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Chapter 26 Deaths one after another

"Landek Star Team, randomly select half of the team members and chop off one finger as punishment." Blue Trojan displayed the heads of the Star Team members on the virtual screen, and then began to select, not even leaving them a chance to defend themselves.


The newcomers were all frightened. They stared at the screen tightly, praying that they would not be selected. The survivors of other teams also looked ugly. Although they were lucky, they felt helpless like a rabbit or a fox. They were like a toy and could only let themselves be.

Played by a Trojan horse, there is no chance to resist.

Ten seconds later, the light spot swimming like a greedy snake stopped and selected a flight attendant.

"No, ah!" The stewardess had just finished shouting with a look of horror on her face when a shrill scream escaped from her throat. Her finger was severed and fell to the deck.

Before everyone could recover, a young Nazi man with freckles on both sides of his nose screamed again, like a pig being slaughtered, and bent down while holding his fingers. At his feet was a broken index finger.

This guy was very unlucky and lost an important index finger.

Every ten seconds, an unlucky person will be selected and punished. The screams are heard one after another, resounding on the sea, making the place feel like entering hell. After a few minutes, there are more than a dozen fingers lying on the deck.

, the blood was scattered everywhere, and it looked extremely eye-catching.

Among the conquerors, Landecker, Yannick, the man with glasses, and Lisa, a female survivor who had survived, were not spared. Her fingers were amputated. Among them, Yannik was the worst. The index finger of her right hand was amputated.

This time the use of firearms was seriously affected.

Yannick was going crazy and wanted to pull that dead guy up and beat him up again. In his anger, he became a little arrogant and asked the Trojan horse, "This is not fair. Why should we pay for other people's mistakes?"

"I have a bad attitude. I roared at the wooden horse and punished Yannick by cutting off his fingers." The blue wooden horse did not answer at all and announced the punishment.

"I was wrong." Yannick woke up with a start, and just as he was about to apologize, his left thumb exploded and shattered into a ball of rotten flesh.

"Ruthless enough." Lin Weiguo took a breath. He found that all the conquerors became as submissive as rabbits under the cruel ravages of the blue wooden horse.

"In exchange for a punishment, the old man deserves to die." Yu Manli sighed. At least Yannick's combat power was greatly damaged.

"Once again, those who break the rules of duel will be punished by being wiped out. Now that the third game is about to begin, is there anyone willing to fight?"

The blue Trojan finished speaking, and the scene of fighting for the right to fight as before no longer existed.

German youths have shrunk their eggs. The rewards are good, but they have to be taken with a life. What if they encounter a Chinese who is desperate for his life?

"No, it's not that it's possible. It's definitely that we will." A German worker with a beer belly lamented, because all the soldiers on the opposite side stood up without hesitation. At this moment, the Chinese momentum reached its peak.

"Very well, pariah warriors, since they are all Chinese players, please nominate one of them." For the first time, the blue wooden horse has a human touch.

"I'm here, get back here." Zuo Yi yelled angrily. With a swipe of his big hand, he pushed the little soldiers back.

The newcomers of both German teams subconsciously took a step back, fearing that they would be picked by the fierce-looking left player.

"No need to hide, I will choose him." The left finger pointed at Torre, unable to wait for a moment.

"Calm down, this guy is wearing a unicorn. His physique is higher than yours, and he is bulletproof. You can't even try to shoot him with your broken gun." Qin Yan wanted to dissuade Zuo Yi. A newcomer with such potential should not die here.

This kind of place.

"What are you afraid of? Even if I die, I will be buried with him. Lend me a few grenades." Zuo Yi was determined to kill Torre.

"Trojan, you said that conquerors cannot lend weapons to newcomers." Torre himself didn't realize it, but there was a hint of weakness in his voice.

"I am referring to high-tech and high-magic weapons. Ordinary bullets are not included." A few grenades will not destroy the balance of the game at all. The Trojan horse will not tolerate Torre's refusal. "It will start in five minutes. Please be ready to fight."

"Don't worry, kid. I won't kill you right away." Zuo Yi smiled ferociously, pulled the bolt of the gun, took out his military spear and played with it. He was stimulating Torre's nerves and making him lose his cool.

"Run first, then hide." Some young Nazis came up with ideas, but they were all depressing words and were very demeaning.

"With such a close distance, I will definitely blow your head off. Even if I make a mistake, I will die with you." Zuo Yi looks like a reckless man, but he actually has some scheming intentions. He is checking out the hiding places on the aircraft carrier while running around.

Torre, affecting his judgment.

The distance between the two sides is too close. Once the fire is fired, it is basically impossible to dodge. Zuo Yi can tell that this young man seems to have received firearms training. However, once the distance is further away, his advantage will be revealed. He does not trust his own troops.

The ace shooter here can't beat a civilian.

"Die together? Let's just dream!" Zuo Yi silently counted three seconds. If this guy didn't leave, he would change his strategy. However, Torre couldn't bear the pressure and ran away.

