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Chapter 1020 Gathering together

"Brother, since you are the boss of Xinghuo Trading Company, let's stop hiding it and talk straight to the point."

"You two brothers, if you have any questions, just say it. As long as I, Mr. Zhou, can do it, I, Mr. Zhou, will not hesitate to go up mountains of swords and seas of fire!" Zhou Sen said with a laugh.

"There is no need to let me go up mountains of swords and seas of fire. In fact, I really need my help with something." One of the Heavenly Kingdom people lowered his voice and said: "We have a large amount of military supplies in our hands that need to be disposed of. I hope I can help.


"These... some ordinary military supplies are not a problem for me here, but I really can't do anything about those swords, guns, bows and arrows. As you know, the Crusaders are checking closely everywhere. Once they are discovered, not only will the goods be seized, but also the goods will be seized.

There is a danger of beheading, so I can't do anything about it!" Zhou Sen sighed.

"Brother, is there really no way?"

The two heavenly people looked at each other and said with disappointment.

"Brother, it's not that I don't help. If it's just a little bit, I don't care. I just treat it as a friend. From your tone, it must be more than a little bit. Most of my current goods are shipped to Er, as you know,

The Er people are poor, and some complete sets of armor and stomach have to be bought separately. If it is a weapon, they cannot afford it at all, unless it is shipped to the inland black market of the Han Empire. But the problem is that the transportation to the inland of the Han Empire is now very important.

The road has been blocked by your Crusaders. There are countless checkpoints along the way, and it is simply impossible..."


"Hey, it seems that my brother is in trouble too!"

"There is a way." Zhou Sen pretended to be calm and said.

"What can we do?" The two heavenly people were immediately overjoyed and asked in unison.

"You also know that I have many branches in the inland areas of the Han Empire, and there are still some ways. If you can help me escort a few checkpoints, even if it reaches the territory under your Crusaders' jurisdiction, I can break it into pieces.

, slowly digested the goods."

"We escort?" A heavenly man frowned.

"Brother, I have no choice. If your numbers are too large, I don't dare to take risks. You also know that Lao Shizi's undefeated God of War has already reached the mountains and seas. Several cities adjacent to Vaal City are now.

They are all surrounded by soldiers and are heavily guarded. If I bring a large number of swords, guns, bows and arrows there, wouldn't I be seeking death?"

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"That's true." One of the heavenly people said: "Brother, there is no justice in business. Let's go back and think about it first. Anyway, there will be a result tonight."

"Okay, I'll wait for your news!"

"Brother, I want to ask, if we help you escort, your funds..."

"Don't worry, brother, our Xinghuo Trading Company puts credibility first. As long as I agree to escort, I can pay 70% of the payment in advance. After arriving at the destination, I will pay the remaining 30%. You see

How about it?"

"Brother, I'm just happy, okay! We'll discuss it with the boss when we go back and get back to you."

Zhou Sen asked the two of them to stay for dinner, but they had something to worry about and declined.

At this time, it was less than an hour before the dinner, but the desert sunshine was still hot and particularly dazzling.

Xiaoyu's wedding has reached its climax.

The entire Walcheng restaurant was overcrowded. Some restaurants even set tables on the street, and there was a joyful atmosphere everywhere.

In the large open-air market, people gathered in clusters here and there, chatting, and no one wanted to make a sound.

Everyone is talking about Xiaoyu. Everyone is jealous and envious of her.

The Mysterious Lady of the Nine Heavens, Shen Huimin, Mingxian Mingkong, and the King of Corpses are shopping in the open-air market.

The news that Zhou Sen captured the Imperial City and the Mountain and Sea Pass has not yet spread to the Han army. However, the news that the Er Empire was instigated by Zhou Sen to rebel has long spread, and everyone in the Gods and Demons Continent, both men and women, old and young, already knows about it.

When everyone learned the news about Zhou Sen, they immediately rushed to the Er Empire with their swords.

Zhou Sen deserves his bad luck.

