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Chapter forty-ninth big harvest and grab the boss

Gravity suppressed and restrained the Demon Dean. Tang Zheng held it down and beat it, crushing its throat bone, and tore off its right arm. If the general hadn't been dragged down by the female nurse Demon, the Dean would have suffered.

to a more severe blow.

"Damn it, you ant, you deserve to die!" The dean roared ferociously, and was beaten away. There was a lot of blood where he rolled, but within ten seconds, relying on his unusually strong recovery power, he was beaten.

An arm grew again, and even the wounds on his body began to heal.

"It's still not enough!" Because the weapon was too bad, Tang Zheng could only fight hand-to-hand, which made the firepower he projected per unit time too weak and unable to exceed the dean's recovery power.

Tang Zheng jumped out, blocked the dean's arm, grabbed it by the collar, pulled it down in front of him, then hit it with a headbutt on its head, and stabbed it with his right hand.

Unfortunately, it only penetrated an inch and was blocked.

The dean's skin was activated, stretched, and crawled towards Tang Zheng's arm. Then he stabbed out dozens of earthworm-like twisted straws and plunged them into his arm. At this time, the defense was still limited to S-level tyrannosaurus protection.

The clothes were torn.

When those flesh straws came into contact with Tang Zheng's skin, they drilled in like crazy. It was visible to the naked eye that the straws swelled up and sucked his blood.

Tang Zheng's arms suddenly lost weight and their strength weakened. He wanted to use brute force to get rid of the dean, but the guy suddenly opened his mouth and shot out his tongue.

Ding, the hard tongue was like a poisonous snake, piercing Tang Zheng's eyes. When he turned his head to avoid it, another fold line flipped back, and the barbs on it hung over Tang Zheng's cheek and were torn off directly.

The flesh of his left cheek exposed his gums.

Hemerocallis appeared in a pink nurse outfit, fired with both hands, and applied various buffs and healing halos to Tang Zheng. Then she picked up a rifle and shot at the dean.

"Leave." Tang Zheng shouted angrily. He didn't want Hemerocallis to die here. He raised his right arm, led the dean up, and then slammed it on the ground.

Dean's bones were broken, but he still clung to Tang Zheng and his tongue ejaculated again.

The Chewing Gum Girl who was fighting the devil dog felt that she was very unlucky, but when she saw that the fight between the dean and Tang Zheng was so dangerous and could die if she was not careful, she immediately felt lucky again. She wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but was killed by the devil dog.


"You idiot, general, kill them all quickly." Hemerocallis did not obey, but attacked fiercely, with her long hair fluttering in the night wind.

Tang Zheng grabbed the dean's tongue and inserted it into his mouth. He tried hard with both arms to tear it apart. The general got rid of the female nurse and returned in time, slashing the dean's neck with his battle ax.

Tila·Dean was cut into pieces, and a lot of blood spurted out, but it was not dead. The neck was squirming, the fleshy sprouts were rolling, and it was about to grow another head, and the original head also closed its teeth tightly.

, to bite off its fingers.

Tang Zheng smashed his right hand at the general. The general was aware that the battle ax was slashing down with strong wind. In addition to brute force, it was actually more lightweight and skillful in various martial arts. He could even use the battle ax to carve out a piece of tofu.

Pattern of Concubine Yang.

Because it was separated from the body, the dean's head became much more fragile and was cut in half by the military commander's war hammer. Tang Zheng was too lazy to break free and just sent it to the military commander.

The general's battle ax struck hard and cut the dean in half starting from the neck, but the guy was not dead yet.

"How durable!" Tang Zheng, who did not have Yukishiro Maru and the Demon Flame Pistol, once again threw the insect heart. As soon as it appeared, it pounced on the dean's exposed heart after being cut open and devoured it.

The military general smashed the half of his body on the ground, smashing it into pieces. Of course, the two female nurse devils who rushed up also made Tang Zheng lose his luck, smashing his right arm and causing a shattered fracture.

"Get out." Tang Zheng kicked the female nurse towards the chewing gum girl.

"No," the Chewing Gum Girl yelled, almost furious, "What are you doing?"

Tang Zheng ignored the woman's screams and swung his arms fiercely, throwing the dean's mutilated body towards her, causing the straws to break.

The dean's vitality was too strong, and his mutilated body squirmed. He took the opportunity to pounce on the gum girl, trying to devour her to make up for the damaged body.

The Gum Girl kicked the devil dog away and was about to intercept the dean when the female nurse slashed her neck with a knife and staggered a few steps.

