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Chapter 20 Vietnam Trojan Squad

Chapter 20 Vietnam Trojan Team

"How do you know they are Vietnamese?" Gao Yu looked at the Vietnamese women in the crowd. They were all slender and short. They wore clothes similar to cheongsam, which highlighted their figure. There was a girl with big breasts.

catch his eye,

"At least there is e***, cow." Gao Yu stretched out his hand and made a scratching motion, which was very obscene.

"Because of Vietnamese brides, I have a bachelor friend who nags me every day, saying that he can't afford a wife, so he should just spend money to buy a cheap Vietnamese bride, which only costs 10,000 to 20,000 yuan." Chu Baichuan thought of his friend who was hungry and thirsty every day.

He looked embarrassed and masturbated in front of the computer, and said with a smile, "I'm poorer than him, but I got my wife."

"Nonsense, if you don't want to marry your wife, why let someone else marry her?" Gao Yu had met Ai Yixin, and that woman was quite good-looking, at least in line with his taste, so he had long been jealous of Chu Baichuan.

"I'll die a hundred times if I show affection." Tantai interrupted and lightly punched Chu Baichuan. The latter touched his forehead and laughed proudly.

"They're Vietnamese." Tantai joked and his face darkened. Meeting Vietnamese here meant they were enemies in a team fight.

"How can you tell? There are racial differences?" Anping was puzzled, and Gao Wei was also a little confused.

"The main thing is clothing. Aren't there a few women wearing their national clothes? They are cut from silk-like soft fabrics, similar to cheongsam, very smooth and close-fitting, with a small vertical round collar, high slits to the waist, and the same pattern or color.

The white loose trousers look a bit small and elegant." Tang Zheng glanced briefly and immediately identified a few guys carrying space backpacks. These people were not newcomers, and they responded well. A few of them stared at Gao Yu warily.

He Tantai, on the other hand, ignored Tang Zheng as a newcomer. He had no choice but to prevent him from carrying a space backpack.

"There is also a Vietnamese bamboo hat. It should be due to the rainy climate. This thing is basically a standing equipment." Tang Zheng looked calm, but he sighed in his heart. They were actually facing each other like this and completely lost the chance of a sneak attack.

The Vietnamese walked up the steps aggressively and ran into the recruitment office. They had no intention of dodging. Tang Zheng and others did not hide either. They straightened their backs and stood on the spot.

"Hey, you don't have a bag on your head? The Vietnamese monkeys have guns." Gao Yu's eyes flickered and he cursed these reckless men in his heart. Half of his Vietnamese team were carrying AK47s on their backs, and their tactical vests were full of them.

Magazines, three of them were still holding the Roaring Death mg3, and five or six *** bullet chains were hung around their necks.

After seeing the Chinese at the recruitment office, some militants in the Vietnamese regiment showed fierce expressions and put their index fingers on the triggers, ready to fight at any time.

The regiment leader Ruan Zhimin, who was hidden in the crowd, looked around and considered the defensive strength of the indigenous soldiers. He had the advantage in numbers and weapons, and would get extra points for winning the team battle. With these 100% reasons to start a war, he wanted to start the war immediately.

Kill the Chinese on the steps.

Ruan Zhimin muttered, and more than 200 Vietnamese immediately became alert, fanned out, and at the same time pulled the bolts of their guns and loaded them.

Sun Bowen and others who had already reported their names and were staying nearby felt the malice of this group of Vietnamese and were frightened. They subconsciously hid next to the indigenous soldiers. Except for women, the survivors in the Trojan Room were all forcibly recruited into the army.


"Don't scatter, gather together and hold together." Dong Bai tried to get everyone to stand together and hold together. Only in this way can they appear powerful and intimidate the other party.

"You can't show weakness at this time." Dong Bai shouted, but only about a dozen men dared to come over.

The firearms in the hands of the Vietnamese could not kill the orcs, but they had no problem beating them. The newcomers regretted that they should not have thrown away their rifles when they fled for their lives.

Dong Bai and his group of twenty or so newcomers who had not lost their guns were also unlucky. When they returned to the barracks just now, they found that all their belongings had been stolen. Now they could only use their bare hands. If they said they were not afraid, that would be a lie. It was just the arrogance in their hearts.

Make them unwilling to hide.

The Vietnamese walked up the last step. In this situation where they could fire at any time, Tang Zheng stepped forward and stood in front of them.

"Get away." A man cursed and reached out to push Tang Zheng's chest, but his dirty face was red from suppressing it, and the other man still didn't move at all.

The man became angry and swung the butt of his AK74, and while he was cursing, he hit Tang Zheng hard on the head.

Tang Zheng quickly stretched out his hand, grabbed the wrist holding the gun with one hand and twisted it, and grabbed the handguard with the other hand. The Vietnamese man groaned and dropped the rifle in pain, but before it was over, Tang Zheng hit him with his knee and hit him again.

It hit his lower abdomen, and when he flew out, he grabbed his collar and pulled him back to his chest. He turned the AK47 in his left hand and held it in his hand, pressing it against his chin.

"Let him go." The Vietnamese soldiers scolded, and they all raised their guns and pointed them at Tang Zheng.

"You're new, you think you can be arrogant with a gun." Tang Zheng completely ignored the muzzles of the guns that smelled of death, and looked at Ruan Zhimin with a smile on his face, "Have you thought about it? Are you ready to go to war?"

Ruan Zhimin didn't expect that a 'newcomer' would dare to fight back in such an absolutely disadvantageous situation, otherwise he would have fired a long time ago. However, looking at the other newcomers who were cowering like quails, he was unwilling to give up. He gritted his teeth and was ready to let go.

