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Chapter 18 Dead Worm Soldiers

Chapter 18 Dead Bug Soldiers

"The survivors of the Zhongzhou Warhammer Team and the Instant Noodle Team, led by Captain Tang Zheng, arrived in the central city. The first phase of the mission is over. Please go to the technology laboratory to find the Zerg gene samples."

"For the remaining four Trojan teams, please continue to work hard. The map of the hive residential area will be opened in two hours. Please hurry up and shorten the gap."

The announcement from the Silver Trojan made most of the survivors anxious. Of course, Team Instant Noodles and Team Warhammer, who were divided into several groups, were very happy.

"Tang Zheng is really sharp, he is the first again!" Tantai shook his head, smiled bitterly, feeling that he was outmatched again, and then asked the team to stop and start to rest.

"Uncle is the most powerful." Lu Fan raised his chin and showed off to a group of newcomers, showing off his pride.

"Humph, that's just because our leader is out of shape, otherwise he would have found a way out long ago." Su Ameng pinched Lu Fan's nose, then smiled and said, "Come on, let me hug you, you have that pouty expression on your face."

so cute."

"I don't want it, you big-breasted girl, stay away from me." Lu Fan pushed Su Ameng's chest and pinched it angrily.

Several male newcomers swallowed their saliva wildly and bent down. They couldn't help it, but they stood up.

"Damn it, watch your dog eyes." Su Ameng swung his whip and hit a newcomer on the shoulder, "Now go and clear the way for me, I want to find the group leader."

"Idiot, have you grown up to this point? You should rest and wait for the map to open." Lu Fan pinched Su Ameng's chest jealously, feeling discouraged as to when he would grow up.

"Stop, take a break for now." Qin Yan waved her hand and asked her teammates to clear the nearby hidden dangers, but she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. She didn't have to think about the way out by herself, and the pressure dropped sharply.

"That's amazing. You deserve to be the leader." Shen Qingshuang praised that she was definitely lucky to be in such an excellent team.

"Damn it, what the hell is that Tang Zheng? He actually ran in front of me?" A handsome man roared, and smashed the lunch box containing kimchi in his hand to the ground, causing juice to splash everywhere.

"Mr. Quan Taixian, don't be angry. It's just a gap of two hours. Let them fight and explore the road first. No matter how many advantages we have, as long as we kill them in the end, we will get everything." A man with a burgundy color.

The woman with long wavy hair was sitting calmly on the picnic cloth, drinking fragrant Longjing tea.

"An Hui is right, Taixian, you should calm down." The other man sat up from his sleeping bag, still sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, obviously very confident in his own strength.

"If you are really irritable, go and use those Nepali monkeys to relieve your boredom." This Korean team has a leisurely personality and is very arrogant. The speaker is a woman who is holding lipstick to touch up her makeup. She said

The 'monkeys' were three captured Nepalese prisoners. After being beaten, they were tied up and thrown into the back.

"Too ugly, not interesting." Quan Taixian sat down, not even looking at the conqueror whose limbs were chopped off and thrown in the corner. In their eyes, a second-level man was no different from trash.

The Nepalese were restless at this time and wanted to get out of the maze immediately and kill the guy named Tang Zheng. One of the guys kept slashing the dead Chinese prisoner's body with a dog-leg knife and chopped it into pieces.

"Hey, isn't this us?" Lin Chen was excited. He was the first to arrive. According to past practice, he earned a lot of points, and the two-hour advantage was enough to do a lot of things.

Fujimotoxiang was very excited. She was indeed with the wrong person, and the newlyweds also showed reassuring expressions.

Xu Biyun was very calm. The moment she met Tang Zheng, she knew that this was the inevitable outcome.

Tang Zheng frowned. He was not that optimistic. Although they could advance two hours earlier, it also meant that they had to be the first to break into the technology laboratory. Judging from the name, it was not a good place.

Before the survivors could react, the Silver Trojan's announcement sounded again.

"Because the first phase is over, the punishment troops will arrive in five minutes. Please be prepared to escape or attack. Note that Tang Zheng's temporary team is exempt from punishment."

This alone is enough to make the survivors feel envious, jealous and hateful.

"Awesome!" Lin Chen gave a thumbs up, completely convinced.

Following a few beeps, everyone's handheld radar automatically turned on, and a three-dimensional structural diagram popped up. A yellow triangle flashed with the words "gene sample" on it.

The architectural diagram is composed of various densely packed small squares. Click with your finger to zoom in, move, and observe in detail. However, the more you look at it, the uglier everyone's face becomes. A small piece of it is enough to make anyone who enters get lost.


"What the hell, are you leaving like this?" Lin Chen felt like he had a headache. "I'm most afraid of using my brain."

"It looks like I can't wait, so I have to break in by myself." There are a total of sixteen entrances and exits marked by green arrows in the laboratory. Tang Zheng originally planned to plant some bombs to kill some newcomers, and at the same time delay the opponent and gain more time to explore.

Laboratory, but considering the possible traps inside, I feel that it is a bit thankless. Let the newcomers die in it, and it can also damage the morale of their team. Once they are nervous, it will form a chain collapse, and maybe it can trap more people.

