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Chapter 46 Fighting in the Square

Chapter 46: Fighting in the Square

The jumping ability of mummies is very strong, but it is still difficult to climb up a five-meter-high stone pillar to kill prey, not to mention that there are guns constantly shooting at them.

"Biyun, don't release your abilities. The battle will take a long time." Tang Zheng knew that the girl had become much more timid after witnessing Liu Yue's death. If there was any danger, she would summon the puppets to defend herself first.

"Yes." Xu Biyun nodded. She understood that in normal times, Tang Zheng could kill the enemy quickly without consuming too much of his life energy. But now it was obviously a protracted war, and he had to arrange the use time of his abilities reasonably.

Boom, the demon-slaying holy flame fired a buckshot and knocked down a mummy that was about to climb to the top of the stone pillar. Its entire upper body was shattered into pieces, and it smashed down with burning flames.

The group of mummies kept jumping up and attacking, their heads raised up with hideous faces, and they kept roaring.

Tang Zheng's expression didn't change at all as he called them by name one by one.

Pang Meiqin put the butt of her gun on her shoulder, aimed at the corpse's head and fired with her arms steady without any fluctuation. However, Xu Biyun and Chu Baichuan kept missing their targets. In just a few minutes, the flight attendant with beautiful legs had killed six of them, which was the same as Tantai and Qin Yan.

The number of kills was the same, but there was still a big gap compared to Tang Zheng's eleven. There was no way, the Demon-Slaying Holy Flame was too powerful.

After killing more than 300 mummies, the survivors didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief when they saw Tang Zheng carrying Lu Fan on his back, jumping off the stone pillar first and running towards the depths of the oasis.

Qin Yan, a veteran, did not dare to neglect, and followed closely behind. The others moved a little slower, and even had the urge to take a rest.

Tantai glanced at Jason, who was sitting on the stone pillar, breathing heavily. He suddenly raised his gun and fired, killing the nine bodyguards in black who were still alive. Then he kicked the rich man to the ground and tore him off.

He took off his clothes and grabbed the scepter tied to his chest with a belt.

"Give it back to me." Jason rushed over to take it back with a ferocious look, but Tantai shot him directly, wounding one of his legs.

"Those monsters who dropped the notes never said you were a mission person, so go to hell." Tantai didn't want to cause any further trouble, so he shot him in the head.

"Tang Zheng is too soft-hearted." The scepter was only as long as his index finger and emitted a golden light that was extremely dazzling. Tantai put it away and chased after him.

A few minutes later, the monster caught up and dragged Jason's body into the oasis.

"Don't relax, rush out of the oasis as soon as possible. The closer you get to the Abu Simbel Temple, the monsters will definitely become stronger." Although Tang Zheng didn't complain when he saw the newcomers, his relaxation caused the movement to deform, which was obviously not as hard as before, and immediately

Remind them to increase their desire to survive with a sense of fear and crisis. As for Jason and Tantai falling behind, he even heard the gunshot. Regardless of whether he cared about it or not, he knew that the agent couldn't help it and would

Steal the scepter of the rich man.

"Is this just your speculation?" the considerate Yu Mature asked and continued the topic. As for whether Tang Zheng could answer this question, she was not worried. She believed that he must have discovered something. That man was always very careful.


"I don't think the mummy will be blocked here. Maybe our every move has been monitored by the queen." Tang Zheng noticed Lu Fan's twisting and turning and glanced back.

"I can run by myself." Lu Fan didn't want his uncle to consume too much endurance. After entering the oasis, he paid the most.

"No, the desert is your main battlefield, you must preserve your endurance." Tang Zheng shook his head and refused, without looking back, and said loudly, "From now on, I will control the traveling speed within your tolerance, so no matter who is left behind,

, will not get any help."

The newlyweds suddenly felt a chill in their hearts, gasping for breath, and followed closely.

After running safely for less than three minutes, the machete-wielding monsters not only chased them from behind, but also began to appear on both sides, constantly shooting crossbow arrows coated with poison. The survivors were overjoyed. If they had not listened to Tang Zheng's words and escaped just now,

, it must be wrapped up now.

Seeing the monsters chasing after them from both sides and getting closer, Tang Zheng gave up suppressing fire and instead took out a damage-free AK74 loaded with a hundred-round drum magazine, and fired at them accurately while running.

Bang bang, the sound of two rounds of gunfire kept ringing out, dense and crisp, like a sonata of death. The monster would often be hit in the body just as it emerged, and then fall into the bushes with a scream.

"Tantai, you are responsible for the left side." Tang Zheng's AK74 not only has a very fast rate of fire, but also maintains a super high hit rate, making it impossible for the monsters it hits to get close.

