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Chapter 27 Resolving the Headshot Crisis

Chapter 27 Resolving the headshot crisis

"If we can't find the reason, we will always be controlled by Alice. We are always in danger of having our heads shot. We must give it a try." Tang Zheng did not want to be controlled by others. He once again stated the current situation of the crisis, and at the same time glanced at the person standing without leaving a trace.

This is his ultimate goal when he reaches Han Zifeng outside the human wall.

Everyone was silent. They knew that someone had to do these things, but every time it was Tang Zheng's turn, which made them feel very ashamed of him.

"What if I destroy the magic circle and Alice senses it?" Han Zifeng said subconsciously. His first thought was his own safety, but he was despised by everyone again.

Zhang Hao's eyes lit up, he took a look at Han Zifeng and immediately pounced on him. The latter suddenly felt something bad and ran away, but he was too late and Zhang Hao pinched his shoulders, grabbed his throat and pulled him over.

"Sure enough, it's good to have a bad guy who takes the blame." How could Tang Zheng not think of using others for experiments? He just experienced the second game with the same hatred and everyone was relatively united. He was really not suitable to do such a thing.

Zhang Hao, after being tricked by Han Zifeng on the stone bridge, was eager to repair him as soon as possible. Now that he had this opportunity, of course he would not give it up.

"As you can see, this kid doesn't contribute anything and only thinks about himself. This time it's his turn to contribute to everyone." Zhang Hao is not stupid, he knows to put Han Zifeng's position in opposition to everyone first.

In view of Han Zifeng's bad behavior and no one interceding for him, he was about to despair. Suddenly he remembered the rules and yelled, "You can't hurt me, otherwise you will also get shot in the head."

"No, you did it voluntarily." When he got off the steps, Tang Zheng grabbed Han Zifeng's collar and pushed him to the ground. "Besides, Alice said she couldn't attack the Superman team, but she was right.

Suicide and murder.”

"That's right, even if we take action, how can Alice know whether you are injured or not?" Lu Fan kicked Han Zifeng with his toes, "Don't be like a coward, hurry up and destroy the magic circle yourself."

"Please, let me go." Han Zifeng held a straight knife and couldn't do it, so he asked his classmates for help, "Are you so cold? Just watch me die?"

"Sir, squad leader, I admire your courage, so you were preparing to compete just now, but Tang Zheng took up all the places in the three competitions in the end." Han Zifeng cried with tears and runny nose, putting on a miserable look.

He looked so incomparable, but it would have been better if he hadn't said the last sentence. When he mentioned it, the students all thought of Han Zifeng's egg-shrinking behavior, and became even more shameless towards him, turning their heads away from looking at him.

"Bah, don't insult the dead Gao Meilin, Wang Shang, and Yang Chen. They are our heroes. You are a scumbag. Go to hell." A girl who was close to Gao Meilin spat at her when she thought of her friend who was headshot.

on Han Zifeng's face.

Han Zifeng had been pampered since he was a child, but he had never experienced such humiliation. He suddenly felt sick, and when his crying face changed, he was about to get angry, but another mouthful of spit hit him in the face.

"You still don't know how to repent? Bah." The students finally found an outlet to vent their feelings and accused Han Zifeng one after another, as if this way everyone was unified as a whole.

Although the high school students were impassioned just now, there were two or three students who were extremely uneasy. They neither wanted to participate in the competition nor wanted to be underestimated, especially when the enthusiasm had cooled down after a few rounds, and they were even less willing to take action, so Tang

Zhengcai regretted the deaths of Gao Meilin and Wang Shang. These two children were qualified to be companions.

"Hurry up and do it." Seeing Han Zifeng being spurned, Zhang Hao gloated, picked up the straight knife and stuffed it into his hand, then took off his clothes.

Han Zifeng didn't have the guts to cut his own skin. His mind was confused and he immediately turned violently. He grabbed a straight knife and stabbed Zhang Hao.

"Fuck you." Zhang Hao was startled and punched him on the chin, knocking out several teeth and cursed, "You kid still wants to rebel."

"It seems that it's okay to hurt other people's bodies. Zhang Hao, you do it." Tang Zheng would not do it himself anyway, so he acted in an upright manner.

"Huh?" Zhang Hao, who wanted to hit Han Zifeng again, was stunned. He scratched his hair and didn't want to do it. Just when he was about to find an excuse to go for a walk, he saw the students' eyes turning to contempt.

"I'm afraid of ghosts." Zhang Hao couldn't bear this kind of contempt, picked up the straight knife and drew a straight line on the magic circle on Han Zifeng's shoulder.

Han Zifeng was in pain and wanted to scream, but Tang Zheng, with quick eyes and quick hands, pinched his cheek, making him only whine.

"Is it okay?" Zhang Hao wiped his sweat and asked. He was still afraid after all, and the cut was very shallow.

"At the very least, we need to erase or destroy the magic circle. I'm afraid it won't work just to draw a straight line." Lu Fan put forward his own suggestion, "At least half of it should be destroyed before the magic circle becomes ineffective."

Lu Fan guessed correctly, the magic circle will become ineffective only if more than half of it is destroyed.

