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Chapter 39: Escape and Death

"Thank you, thank you!" The young woman's face was originally full of sadness and fear. She knew that her daughter would definitely die if she left the virtual world without anyone to take care of her. But when she heard that Li Xinlan was willing to help, she was immediately overjoyed and hurriedly thanked her.

"Get out of the way, you didn't hear me!" Pang Meiqin muttered, and kicked a newcomer on the back who was trying to grab the code injection. Just as he was about to lean over to get it, a high-explosive bomb suddenly spun and shot quickly.

It scratched the waist of a Japanese man, and then hit the incubator, penetrating with a bang and blowing it into a ball of rubbish.

The test tube burst, and the glass fragments mixed with the blue liquid sprayed everywhere. Only three intact ones were left in the air and were hit by the impact. If they fell, they would definitely break.

Pang Meiqin did not throw away the code potion. She looked tense and immediately rushed behind the icicle. At the same time, she fired with a gun to suppress the direction of the bullet. An agent in black sprinted, it was Smith!

No. 6 saw these 'junk programs' trying to escape and took action to annihilate them.

"Help me inject my daughter!" The young woman's heart almost broke when the medicine was exploded. Without any hesitation, she asked Li Xinlan for help while decisively jumping off the ice platform to grab the test tube.

"It's Agent Smith!" Seeing the agent in black split into two, then divided into four, and deftly shuttled through the thunder ball, the stewardess with beautiful legs changed her face, shouted, took out the injection, and opened the lid.

He pulled out the beautiful neck and plunged it in.

As the cold liquid entered her body, Pang Meiqin felt that her vision began to distort and blur, and then suddenly went black.

"Hurry up and leave!"

Tang Zheng urged everyone. He was like a dam piercing the earth at this time, firmly blocking the charge and trample of these rhinoceros-shaped love bug viruses. He kept blasting out with his fists, and these hit love bugs were like

He was hit by the battering ram and flung away with a whoosh. Because he was too heavy, after falling out, even the parked cars were crushed into a puddle of rotten iron. The sound of crunching iron was heard endlessly.

"Honey, you go first!" Chu Baichuan's pressure suddenly eased. Seeing Tang Zheng defeating these love bugs by himself, he couldn't help but envy his power armor, and then he jumped up and climbed up in three strokes.

Ice platform.

"Will these liquids have any effect on the fetus?" Ai Yixin was worried, but he had no choice but to inject the liquid into his body.

The conquerors were all leaving one after another, and Tantai and Lin Weiguo took the initiative to cut off the rear.

"Qin Yan, Bai Guo, help me take care of her!" Chu Baichuan gritted his teeth and did not leave early. He knew that he had to show some value.

"You guys go first, I'll go with my uncle!" Lu Fan didn't want to leave, so he squatted beside the ice platform. He originally shot the love bug virus, but then he saw Smith jumping out and left to vent his firepower, trying to suppress him.

"Okay, Biyun, Gingguo, Sister Manli, let's go!" Qin Yan protected the three target people, made sure they injected the code medicine into their bodies, and started to leave. At this time, she understood the priorities.

Seeing Ruan Feifei disappear, the female tour guide's eyes were full of resentment. At this time, she was lying on the ground, her body was numb. She just grabbed the test tube, but before it penetrated into the muscles, she let go, which made her break out in a cold sweat.

Seeing that Schronz had not rushed five meters in front of him, the newcomers seemed to be experiencing the end of the world, running away and injecting liquids, hoping that you would leave quickly.

Bang bang, Smith's pistol fired, and the Japanese closest to him was hit by a high-explosive bomb, and his upper body was shattered into a puddle of rotten flesh.

"Lu Fan, let's go!" Li Xinlan injected the little girl with her right hand. She stretched out her index finger with her left hand and pointed it at the eight running Agent Smith. Dozens of ice picks shot out from the originally smooth icicles and stabbed Agent Smith.

Tang Zheng gave up resisting the love bug virus and pounced on Agent Smith. He knew how difficult these guys were. If he got close, the remaining survivors would probably be finished.

Bang bang, Tang Zheng attracted the firepower, Smith's body shot him immediately, and the others shook their arms, the black suit broke, and the two arms turned into sharp arm knives, and then he jumped, avoiding the ice pick, like

Like vultures, they pounce on newcomers.

The young woman risked her life in order to grab a tube of code potion. The moment she grabbed it again, she looked happy, and then her body hit the ground heavily and rolled a few times. Although she was wearing protective clothing, the young woman did not take off the impact.

Due to the force, coupled with the deformation of posture in order to catch the code, the left shoulder was completely stressed, and with a click, the bone was broken.

Tang Zheng's clones were weak and could not stop all the Smith agents. A few slipped through the net. Fortunately, almost all the newcomers left. However, the young woman was slow for a moment and just about to inject, the Smith clone's arm knife slashed her arm.

