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Chapter 17 The Powerful Insect Man

Tang Zheng had been guarding his back, but he was still attacked by surprise. This shows that the enemy has a strong ability to hide and hide, and his firepower is not weak.

In the dark passage, an orange diamond-shaped muzzle flash suddenly appeared, and the storm of bullets instantly overwhelmed Tang Zheng, hitting the metal door behind him with a tinkling sound, and the harsh sound almost tore his eardrums.

Tang Zheng's caution paid off. If he hadn't opened the light defense shield, even if his body was fine, his head would have been beaten into a rotten watermelon by the intensive barrage.

Boom, boom, boom, the reloaded magnetic storm rifle fired continuously, and blue electric balls shot into the passage, and then exploded, bringing out a lightning jungle. All the sneak attackers who were hit were shocked by electric shocks, and were blasted into pieces.

The bodies of those who were hit directly exploded into rotten flesh.

Through the flash of light, Tang Zheng saw the true face of the sneak attacker. They were not lizard orcs, but a kind of upright walking insect. They seemed to be like Orthoptera locusts, with green skin and textured filmy tip wings.

, two tentacles and huge compound eyes allow them to have excellent vision in the dark and can quickly capture targets.

These insect men are about 1.5 meters tall, with two strong thighs covered with barbs. Although their arms are not fully evolved, they do not affect shooting with guns at all.

Their firearms were obviously captured from humans, and they were very skillful in operation. The action of changing the magazine was fast and simple, which even made Tang Zheng a little impressed, and he didn't understand how those three claws were able to do it.

The lightning ball swept out and created a huge curtain. Within a few seconds, Tang Zheng cleared most of the insect-men in the passage. All kinds of broken limbs and green body fluids were scattered everywhere, and a stench began to permeate the air.

"Isn't it poisonous?" Tang Zheng wanted to put on a gas mask, but he didn't have time. He fired with one hand, took out the grenade with the other hand, bit off the safety pin with his teeth, and smashed it into the passage.

Bang, the flames burst into flames, and the impact air waves overturned the insect corpses a long way.

Because the passage has a metal wall, the sound diffusion is not very good. When the grenade exploded, the loud sound made Tang Zheng's teeth ache.

"Don't worry about the passage collapsing, but your eardrums will suffer." Tang Zheng didn't dare to throw any more grenades, so he could only waste the magazines to clean up the remaining soldiers.

This was a hundred-man insect vanguard. Within a minute, they were all buried in the passage. Tang Zheng quickly took out the gas mask and put it on. Then he put on his helmet and walked among the corpses to check if there were any survivors.

These insect-men should not be able to speak human language. Their heads are insect-shaped, with ferocious mouthparts. When they communicate, they make high-frequency insect sounds.

Tang Zheng would not be frightened by such a small number of bugs, so he continued to move forward to explore.

After putting on the gas mask, his field of vision was immediately restricted. Moreover, the loud breathing sound was like a windmill spinning in his ears, which made the already depressing environment even more alarming. Thanks to Tang Zheng's good mental quality, otherwise he would have been there early.

Just evacuated.

Probably because he was approaching the Insect Man's lair, Tang Zheng began to encounter frequent resistance, with Insect Man jumping out from in front and attacking him.

"It's like a mantis using its arms as a cart." Seeing the insect man being bombarded to pieces, with flesh and blood scattered everywhere. Tang Zheng also frowned a little, especially when he stepped on it, the sticky and slippery feeling made him very uncomfortable.

Not only bugs, but also a large number of bugs running around, especially a large group of locusts as thick as an adult's thigh crowded into the channel. When it comes like a tide, ordinary people have absolutely only one way to escape, because the number is too large.

If there are too many, gunpowder bullets will not be able to cause effective damage to them, and even thunder balls will be a little weak.

Wherever these locusts went, they devoured the insect-man corpses, leaving only a pool of disgusting slime.

Tang Zheng raised his right arm and turned on the mechanical lion's roar cannon. When the cannon was fired, the beam of positrons condensed instantly penetrated the channel.

There are traces of melting on the metal walls, not to mention these mutant leech, which have been completely vaporized, with not even a root hair left.

Ten minutes later, Tang Zheng entered the experimental hall. The scene here was dilapidated, and it seemed that it had suffered a devastating blow.

There are rows of huge glass vessels on display, almost all of which are broken. Some insect mummies lie inside, thin and mummified. Occasionally, I encounter a few unbroken ones. You can see that they are filled with liquid and soaked with insectoids.

Experimental specimens, but they are already dead.

"It seems to be a biochemical laboratory." Seeing this, anyone can easily deduce the process. This is a laboratory for studying insect-men. It was destroyed due to an unknown reason, and those insect-men are

The offspring of escaped experimental subjects.