Click, click, the sound of emptying had just come. Tang Zheng had already pressed the magazine release button, took out a new drum and pressed it. The firepower stopped and wasted a second.

The monsters seized this pause and ran wildly, sprinting closer, but were hit by firepower the next moment. Tang Zheng's AK74 opened fire again, breathing out hot muzzle flames to harvest their lives.

For a moment, the oasis was filled with the sounds of monsters screaming and falling, which was extremely miserable.

Ai Yixin sat on the raptor, with her feet in the stirrups and her legs tightly holding its belly. She endured the pain from her abdomen and held a gun in both hands to shoot the monsters. Even if she didn't gain anything, she would still shoot them.

Show your determination and worth.

Emma hugged her, holding the dragon reins with both hands. Occasionally, branches would hit her face, which hurt. But looking at the man rushing at the front, her heart ached even more. Is this a man's sense of responsibility?

"Uncle, there seems to be something in the sky?" Lu Fan raised his head to take a closer look, but a branch hit his eye, and tears suddenly burst out of his eyes.

After Tang Zheng shot away a monster, he moved the muzzle of the gun to the next target that had been predetermined. He moved his sight upwards. The date palm trees were lush and all kinds of branches and leaves blocked the sky, but this did not prevent him from seeing the floating things in the sky.

That dark shadow.

"It looks like an airship?" Tantai also glanced at it. His excellent eyesight allowed him to vaguely see the shape of a black shadow in the sky. "No, there is no hydrogen balloon. Is it a ship?"

"How can a ship fly into the sky?" Pang Meiqin didn't care about the shadows. He concentrated on shooting monsters. After all, his duty was to do the things in front of him, and he only had so much ability. Let Tang Zheng worry about the rest.


While Tang Zheng was observing the black shadow, the AK74 still fired again, but for the sake of hit rate, he fired two more bursts.

The monster was shot and fell to the ground. Tang Zheng no longer cared about the black shadow in the sky and went all out to kill the monster, slightly increasing his speed.

Hu Xiaoyan and Chen Hong's throats were dry and smoking, their lips were chapped, and their whole lungs were unbearably hot, as if they were about to burn. Their steps had begun to falter, their whole bodies were swaying, and they might fall at any time. Just when they thought they could not hold on.

When I lived and died in the jungle, the dense green plants in front of me suddenly disappeared, and a suddenly bright desert color came into view.

"Escaped." As soon as this thought entered the minds of the four female newcomers, their feet softened, they threw themselves to the ground and plunged into the sand.

Tang Zheng and others immediately turned around and opened fire at the monsters chasing out of the oasis. The barrage swept out killed hundreds of them. Corpses were scattered all over the field, and the blood flowing from the corpses quickly seeped into the dry sand. The corpses were

It withered into a ball of rotten flesh in the sun.

The remaining monsters screamed and had to retreat to the oasis. They obviously couldn't live in the sun.

"It seems to be a sun boat. It is said to symbolize the rebirth of the Pharaoh. Isn't the queen on it?" Emma put her hands on the arbor and looked at the sky, and she could vaguely see the shadow of the boat.

"Take a rest for two minutes, drink water and eat chocolate to replenish your strength." Tang Zheng took out more than twenty bottles of mineral water and quickly distributed them.

"Comfortable." Chu Baichuan unscrewed the cap of the bottle and poured it on his head. A cool feeling spread immediately. He breathed a sigh of relief and quickly opened another bottle for his wife and handed it over to her, asking her if she felt uncomfortable.

Tang Zheng drank water while alerting the surroundings and observing the environment. The most eye-catching thing was the Abu Simbel Temple excavated directly from the rock one thousand meters away. Four giant statues of Ramses II were guarding the outside.

For the people to look up to.

"These tourists are really not afraid of death." Pang Meiqin was eating high-calorie food and saw at least a thousand tourists around, browsing and taking pictures. Some people were shocked when they saw them shooting with guns, and then started


"Emma, ​​what are you going to do next?" Yu Manli asked in a low voice, which was a reminder to Tang Zheng that he couldn't stay here for too long.

"Enter the Virgin, find the sarcophagus containing the body of Ramses II, destroy it, Nefertari will appear, and then the mission of killing her is completed." Tang Zheng had already guessed the whole thing based on Emma's description.

Conditions for completing the mission, "Don't worry, we have five props. When we get here, the queen will definitely show up to snatch them."

However, after a minute, the queen did not appear, but the Scorpion King's soldiers arrived first.

The location where the Trojan team is located used to be a huge square, but after thousands of years, it has long been weathered into disarray. Only the huge stone staircase leading to the entrance of the temple has been conquered and repaired, and it is still intact. But at this time

It also started to collapse.