, cut off directly.

The young woman screamed, looking at the severed hand holding the code getting further and further away from her, her face turned gray, and her whole body was filled with hope.

The clone's arm sword swung down again, slashing towards her neck.

Bang, at the critical moment, Lu Fan opened fire and blew his head off with one shot.

"Don't be stunned!" Lu Fangao shouted, pulled the bolt of the gun, ejected the shell and loaded the bullet, and shot another concubine who wanted to get closer.

Lu Fan didn't want to see the little girl crying and looking for her mother, trembling and trying to crawl away.

Lin Weiguo stood on the ice platform and blew it up with one shot. If he still had his arms, the veteran wouldn't mind helping the female tour guide, but now that his combat power is greatly damaged, if he acts randomly, it will increase Tang Zheng's burden.

"This is the only thing I can do!" The veteran sighed, quickly picked up the rifle, followed Chu Baichuan and Tantai, injected the medicine and left.

Seeing that Lu Fan and the young woman had disappeared, leaving only a paralyzed female tour guide, Tang Zheng suddenly fully activated his thrusters, rushed towards the female tour guide, picked her up, smashed through the ceiling, and roared out.

The concrete crumbled, and the dust blown by the propeller's airwaves was scattered.

Thank you, thank you!" The female tour guide hugged Tang Zheng tightly and hurriedly thanked her, but before she could take a breath, her expression changed drastically, "I lost my code!"

Tang Zheng's brows were so furrowed that he could pinch a sea crab to death. He had no time to think about this. Agent Smith's back also transformed into a rocket thruster and chased after him at a speed as fast as hell.

After all, this is the virtual world of the Mother Queen. Smith has almost unlimited rights. He only restrains his actions by following the rules of not causing too much damage to the world when performing tasks. Once he sees the 'junk program', it starts to cause a lot of damage.

If there is a big harm, then this rule will be lifted automatically, and Smith will start firing on all cylinders.

These guys chased after Tang Zheng closely, followed him and flew out of the supermarket and into the city. They continued to split at this high speed. In just one minute, hundreds of them were copied like flies.

His body began to deform, his abdomen opened, and the launcher filled with rockets popped out, then roared out.

Tang Zheng wanted to speed up, but the female tour guide in his arms obviously couldn't bear the acceleration anymore. Anfu's capillaries had ruptured and blood began to leak out.

"Damn it, how could you lose the code!" Even Tang Zheng couldn't help complaining. As long as he opened the helmet and injected the medicine, he could leave, but what about the female tour guide in his arms? Of course he could leave her behind.

It was also the most appropriate approach, but Tang Zheng was not that cold-blooded yet, which made him very confused.

"Don't leave me, please, I'll do anything for you." The female tour guide hugged Tang Zheng tightly and begged loudly, making any promise. The man in front of her was her last lifeline.

Once she let go, she knew she had no chance of surviving.

"Don't worry, I won't abandon you!" Under this relentless pursuit, this woman must have no doubt that Tang Zheng didn't want her to die with regrets.

Boom, there were too many rockets, and finally a few hit Tang Zheng, shaking his body.

"You are a good person, I know that!" The female tour guide felt a chill, hugged Tang Zheng tightly with her arms, pressed her cheek against his chest, and kept whispering.

Tang Zheng forgot to look back and sighed inconspicuously. He didn't have to worry about what to do now. He leaned down from a high altitude and saw that the lower half of the female tour guide's body had been broken up to the waist in the explosion just now, and there was blood and internal organs.

Keep flying out.

"Captain, it's so cold!" The female tour guide's consciousness began to blur, and her hands holding Tang Zheng lost the strength to let go.

Tang Zheng tightened his arms. This was the only thing he could do.

A smile emerged from the corner of the female tour guide's mouth. After taking one last look at Tang Zheng, she moved her lips a few times, wanting to tell him that you were really a good person, but her exhausted physical strength made it impossible for her to speak anymore...

Watching the female tour guide close her tired eyes and die, Tang Zheng didn't guess what she wanted to say in the end. He just felt very depressed and had no way to vent his anger. He knew that he could save her with all his efforts, but it was of no use.

?Without the code, she can't get out of the virtual world at all.

Immediately, Tang Zheng's original plan to quit the game changed. He flew to the ground and put down the body of the female tour guide. The thrusters roared at 200%, spraying out a roaring airflow, making him look like an intercontinental missile.

, took off into the air and crashed head-on into the group of black-clad agents and fighter jets that were chasing after them!

The Gatling gun was fully opened, the two hundred bullet chambers on the armor were fully opened, and the chest energy ran was 100% charged, and then Tang Zheng crashed into the "Smith Group".

(To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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