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Chapter 92 Virus riots

"Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere? Can you still walk?" Tang Zheng squatted next to Zhao Xiong and checked his injuries. There were many bruises on his body. They looked scary, but they were not very serious in fact.

"No, very good!" Zhao Xiong stood up. He didn't want to be treated as a burden. He was already very sorry for not being able to fight just now.

"That's good, let's go." Tang Zheng glanced at the traffic police and Zhao Dongtao and found that he was more seriously injured than them, but he could recover at least twice as fast as them after drinking the same dose of medicine.

Tang Zheng thought it was the result of the Trojan horse limiting the physical fitness of the group leaders and not limiting the body's immunity. In fact, it was the transformation of his body after the fusion of the virus. The powerful metabolism was accumulating energy for his body and maintaining it.

Every cell allows it to run like a perpetual motion machine.

While Tang Zheng was fighting in the subway tunnel, New York was also attacked by terrorists at night. Three intercontinental missiles carrying biochemical virus warheads passed through the clouds, successfully deceived the missile defense system, and crashed hard towards the

of this prosperous city.

Boom, boom, one missile pierced a skyscraper, destroying it, and another one fell on Wall Street, setting off a gorgeous fireball. The ignited building lit up the night sky, just like in the middle of summer.

Fireworks display held.

People near the explosion range cried and fled. They didn't know that a more cruel opera had just opened, and the parasitic virus was leaked out in an instant and spread at an extremely fast speed.

Terrorists lurking in the city also began to take action, shouting slogans such as "Jihad" and detonating the biochemical grenades they carried, releasing virus-filled gas.

"What's this going to do?" The convoy of Captain Juan Tongue witnessed the explosion of a missile. Before the shock was over, the city's network system was invaded, and a man wearing a white skull mask appeared on major TV stations and the Internet.

, claiming responsibility for this terrorist activity.

"This city is finished." After listening to the terrorist's speech and watching the explosion scenes constantly switching on the screen, David looked grim and blew out a smoke ring.

"Let's go, leave first." Captain Juan Tongue gave up on snatching Eve. A team fight surrounded by zombies would be of no benefit to both sides. Those Chinese were taking the little girl with them. It would be even harder to escape. Even if they rushed out of New York,

He would also lose a lot, and he could also set up an ambush in advance. After all, he wanted to send Eve to her father, and this route would never change, not to mention that he had done some tricks on her.

"What if Eve dies?" Another female agent was a little hesitant. She didn't like to leave her life to the vague probability.

"If you die, you will die." Juan Tou didn't bother to explain. If the other party could destroy the Ukrainian group, it would be no problem to escape from New York surrounded by zombies. Besides, even if the little girl died, Trojan Horse would not kill her, and would only punish her harshly.

"Eve's father is actually in France. It's quite a long way here." After getting Eve, Spencer's location was also marked on the map of the watch. The traffic policeman felt a bit pained and wanted to complete the task, but he didn't.

so easy.

After running for less than five minutes, Tang Zheng estimated that the next stop was coming soon, so he asked everyone to walk and take a rest. Otherwise, if they encounter a battle in this state, the game will definitely be over.

The dim passage was full of messy footsteps and heavy breathing, making the atmosphere extremely depressing. Even the trained lipstick felt panic while blindfolded, and begged Tang Zheng several times to help her.

Take off the blindfold.

"Bear with it." Tang Zheng took out the mineral water, took a sip, and then handed it to Zhao Dongtao.

"Who is that?" Dong Zixuan was very vigilant. When she saw a man in front of her, she immediately yelled and raised the Roaring Death God.

The man walked slowly, and the wall lamp above his head shone on him, casting several long and narrow shadows.

"It's Zhuo Yijie!" Tang Zheng turned on the tactical flashlight and shook the opponent's face.

"You coward, you still have the nerve to come back." Zhao Xiong got angry, yelled and ran over, grabbing Zhuo Yijie's collar. Thinking that he would jump out of the car and fall seriously injured, he wouldn't beat this guy.

His thoughts are unclear.

Bang, Zhao Xiong's fist hit Zhuo Yijie's eye, causing a black bruise. The latter did not resist, and everyone did not pay attention. They thought it was Zhuo Yijie who was in the wrong and did not dare to fight back. Only Tang Zheng noticed it.

Not good.

"Zhao Xiong, come back quickly." Tang Zheng frowned, pulled out the Desert Eagle, and pointed it at Zhuo Yijie. This guy was beaten, but he didn't even scream. This is so unreasonable.

