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Chapter 55: Double the Punishment

Chapter 55

Punishment doubled

The number of demons doubled rapidly. Even if the soldiers wanted to clear out a wave in twenty seconds, it would be impossible. Looking at the demons rushing out of the portal, more than five thousand demons filled the open space here.

The sky was filled with their roaring and roaring sounds, and the newcomers turned pale with fear.

Ghosts and demon dogs are crowded together, and the number of them is terrifying. The flies flying in the sky cover the sky. And as the level increases, they can actually spit green venom arrows and carry out long-range attacks.

Tang Zheng fully drew the first bow and unfolded it continuously. Countless light-spotted arrows shot out, clearing a large area. However, the situation of the four people was still very dangerous.

The Demon Rhino is a heavily armored tank and is extremely fast. Except for Tang Zheng's raptor mount, the other three horses cannot get rid of them at all. Moreover, there are too many demons, and the range where they can use guerrilla tactics is getting smaller and smaller.

Manli thought about running away, but was immediately warned by Trojan Horse.

"Please note that leaving the 500-meter radius of the portal will be regarded as a failure and will be punished by erasure."

"Let me live." Yu Manli roared angrily, swung a heavy fist, and beat a demon dog that rushed towards her into a meat pie.

Lin Fazun had no time to attack, and just dealing with him had consumed a lot of his energy.

Pang Meiqin controlled the horse's reins with one hand, and Hell Song continuously fired bolt bombs. Each shot could penetrate several demons. A new portal appeared on the flank, and many demons rushed out, surrounding the flight attendant with beautiful legs.

Pang Meiqin let go of the horse's reins and took out the Demon Ripper. As he swung it, he hit the attacking demons and chopped them into pieces.

Seeing Pang Meiqin fighting her way out of the demon group with a bloody look, even Tantai was a little impressed. This woman's growth is really impressive.

Tang Zheng was quite at ease. He took out the military-issued fan with the four characters Fenglinhuoshan printed on it and waved it towards the demons. Three thousand Kaibi Chibei cavalry appeared in the field of vision and began to run wildly.

The fiery red armor made them look like a flaming cloud at dusk, extremely dazzling. The cavalrymen pulled out the bronze iron cannons they carried behind them. With a burst of volley, a large amount of white gunpowder smoke spurted out from the muzzles of the guns, forming a cloud of fire.

White mist and lead bullets were like a steel barrage, hitting the charging demon and knocking over a large area at once.

The two sides instantly approached fifteen meters, and there was no time to reload the second shot. The cavalry decisively threw away the bronze and iron cannons, raised their Jumonji spears, and then like a furious wave, they crashed into the group of demons, causing a bloody storm.


The horses' hooves trampled the demons' bodies to pieces, and some cavalrymen were torn off and torn into pieces on the spot. In just the blink of an eye, the place had turned into a flesh and blood mill, with a pungent stench mixed with the smell of blood floating around.

"Tang Zheng, destroy the portal." Yu Manli shouted.

As the number of waves increases, the number and attack power of demons will also increase exponentially. The tenth wave has already arrived, but because there are only two portals, it is not their turn to appear yet. It is conceivable that when they rush out, Tang Zheng and the four will have to

What kind of battle situation are we facing?

"Wait a minute." Tang Zheng's moon blade shot out, plowing four bloody trenches among the demon dogs. Then the six-barreled machine gun fired rapidly, opening a passage for him. Occasionally, a few lucky ones rushed towards him and were killed by him.

Knocked away with one punch.

Yu Manli was dissatisfied, but she didn't dare to question Tang Zheng, so she could only deal with it as much as possible. She didn't have explosive skills, and she had fighting abilities, so she spent a lot of money, and there was sweat on the bridge of her nose.

"Use the train-pulling tactic, don't force it. Didn't the Jia Fei cavalry clear an open space?" Tang Zheng yelled, reminding them that Pang Meiqin's murderous nature increased greatly and he was killing demons crazily. The Ripper had now completely transformed into

Red, thick blood dripped.

"That blond boy is dead." Fujimotoka shouted with a very excited expression. She likes to see others suffer misfortune, "Yeah, another soldier died. The American regiment leader is not doing enough."

Rogers and the black men faced so many demons, so they naturally focused on self-preservation. How could they waste their energy on the newcomers? The last selected recruit lasted less than ten seconds and was torn to pieces.

The American team and the Japanese team also had virtual screens in front of them. Looking at it, there was only the avatar of Lin Fatun, a new player, and he had never been marked with an

"Captain, please destroy the portal, otherwise when will this happen?" The black man was riding a motorcycle in circles and was also using guerrilla tactics. Although these monsters would not kill him, they were too confusing and would consume

Ammunition and life energy will have adverse effects on future battles.

"Wait a moment." Rogers was a little cautious, worried that breaking the portal would cause problems.

"What are you waiting for?" The black man has a straighter mind and only cares about his immediate interests. "You can't see what the Chinese captain is doing?"

"Wait until the newcomer is dead before fighting again." Rogers gave himself a bottom line, but two minutes later, he found that the newcomer was still alive and well.