"Don't run away, fight him in close combat." Rex doesn't care whether Torre lives or dies, as long as he doesn't lose. "You have a unicorn, so you won't die if you shoot him."

Torre couldn't listen anymore and started to crawl into the buildings on the aircraft carrier.

"Three, two, one, it's time." Zuo Yi copied Torre's words to tease the old man and shouted out, feeling that he couldn't relieve his anger, "Boy, I can't kill you today. Count on Zuo Yi to live for thirty years."


Zuo Yi held a gun and chased Torre with standard tactical actions. At the moment when the countdown ended, he suddenly took off a grenade, pulled out the safety pin, and threw it towards him.

"Be careful." The Germans reminded their compatriots loudly, and they all sweated for him.

Torre was about to fight back with a gun, but when he saw the grenade thrown at him, he was instinctively afraid and dodged.

"Opportunity." Zuo Yi smiled, suddenly stood firm, put the butt of the Bayi Bar gun on his shoulder, and aimed at Torre's head with his eyes on three points and one line.

Bang bang, bang bang, two bursts were fired. The bullet penetrated Torre's eye socket and came out from the back of his head, blowing off his entire skull.

Torre died in a miserable state. His head was smashed and his lower gums were exposed.

"The marksmanship is so accurate. What are you doing by throwing a grenade? Can't you just kill him?" Ziran Baiguo was puzzled and felt that throwing a grenade would be a waste of time.

"Zuo Yi never thought about killing the opponent with a grenade. As a civilian, when he saw a grenade being thrown at him, his first reaction was basically to avoid it. In this way, Zuo Yi had a chance to shoot. Otherwise, he would

We need to shoot each other." Tang Zheng explained, and everyone suddenly realized that of course, people like Tantai Lu Fan had known about it for a long time.

Although the battle ended very quickly, Zuo Yi definitely planned carefully. He first used words and momentum to make the opponent lose his calmness and judgment, and then used a grenade to gain time to shoot. The whole process was perfect.

"Zuo Yi's mental quality is very tough. If his hands are soft, trembling, and he doesn't hit the target with every hit, once Torre is allowed to recover, the result will be hard to predict." Qin Yan is very pleased that this new talent will improve the team's strength.

After Zuo Yi poured the bullets from the magazine into Torre's body, he found that the protective clothing was indeed a good thing, with no damage at all.

"In the third game, the Warhammer team wins, first from the left, pick the reward."

"I want that unicorn suit." Zuo Yi came back and glanced at the Germans fiercely before giving up.

"In the fourth game, does anyone take the initiative to challenge?"

After sending out the rewards, Trojan announced the start of a new challenge. This time, only the Chinese soldiers stood up. Needless to say, the German stewardesses all hid like quails. The Nazi youths also looked at each other and went to fight even though they knew they would die. That was

The behavior of a fool.

"You bunch of cowards, I'll do it." A sturdy brewery employee stood up, spat, and looked at the soldiers.

"It's boring. I don't need a one-sided battle." Trojan refused and directly selected two soldiers on the screen, one belonging to the Xu Changtai team and the other to the Warhammer team.

"Are you mistaken?" The company commander was surprised. As a result, one of his fingers was cut off because of this question.

There is no human kindness to speak of here.

"Haha, civil war." The Germans were happy, looking at the soldiers with schadenfreude, waiting for them to kill each other.

"The fourth game starts in five minutes."

"How can we fight? Let's wait for a draw." The two selected soldiers quickly reached an agreement. They were both comrades in arms and could not make a move.

"Trojan, if it's a draw, you won't be punished, right?" Tang Zheng thought more and asked Trojan, but unfortunately he ignored him at all.

As time passed by, Tang Zheng felt uneasy and irritated, but he was unable to solve it. At this moment, he really wanted to give Trojan a slap in the face.

"You should kill them!" the Germans encouraged the two soldiers, but no one listened to them.

Twenty minutes later, the long-silent Trojan finally made a sound, and everyone pricked up their ears.

"The fourth game is a draw. The two incompetent pariahs will be punished by being obliterated." The Trojan horse once again showed its cruelty.

"No." Not only Tang Zheng, but also many people in the Warhammer team shouted out, but it was useless. Before the words could be finished, the two soldiers even didn't realize what was happening. Their heads exploded.

Blood, minced meat and white brains spilled out all at once, splashing on everyone's face. The hot and humid body temperature made them feel a chill to the bone.

Under the gaze of more than a hundred pairs of eyes, two headless corpses fell to the deck with a plop.

The soldiers rushed forward with compassion. The Nazi youths were silent for a few seconds and then began to cheer for this scene. This behavior angered the soldiers. If Xu Changtai hadn't stopped him quickly, a conflict would have definitely broken out.

"You deserve it." The young people raised their middle fingers, spit, cursed and gloated.

"Once again, a draw is possible, but if both parties die, if both survive, it will be judged as a violation of the rules and will be wiped out." These rules of the Trojan horse are to force the survivors to fight, and will never give them any loopholes to exploit.


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