Tang Zheng guessed correctly. This is an apocalyptic world that has experienced melting glaciers. The entire world is covered with vast oceans, and there are not many landmasses left. Moreover, as the greenhouse effect intensifies, these landmasses are getting smaller, and the whole world

Everything is becoming tropical, and rainforests are spreading everywhere, but this is not the most troublesome, because the laboratory bugs accidentally escaped, resulting in the emergence of new species, which are feeding on humans and robbing living space.

Tang Zheng turned around but gained nothing. Instead, he encountered several more attacks. However, under his powerful firepower, the attackers were all reduced to pieces.

Tang Zheng glanced at the handheld device, but there was still no change. The blue Trojan didn't seem to be planning to announce the mission happily. Just when he was about to evacuate, fleshy worms with human-shaped heads appeared. These monsters were probably soft-bodied reptiles.

Having evolved from the prototype, it was really disgusting to see these things suddenly in the dark experimental hall.

The flesh worm was round, fat, and swollen, crawling like an earthworm. Its whole head was as big as a face plate, with pits and various bumps and pus on it. It was still more than twenty meters away from Tang Zheng.

They suddenly opened their mouths and sprayed out a large amount of green mucus, pouring it on him.

Tang Zheng dodged. The mucus was obviously corrosive. When it was sprinkled on the ground, it made a hissing sound and white mist came out.

The heavy-loaded magnetic blast rifle fired, and more than a dozen blue electric balls shot out quickly, hitting the flesh insect monster, but it did not cause any damage. It was directly resisted and disappeared without a trace.

Tang Zheng tried firing again, but it still had the same effect. He fired a mechanical lion roar cannon, but to no avail. These flesh-worm monsters were obviously immune to energy-based weapons, and they seemed to be able to absorb this energy. Tang Zheng

After discovering that they were attacked, their size increased.

"Then try this." Tang Zheng threw a grenade. It exploded and exploded some flesh and blood of the flesh insect monster. The fragments embedded in its body, and green body fluid began to flow from the wound, but the damage was too small.

Tang Zheng held both Gatling guns and fired at the group of flesh bug monsters while moving. In the darkness, the gunfire was dazzling and a large number of bullet casings were thrown out. They fell to the ground with a clanking sound.

All the bullets were shot into the bodies of the flesh-worm monsters, and their bodies were shattered into pieces. However, Tang Zheng poured out ten thousand rounds of bullets, but still could not kill them all.

After the pieces of meat fell to the ground, they were still squirming. When the meat insect monsters behind them climbed up, they attached themselves to them and soon became one with them. Gradually, under Tang Zheng's blow, a formation was formed.

A huge meat insect monster.

Poof, poof, just like farting, the flagellum holes on the flesh bug monster spurted out green poisonous gas, which instantly began to fill the test hall.

Who knew whether they would harm the skin, Tang Zheng did not dare to expose them, and retreated violently. However, the house was leaking and it was raining, and hundreds of insect-men with guns blocked the way, shooting at him to suppress him.

Considering that the Hellfire was mostly equipped with energy weapons, Tang Zheng took out the BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle and jumped in. The 30mm machine gun began to fire.

Shrapnel exploded among the bugs, digging up corpses everywhere. Tang Zheng had no way to aim, so he could only carry out carpet bombing towards the approximate location, and occasionally the 100mm rifled cannon would roar.

During this delay, the flesh bug monster crawled within ten meters of the chariot, spitting out a mouthful of acid, and the front armor immediately began to be corroded. The poisonous gas also filled the air, and some mushrooms and plants in the backlight area immediately shrank and withered when exposed to the gas.

It was like being sprayed with an exterminator and poisoned to death.

After cleaning up the bugs, Tang Zheng had no time to hide. The containers in the hall were arranged so that the chariot could not turn around. Moreover, more than a dozen tentacles suddenly sprang out from the flesh bug monster and wrapped around the chariot, as well as a dozen bowls.

The foul-mouthed tentacles were like steel whips, beating the chariot constantly.

The tentacles hit the iron sheet, making a banging sound, and the chariot was ravaged, even a little twisted and squeezed.

With a creaking sound, the turret rotated and was aimed at the meat insect monster. The artillery, like a knight's spear, began to roar continuously and fired the shells into the body of the meat insect monster.

The cannonballs carrying powerful kinetic energy tore apart its flesh~. Each shot would take away some pieces of flesh, and bodily fluids splashed everywhere. After more than a dozen rounds, the fleshworm monster screamed in pain, and its tentacles were wrapped around the barrel of the gun.

Go up and twist it.

