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Chapter 19 Crazy Fighting and Attrition (4D)

Chapter 19 Crazy fighting and attrition (three updates, ten thousand words)

"There is a casino on this floor. The place is big enough to hide." Lu Xiong has a talent for being a war correspondent. It may be that the battle at the museum a few days ago tempered his courage. Lu Xiong quickly calmed down and acted calmly.

Although he still didn't kill half of the enemy with a counterattack, he was no longer a burden after all.

"I don't want to be a coward for the rest of my life." Xu Liangmao muttered some self-encouragement and started shooting at the Nazi zombies, seeming to regard them as stepping stones to success.

The wooing of the mature woman Manli was effective. These two men stayed next to her, which made her a lot more courageous. After all, the quality of her companions can also affect others at this time.

"Fight hard, Hu Xiaoyan, fight hard to survive." Manli was not only reminding herself, but also showing her ability. Besides, if there were more people shooting, the firepower would be stronger.

"No, go to the top and hold on!" Tang Zheng put a Kevlar helmet on his head. He was not willing to use a thunderstorm rifle to kill these cannon fodder zombies, so he chose an ordinary machine gun, but even with the cooperation of Lin Weiguo's Roaring Death

, and gradually became unable to suppress them.

Because Tantai's advance was blocked, the zombies chasing behind them caught up. The Nazi zombies wearing high-pass military boots and skull armbands were obviously elite, equipped with all kinds of heavy firepower. Tang Zheng even saw hundreds of them holding stg44.

, with an M24 grenade wrapped around his waist, and a Panzerfaust anti-tank rocket launcher on his back.

"Cluster grenade!" the officer zombie shouted in German. The zombies behind it immediately took out bundles of M24, pulled off the ropes, then stood up and threw them with all their strength.

There are dozens of bundles of cluster grenades, almost blocking the field of vision. If these grenades fall in the crowd, they will be seriously injured or not killed. Who can guarantee that the shrapnel will not blow up the head.

Tang Zheng, who was lying on the deck and shooting at the bottom, suddenly stood up, switched out the Terminator six-barreled machine gun, raised the muzzle, and fired towards the sky at an elevation of fifty degrees.

Amidst the roaring sound of the gun barrel, the bullets formed six tongues of flame and fired a barrage. A large number of cartridge cases were thrown out and fell on the deck with a clanking sound, creating a large dense copper sound.

Boom, boom, boom, all the cluster grenades were exploded, and the clusters of flames bloomed like fireworks, and the black smoke lingered, like an ugly patch on the sky.

"Holy shit, is this okay?" Tantai led the team forward and took a moment to glance behind him. He was shocked and exploded dozens of bundles of grenades in the air. What a quick reaction it took.

The newcomers also covered their ears, the continuous machine gun fire and explosions almost made their ears ring.

Huh, the scorching hot air waves rushed down, blowing people's clothes away. Tang Zheng was shot in the shoulder. However, he was hit by Yinghuo, but it still made him break out in cold sweat. If he went up one step further, he would be killed.

, wanted to climb back to the deck, but the zombies were determined to fight against him.

The zombies took out the recoilless cannon and aimed it upwards, which immediately shocked Tang Zheng and Lin Weiguo. If they were wiped out by rocket launchers, even a few lives would not be enough to kill them.

"We can't let them fire." The Roaring Death's rate of fire had reached its limit. After more than ten seconds, the 200-round ammunition chain was exhausted. Lin Weiguo was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He had no time to replace it, so he could only use the gravity rifle. However, the continuous ammunition of this firearm

No matter how hard you shoot, it can't match the rate of fire of a machine gun. You can only rely on Tang Zheng.

Tang Zheng moved the muzzle of his gun, and a storm of six tongues of fire swept over it. However, there is always time to kill, not to mention that the zombies' heads cannot be blown off. Even if half of their bodies are left, they can still attack, so Tang Zheng just cleared half of the deck.

The zombies fired their iron fists, and each thick warhead emitted a stream of white smoke and shot over.

Seeing the rockets coming, you can imagine the pressure, but Tang Zheng couldn't hide, so he could only fight hard because there was the entire team behind him. Although another group of people rushed forward under the leadership of Tantai and Qin Yan,

layer, but still within the attack range of Iron Fist.

Tang Zheng tried to arm the Steel Hellfire, but it failed. It seems that technological weapons are restricted in fantasy plots.

Facing the rockets, Tang Zheng fired, and the nearest one exploded almost three meters in front of him. Shrapnel flew, flames rolled, and the scorching heat almost dried out his lips.

Whoosh, a piece of shrapnel grazed his cheek and tore his earlobe. If he hadn't dodged quickly enough, it would have penetrated his cheek.

