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Chapter 18 Killing Thousands

Chapter 18 Killing Thousands of People

The buns were cold and not steamed, and the noodles in the middle were a bit hard. Gao Yu took a bite and spat it out. Then he frowned and stared at the vegetable soup for dozens of seconds before sticking out his tongue to taste it. It tasted salty.

A bitter feeling immediately spread to his taste buds. Gao Yu quickly turned his head and spat.

"Pig food." It was really hard to swallow. Gao Yu cursed and was about to throw away the soup, but when he saw brothers Chu Baichuan and Anping chewing it, even Tang Zheng and Tantai stuffed it into their mouths expressionlessly.

He didn't want to admit defeat, so he took another bite and swallowed while suppressing the nauseating feeling.

Haha, when the nearby civilians saw Gao Yu's miserable appearance, they immediately burst out laughing with joy. They were very tired from work every day, so being able to laugh at others was also a pastime.

"Why are you laughing? Hurry up and finish your meal and start working." About twenty foremen happened to go to the canteen to eat. When they passed by, they saw the newcomers and approached them with a bad smile on their faces, "Do you know, in order to welcome the newcomers?

We will prepare a ceremony every time?"

An Ning shrank next to her brother, grabbed her clothes, and looked at Tang Zheng for help. Now even a fool could see that these guys were going to bully people.

Chu Baichuan ignored these bastards and was busy eating. He never talked nonsense or just beat people up.

Gao Yu was very high-profile and was about to retort with a provocative look on his face. The foremen cleared their throats, spat into the rice bowls of Tang Zheng and others, and then laughed as if they had won.

"Come on, come and spit." One foreman was very good at stirring up the atmosphere and called to other civilian workers. The other one grabbed Anping's rice spoon and stirred the sputum into the vegetable soup. "Thank you, I'll add more for you."

A little nutrition.”

"Drink, why don't you drink? Haha, as long as you are a newcomer, no one can make an exception. Let me tell you, when you come to the construction site, you must abide by our rules. If you don't accept it, you won't even have a chance to get out." A foreman came over.

Tang Zheng said with a ferocious threat on his face, "It's a small matter not to have enough food. Maybe one day there will be an accident and your lives will be lost."

"It's time to brush your teeth." Tang Zheng placed the lunch box with vegetable soup next to him and stood up.

The foreman shrugged his shoulders indifferently. He had seen this kind of thorns too many times. It didn't matter. If they were beaten once a day, they would soon become honest.

"Come here." As the foremen shouted one after another, those who had eaten dinner all ran over. Even those who had not finished eating quickly stuffed the dinner into their mouths as quickly as possible and walked this way.

Chu Baichuan still gnawed on the remaining half of the steamed bun. Gao Wei stood up. Tantai looked at the vegetable soup with a playful smile on his face. Anping protected his younger brother and was very nervous. There were at least 3,000 people around him.

When they came up, they were so densely packed that they were unable to fly.

Gao Yu's face also changed. His seeds were not suitable for fighting at all, so he didn't think he had the strength to fight a hundred people. He regretted it very much at this moment. He shouldn't have left the rifle in the barracks, but there was no way. The patrolling soldiers did not allow them to fight.

Bring weapons.

"It's not too late to beg for mercy. Let's do a monkey dance for us. By the way, the monkeys have no clothes on, so you should take them off too." The foremen made fun of a few people and shouted, "Make a way and let them see the other newcomers."

doing what."

There was a lot of noise. After a while, the crowd surrounding Tang Zheng and others made a gap. They saw the newcomers from Mu Fang's room. They squatted aside and ate in silence. Almost everyone had a bruise and swollen face. Sun Bowen and Dong

The dozen or so people led by Bai resisted the most fiercely, so they had the most bruises on their bodies. At this time, they were only wearing a pair of pants, lying weakly on the ground, covered with blood and dust. The other newcomers did not dare to

Help, whoever helps will get beaten.

"Why didn't they tell us our names?" Gao Yu was puzzled, and then he felt awe-inspiring in his heart. Will he also suffer such an insult? Forget it, if Tang Zheng can't bear it, he'd better put oil on his feet.

"I guess I reported it, but you have to make people believe it." It would take some time for what happened yesterday to spread throughout the base with a population of nearly one million. Tantai was very calm. He had not beaten a human for a long time. This

It made him miss a little bit.

Looking at this group of foremen with different skin colors who were eyeing each other, Tang Zheng felt that it would be hell if the newcomers were not squeezed out, not to mention the fact that supplies were in short supply. After all, one more newcomer meant that one meal was consumed.

"Are you done?" Following Tang Zheng's words, everyone came over except Gao Yu, who was still thinking about running away.

"Do I allow you to ask questions? Take off." The foreman took the lead and shouted several times, and the surrounding civilians also began to yell and curse in unison, forcing Tang Zheng and others. The formation of thousands of people was indeed very oppressive.

More than twenty foremen were very proud and looked at Tang Zheng and others with complacency. This was their strength.

Tang Zheng's answer was simple. He hit the foreman in front of him with an uppercut on the chin. With a cracking sound, the foreman's body flew straight into the air like a catfish caught from the river.