Many people.

"Let's go, Han Ze, Hu Gang, you continue to clear the way." Tang Zheng changed into a heavy-duty magnetic blast rifle. Because this is a new area, new types of bugs may appear.

"Can we change two people? It can't always be us, right?" Hu Gang was unhappy. This was a life-related matter. Even if he was beaten, he had to bring it up.

The other three newcomers remained silent, fearing that they would be selected. One of the middle-aged men was more cunning and yelled, "Just do whatever the leader tells you to do? How come there are so many complaints?"

"Shut up and go ahead." Of course Tang Zheng would not fall for such a provocative trick and directly named him.

The middle-aged man's face turned green because he had stolen the chicken but lost the rice. He secretly cursed himself for talking too much.

"Come on, stop talking nonsense." Zeng Fangao was annoyed and kicked the middle-aged man in the butt.

Hu Gang was happy and pulled his rifle. Just as he was about to retreat to the back of the team with a face filled with joy, a large-caliber warhead wrapped in red light was shot over and penetrated into his head.

Bang, like a watermelon thrown under a steamroller, Hu Gang's head was rotten into minced meat. Even half of his chest was torn apart, and his white spine could be seen.

Zeng Fangao and Lin Chen reacted quickly and immediately lowered their bodies and retreated towards the route they came from.

"Suppress fire!" If they were all members of his own group, Tang Zheng would definitely shoot in the direction of the bullets, but not now, then he would never let himself attract firepower. After shouting a word, he immediately fired

He caught Biyun's diverted glance, pulled the overwhelmed Fujimotoka, and moved him backwards.

Tang Zheng is not familiar with the terrain of the central city, so he will never fight here. He will retreat to the passage and reorganize the front.

"Captain!" Teng Yuanxiang was very moved. Tang Zheng really didn't give up on him. Otherwise, why didn't he pull Shi Jing over?

When the newcomers saw Zeng Fangao and Lin Chen running away, they followed them. They didn't know what to do. Suddenly hearing Tang Zheng's words, they reflexively raised their rifles and aimed at Zeng Fangao and Lin Chen.

Fire in the direction of personal attack.

The reaction of the two conquerors was too fast, and they were obviously not as evil as Tang Zheng. This suppressive attack immediately attracted heavy firepower from the enemy.

Bullets were fired one after another, hitting the metal floor and making dents the size of fists. They were extremely powerful, and their shooting skills were very accurate. Six shots hit, and Lin Chen's light defense shield was broken. But he was lucky.

, at the critical moment, he escaped into the passage. Because he attracted the fire, the newcomers were lucky enough to survive.

"Is it a conqueror or an indigenous human?" Chong obviously couldn't use a gun, so these were the only two answers left. Tang Zheng didn't have to guess anymore, because the other party jumped out.

This is a combat team wearing simple powered armor, with a total of twenty people. They are two meters tall and weigh more than three hundred pounds. They are fully armed and carry heavy firearms to carry out assaults.

Fujimotoka's bullets hit them and were knocked away. Then, looking at the incoming lightning balls, the yellow energy light shield was activated and protected their bodies.

"Difficult." Tang Zheng aimed at a dead insect soldier and fired. It took seven shots to break through his energy shield. This guy started to use tactical evasion. Occasionally, if two shots hit, he would be stopped by the power armor.

, unscathed.

"If we can't handle it, withdraw." Zeng Fangao decided to retreat and suggested, "Kill them with traps."

The thrusters sprayed blue flames, allowing the team to move very quickly. In an instant, they were within a range of three hundred meters, and then the rocket nests on their shoulders opened for a covering strike.

"Fifteen rounds, the firepower is too weak." Tang Zheng fired fifteen rounds of magnetic blast balls, knocking down a powered armor, but still failed to kill the opponent.

The soldier climbed up wearing sparkling power armor, drew his beam saber and attacked again, but he only took three steps before his head was blasted by a red bullet.

"Can't run away, you provide long-range support." Tang Zheng threw the Demon Flame Pistol to Xu Biyun and quickly armed the Hellfire.

Zhi, the chest beam cannon charged up, and then shot out. The two powered armors were blasted and exploded, and various metal parts and flesh and blood were scattered everywhere.

Lin Chen and Zeng Fangao looked at Tang Zheng who suddenly turned into a tin can, and their eyes twitched. Sure enough, the captain-level figures had trump cards, and the newcomers felt a lot more at ease.

Tang Zheng flew out and was immediately chased by the barrage. After a few maneuvers, he all dodged, then quickly got closer and pounced on the front one.

Boom, Tang Zheng grabbed his head and released a shock beam from his palm, smashing his face and melting the metal. At the same time, he shot a beam saber from the back of his left hand and pierced his heart.

When the bullet came, Tang Zheng used it as a human shield and continued to charge forward, then smashed it out like a broken sack, then reached out and grabbed the second one.

The killing spree continued, explosions continued, and metal parts flew everywhere, making clanging sounds!


This chapter has been completed!
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