"Okay, come up." Tantai's long-lost voice finally came, letting Tang Zheng breathe a sigh of relief. Lin Weiguo also began to throw out grenades, and fought and retreated. In such a short moment, Tang Zheng killed nearly

Five hundred zombies covered the deck with more than a foot of flesh and blood, all soaked in thick, dark black blood.

Tang Zheng switched back to the M4A1. The Terminator consumed so much energy that he felt distressed even with hundreds of thousands of bullets. Moreover, he also saw seeds falling from the broken corpses, but unfortunately he couldn't pick them up.

Using hand grenades to block the zombies and then using rifles to kill them, Tang Zheng and Lin Weiguo retreated steadily and guarded the rear of the team. However, the two knew that this was due to the vacuum of military strength. Once other zombies caught up, it would be another hard fight.

Kata, the empty magazine fell onto the deck. Tang Zheng had no time to pick it up. The military boots stepped on the flesh and blood and retreated, leaving a series of bloody footprints. After a moment, with a huge roar, the team

Stop again.

Tang Zheng raised his head and took a look. It was a giant zombie that looked like the Hulk. The two Terminators in his hands screamed like tearing machines and kept spraying out bullets, completely suppressing Tantai and the others.

If the young woman Xinlan were here, both protection and offense would be much easier. Raindrop-like grenades were thrown at the giant zombie, and it was involved in the explosion. However, the shooting did not stop. This guy had at least tens of thousands of rounds in his ammunition box.


Chu Baichuan didn't want his wife to suffer, so he grabbed each zombie and threw it out with brute force. As soon as it flew over the head of the giant zombie, it exploded with a bang, and various pieces of meat fell like hailstones.

With his vision blocked, Chu Baichuan rushed out, grabbed the upper body of a zombie, and aimed at the giant zombie.

Boom, the flames and air waves rolled together, swallowing up the giant zombie like a long snake. With this cover, Chu Baichuan finally succeeded in getting close, touched the barrel of the gun with one hand, and lay on the knee of the zombie with the other.


Boom boom boom, Chu Baichuan released his ability, and the explosion detonated the grenades and bullets on the zombie, causing a meteor explosion that immediately submerged it. The gunfire stopped silently because the Terminator was blown up.

Chu Baichuan used the reaction force of the explosion to return safely. At this time, he was panting and sweating on his head. The thrilling situation just now made his adrenaline rush. His heart was beating like a war drum, and the whirring jumped out of his throat.

Bang bang, Lu Fan's Gauss sniper rifle also opened fire. The armor-piercing incendiary high-explosive bombs continuously hit the head of the giant zombie, completely killing it. The headless corpse hit the deck with a thud.

After a full five minutes of delay, the group of people stepped onto the top floor through the stairs. Looking at the nearly 70-meter platform and various amusement facilities, the newcomers didn't know where to go. When they were about to ask, the truck driver plopped down.

With a scream, he fell to the ground, blood flowing out of his body, making Hu Xiaoyan next to him jump in fright.

"It's a sniper, run to the restaurant." Tantai's sharp eyes saw the bullet hole in the truck driver's thigh at a glance, which should have been made by Mauser 98k.

How could the newcomers dare to stop? Their minds were already in a mess. When they heard Tantai's words, they subconsciously ran over as fast as they could, fearing that they would be hit by bullets if they slowed down a step. As for the truck driver who was shot and could not walk, no one

Deal with it.

Chu Baichuan hugged his wife and scurried like a rabbit. He must have been reminded by Ai Yixin and knew how to change direction and speed.

Qin Yan and Lu Fan judged fairly well. Based on the truck driver's shot location, they estimated the sniper's location and immediately suppressed it with firepower.

Xu Biyun was afraid of death, and did not care that her ability to calculate would consume a lot of energy. She summoned an iron puppet as a human shield. Pang Meiqin also got some light. Ruan Feifei wanted to come over, but was driven away by the long-legged stewardess with her eyes.

"Don't leave me, save me." The truck driver burst into tears and climbed on the ground with all his strength, calling for help. "Please, please give me a hand."

No one answered, they were all running for their lives.

There were two fifty-year-old men in the team. The old professor, who had chosen firearms at the time, was so exhausted that he could no longer keep up with the team. He fell to the ground due to exhaustion. The old janitor used the protection to

The clothes have twice the physical strength and can still hold up.

"You bastards, help me." The truck driver roared at the top of his lungs, especially after a bullet hit him, which almost scared him to the point of peeing.

Bang, there was obviously more than one sniper. This time, it was the ball-cap man’s girlfriend who was shot. Her body hit the ground, and her cheek was like a rag. It was wiped half a meter on the deck, and one of her teeth was knocked out.


