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Chapter 43 Indiscriminate Bombing

Chapter 43: Indiscriminate Killing

"Lu Xiong usually has the problem of grabbing the skirt of clothes with his left hand and likes to peek at women's breasts. In the conversation just now, he stood there and did nothing. Is this enough? If you are not satisfied, I can list five more

An example." Tantai didn't care about Chen Jiarong's opinion at all. He stared at Lu Xiong and hummed, "So what if Tang Zheng made the wrong call? All safety risks should have been eliminated."

"After experiencing so many dangers, haven't you seen that death is approaching in the Trojan Horse game? If you don't have self-control, you will be tempted by various desires, affected by negative emotions, and you will not be able to judge the situation calmly, you will end up with only death.

One piece." Pang Meiqin looked at a group of newcomers arrogantly and taught them a lesson.

The newcomers were silent. It seemed that the conquerors' survival was not a fluke, at least they were outstanding in some aspects.

"Damn it, there are so many ways? I thought it was Tang Zheng who wanted to push the Yangma, so he hit Lu Xiong." Chu Baichuan scratched his scalp and showed an incredulous expression.

Ai Yixin's cheeks suddenly turned red, and she felt extremely embarrassed, so she chopped her husband's foot with one foot.

"Shut up." Ai Yixin was helpless. Her husband, a stupid young man, was going to be in trouble sooner or later if he did things without thinking.

Lu Xiong got up while everyone was talking. The wound on his leg did not affect him at all, and even the blood stopped flowing. Now even a fool could see that something was wrong. Lao Tang turned around and ran back in fear.

The reporter pounced on Lao Tang's back, and the Yangma standing in the middle of the carriage began to run wildly in the aisle with a ferocious look on his face. Seeing this scene, the shocked passengers went crazy with fear and screamed. Most of them

It was even more crowded towards Tang Zheng.

Tang Zheng held a gun, but Lao Tang was crowded in the aisle, blocking his shooting range. Tantai didn't have so many worries. He pulled out the A-level silver desert eagle from his waist and shot Lao Tang in the chest with one shot.

On the knees.

Boom, the kneecap was immediately smashed to pieces. With a pop, Lao Tang threw himself forward to the ground. His broken calf was dangling at the moment and remained in place.

Lu Xiong's entire body floated parallel to the train, pressing towards Lao Tang.

Bang bang, Tang Zheng's Beretta M9 and Tantai's Desert Eagle spit out bullets, hitting Lu Xiong's head all at once, blasting it away. Instead of brains and blood splashing out, there was a large amount of black.

The Pharaoh Scorpion fell out, clattering to the ground, and then quickly crawled towards Lao Tang, who was wailing and climbing on the ground.

Bang, Luxiong fell in the aisle, losing his head but not dead. His whole body was twisting like maggots, and a large number of pharaoh scorpions crawled out from the holes in his head.

These pharaoh scorpions are all black, each about the size of an adult's hand. When they crawl, they make a rustling sound. After rushing onto the body of the cameraman Lao Tang, they immediately pierce their tail stingers into the skin and inject the venom from their venom glands.


Lao Tang's breathing immediately became rapid and sweat broke out on his forehead. He felt dizzy and his physical strength was rapidly losing.

Tang Zheng and Tantai shot at Lu Xiong's body. After finishing the bullets in the magazine, the reporter was like an inflated balloon. His belly exploded with a bang, and dense scorpions splashed in the air, occupying the entire field of vision.

At this time, it was as if he had turned into a human skin, with all the internal organs devoured by scorpions and becoming their parasite.

The newcomers shivered immediately when they saw this scene, especially the senior sister Shanshan. Looking at the layers of pharaoh scorpions, she suddenly felt that her legs had lost strength, and a stream of heat shot out of her lower abdomen, dripping.

The soaked protective clothing dripped from her crotch, and she had sex.

"I, I have trypophobia." Cai Nan muttered with a pale face, but no one had time to comfort her. At this time, she could only rely on herself to hold on.

The Yangma pushed through the crowd and rushed towards him. Probably not wanting to crush the scorpions, he jumped up and pounced on Tang Zheng.

Tang Zheng decisively changed his gun, swiped his watch with his right hand, pulled out the Demon-Slaying Holy Flame, pointed it at her and pulled the trigger.

Bang, the deer bullets shining with golden flames spurted out of the barrel of the gun and hit the chest of Yangma. Not only did it immediately knock half of her body away, but the powerful repelling force even made her roll back.

The pieces of meat from the Ocean Horse that flew into the air squirmed and turned into pharaoh scorpions, falling everywhere like rain.

The panicked travelers ran around, shouting, and the scorpions bit them mercilessly.

"They must be saved." Chen Jiarong's hand holding the rifle trembled, but he wanted to show his sense of justice. The passengers behind him who saw the commotion and rushed out of the carriage also shouted similar words.

