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Chapter 38 Punishing the Troops

The grenade was placed on the roof of the car, emitting white gunpowder smoke, which immediately frightened the gangsters, and they all retreated impatiently.

The man in the suit whose mouth was gagged with the barrel of a gun was so frightened that he peed. The dripping yellow liquid soaked through his pants and dripped on the ground.

The big boss came out with a group of subordinates and saw this scene, and was immediately stunned.

For three full minutes, the silence outside the Black Blood Bar could be heard, with only the gentle night breeze blowing. Everyone's eyes fell on the calm figure in the police car.

"Huh? It seems to be a dud?" Tang Zheng reached out and took off the grenade on the roof of the car. After taking a look, he stuffed it into the collar of the man in the suit in front of him, then opened the door and walked out.

"I'm just a policeman, not the president or the mayor. I don't need such a grand welcome ceremony, right?" Tang Zheng casually threw the assault rifle into the car through the window, patted the man in the suit on the shoulder, "Help me

Park the car."

When the subordinates saw that Tang Zheng had no weapons, they immediately became bold and pointed their guns at him.

"Stop!" The big boss looked at Tang Zheng who was calm and composed. He knew that this was a tough guy and didn't want to cause trouble, so he quickly stopped his subordinates.

"My friend is waiting for me inside. I don't want to be late." Tang Zheng walked past the big boss without even glancing at him.

"I'll pay for your spending today!" The big boss was also a man who could afford to let go. He decided to check Tang Zheng's identity and then decide what to do.

The man in the suit screamed, quickly took out the grenade from his clothes, threw it out with all his strength, and rolled under a car.

"What are you afraid of? It's obviously a lie." As soon as the big boss finished speaking, the grenade exploded and overturned the car.

The Tuna boys were all speechless. The man in the suit suddenly broke into a cold sweat when he thought that if he had been slower for a few seconds, the grenade would explode in his clothes.

"This guy is a madman!" The big boss was also shocked, and his subordinates nodded collectively. They did not forget that the grenade had just been placed on the roof of the car.

"Go, tell the bartender to entertain them." The big boss began to pay attention to Tang Zheng.

"Hey, if you throw it too slowly, you'll be in trouble." Tang Zheng took back the detonator. The grenade was modified from a remote-controlled bomb to deal with some emergencies.

Walking into the bar, Tang Zheng saw Tantai at a glance. He had no choice but to have five women chatting with him. He couldn't help but think about it. Tantai Zongqi was very handsome in his own right, probably because of his career.

A cool-to-the-bone temperament that is very attractive to women.

Others were sitting in the corner. There were many beautiful women among them, such as flight attendants and young women with beautiful legs. Even Fujimotoka and the Japanese girl with a cherry blossom pattern on her collar were good. At first, there were men who wanted to talk to them, but

After seeing a certain unlucky guy being kicked in the balls by Pang Meiqin, they all left.

Now the unlucky guy who fainted is lying next to him, serving as an example to scare those with evil intentions.

"A bottle of beer." Tang Zheng sat down not far from Tantai.

"Why are you here?" Tantai heard Tang Zheng's voice and immediately waved his hands to disperse the women, but it was to no avail.

"We encountered some small troubles." Tang Zheng glanced at the women, with a smile on his lips, teasing his companions, "You are in quite a lot of trouble!"

"You look very handsome in this outfit!" Tantai raised the wine bottle and touched it with Tang Zhengxu.

"Thank you, I'll go say hello to the others." Tang Zheng stood up and left.

The women were originally pestering Tantai and trying to push him away, but they were interrupted at this moment. They were very angry and turned around to scold Tang Zheng. However, they found another outstanding man, and their eyes immediately lit up.

"Is he your friend?" A young woman stuck out her tongue and licked her scarlet lips, asking Tantai. If she could spend a night with these two men, the taste would be wonderful - it would be unbelievable.

"Well, do you want to introduce me to you?" Tantai was about to tease Tang Zheng, "But he only likes men."

"By the way, he only likes men." Tang Zheng turned around at the same time and said the same thing, "Oh, you stole my line."

"You're the one who stole mine, okay?" Tantai rolled his eyes and wanted to get rid of these women, so he pushed them away, walked to Tang Zheng, put his arms around his shoulders, and made a gesture to kiss him.