"Haifeng!" The woman asked her boyfriend for help, but unfortunately the man didn't even look back, and his determination was completely messed up.

Qin Yan and Chu Baichuan were also hit, but their protective clothing made them uninjured.

Bang, Xu Biyun ran into the restaurant, immediately squatted down, and rolled to the corner. Then the team members filed in and couldn't wait to lie down on the floor. Then they breathed a long sigh of relief, and then they noticed how fast their heartbeat was.

, a feeling of thankfulness for surviving the disaster began to linger in the chest.

"Ahem, you three beasts, ahem, students, don't you even care about the teacher?" The old professor was still running, coughing and cursing his students.

The newcomers looked at the three students, their faces turned pale with anger, and Chen Jiarong couldn't help but cursed, "You old pervert, don't think I don't know what you did to Shanshan."

"You scum, you should have died a long time ago." Cai Nan also joined in the process of criticizing the old professor, revealing many secrets, while the senior sister next to her couldn't help crying.

The newlyweds looked at each other and felt funny. They didn't expect to see such an ugly scene at the critical moment of life and death.

"You, you don't even want to graduate!" The old professor almost couldn't catch his breath, but he didn't have a chance to breathe. He was the only healthy person left outside the restaurant. The zombie sniper certainly wouldn't let him run away.

Immediately moved the Mauser 98k over.

Bang bang, two shots hit his chest and legs. The old professor immediately fell down and screamed miserably.

"Bah, sanctimonious, evil will be punished." Zhao Guangji spat and stared at the female college student next to Cai Nan. This girl with no sense of existence looked like the kind of introverted child who was not good at talking. No wonder she was taken advantage of.

Tantai and Qin Yan exposed their eyes to the muzzle of the gun, using him as bait to find the sniper's position and cover Tang Zheng and the veteran who were about to rush up.

"You...beasts..." the old professor's abuse stopped silently. Bang, a bullet whirled, penetrated his temple, flew out from his right eye socket, and directly hit his skull into the sky, and the white brain matter was mixed.

A large area of ​​blood was spilled on the deck.

Boom, watching the old professor's body fall, the truck driver and Lin Haifeng's woman turned pale with fright, and struggled to climb to the restaurant.

Not just snipers, a large group of Nazi zombies also rushed over, but at the front were a few zombie dogs. They sprinted like sharp arrows, barked, circled around the truck driver and Sea Breeze's girlfriend, and bit and gnawed on them.

Piece after piece of meat was frightened.

Listening to their screams, the newcomers' faces turned blue and they couldn't help but look up. The two of them drove away the zombie dogs, but to no avail. One waited for the truck driver to empty the magazine and immediately pounced on it and bit it.

With his shoulders, he stepped back, and the others rushed forward.

Because Lin Haifeng's girlfriend was wearing a protective suit, the zombie dogs' teeth could not pierce her for the time being. However, being surrounded and bitten by seven or eight of them felt like she had fallen into hell. All she could see were zombie dogs with rotting flesh and stench.

It was all barking and drooling…

The woman was torn apart and couldn't even stand still, but it was a disaster in disguise. The sniper didn't 'take care' of her.

Tang Zheng and Lin Weiguo once again killed a wave of zombies that were chasing after them. They rushed to the top floor and saw the body of the old professor and the two unlucky guys who were surrounded and bitten by zombie dogs. Without saying a word, they straightened their guns.

Start shooting at the mouth.

Click, click, click, the zombie dog rolled over like a dead catfish.

"There are snipers." Tang Zheng immediately guessed the reason why they were abandoned. Of course, this also had something to do with the two of them. If they were more gregarious, the conqueror would definitely help them.

Boom, Tantai took over Lu Fan's Gauss sniper rifle and fired a round at the sniper's hiding place. A large hole with a radius of half a meter was immediately opened in the wall of an ice cream shop opposite.

"Help...save me." The truck driver vomited a mouthful of blood and ran over to Tang Zheng. He reluctantly stretched out his hand, asking him to give him a hand.

Tang Zheng handed the gun to his left hand, grabbed the truck driver's collar, and dragged him to the restaurant. Lin Weiguo said nothing and shot at the zombies that had rushed within ten meters.

"Thank you..." Seeing Tang Zheng saving him, the truck driver's eyes suddenly burst into life, and he was moved to tears.

"Tang Zheng is an idiot and a rotten good guy. It would be a burden to bring him back." Seeing this situation, Pang Meiqin became extremely depressed. The newcomers were silent and subconsciously raised their heads to look at the battle situation outside.


***, third update, please vote for recommendation!

This chapter has been completed!
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