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Chapter 28 The Licker

Chapter 28 The Licker

Tang Zheng is very lucky. The pharmaceutical factory marked on the map can be reached by mountain bike in ten minutes. Compared with the group leaders who need a full hour's drive, he is really happy, but the most unlucky thing is that it is not far away.

The not-so-near survivor../--/--Full text of the advertisement

The task given by the Trojan horse is difficult, but it will never be impossible to complete. At this time, the team leaders have already dispersed in the city of Chicago because of their previous judgments and escapes, so those survivors who are too far away from the pharmaceutical factory will

After getting other tasks, the survivors within half an hour's drive can only lament their misfortune. They have to cross the zombie-filled streets to get here, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. After all, those in advanced pharmaceutical factories will encounter more


"I have to come." Tang Zheng sighed. According to the number of people selected by Trojan, even if this mission fails, it will not be wiped out. However, he does not want to stay in the hotel doing nothing, and has already given up on the first mission.

, this time no matter what, we must take the initiative, and the name of the r-virus strain has a great relationship with the main biochemical plot.

After being attacked by zombies, the city was in a mess, with corpses, bloodstains, and long streets full of parked cars, exposed to the afternoon sun. Coupled with the survivors who were hiding and afraid to speak out, the surrounding environment seemed even more lifeless.

In less than an hour after the biological attack, Chicago seemed to have turned into a dead city.

Li Xizhu is not a crow's mouth, but when zombies dominate the city and they suddenly rush onto the road, it is like a herd of deer rushing into the lion's territory. It is a ghost if they are not attacked.

The zombies wandering on the long street saw Tang Zheng's team and trotted after them. They gradually gathered into a group, but because they couldn't keep up with the speed of the mountain bikes, they were quickly thrown away.

"There are so many." Kong Licheng was very courageous. He took a moment to look back and looked at the densely packed zombies dozens of meters away. He stretched his arms and chased after them with a low roar emanating from his throat, and whistled.

"Concentrate." Dong Zixuan warned, observing the route with eyes wide open, afraid of missing every detail.

Others didn't have the courage. There were a lot of zombies on the street, and some were right in front. When they saw them, they rushed over. The newcomers had to shoot to prevent them from approaching, but the effect was minimal. They had never practiced in the first place.

, his marksmanship is terrible, and if he rides a bicycle, he will not be able to hit the target at all, and the most troublesome thing is that the gunfire will attract more zombies.//-< Shuhaige>-//(shuhaigecom-< Shuhaige>

-full text)

Fortunately, Tang Zheng was there, holding the handlebar with one hand and shooting the G36C with the other hand. Due to his posture, the recoil put a heavy burden on his wrist, but it was still within the tolerance range.

"Stop fighting and concentrate on riding." Tang Zheng warned, surpassing Hu Hong and the long-faced young man, and chased after him from the rear of the group. He went to help Dong Zixuan clear the zombies blocking the road.

"You shoot the one on the left." Dong Zixuan was very strong. In order to rush for time, she even let go of the handlebar and reloaded the gun with both hands.

"Be careful, there is no one to save you if you fall." Tang Zheng glanced at the map on his watch and encouraged the newcomers, "We're halfway through, stop fighting, ride with all your strength, and rush into the pharmaceutical factory."

This was simply risking their lives. The newcomers were riding their bikes like crazy, rushing past the zombies by a hair's breadth. They could see their shriveled skin and scarlet eyeballs, and smell the pungent stench, which made them sweat.

Like pulp, his heart was beating like a war drum, almost bursting out of his throat.

"Hurry up and we're almost here." Kong Licheng urged the newcomers. He didn't care about the life or death of these people, but if he wanted to enter the pharmaceutical factory, there would be many dangers. It was always good to have more targets to attract monsters.

The zombies behind him were still more than a hundred meters away, and the ones on both sides did not pose a threat for the time being. After turning the corner, the pharmaceutical factory appeared in Tang Zheng's field of vision. Probably because there was no one to watch during the riot, some raw materials were leaked, and the air was filled with

There was a sour smell that made everyone sneeze several times.

There was a gap in the big iron door, and there was no sound of zombies beating, which meant that there were no zombies gathering on the other side, which made Tang Zheng feel relieved.

The newcomers were a little relaxed when they saw that they had only fifty meters to reach their destination. Among them, Hu Liwen, Wen Xiao and the man who was killed by Zhuo Yijie had not exercised enough on weekdays. They were already tired and couldn't help but slow down.


"Don't you think it's too quiet?" Tang Zheng frowned and looked around. Although this is a suburb with relatively few people, as a factory with a large number of people and various shops on both sides, there must be talented people.

Then to become a zombie, there must be at least dozens of zombies...

"Did someone lure him away?" Dong Zixuan reacted very quickly, riding with one hand and pulling out a pistol, but then she heard Hu Liwen's scream from behind.

Everyone turned around in horror and saw three mutated zombies rushing out of a supermarket, with mouths full of blood and pieces of meat in their mouths. They quickly closed the distance with the three people at the end of the line.

"Help!" Fortunately, Hu Liwen kept looking back because she was afraid of being attacked, otherwise she would have been overtaken and bitten to death.