"Hey, are you serious about coming?" Tang Zheng quickly reached out and blocked Tantai's face.

"Of course, it's fake. I feel disgusted myself." Tantai knew that Tang Zheng would intercept him, "There's nothing I can do about it, those women are too clingy."

When the women saw this scene, they really didn't know what to do. Except for two of them who looked disappointed, why didn't Hentantai kiss her?

"There are no more women, but you should be prepared to deal with men!" Tang Zheng nodded his chin and pointed at a few gays in the corner. They were staring at him and Tantai with burning eyes. One of them had already walked over impatiently.

Chatted up.

"Make me mad!" Tantai was depressed, pulled out his pistol, and pointed it at the gay man.

The man's excited expression froze, and he immediately stopped and raised his hands to show that he had no ill intentions.

"Come, take a look, our new police officer!" Walking to the booth, Tantai introduced Tang Zheng and patted his police badge.

Teng Yuanxiang and Pang Meiqin's eyes immediately moved over, looking at Tang Zheng in uniform, their eyes brightened, and Teng Xiaosan wanted to be ravaged by him.

"Captain, you're great." Yu Manli praised, and Ruan Feifei curled her lips slightly. Although she didn't like Tang Zheng, she had to admit that this man was really charming.

"Stop making trouble." Tang Zheng saw that there was no room, so he did not sit down. "How are you preparing? You don't plan to sit here to greet the punishment troops, do you?"

"Let's fight and escape. We have prepared a few buses. Let's go have a drink and relax today." Tantai's preparations did not stop there. There were many of his people in the bar, and on the escape route,

Manpower has also been arranged, but it is of little use. Seeing the punishment troops, these guys will most likely be frightened out of their wits.

I returned to the bar and sat at the bar for less than five minutes when three more women came over to strike up a conversation. Ten minutes later, a group of women gathered around me.

This kind of ostentation made some gang members unhappy. They were used to being arrogant in the past, but no matter who they were as police officers, they came to the bar and wanted to fix these two men who were attracting bees and butterflies.

A dozen men with fierce looks gathered around them, pushed the women away, and stared at Tang Zheng and Tantai fiercely.

"Hey, get out." A man with a tattoo on his face spoke and took away the wine bottle in front of Tang Zheng.

"Bartender, please bring me two glasses of whiskey." Tang Zheng didn't pay attention and was very calm.

"Why are there so many blind people?" Tantai sighed and handed the bottle to the villain next to him.

I put down two glasses of wine at the bar and quickly went to notify the big boss.

"Because it needs repairing!" As Tang Zheng finished speaking, he and Tantai grabbed the wine glasses at the same time, grabbed the man next to him by his hair, and hit him hard on the face.

Bang, the wine glass shattered, and the glass shards pierced the skin and flesh, and even the eyes, blood spurted out, the wine spilled out, and the sting wounds hurt. They didn't even let out a miserable moan, they fainted and fell to the ground.

Tantai and Tantai were like two tigers. They rushed out. In less than five seconds, the car overturned these guys. They didn't even react.

"One more than you." Tantai threw away the unfortunate man in his hand.

Bang, Tang Zheng grabbed a villain and hit the guy next to him who was laughing and watching the fun.

"Not much now."

The onlookers immediately retreated, not daring to offend these two evil spirits.

The big boss came with his subordinates to deal with the conflict. When Tang Zheng was thinking about an excuse, the red Trojan horse announcement sounded.

"In thirty seconds, the punishment troops will arrive. Please be prepared to attack or escape."

"Please note that because you have involved the indigenous humans in the punishment time, the strength of the punishment troops will be doubled, and all indigenous people present will be shot unconditionally to ensure the mystery of the Trojan horse game!"

Tantai glanced at the big boss and found that there was no change in his expression, so he knew that he had not heard Trojan's announcement, but it was no longer important. He made a gesture of preparation for battle towards Li Xinlan and others in the booth.

"The security in the Black Blood Bar seems to be not very good." Tang Zheng was stalling for time and did not let the big boss prepare for war. Otherwise, after a fight, people would definitely ask him why he knew it. If he couldn't explain it, it would be troublesome.

The big boss looked angry and was about to question Tang Zheng when he suddenly heard a huge shelling sound, then the entire ceiling began to shake and gravel fell down.