The ground of the entire temple tomb complex began to shake violently like a magnitude 5 earthquake, stirring up countless sand and dust. The tourists were frightened and ran away, but before they could take a few steps, they felt as if they had stepped into quicksand.

The child sank and disappeared.

Lu Fan quickly released his power and consolidated the ground beneath everyone's feet, creating a foothold.

After a few seconds, the shaking stopped. Before those tourists who had survived the disaster had time to rejoice, a stream of sand pillars sprang up like a fountain, condensing into monsters with wolf heads and bodies. They were tall and tall, two meters high.

, holding a shield and an ax, slaughtering every human in the square.

After a while, there was not a single living person left in the square, and they were all turned into mutilated corpses.

"Let's go, Tantai, let's charge together." Tang Zheng was not stupid enough to charge alone. There were thousands of monsters in the square, and he had to penetrate them as quickly as possible to enter the temple.

When bullets hit desert monsters, their bodies immediately shattered into yellow sand and dispersed in the wind. However, after a few seconds, the sand in the wounds would squirm again and repair the missing limbs.

This time, the spiritual bullets could not kill them completely, and what was worse was that a dozen giant pharaoh scorpions that were as big as a large forklift also crawled out of the ground with a rumble, waving their sharp front claws.

"Hurry up." Tantai speeded up. At this time, he could no longer take care of the newcomers. He could only live and die according to his destiny.

Xu Liangmao's marksmanship, which he had practiced through life and death in the past few days, came in handy. At the end of the day, he successfully killed several wolf-headed monsters that were chasing after him.

"Don't be afraid, shoot, shoot them." Yu Manli kept shouting, trying to dispel the fear in the hearts of the four female newcomers. Chen Hong and Hu Xiaoyan shouted, kept pulling the triggers, and changing ammunition.

Although the movements of the box are unfamiliar, there are still no mistakes at all. This is all due to Yu Manli. In addition to serving Tang Zheng these days, this mature woman has not been idle the rest of the time. She trains them whenever she has time.

In comparison, Cai Nan and Shanshan were a bit clumsy. They shot in a hurry and kept pulling the trigger after firing the bullets.

"Change the magazine." Yu Manli reminded loudly.

With trembling arms, Cai Nan and Shanshan just grabbed the magazine, but after a few attempts they couldn't figure it out. They were so anxious that they were sweating profusely. As a result, they became even more impatient and dropped the magazine on the ground.

These two girls felt sorry for themselves, and looked down on Yu Manli, Chen Hong, and the others as they knelt down to Tang Zheng, so they even stopped talking to them. Moreover, there was always Chen Jiarong by their side, taking care of them, complimenting them, and saying whatever they encountered.

If I will protect you in a crisis, these two inexperienced girls who are accustomed to escaping from reality are still immersed in fantasy, thinking that they live better than noble ladies like Yu Manli, has-been celebrities like Chen Hong, and that mistress.

Okay, so when we encounter a crisis at this time, and the existing strength is not enough to cope with it, we are completely in trouble.

The nearest Pharaoh Scorpion had crawled within ten meters, coming towards it with its fangs and claws bared. Tang Zheng raised his right arm and charged the mechanical lion cannon. A dazzling energy beam rubbed against the ground and blasted out, hitting it heavily. The ground

The sand was melted into a liquid state by the scorching heat of the energy cannon.

The Pharaoh Scorpion flew more than fifty meters away as if it had been hit by a siege ram, but after a few seconds, it got up and ran over again.

Tang Zheng was depressed, why did this S-class prop have no spiritual power to attack, otherwise it could be killed with one shot.

"Tang Zheng, don't worry, you have a few cannon beam bullets. They have spiritual power and can blast them." There were too many wolf-headed monsters and Tantai's offensive was blocked, so he called Tang Zheng and asked him to

With full firepower, "I'll help you cover."

Tang Zheng did not hesitate. He took out his Gauss sniper rifle, replaced it with a twenty-round cannon beam magazine, locked a Pharaoh Scorpion in the scope, and pulled the trigger.

The blue beam shot out, hit the scorpion, penetrated it easily, and tore the flesh apart. There was no blood or fragments flying, because everything was burned into balls of coke by the high temperature.

"Uncle probably spent more points than the newcomers earned." Seeing the giant scorpions being blown up one after another, Lu Fan curled his lips and felt distressed. Why should his uncle bear all this loss?

"You fight too." Tang Zheng took out a box of cannon beam bullets and threw them to Lu Fan. Dozens more giant scorpions came out and they had to be killed before they got close.

This chapter has been completed!
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