The green gas in the venom pool is not as simple as it seems. As long as the creature inhales it into the body and touches the skin, a magic circle will be generated on the shoulders. At this time, Alice can not only remotely blow their heads off at will, but also

and immune to any of their attacks.

"Scratch this piece of skin?" Zhang Hao gestured, thinking about how to use the knife, "Why don't you get an anesthesia needle?"

"It's the fastest way to peel it off. It takes an hour, so there's not much time wasted." Lu Fan took off her protective clothing, exposed her shoulders, and said helplessly, "Actually, it doesn't matter whether it's useful or not, as long as his head doesn't explode, we will do it."

Peel off the magic circle."

The students were horrified and unconsciously hugged their shoulders. They shuddered at the thought of the pain of peeling off their skin.

"I only have ten anesthetics." Li Xinlan sighed, it was not enough.

"I do, but it's a pity that you can't perform the scene of scraping bones to heal injuries." Tang Zheng joked, took out anesthetic and injected one into Han Zifeng.

"What a waste." Zhang Hao muttered and started to peel off the skin. The students looked at the bloody scene, but they no longer had the desire to vomit. They were used to it.

Tang Zheng did not deny it. In fact, he was not being merciful, but he did not want the test subject to faint. Otherwise, what if he missed some details?

Three minutes later, Zhang Hao, who was sweating profusely, peeled off the entire piece of Han Zifeng's skin that was branded with the magic array without causing a headshot. This situation made everyone sigh in relief.

"It seems there is no problem, let's move, Lu Fan, endure the pain." After injecting the little Loli with anesthetic, Tang Zheng took out a scalpel and disinfectant alcohol, and then started to work.

Seeing the skin on the little Loli's shoulders being peeled off little by little, several students who were still resisting the cowardly mood gave in. They didn't want to be called cowards.

"With the danger of headshots gone, are we still going to participate in the third game?" Xu Guanlin stared at the Superman team opposite. They didn't seem to have discovered this detail yet, and they all sat listlessly.

"If you don't participate, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave this room unless you can kill Alice here. Look at the hundreds of armored knights and poker guards. Although their IQs are very low, their strength cannot be underestimated and they can be completely consumed.

"Let's." Ying Shangwu, who was removing the magic circle for Li Xinlan, was not optimistic about the combat power of these students, "Besides, aren't you afraid of the Superman team taking advantage of the situation? They will be killed in the end anyway, so why not join the game."

"That's the only thing." Xu Guanlin sighed. How many people might die in the last game.

"Don't worry, with twenty against eleven, we have a high chance of winning." Yue Tong cheered everyone up and looked at Tang Zheng, "Teacher, can you give me some food?"

Qin Yan stayed next to Bai Guo's body, took out the relics from the space backpack, arranged them carefully, and then threw the food over.

Pang Meiqin, who had been silent all this time, finally had a chance to show off. She immediately opened her backpack and donated all her reserves.

"Fu.ck, what are these Oriental people so crazy about? They actually gave the 'chips' food, do you want to make me poor?" Brandt thumped the ground, but he had to distribute the food, otherwise the morale would drop again.


"This kind of forced team battle is the most troublesome. You can never actively choose your teammates." Andrew also looked depressed.

"They seem to be performing some evil rituals? Are they cutting off their skin?" The man with glasses has been observing the Dongfang team, but because he was blocked by the wall of people, he couldn't see clearly.

"What are you afraid of? I heard that during the Qing Dynasty, an organization called the Boxer Boxer that supported the Qing Dynasty and destroyed foreign countries also claimed to be invulnerable, but in the end they were defeated by the muskets of our foreign masters!" Brandt didn't care about these things.

I'm thinking that Alice can blow anyone's head off, but I have no clue.

"Have you rested enough? Lowly human bugs." Alice led a group of ghost maids into the room, then snapped her fingers, and a stone door opened, "You will reach the room of the third game from here. Don't

Don’t waste time, act quickly.”

"Run, whoever goes first may have the advantage." Tang Zheng jumped up from the ground, buried his head and ran towards the stone gate, Ying Shangwu followed closely behind, and Brandt also ran out like a cheetah.

The others were like crowded ants, scrambling to squeeze into the stone door.

Qin Yan took one last look at Bai Guo's body and entered the corridor. The stone door fell with a bang, locking the blood of severed fingers and corpses on the ground forever in the dungeon of Castlevania.

It was another 500-meter dark tunnel, without any light, only the sound of heavy breathing and running footsteps that kept lingering in the ears. Everyone was running with all their strength, afraid of falling behind.

Brandt only ran fifty meters before he overtook Tang Zheng, which made him extremely happy. The other man's health was indeed failing, but when he reached 200 meters, Brandt realized that he hadn't gotten rid of the guy behind him yet.

I was fooled.

"This oriental kid couldn't get away from me physically, so he deliberately put on a fight for first place to trick me into chasing him, and then followed me the moment I overtook him. This allowed me to step on landmines while also

You can reach the location of the third game in almost the same time." Brandt understood all this in a flash and was almost angry to death. This guy is so cunning.

This chapter has been completed!
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