, and then he was hit in the chest by one of Tang Zheng's whip legs, and he had already lost consciousness when he landed with a thud.

Thousands of people seemed to have their throats strangled all at once, and the echoing voices that shook the sky were silenced. The entire square instantly entered a dead silence.

The workers couldn't believe that these newcomers, surrounded by more than 3,000 people, dared to explode arrogantly.

With thousands of pairs of eyes staring at him, Tang Zheng gave a fierce sign with his middle finger, and then punched a foreman who wanted to curse. The unfortunate guy immediately spun like a top and fell out.

"Let's do it." The other foremen shouted out. At least they had some confidants, so hundreds of people shouted and rushed towards Tang Zheng and others.

"Keep the formation, don't mess up, and charge to the left." If you stay where you are, you will only be swallowed up by the crowd. Tang Zheng let out a low roar to ensure that they heard it. Like an ancient warrior, he rushed out at the lead, punching continuously with both hands.

After blasting out, there were still two sharp spears, which knocked away the workers who rushed towards them one by one.

Gao Yu was slow for a moment, and when he tried to follow him again, he was already swallowed up by the crowd. He was knocked to the ground without even letting out a miserable groan. He could only try his best to protect his head and endure the punches and kicks.

Chu Baichuan is in charge of the right side, Tantai is on the right side, Gao Wei is on the back side, and the two children of the Anping brothers are protected in the middle. They are not short, but one has just entered high school and the other is only in the third grade of elementary school. Due to lack of nutrition, they are thin

Like a dry firewood.

"It's too fast, slow down." Gao Wei couldn't keep up with Tang Zheng's speed. The 'pioneer' workers who caught up obviously often followed the foreman to beat people up, and they had rich experience, especially after they became red-eyed, every blow

The attacks are always close to the vital point, and the eyes and kicks are used in every possible way. Anyway, it is just to defeat these guys as quickly as possible.

Tantai is very familiar with the structure of the human body, plus he is good at fighting skills, and his strikes are heavy, so there is no one who can combine them with him. The lungs, heart, throat, and fragile jaws of all the workers he hits will all lie down.

He fell down and curled up into a ball. He was in so much pain that he couldn't even breathe.

Chu Baichuan had fought many times, but this was the first time he faced so many people. After receiving a few punches, the adrenaline surge made him even more wild, so much so that he gave up resistance and devoted all his strength to knocking down the opponent.

Within ten seconds, Tang Zheng and others rushed out more than thirty meters in the crowd and were still moving forward.

"Look, what are you doing on the construction site?"

"No way, a group fight with thousands of people?"

Such conversations kept ringing out at the sentry posts on the defense line, and the soldiers on guard kept competing with each other for telescopes, trying to see this spectacular scene.

Viewed from a high place, thousands of people covered the construction site like dark clouds, moving quickly to the checkpoint on the left. In the middle, people were constantly being thrown away like broken sacks, or simply felled down like wheat.

, but as soon as it was free, it was filled up again by the crowd from behind.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaae that's tough." A minute later, more and more soldiers were paying attention to the fighting situation on the construction site. They even started betting on how many minutes they could hold on.

The group fights and chaos were continuing, and the workers were all red-eyed, and gradually they could not restrain the strength of their men. After all, Tang Zheng only had one pair of hands, and he received a lot of blows. Fortunately, Yinghuo was of the highest quality, allowing him to maintain his full combat power.

, but Gao Wei and Chu Baichuan couldn't keep up.

Tang Zheng and others took the advantage of striking first and hit many people in an instant. However, there were too many opponents. Driven by the foreman, they rushed forward. As time passed, the battle entered a stalemate.

"Idiot, don't force yourself. Separate them." No one is an idiot. Soon a foreman thought of a tactic. Some workers with tall arms and long arms rushed in front of him and began to tear the arms and clothes of Tang Zheng and others, and started fighting.


Gao Wei had paid attention, but he was still pulled out. Chu Baichuan went to pull him, but he was hit on the head by a wooden stick with the shovel removed. Blood immediately flowed down his temples and dripped on his face.

on clothes.

"I really want to use my seed ability." Chu Baichuan was so angry that he used more force on his hands. All the bones he hit were broken, and he vomited blood and fell out. If he hadn't remembered that his pregnant wife was not around, he would have really

Will kill regardless of the consequences.

Tang Zheng's ability is also destructive. Military generals and female musketeers don't know what it means to be merciful, let alone gravity suppression. It is an indiscriminate attack, and Tantai and the others will be unlucky.

"No, I'll do it." Tantai stopped him and released a mental shock storm between punches. The hundreds of workers gathered around seemed to have hit an invisible wall, and their bodies suddenly froze, and then

He fell straight down.

This unexpected situation startled the soldiers watching the fun at Sentinel Hill. They couldn't help but tighten their grip on their chain saw guns. Other workers did not dare to attack and looked at them in confusion.

Tang Zheng did not stop, he spotted a foreman and sprinted out. The workers in the fan-shaped area in front of him immediately dodged back like frightened rabbits, exposing the foreman. Just as the guy was about to run away,

Tang Zheng grabbed him by the collar and threw him over his shoulder to the ground.

This chapter has been completed!
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