Tang Zheng didn't care, and opened fire with all his strength, blasting the Yangma into a ball of rotten flesh. The scorpions had already swallowed up Laotang, wrapping it tightly, and some of them had even started to rush towards Tang Zheng.

"Too bad, the scorpions are too small and there are too many. We don't have weapons like map cannons, so we can't clear the area and kill them all." Tantai took out the machine gun, with a solemn expression on his face, but did not retreat. He stood behind Tang Zheng and killed those who rushed over.

The passengers were shot one by one.

"Are you crazy? That's an innocent passenger!" Seeing the passengers fell down after being shot, the group of passengers at the back were shocked and speechless. Then they stared at Tantai and called him an executioner. However,

They quickly shut up, because Tang Zheng and Qin Yan didn't hesitate and started killing them indiscriminately.

The entire carriage was immediately overturned with people lying on their backs and corpses lying on the ground.

"This is a group of lunatics." Jason shuddered uncontrollably.

"When you grow up, you dogs will see that they are no longer human beings." Tantai Zongqi yelled, "Whatever sarcastic words you have to say, if you want to fulfill your humanitarian mission, don't hide behind, go in and save people."

The bodies of the passengers who were beaten to death exploded, and black pharaoh scorpions came out.

Six servants wearing black turbans stood on the opposite side of the carriage. They were planning to control the passengers to walk to Tang Zheng, release the scorpions in their bodies, and attack from the inside. Unexpectedly, they were too ruthless, and they bombarded him indiscriminately.


Seeing that the plan failed, the servants stopped acting and directly controlled the passengers in the carriage to attack the other side.

"Stop showing off your kindness. I've seen it a long time ago. Everyone on the train, except for us, has become a parasite of the scorpion." Not to mention that Tang Zheng had already confirmed it. Even if he didn't know clearly, he would still say this.

At least morally speaking, we cannot afford to say, "They are all monsters."

The passengers who were hiding behind and survived saw this scene and shrank into a ball in fear. When they heard Tang Zheng's words, they immediately jumped up and wanted to separate themselves from the crowd around them. It seemed that they also had scorpions in their bodies.


"Chu Baichuan, it's up to you." Tang Zheng's Demon-Slaying Holy Flame has an explosion effect. Although it can explode an open area every time, the rate of fire is too slow. Chu Baichuan still has to rely on Chu Baichuan to clear the area. Little Lolita feels uncomfortable.

, not suitable for fighting.

Lao Tang had been completely swallowed. After his death, he stood up with scorpions all over his body and ran towards Tang Zheng again, only to be blasted into a ball of flesh by his three shots.

The remains of the scorpion and body fluids were splashed everywhere, and the stench began to permeate the air.

"Look at me." Chu Baichuan rolled up his sleeves, grabbed a mineral water bottle, squeezed to Tang Zheng's side, stretched out his hand to detonate it, and with a roar, a long flame dragon swept out and spurted out, reaching the opposite side. The scorching air wave made the carriage even more intense.

It was a mess inside.

No passenger was spared. After the long flames passed, the carriage was completely dark. Except for ashes, they were all charred corpses. Some people immediately vomited out after seeing this cruel scene.

Chu Baichuan's explosive ability cannot be released out of thin air. It can only be released by pressing it on an object. However, he solved the limitation by using a mineral water bottle. It must be said that this man is very adaptable. After all, he has been a street gangster and has been involved in group fights for several years.


"Ai Yixin is quite pretty, how could she fall in love with such a person?" Pang Meiqin wondered, this was just flowers stuck in cow dung.

When the Scorpion King's servants saw that their offensive was thwarted, they gritted their teeth angrily, got out of the way, and controlled the passengers in other carriages to come for reinforcements.

"Haha, it's really cool to have the ability to kill people in a wide range. Tang Zheng, leave the scorpion to me. You have to protect it." Chu Baichuan was very proud. He pulled the bolt of the gun, ejected a bullet, and held it in his hand.

Then he threw the baseball as if he were throwing it.

Boom, the bullet was thrown into the previous carriage, hit the crowd and exploded, creating another sea of ​​fire.

"Hmph, if I didn't have a stomachache, it wouldn't be your turn to be arrogant." Lu Fan wrinkled his face and leaned against the door frame, feeling helpless.

"Bragging, there is no sand here, how can you activate your ability?" Chu Baichuan didn't want to be compared to the little lolita.

"My watch has two spare containers stuffed in it. There are fifty tons of sand inside. Believe it or not, I can crush you?" Lu Fan made a move with his right hand, and a small yellow sand snake spewed out of the watch. However,

It immediately broke into pieces and scattered on the ground.

Lu Fan held his stomach and wanted to go to the bathroom again.

Lin Weiguo's eyes lit up, and he felt that he could follow suit and prepare various materials so that he could have armor made of different materials.