"It's a licker, damn, there's no sound at all when sprinting." Kong Licheng also watched Resident Evil and recognized this kind of zombie at a glance. They have no skin on their bodies, exposed red and tender muscles, and have long, sharp teeth.

Their claws allow them to crawl on the ceiling and make silent sneak attacks, but the most terrifying thing is that their heads are directly exposed to the outside, and the ravines of the brain can be seen.

"Hurry up and ride!" the murdered man yelled, and was about to stand up and pedal his mountain bike, but the chain snapped with a click, and he was dodged and fell to the ground.

Hu Liwen and Wen Xiao rode with all their might, without even bothering to shout for help. The others were also very fast.

The lickers have no eyes, but their keen sense of smell and hearing make their tracking ability not bad at all. Dragging their two-meter-long tongue, they approached the murdered man.

"Don't come over, don't come over." The murdered man hurriedly got up, but when he saw the chain was broken, he cursed angrily. Then he saw the licker rushing ten meters away, turned around and ran away.

"Help me." As soon as the murdered man finished shouting, he saw a shadow on the ground quickly covering his head, and it was the Licker that pounced.

Bang, bang, Tang Zheng didn't have time to change his gun, so he could only shoot with G36C. However, the 5.56mm caliber had very weak repelling power against the swooping lickers, and these guys moved very fast, so Tang Zheng was restricted.

After the physical fitness, it is a bit difficult to hit the target with a gun.

Tang Zheng turned around and shot, knocking away the licker that was charging at the slain man. But the second licker had nothing to do. He watched helplessly as it pounced on the slain man and pressed on the slain man's back, followed by its sharp tongue.

Then he stared at his head.

In desperation, the man who was killed actually dodged away, and his tongue penetrated his shoulder. He screamed in pain, but it was better to die immediately, which would save him from torture, because the licker lowered his head and bit his throat.

Blood spurts.

The man who was killed struggled painfully, but to no avail. The third one passed over the head of his companion and chased Hu Liwen.

"Xuanxuan, help me." Hu Liwen couldn't calm down and shouted loudly.

Dong Zixuan shot, trying to stop the licker's pursuit, but unfortunately all her shots missed.

"Don't waste time, sprint at full speed. There might be monsters inside. Make sure it's safe first." Kong Licheng took advantage of Tang Zheng's shooting time to pass him, then braked suddenly and stopped in front of the factory gate. Holding his rifle, he rushed

Got in.

Tang Zheng also stopped and took a standing position to shoot. The bullets sprayed out and penetrated the licker's body.

Feeling the bullets flying past her, Hu Liwen almost went crazy with fright, and Wen Xiao even felt that her underwear was wet.

Tang Zheng originally wanted to observe the movement trajectories of the lickers, but because they avoided bullet attacks, the data obtained was probably incalculable.

Dong Zixuan wanted to save her colleagues, but instead of following the iron gate, she shot at the licker.

"Why are you dazed? Come in quickly, there are zombies." Kong Licheng roared anxiously, making the already nervous newcomers even more confused.

"Come in, don't be stunned." Tang Zheng urged, spending twenty rounds of bullets and killing two lickers.

Dong Zixuan also used Benelli to blow off the head of the one that was eating the man who was killed, but the man who was killed could not wait for rescue and died.

"Come in." Tang Zheng entered the factory through the gap in the iron gate and saw hundreds of zombies trotting towards here because of the sound of gunfire. Kong Licheng squatted on the ground and shot, with two results.

"Escape over there? Is there a target?" Kong Licheng was using the civilian version of the M4A1. Although it was semi-automatic, it consumed bullets very quickly.

That's how people are. When in danger, they want to kill all the zombies at once, and other newcomers also start to open fire.

"Calm down, everyone!" Tang Zheng took action and shot his head with a gunshot. Seeing the zombies fall down and die, they could finally take a breath.

"Follow the route." Tang Zheng looked at the map. After entering the factory, the map changed into a three-dimensional mode, with a red route clearly marked.

"I'll open the way, Li Xizhu, you come with me." Kong Licheng knew there was no need to delay, and he also wanted to show off. Only in this way can he win Tang Zheng's trust and respect in future battles. However, he was not stupid, and he knew how to pull someone along.

Li Heizhu, who is not good at talking, can be used as a human shield in critical moments.

"Hurry up, let's save bullets." Although Tang Zheng brought a large bag of ammunition, it was still not enough.

"Why are there no ordinary zombies, but three lickers?" Dong Zixuan is still struggling with this question.

"Probably hiding in the supermarket and eating corpses?" Zheng Sheng's mental quality was good, his brain had gradually calmed down, and he could even do some simple reasoning.

"What do you say?" Dong Zixuan paid more attention to Tang Zheng's ideas.

"Look at their clothes. These should be from outside, but some people were brought in. As for the lickers, I don't know." Tang Zheng actually didn't care. After all, there was too little information to analyze.

Waiting for all the newcomers to enter the iron gate, a young man wearing a military uniform and eating ice cream appeared at the door of Licker's supermarket.


ps: I’m stuck, I’m worried, I’ll adjust it, and I’ll update it tomorrow!


This chapter has been completed!
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