The newcomers were startled by Tang Zheng's vigilance. They hurriedly raised their guns and stared at Zhuo Yijie.

"Ah? You're too nice to let him go like this? You're giving him too much credit!" Zhao Xiong wanted to take the opportunity to show off and compliment Tang Zheng by the way. He grabbed Zhuo Yijie's collar and didn't let go, but turned his head.

, was about to punch him a few more times, when he saw Zhuo Yijie's mouth suddenly split into four pieces like a chrysanthemum, and kissed his head.

Tang Zheng's shooting position was not good. After running two steps and adjusting his position, wow, four tentacle-like strips of meat, like octopuses, had already hugged Zhao Xiong's head.

Zhao Xiong's vision went dark. He only felt a stink and his face was covered with mucus. Then a parasitic egg the size of a duck egg was entangled with tentacles and forcefully stuffed into his esophagus. The feeling of being stuffed made him

He was retching, but it didn't help, and he couldn't even make a sound like he was calling for help.

Even with dim vision, everyone could see that Zhao Xiong's neck and stomach had a bulge, which was supported by strips of meat.

Bang, Tang Zheng fired, blowing up Zhuo Yijie's head. Two tentacles broke off and fell to the ground, still twitching and twisting, but it did not die and held on to Zhao Xiong.

"Look!" Qian Wen suddenly screamed. On the other side of the tunnel, a large group of zombies wandered over. After hearing the gunfire, they quickened their pace.

Dong Zixuan was holding a machine gun, ready to fire. The faces of the others were a little solemn. There were a lot of zombies, and the tunnel was blocked tightly.

"Kong Licheng, where are you?" Tang Zheng did not waste pistol bullets and put his gun back in his holster. "Let's retreat first, keep a distance, and use kite flying tactics to drag them to death."

"I saw a lot of zombies. The city is in chaos." Kong Licheng broke into a cold sweat. He didn't know where these monsters came from.

"Can you come?" Tang Zheng looked solemn. He found that some of these zombies were actually holding weapons such as steel pipes. A white-collar worker did not throw away his briefcase. After running to Zhao Xiong, he ran towards him

His head was slapped hard.

These are zombies formed after being infected with parasitic viruses. They have low IQ and can use simple weapons.

"Okay. You'd better gather at the subway entrance quickly." Kong Licheng answered simply. The powerful parties are all in Tang Zheng's group. Only by converging will he be safer. Besides, even if he wants to leave, Tang Zheng's group

My classmates would not agree.

"What's wrong? Is it a zombie? Take off my blindfold quickly." Hearing the footsteps on the other side, Lipstick got scared and growled, trying to break free from the handcuffs. There was no freedom at this time, and it was no different from death.

"Be honest!" Xiu Yingjie punched her and asked Tang Zheng, "What should I do?"

The speed of the zombies increased again, and they swarmed up. These were all passengers on the platform. They were turned into monsters by the terrorist attack.

"Fire!" Following Tang Zheng's instructions, Dong Zixuan and Zhao Dongtao pulled the triggers. The roaring gods of death spit out tongues of fire, like cutting wheat, and immediately overturned the zombies' front line.

The powerful firepower temporarily suppressed the zombie group. Tang Zheng grabbed Lipstick by the collar and put the muzzle of the gun against her chin.

"Which country are you from? How many capable people are there?"

"Let me go and I'll tell you." Lipstick knows its own value and will not speak easily and will bargain.

Tang Zheng raised his knee and bumped it against Hong's lower abdomen. She bent down in pain, but then he grabbed her hair and pulled her up.

"My classmate died and needs to be buried with him. Don't make me mad. Let me ask you again, which country are you from?" Tang Zheng took off her red eye patch and she immediately saw the zombies opposite.

"Russia, there are four."

As soon as Lipstick's answer came out, the survivors of the Warhammer team gasped, and even Tang Zheng became a little uneasy.

"What kind of abilities are they?" Tang Zheng felt very sad when he saw Zhao Xiong turned into a zombie, his eyeballs were bloodshot, his face was pale, began to rot, mixed in with monsters, and launched an attack on himself.

"Let me go. I can fight. Survival is the most important thing. I promise not to run away." Lipstick changed the subject and begged to spare her life.

"What if you shoot someone illegally? I don't have anyone to look after you." Tang Zheng didn't know how to use violent interrogation and was very depressed. "Answer the question!"

Lipstick was determined not to cooperate this time. She looked directly into Tang Zheng's eyes and suddenly stood up on her tiptoes to kiss his lips.