"Don't get too far forward, we can't help." Seeing Chu Baichuan walking to the center of the carriage, Tang Zheng quickly stopped him and asked Xu Biyun and Pang Meiqin to take charge of Ai Yixin's safety.

"Is everything okay behind us?" Chen Hong grabbed Hu Xiaoyan's arm and looked behind her timidly.

"No wonder, why did I ask Tang Zheng to choose the first carriage when he booked the ticket? That's it." Jason slapped his forehead and came to his senses.

The newcomers once again marveled that Tang Zheng's becoming the group leader was indeed not a fluke.

"If we don't kill those hooded men, the attack will not stop." Tang Zheng saw them retreating into the crowd, feeling helpless. The other party was too vigilant and did not give him a chance to kill them.

"Is it possible to completely clear the entire train?" Ai Yi thought so beautifully that the enemy would not give everyone such a chance.

The passengers who became scorpion parasites changed their tactics under the command of the servants. They were like bouncy balls, bouncing back and forth on the car wall, thus ensuring that Chu Baichuan's bombing could only hit a few people.

Chu Baichuan was in a hurry, and after several consecutive bombardments, he fell. A passenger managed to get close, and his stomach exploded while he was in the air. Pharaoh's scorpions were sprinkled on him like water.

"Back off." Tang Zheng opened fire, and the explosive effect caused the deer bullet to blast a circular hole in the scorpions, and the nearby scorpion corpses crackled and burned.

Chu Baichuan did not dare to take the big shot, so he retreated quickly. At the same time, he unleashed his power with all his strength, and another explosive fire dragon rushed out, completely clearing the area.

After the explosion, the parasite began to charge forward again.

"Are you coming again? This tactic is too disgusting?" If Chu Baichuan cleared the field every time, he would run out of life energy in a short while.

"Stand by my side. If there are too many, we will clear the area." Tang Zheng walked into the carriage, holding the demon-slaying holy flame in his right hand. After shooting a parasite, his wrist shook, and the entire gun suddenly turned upside down 360 degrees.

There was a click, the gun was loaded, and then the arm moved, aiming again and shooting, and another one was shot away.

Tang Zheng's left hand was not idle and he took out the Terminator. Once there were too many Terminators and the Demon Slaughter could not take care of them, the six-barreled machine gun began to spin and roar, firing out barrages.

With one person and two guns, Tang Zheng completely suppressed the parasite. For five minutes, there was no danger. Of course, although the scorpions that fell to the ground and crawled back again were annoying, there were humanoids like Chu Baichuan who could walk on their own.

As long as Tang Zheng stays by his side, there is no need to worry.

Tantai and others were not idle either and began to attack with force, killing the parasites in the distance and trying not to let them get close.

This was a protracted battle. In order to have a strategic detour space, Tang Zheng began to advance proactively. Another five minutes later, the three carriages Tang Zheng walked through were covered with scorpion corpses, more than a foot thick.

What comes out is a mixture of pureed meat and body fluids, which is greasy to the touch and extremely disgusting.

When several turbaned servants saw the failure of their tactics, they were furious. After screaming a few times, they suddenly sprinted with all their strength. Their speed was much faster, almost leaving an afterimage of their bodies.

"Back off, each person locks one target and hits it." Tang Zheng didn't want to resist this thing. The rate of fire of the Demon-Slaying Holy Flame was a drawback. He only had time to hit one, and the others had already pounced on him.

The firearms of the people in Tantai were not strong enough to repel, and even if they hit, the monster would still sprint forward. Xu Biyun did not participate in the battle, and summoned a puppet to stand in front of him, dedicated to protecting Emma and Ai Yixin.

Tang Zheng and his party continued to retreat, while the three servants jumped three meters in front of them. Just when Chu Baichuan was about to use his big move, their bodies suddenly expanded, splitting their robes, and turned into a giant pharaoh like a car.


Bang, three scorpions fell to the ground and crawled over quickly. The venom glands were even more compressed and discharged the paralyzing venom along the tail sting like a water pump. The corrosive venom immediately swept over them.

Boom, Chu Baichuan's explosive fire dragon came out at the right time, vaporizing all the green liquid in the air, and was then blocked by a giant scorpion that served as a human shield.

The other two crossed over its charred corpse and sprinted again, reaching in front of Tang Zheng. They stretched out their two front pincers, trying to pinch him in two. At the same time, the poisonous stings on their tails pierced his chest like crossbow arrows.

Head, when making these attacks, another wave of venom is shot out.

"Gravity suppression!" Tang Zheng released his power, and the bodies of the two giant scorpions suddenly shook, like a high-speed truck being hit by a meteorite, and they plunged into the ground. The acid liquid fell vertically like it was hit by a fly swatter.

Towards the ground.

This chapter has been completed!
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