People in the bar panicked instantly, screaming and trying to run out. Some unlucky people were pushed down and a stampede occurred.

Xu Liangmao and Sha Ou stood up and blocked the perimeter. Anyone who rushed over was immediately knocked over by them.

Thirty seconds later, the punishment troops arrived. As the two portals opened, Nazi zombie soldiers wearing SS uniforms rushed into the dance floor. The indigenous humans saw these uninvited guests and were panicked and at a loss.


Bang, a Nazi zombie pulled the bolt, and a ball of flame burst out from the muzzle of the Mauser rifle. The bullet shot into the chest of a prostitute, and a flower of blood burst out.

Click, click, click. The Nazi firemen with M submachine guns began to fire. The crowd around them fell like wheat that had been cut in summer. A large area suddenly fell down, and blood flowed out, covering the floor.

Zombie soldiers carrying M042 machine guns appeared, wearing bullet belts. They pressed them into the magazine, loaded the gun, and started shooting.

Pang Meiqin and Fujimoto Xiang didn't care if they were accidentally injured. The moment the portal appeared, they turned over and hid behind the seats. They pulled out the Thompson submachine guns that had been prepared and pointed them at the machine gunners and fired them wildly.

Bullets were like fireflies, whizzing past the bar.

"What is this?" The big boss bent over, pulled out his pistol, and was about to hide inside the bar when he saw the policeman and his friend holding the bar with their left hands, turned over neatly, and jumped in. They even

In the process, he also took out firearms and shot at the monsters on the dance floor.

Bang, the big boss was shot and fell down. Tang Zheng quickly reached out, grabbed his shoulder, and pulled him in.

The boss's subordinates were not so lucky. A giant Nazi zombie that was bigger than the Hulk appeared. Behind it was a huge ammunition box. It held two six-barreled Terminator machine guns in its left and right hands. It stared at them and threw a large number of shells.

During the flight, these men in black suits were directly beaten to pieces.

Tang Zheng and Tantai immediately squatted down. The bullets smashed the bar counter and the wine rack. Wood chips flew everywhere, glass splashed everywhere, the wine flowed down, and the aroma of wine began to fill the air.

Tang Zheng took out a bundle of cluster grenades, pulled down the safety, and threw them out.

Bang, a ball of flame exploded on the dance floor. However, the Nazi zombie offensive continued unabated. The portal was still appearing, and a large number of zombie dogs rushed out, barking and biting the injured and undead indigenous humans. Of course, there were more

It pounced on the survivors.

Shaou released telekinesis, and those sofas, seats, and various corpses seemed to be pulled by gravity, and instantly gathered in front of them, forming a shield wall that blocked bullets and the zombie dogs that rushed towards them.

"Bang!" Pang Meiqin dodged with a diving jump, jumped behind a seat next to her, and fired at the same time, killing the Nazi zombies who were aiming at it.

The flight attendant with beautiful legs is no longer the coward who only knew how to run away. She judges the situation extremely accurately, earns sin points, and does not know when she will reach the limit of opening the space watch. Now she sends relatively weak Nazi zombies·

I'd be really sorry for myself if I didn't massacre a lot to gain points.

Taking advantage of the gathered survivors to attract firepower, Pang Meiqin calculated how much ammunition she had left and began to wander. She rushed into a group of zombie soldiers who were slightly separated from the main team and shot in the head. After killing five, the bullet

When the clip was empty, she stretched out her arm, smashed the rifle at the machine gunner, then grabbed an m with her left hand, turned the muzzle of the gun upside down, and the Nazi zombie immediately shot the bullet into its own head.

Pang Meiqin's right hand crossed her waist and grabbed the dagger. When she passed by a zombie, she stabbed it into the eye socket and cut half of her head open.

Phew, Pang Meiqin threw the dagger into the machine gunner's face, hitting it backwards, then pounced on it, snatched away the M042 machine gun, and immediately fired at the surroundings, causing the zombies to fall to the ground.

"Throw a grenade!" the zombie officer shouted in German, and the soldiers immediately took off the mmg wooden handle grenade hanging on their body, pulled off the rope, and threw it at them.

The Japanese screamed in fright. In this kind of chaotic fighting, the newcomers could not exert their combat effectiveness at all, and without the protection of the conquerors, they could only be slaughtered by others.