The remnant body of the dean exploded with a bang, forming a black mist. He attacked with all his strength, leaving only the heart, which stabbed out countless blood vessels and fell on the gum girl's body. Her unicorn protective clothing could not withstand this kind of damage at all.

Hit, pierced directly.

Gum Girl tried her best, and a large amount of life energy poured out. The shield barrier composed of those abilities turned from defense to offense, and turned into a spear stab, piercing the dean's heart even more ragged, but she also became dizzy because of inhaling the black mist.


Tang Zheng didn't expect that this American woman could actually explode for ten seconds. He immediately paused and decided to use up the strength of both parties.

"Help me." The Chewing Gum Girl begged. After being pierced by the heart straw, her life was lost rapidly. The blood vessels on her facial skin bulged and the blood was drained, while her cheeks shriveled up.

However, the dean did not receive any replenishment, but instead replenished the insect heart. This guy was lying on the devil's heart, like a greedy parasite, sucking the life essence of the dean and the gum girl with all his strength, evolving rapidly, and exploding.

After emitting a ball of light, he became S-class.

Tang Zheng suddenly discovered that the insect heart also had the power to attack, that is, it could eat anything.

The chewing gum girl was not rescued in the end and was sucked into a human mummy.

"Not enough." Half of the dean's body squirmed and he stared at Aihara Chiharu, but before he could run over, Tang Zheng stopped him and swept him away with a whip kick.

"Do you think I don't exist?" Because of the existence of the Worm Heart Absorbing Heart, the dean's recovery ability was greatly reduced. Tang Zheng gave up the idea of ​​using nightmare vines to break the defense. He patted a first aid kit on his arm and just recovered.

Some, just save again.

There was no suspense in the following battle. Although it was strenuous, Tang Zheng finally killed it. The dean made a gorgeous explosion. In addition to leaving two star seeds and three gold, there were also ten test tubes filled with

It is full of medicinal solution and exudes a red luster.

Demonic reagent, an S-level supply. After swallowing, it will immediately heal most serious injuries, repair the body, and replenish the consumed life energy. Because the effect is too powerful, it can only be used once within twelve hours.

"Good stuff." Fumbling for the slightly hot test tube, Tang Zheng's eyes lit up. This was the first time he had seen an S-class drug. As long as he swallowed it, it meant that even if he was seriously injured and dying, he could immediately

Restore half of combat power.

"Tang Jun, Aoki Jun is dead." Aihara Chiharu cried very sadly, her face was already pale.

"If we go, a lot of people will die. You have to get used to it." Tang Zheng picked up Gumball Girl's backpack, hugged Aihara's waist, and jumped up along the hole in the ceiling to find the others.

Aihara Chiharu didn't yell but hugged Tang Zheng's waist. She just wanted a safe embrace.

"There is no notification to clear the level. Is there still a boss?" Tang Zheng listened attentively and discovered the sound of the battle. He rushed over and saw that the entire 12th floor had been completely destroyed by Rogers and the evil spirit husband.

, the others hid far away and watched them fight.

As soon as the military commander came up, he immediately attracted Anna's attention. The other Americans also became alert, and then they saw Tang Zheng coming up with a girl in his arms.

A lot of people have gathered here, including Yu Manli, Pang Meiqin and others. When they saw Tang Zheng, their faces were filled with joy.

"Are you injured?" Pang Meiqin noticed that Tang Zheng's cheek was very broken and was worried.

"Why don't you come together?" Tang Zheng had already seen Rogers holding the shield. This guy turned on the hero mode. It was obvious that he was the one who spoke to prevent others from acting rashly. What he said was nothing more than irritating him, distracting him, and then

An error occurred.

"The leader of the American delegation wants to challenge each other, but it's been a long time and we still can't tell the winner." Pang Meiqin shrugged and immediately mocked Rogers.

In fact, Rogers also wanted the members to be wary of the Chinese.

"You are looking for death." The Americans were angry, especially the blond man with a shawl, who wanted to kill Pang Meiqin.

"You're just looking for death, you damn homosexual." Pang Meiqin was not afraid of him. She drew the Song of Hell. When she was on the roof, she killed a head nurse. It was a medium boss and the weapon restrictions were lifted. It was just an SS-level demon.

The Ripper can't be used yet.

"Hey, is it so lively?" Tantai came with Li Xinlan, and Davis quickly returned to the formation.

The Japanese have also arrived, and now all the survivors have arrived.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's start the fight. Why should I let you swallow the boss?" After using Combat Pandora, as her strength increased, Pang Meiqin's courage also increased, not to mention that Tang Zheng was also here. This is the soul and spirit of the Warhammer team.


