graduating from college and entering the society, I worked very hard to adapt and work, but something didn't feel right. Later I started writing novels. I was able to share them with everyone and make enough money to support my family. Only then did I become truly happy.

Thank you for your support. This is all thanks to everyone. Thank you, Hongdou!

Having said that, it’s time to end, so let’s introduce the new book!

After writing so many words, I feel that my level has improved a lot, and I have also understood some of my shortcomings and shortcomings. These are not included in the new book, so it should be better.

The new book is about an alien continent, similar to World of Warcraft and League of Legends. It is a world of magicians. The protagonist is the same as Tang Zheng, with a certain degree of intelligence. Of course, this time he will be more powerful and tough.

We have also accumulated a lot of memes and are ready to use them, such as the minotaur shaman Kita Village, the violent bear Rooney who killed the captain of Arsenal with one shot, and the ogre Tyson who likes to bite his ears...

Finally, let’s present the introduction to the new book!

The banshee boss of the Doom Tavern was indeed a considerate and good person. After drinking a glass of 'Midnight', Downton began to complain, why do I, a paladin, lead a group of dark camp subordinates?

"It's not bad to pretend to be a death knight once in a while!" the female boss comforted insincerely, and then scolded several banshee maids who kept rubbing against Downton.

"No one wants to deal with the undead all day long, and take them out without even seeing a chick." Downton complained.

"The Ghoul Legion doesn't care about anything except raw meat, so they must be absent from the daily gentlemanly training class. The Abomination Legion has recently become obsessed with bandages, thinking that slightly yellow linen is super fashionable, so they wrapped them up one by one into mummies, and even Charming

The witch maid army has begun to publicly demand paid holidays!"

"Forget about those troublesome things, we have a newly captured sacrificial dancer today, do you want to stay and enjoy it?"

"No, the wheat on the farm is ripe. I have to go back and watch those ogre slaves, otherwise they will be lazy!" Downton left three Lordaeron gold coins and walked out of the Tavern of Doom dejectedly.

The editor of Qixi read it and said it was pretty good, which made us complacent for several days. Now we are working hard to save the manuscript!

The new book will be released in mid-November. I look forward to seeing you all again then! (To be continued..) (To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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