"Captain, I really can't bear it anymore. This kind of consumption will be very detrimental to the future." Yu Manli once again begged Tang Zheng to blow up the portal. At this moment, she wanted to kneel down and lick his toes.

"Wait a minute." Tang Zheng noticed that Pang Meiqin was not in danger for the time being, so he became determined. After having an honest conversation with Yu Manli in reality, he also believed in this woman. This opportunity,

It is definitely not to consume Manli, take the opportunity to kill her, and know the hidden dangers, but to be cautious.

Yu Manli was worried to death, and Lin Fazuan had completely followed Tang Zheng at this time, relying on his help to survive.

"Rogers, the Chinese leader is obviously a bad guy, don't wait, let's do it." Seeing how strong the newcomer was, the black man was completely helpless.

Hearing the dissatisfaction of the black people, Rogers hesitated. This was the second person in the team. He should listen to suggestions no matter what, and he knew that if he didn't agree, this guy would definitely act without permission.

"Fu~ck, these uneducated niggas, that's why I hate them." Rogers cursed in his heart and nodded.

The black man was overjoyed and immediately blasted the portal with a heavy gravity gun. He and Rogers did not have the ability to kill in groups, so they were anxious.

Five seconds later, the announcement sounded.

"The American team destroyed the portal, and the number of demons encountered increased by six waves. The so-called punishment!"

"Please note that you are not allowed to attack the portal, otherwise you will receive additional punishment!" Red Trojan added, "Eliminate all the demons, or survive for one hour, and you will pass the level."

"Isn't this too deceptive? Wait until someone else does it before you tell me?" Teng Motoka's tone sounded like she was gloating over her misfortune.

"Get used to it. There are some rules that you need to explore by yourself." Tantai breathed a sigh of relief. Tang Zheng's patience was indeed good enough.

Yu Manli was frightened and frightened for a while. Fortunately, Tang Zheng didn't listen to her, otherwise she would be in bad luck. At first, she thought that the regiment leader was going to take the opportunity to torture her to death.

"Tch, there is indeed a trap." After confirming the danger, Tang Zheng didn't wait any longer and opened the Iron Sky.

The moon and stars in the sky were instantly covered. As the air vibrated, a square steel sky appeared within a range of 500 meters. The imprinted mechanical texture moved to form a giant rail gun. At the same time, ten companies were

Love also suddenly descended.

After the missiles on the pylon avoided the portal, they carpet-bombed the ground.

The bomb nest opened, and the heavy bombs tore through the air and fell, immediately setting off a sea of ​​​​fire among the demons. Not even the corpses were left. They were directly blown to pieces and burned to ashes.

Lin Fa Tuo stood next to Tang Zheng, feeling the hot air blowing across his face, his heart palpitating, and a hint of emotion about surviving the disaster.

Yu Manli and Pang Meiqin also gathered over. There was no need to take action anymore, they just waited for Tang Zheng to bombard them and then it was over.

These thousands of demons are simply giving Tang Zheng points of sin. They can be crushed without any pressure. The twelfth wave came, consisting of three burly abyss demons. Unfortunately, they were already beaten before they could reach Tang Zheng.

Kirov locked with the railgun and carried out targeted strikes.

The scorching white energy beam plowed across the ground like a saber, hitting an abyss demon in the middle. It roared unwillingly, persisted for three seconds, and was vaporized, leaving behind a golden seed.

Ten Kirovs aimed at one and killed it. Just as the last one rushed in front of Tang Zheng, the railgun came again.

"Every time I see it, I am shocked. This kind of mass killing is so sharp." Sha Ou was extremely envious. Tang Zheng's combat effectiveness was comparable to that of a legion.

"I'm looking forward to his sixth ability now." Tantai waved his hand, "Go clean the battlefield and then go to sleep."

The demons actually contributed a star, which surprised Tang Zheng.

"The penalty time for the Warhammer team has ended, and the American team will be attacked by six waves of demons again because they are behind." This is a rule, and Trojan will not take the initiative to tell the survivors.

"Poor Americans." Shaou gloated and hugged Tang Zheng's arm, "Let's go have supper. I must buy you a drink."

"Too strong." Kagawa Shingo sighed, "It would be unwise for us to provoke the Warhammer Team."

"There is no regret medicine for you to take." Asakura Sakura threw the black iron seeds to him, "You can use it. This thing can cure your illness at least. I lack combat power now."

Kagawa Shingo didn't refuse. He knew that the arrogant Sakura Princess would never look down on such a low-level seed. She would at least need a piece of gold to be worthy of her status.

The new Americans looked at Rogers and the black people fighting hard, and when they were disappointed, the pride in their hearts was shattered.

The homeless man's dog died after all, and he went to the veterinarian. After seeing him in the cat's eyes, the dog didn't even open the door.

"Save my dog, I have money." The homeless man clutched a handful of change and cried very sadly. He even knelt on the ground and begged the doctor.

"Go away, come back tomorrow, the doctor is not here." The doctor replied, yawned and went to sleep. He didn't believe what the homeless man said. He didn't even have enough to eat, but he still had money to treat the dog? Are you kidding me?

Are you a fool?

ps: Sorry, I have something to do today, so the update is late, there will be three chapters tomorrow!


This chapter has been completed!
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