If other newcomers take action, if they accidentally kill the newcomer, they will also deduct points from others.

"Hey, it turns out you don't care about his life or death. That's too cruel." Tang Zheng saw the determination in the other person's eyes and immediately spoke to stop Ruan Zhimin's possible attack order.

Sure enough, after hearing this, some newcomers looked at him secretly.

"How could it be? I won't give up any of my companions." This guy was obviously a prostitute who wanted to build a memorial arch. Although Ruan Zhimin promised Chen, his eyes were twitching and he was breathing heavily. Tang Zheng was already angry.

Almost vomiting blood.

"You are a smart man. In fact, we can all coexist peacefully. After all, the goal of the complete mission is not to win the team battle." Tang Zheng said with an expression on his face, "You understand the righteousness very well", and talked about the other party's tone.

Ruan Zhimin frowned, wanting to ask the other party what the mission goal was, but he was afraid of showing cowardice.

"What's wrong, it seems like this guy doesn't know either." Tang Zheng thought to himself, something is not right. This guy didn't doubt his words, which means he doesn't know the mission target either. It seems that the Trojan horse has done a very good job.

The conflict here had been seen by the new recruits, and they all came to watch. The soldiers ran over with frosty faces and dispersed them.

"Hey, what are you doing? Get out of here."

This is a military camp, not a living area. Fighting in crowds is not allowed. More and more soldiers are running over, trying to maintain order.

"Tell me the mission goal of completing the game this time, or we will fight to the death." Ruan Zhimin was also worried about the chain saw guns in the hands of those soldiers, but he was not willing to compromise like this, so he could only seek some information.

"Sure enough, you can get extra points for team battles, but the condition for clearing the level is to kill Her Majesty the Queen." Tang Zheng wanted to tell him that he was mating with a female orc to see what his expression would be.

In addition to Gao Yu, Tantai, Gao Wei and Chu Baichuan stood beside him, clenching their fists and staring at them fiercely.

"We don't have guns, but we have seed ability. Do you want to shoot?" Chu Baichuan cracked his knuckles and made a clicking sound. His seed ability is completely offensive. If he uses it with all his strength, he won't be able to fight these Vietnamese.

no way.

"Old Gao, take the gun." Tang Zheng threw the AK47 to Gao Wei and grabbed the hostage's neck with one hand. What he was fighting for now was his momentum.

After Gao Wei caught the gun, a few birds happened to fly over in the sky. The veteran immediately raised the muzzle of the gun and pulled the trigger.

Bang, bang, bang, the muzzle flash flashed, and the smoke drifted away. Three little birds were shot and fell down.

"The gun is well calibrated." Gao Wei praised and pointed the gun at Ruan Zhimin's head. He knew that even the Conqueror had no way to effectively defend his head, because the stingy Trojan never sold such props.

The newcomers in Vietnam were all shocked by the veteran's superb marksmanship, while several conquerors were disapproving. They could do it too, but their next move left them dumbfounded.

Gao Wei suddenly waved his hands like butterflies in flowers. In an instant, he dismantled the AK47 into a pile of parts and threw them into the sky. Then he caught them and assembled them as they fell. The speed was incredible.

"Actually, I'm better at close combat." Gao Wei threw the AK47 to Tantai and stood calmly in front of the Vietnamese with his hands empty.

"I don't need it either." The Tantai gun was thrown to Anping. This was not fearless, but cautious. He knew how many bullets were left in the magazine? This situation was too dangerous, so it was better to fight hand-to-hand as a safety precaution.

"Okay, I'm the stupidest." Anping also practiced hard, so his hand holding the gun was very steady. He did not threaten Ruan Zhimin, but aimed at the women.

The faces of the women changed immediately, and they all wanted to dodge the gunfire, so the team became chaotic. The momentum of the Vietnamese group dropped again. Faced with death, the new Vietnamese people could not calm down.

"I'm talking about you guys, disperse quickly." A second lieutenant ran over with his subordinates and kicked the new recruits who were watching.

"These guys are all lunatics." Seeing them looking at him without fear on their faces, Ruan Zhimin backed down. There are a total of six Trojan teams in this game. They can be picked on as weak persimmons. There is no need to fight with these Chinese.

Fight to death, not to mention killing people in public and there is no way to explain it to the local indigenous people.

After Ruan Zhimin did some psychological construction, he wisely chose to live in harmony for the time being.

Both sides gave in, and Sun Bowen breathed a long sigh of relief. Only then did he realize that his back was soaked. He had no choice but to remember the scene of Tantai shooting the Thai newcomers that day, and he felt deeply afraid of the group leader.

This is completely a life-and-death fight.

"The other three Trojan teams don't know where to come." Tantai looked at the Vietnamese's backs and said, "It's best to find an opportunity to kill them. With these guys by your side, they are like a light on your back."

"People think so too." Gao Yu stared at the big-breasted Vietnamese girl's swaying hips and waist, thinking about whether there was a chance to make her feel better.

"Tell the newcomers to try not to be left alone, otherwise they will definitely be in trouble." Tang Zheng estimated the strength of both parties and planned a plan to cut them off one by one.

"You will be sent to the front line as scouts. This is an honorary mission, so you are selected and you are qualified to be proud of it." A major in military uniform walked out of the office and spoke the first sentence.

Just let recruits like Tang Zheng die.


***, I didn’t expect there would be an update, right?

Brothers, your *** is very impressive, thank you!

This chapter has been completed!
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