Tang Zheng and Tantai looked at each other, not in a hurry, Rogers obviously hadn't exerted his final strength yet and was doing it with ease.

"Why are you late?" Tang Zheng asked, wanting to wait for a while. He was sure that Rogers must be torn to death at this moment, fighting while also having to be wary of others.

"There is no other way. I killed a vice-dean and wasted some time. What about you?" Tantai accompanied Tang Zheng in acting, ready to snatch food from the tiger's mouth at any time.

"I killed a dean." Tang Zheng made an estimate, "He is about the same strength as this evil spirit husband."

"Huh? That must be a powerful boss. What did it drop?" Fujimotoka was very interested.

"S-level supplies." As soon as Tang Zheng's words came out, he immediately attracted the attention of Americans with all kinds of envy and jealousy.

Rogers was obviously affected. He accidentally got hit in the head and lost a tooth.

"Shut up, all of you." The blond man was not stupid. He understood Tang Zheng's intention and immediately became furious.

"Mr. Leader, I only give you two minutes. If we can't deal with this guy, we will take action." This kind of trash fish is worthy of Tang Zheng's attention. Rogers is the target.

"He is a gentleman." The blond girl in the pumpkin costume praised, "I heard that he is a good man."

"What a bastard." Asakura Sakura slandered loudly in her heart. What the other party said was just to stimulate Rogers and speed up his offensive. It not only wastes physical energy, but also makes mistakes easily. The most troublesome thing is, can you guarantee that he will not

Will you attack? In the Trojan horse world, the most worthless thing is the promise.

And even if they don't play, as long as Rogers is injured, it will be beneficial to the future development of the situation.

"This group of scheming men." Sakura Asakura felt a lot of pressure and was a little pessimistic. She felt that the chance of everyone returning alive was low.

"There aren't even any monsters. It's so boring." Tantai looked at the Americans leisurely, thinking about how to kill them, and muttered, "There are six left."

"I just killed one." Tang Zheng shrugged, "But there is no trophy."

Tang Zheng estimated that the other party might hear it, so he had no intention of hiding it at all, and deliberately let the Americans hear it, but he said it in a vague way so that they could not grasp the clue.

The Americans didn't know why, but the blond man reacted. After saying that he was a dead conqueror, everyone glared at them.

Rogers' heart became even more confused and he was hit again.

"No, I was wrong. These two men are not evil, but they are all evil." Seeing Tang Zheng and Tantai playing with the Americans and stimulating their emotions, Sakura Asakura put her forehead on it.

Being angry is more beneficial to others.

"Hey, you have the nerve to be the leader, the fight is too slow, let me help you." Pang Meiqin raised the Song of Hell, pulled the trigger, and the Infernal Arrow ejected, a flame grazing the evil spirit husband.

shot through the head.

"Stop." The American conquerors shouted angrily, but unfortunately they were completely ignored by the stewardess with beautiful legs.

Bang, bang, the bolter shells roared out and flew past Logic's body, which was very dangerous.

"I told you to stop, or I'm going to shoot." The blond man was gay and liked Rogers. Seeing this scene, his cheeks turned red with anger.

"Huh, did you forget what the red Trojan said? You are not allowed to hurt your teammates. If you want to die, just come." Pang Meiqin kept firing several shots in succession.

The Americans were stunned.

"You will be punished if you hurt Rogers." Pumpkin Girl wanted to threaten Pang Meiqin, but unfortunately it was not good enough.

"Why are you slandering others? I'm helping your captain fight monsters?" Pang Meiqin's idea was simple, just to interfere with Rogers, but Tang Zheng and Tantai saw another possibility. If the attack was strong enough, they might be able to kill Rogers.

The evil spirit husband was lured here, so that Tang Zheng would not have made a mistake.

"A bunch of idiots are quarreling here, why not help the leader to kill the boss." Asakura Sakura felt that Rogers was too shameless and made a mistake, but after being hit by Tang Zheng's words, the Americans were probably so confused that they forgot about it.

After thinking about it, this is obviously someone else’s tactic.

"I'll help you fight, don't worry, any equipment dropped within two minutes will still be yours." Tantai winked, and everyone immediately started attacking.

"You guys, come on, don't wait any longer." A red-haired woman with sexy red lips reacted and asked everyone to attack.

Li Xinlan and others' full-out explosions indeed caused the evil spirit's husband to rebound. The guy began to amplify his moves, and flames ignited under his feet. Then they suddenly erupted and spread to all sides.

ps: The body is recovering!


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