"Don't tell me? Then just go die." Tang Zheng pinched her red cheeks, and then used his arms to throw her towards the zombies.

"Are you really going to kill her?" The traffic policeman was a little surprised. He thought Tang Zheng was threatening.

"Energy users are too troublesome to guard against." As the leader of the regiment, Tang Zheng carries a lot of trophies with him. Once the enemy has a chance, he will be the first to kill, so he would rather not have information than leave a time bomb behind.


"Save me, I said, I said it all." Lipstick was lying in a pool of broken flesh and blood. She was scared, her hands were cuffed, and it was very difficult to get up. Moreover, the policewoman kept shooting, and bullets kept passing by her.


"Stand back and keep a distance of thirty meters." Tang Zheng called to his companions, while he stood there and stared at the lipstick condescendingly. "Can your ability users track Eve remotely?"

Dong Zixuan was worried about hurting Tang Zheng, so she didn't dare to shoot at the zombies in front of him, so a large number of zombies came up, but he was hit by him in a blink of an eye.

"Okay, they planted a bug in Eve's body." Lipstick looked at Tang Zheng and deceived him, "Save me back. I know how to kill the bug so they can't track it."

"What are the abilities of the other two?" Tang Zheng took a few steps back. The zombies created by the parasitic virus were very fierce, and a special infected person actually appeared. It was huge and moved like a mountain of meat.

"I don't know. I haven't seen them use it. Take me away quickly." Lipstick didn't want to become a zombie ration. Watching them keep approaching, there were even a few lickers climbing quickly on the wall. Lipstick

He collapsed and shouted, "Are you crazy? Run away!"

Tang Zheng raised the muzzle of his gun and fired a burst at the top of the tunnel. The cement blocks he hit fell down, and the licker was torn into pieces by the bullets, and blood rained down.

"Sure enough, it's insidious." Tang Zheng was thinking about how to use Eve to counterattack his opponent. At the same time, he stepped back, but he didn't wear lipstick. His attention had already turned to the special infected person.

"Bastard!" Lipstick saw that Tang Zheng ignored him and struggled to stand up, but before he could run a few steps, Zhao Dongtao shot him and broke his calf.

Amid the screams, the white-collar zombie caught up with Hong, slapped her on the head with the briefcase, then jumped her and bit her neck.

Lipstick struggled hard and pushed her right knee up, overturning the zombie. However, her hands were handcuffed and she was missing a foot. She was very inflexible. After crawling a few steps, the zombie pressed her down from behind and bit her.

On the back.

Zombies have very good teeth and can even chew through leather clothing.

"Zixuan, kill her." Tang Zheng wanted the policewoman to kill more survivors and accumulate more points. After all, the number of times the vending machine can be used is limited. It is best to concentrate the points on one person as much as possible. As for

He has killed too many group leaders. If you kill such a newcomer, the points given will be much less.

Dong Zixuan hesitated for a moment, then fired, blowing up Hong's head and beating the white-collar zombie riding on her back into pieces.

"Pay attention to saving ammunition, Zixuan, it's up to you." Tang Zheng held the RPG-7 and stared at the fat special infected, observing its attack method, and then he realized that he was redundant.

The policewoman's lava ability is very powerful. With the wave of her hand, the ground cracked and hot magma spewed out, swallowing the zombies. The infected person persisted longer, but it was still like a wild boar that fell into boiling water.

, only the fate of being slaughtered. In less than three minutes, there was no burnt residue left.

The air was filled with the stench of burnt protein, and everyone covered their noses and ran to the platform.

"Kong Licheng, where are you? Protect Song Xin for me!" People with abilities are very powerful. If it were normal, Tang Zheng would have to consume most of the ammunition even if he killed this special infected person, even if no one was killed, so Song Xin

It must be kept and Zhao Dongtao must use the captured golden seed as soon as possible.

"There's a traffic jam, and there's nothing I can do about it." The streets were full of fleeing people, and the sound of horns and shouts was a chaotic mess. In this situation, Kong Licheng couldn't even speed up.

"There are zombies ahead." The traffic policeman acted as the vanguard and immediately warned when he saw the zombies.

"Attack!" Tang Zheng switched to ordinary ammunition, but it was still powerful. The barrage fired by the Roaring Death directly tore the parasite in front of him into pieces.

Entering the platform, it has become a paradise of death, with zombies everywhere. After all, as long as some people are infected, the virus can spread widely.

Seeing humans, the zombies launched a fierce charge! (To be continued)!~!

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