Li Xinlan released the ice wall, blocking the giant zombies' shots and grenades, but one Japanese man still died. He was so unlucky that a stray bullet hit his neck artery, and he collapsed all of a sudden.

The blood soaked the clothes.

Tang Zheng took out his ordinary terminator, which was also dual-wielded. He suddenly stood up from behind the bar and fired at the entire ballroom. It was as if it had been washed away by a storm. The soldiers were beaten to pieces, and their limbs and pieces of meat were everywhere.

It's all like entering a slaughterhouse.

Three female musketeers appeared, rushed out of the bar, each picked up a rifle, and attacked the zombies. They were as nimble as butterflies swimming among the roses, knocking down a large number of soldiers.

"Destroy the portal first." Tang Zheng shouted. At this time, except for the injured big boss, all the indigenous humans on the dance floor were dead, and Nazi zombies were still being teleported over.

Ruan Feifei is not stupid. After seeing Pang Meiqin's performance, she was stunned for a moment, then woke up and immediately shot out her lightning jungle. The blue and white fork-shaped electric pillars crackled and spread across the entire dance floor.

The zombies were shocked by high-voltage electricity and burned into black charcoal, and the portal was blown. The survivors thought they were safe, and the bombardment started again.

Zombie elites wearing high military boots and skull armbands appeared around the bar and immediately started killing the indigenous humans. In addition to stg44 assault rifles, grenades wrapped around their waists, and an Iron Fist anti-tank rocket launcher on their backs, the more terrifying ones were ten.

A Tiger tank, under the attack of the vehicle-mounted machine gun, no life could escape.

Tiger tanks were shelling the Black Blood Bar. The boss, who was hiding on the fifth floor underground, became anxious and called his subordinates in various strongholds to ask them to come for support.

"Where is your boss?" Tantai ignored the zombies, but grabbed the big boss by the collar and interrogated him.

"Who are you?" The big boss hesitated.

"If your answer satisfies me, I can let you die quickly, otherwise you will be thrown to those zombie dogs!" A zombie dog rushed in from the side, jumped towards Tantai, and he held his head down, and then

Pulled down in front of the big boss.

"I said." Seeing the rotting flesh of a hunting dog with sharp teeth, the big boss was frightened, "it's five floors below."

"Is there a secret escape route?" As soon as Tantai finished speaking, a cannonball penetrated the wall, entered and exploded.

"I don't know." The big boss begged for mercy, "Let me go."

"You lead the way." Tantai crushed the zombie dog's skull, "If you can't hold it anymore, go underground."

Breaking out was not a good option, because elite soldiers rushed in, knelt down on one knee, held an iron fist on their shoulders, and shot out. Li Xinlan's ice wall was shaken to the point of collapse, and tanks also rumbled in, with the turret rotating.

Aiming at the ice wall.

Bang, the shell penetrated it, and the flying ice cubes fell everywhere. Song Tong was hit on the forehead, and his face was covered with blood. Zhang Heng and Yin Zhijian were very smart. They hid behind the woman and used them as human shields. The woman thought

Even if you hide, you won't be able to squeeze through them.

"Shaou, Feifei, you and I will be the vanguard." Tantai released the restriction on his watch and pushed the big boss into the corridor. He saw several thugs with guns and ammunition rushing out from the opposite side. He immediately took out an AT4 and shot

go out.

Under the horrified gaze of the villain, the rocket exploded, smearing blood and minced flesh.

Pang Meiqin killed a soldier, picked up the iron fist on the ground with her toes, caught it in her hand, and shot it towards the track of the tank, destroying it.

"Let's go." Under Xu Liangmao's urging, the newcomers stumbled and followed Ruan Feifei. The captain of the Self-Defense Force was holding a rifle and his face was pale. Only when he really saw the killing did he realize that he was so fragile. A bullet

, can take him away from this world.

The fierce exchange of fire triggered the fire protection system in the bar, and a large amount of water poured down from the equipment on the ceiling. This was just convenient for Li Xinlan to release his abilities. So the next moment, the dance floor turned into a frozen world, and everything was frozen.

It was frozen, and even the tanks were frozen into lumps of ice.

ps: My health is not good yet, it’s really hard, so I can only update under guarantee!


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