Boom, the shell exploded in the barrel of the gun, and the blasted gun barrel was directly inserted into the body of the flesh insect monster. Tang Zheng started to operate the machine gun again, but after firing dozens of rounds, the tank was squeezed and deformed, and the automatic power supply

The ammunition system is damaged and cannot shoot.

Tang Zheng pushed the hatch cover, and the body of the flesh bug monster was pressed against it, unable to get out. He simply held his breath, took off his gas mask, and armed himself with Hellfire. The energy cannon on his chest gathered energy, and then

After blasting out, a big hole was opened in the chariot, and the fragments entered the body of the meat monster. However, this guy was not dead yet, and the meat monsters began to regroup again.

When they saw Tang Zheng, more than a dozen tentacles swooped down and tried to crush him to death.

The beam saber shot out from the wrist, rotating in a circle and cutting through the tentacles. However, the saber, which was strong enough to cut through steel, could not cause any harm to the flesh insect monsters. Instead, it made their injuries much better. These monsters would convert the energy into

Nutrient absorption.

The tentacles wrapped around his body and sprayed mucus. Fortunately, the power armor's defense was strong enough and it had not been corroded. Tang Zheng immediately fully activated the thrusters and fired at the same time with the machine gun on his shoulder. He also opened the arm magazine and aimed at the flesh insect monster.

The rockets shot out with tail flames, blowing up some of the body of the flesh-worm monster. Tang Zheng also broke free from the tentacles and stood dozens of meters away, tearing off the broken flesh whips from his body. Looking at the squirming monster, he

Thinking about how to kill him.

"This kind of monster can always be resurrected. There should be a core in the center." The body of the meat insect monster can absorb the fallen pieces of meat by rolling them over and re-integrating them, so these things should not be important. Tang Zheng wants to

What it did was to completely smash it into a puddle of minced meat.

Just do it if you think of it. Anyway, Tang Zheng is not short of these ammunition. After shooting the rockets on Hellfire, he took out the Beetle, jumped in, and hit the launch button.

The bomb nest was aimed at the meat insect monster, and then a salvo started. Two hundred rockets engulfed it with tail flames. Violent explosions resounded in the test hall, and the castle seemed to be shaking.

The coaxial machine gun also started firing, and the smell of gunpowder smoke and blood filled the air. The place instantly became a slaughterhouse, and under your feet was a liquid paste composed of more than half a foot of minced meat and blood, which looked extremely terrifying.

The body of the flesh bug monster was reduced, and its core was finally exposed. It was a green crystal the size of a fist. It was obviously aware of the crisis, and its body squirmed and spread rapidly, trying to cover the core.

Tang Zheng controlled the beetle to jump and landed in its body. Ignoring the squirming and rapidly recovering flesh walls around it, he stretched out his mechanical arm, grabbed the insect heart crystal, and used brute force to pull it out.

The meat bug monster let out a hysterical scream and went crazy. Countless tentacles stretched out and rolled towards the Beetle Chariot.

However, Tang Zheng had already controlled it to escape, and the flesh-worm monster's body began to collapse, shriveled, and peeled off piece by piece.

The scanner showed that the entire hall was full of deadly nerve gas. Tang Zheng began to evacuate. The flesh-worm monster was not fast. Seeing that it could not catch up with its prey, it screamed in despair. In order to survive, it desperately needed energy, so it began to evacuate.

Not caring about meat, it began to devour the surrounding things that were rich in cellular material, and the dead remains of the insect-men were not spared either.

Tang Zheng originally wanted to kill the flesh-worm monster, but the entire passage suddenly began to collapse. He didn't want to be buried, so he took back the beetle and fled at full speed.

At this time, a fierce fight was taking place in the castle. Huangfu Xiong was wearing Hellfire. During his investigation, he saw the castle in the center of the island and came in to check it out. Unexpectedly, he accidentally ran into him fighting with an insect leader.

Fleischer, who was fighting, originally wanted to lie in wait and wait for them to kill the bugmen to make a profit, but who knew that the Germans had better detection methods and discovered him.

Huangfu Xiong secretly cursed at the bad luck, but he maintained his strong strength and did not want to give up the boss, so he started a battle, and his target was the leather-clad woman.

Fleischer, the masturbating man, was almost furious. He was entangled by the leader of the bug-men and couldn't get away from him at all. Moreover, the monster seemed to be very vindictive and attacked him alone.

The double-shooters kept firing out big moves, and the entire castle was about to be demolished.

The star player Landecker prepared to stay behind, but unfortunately failed. When it came to hiding and finding people, they were no match for the bugs with a keen sense of smell. A team of bug scouts discovered them. As soon as they exchanged fire, the movement they made was immediately

Lesher found out.

The masturbating man yelled, asking Landecker to join the battle and kill Huangfu Xiong together. This time it was the former special forces instructor's turn to become anxious.

This chapter has been completed!
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