Everyone originally wanted to rush to the Er Empire to meet Zhou Sen at starry night, but Shen Huimin insisted on buying some materials for alchemy talismans at the open-air market in Vaal City. After Shen Huimin's repeated insistence, everyone felt that they could no longer

There was no need to rush for a moment, since he already knew the news about Zhou Sen, so he pressed the flying sword and landed at the open-air market in Val City.

When the five people arrived at the open-air market, they immediately noticed that something was wrong, because the originally bustling open-air market seemed particularly deserted. Many stalls were closed for business and were empty. However, some stalls were gathered together, chatting in full swing, and they were not there at all.

I have no intention of doing business, and when I ask about the price, everyone has an impatient expression.

Among the five people, only the King of Corpses has never been to the open-air market in Vaal City. The other four have been, so they naturally know how prosperous the open-air market was in the past.

"Auntie, why is there no one in the market today?" Shen Huimin finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked a friendly-looking aunt who was cleaning up the stall.

"Haha, little girl, our Satsuma girl Xiaoyu is getting married today. Everyone is going to have a wedding banquet. I will go too now." The aunt said with a smile.

"Wow, everyone in the market went to have a wedding banquet?" Mingkong said with a surprised look on his face.

"It's not just the people in this market, but the whole city of Vaal will go to have a drink. It is said that some squires and tycoons from the city of Vaal, as well as some high-ranking generals of the Crusaders, are going to congratulate them." The aunt said with a proud look on her face.

"What does Xiaoyu do? She's so good that the whole city is having a wedding party!" Shen Huimin asked.

"Hey, Xiaoyu is not very powerful, but her husband is very powerful. He is Ma Yong, the big boss of Xinghuo Trading Company."

"Fart...the big boss of Xinghuo Trading Company is..." Shen Huimin suddenly became furious and cursed, but was stopped by Jiutian Xuannv.

"Hey, hey, little girl, you said it well, who are you scolding?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, there's something wrong with her brain." Mingxian apologized quickly.

"Hey..." After being scolded by Ming Xian for having a brain problem, Shen Huimin naturally refused.

"Auntie, is this news released by Xinghuo Trading Company?" Jiutian Xuannv stopped Shen Huimin and asked.

"Of course, but the big shopkeeper of the Xinghuo Commercial Bank branch in Val City personally announced it, and the big shopkeepers of the major restaurants also contacted him personally... Hey, I won't bother you anymore, it's time to eat, by the way, you can do it too

Let’s go have a meal. The boss said that anyone can go have a meal today. If you’re lucky, you’ll get a red envelope...hehehe..."


Everyone was silent for a while as they watched the aunt happily inviting a group of women away.

"Could it be Zhou Sen?" Mingkong asked with a worried look.

"Are you stupid? Will Zhou Sen marry someone else?" Shen Huimin said, knocking Mingkong's head.

"But...I always feel weird..." Mingkong looked distracted and uneasy.

"We'll find out when we go take a look."

"That's right, let's go take a look and have a free meal." The King of Corpses' deep-set eye sockets flashed with electric light.

"I have a bad feeling." Ming Xian shook his head.

"What bad premonition?" Shen Huimin was troubled by her twin sisters.

"Maybe it's really Zhou Sen, otherwise, no one else would be able to create such a big momentum." Ming Xian frowned.

"Don't worry, everyone, we will find out after we go and take a look. Random thinking will not solve the problem." Jiutian Xuannv was more prudent after all and made a decision immediately.


They couldn't think of any good ideas, so they inquired all the way, and soon found the restaurant where Zhou Sen was staying temporarily. However, what made them depressed was that there was a sea of ​​people outside the restaurant, and it was impossible for them to squeeze in.

"Now sister, let's go, it's definitely not Zhou Sen..." Looking at the sea of ​​people outside the restaurant, Shen Huimin suddenly retreated.

"Hey, hey, we're all here... Oh, I understand, you are scared, you are scared, haha... Shen Huimin is scared, Shen Huimin is scared..." Mingxian laughed happily.

"Aren't you afraid?" Shen Huimin was in a low mood.

"Ah..." Mingxian, who was gloating at his misfortune, felt as if an invisible hand was stuck in his throat.

"Let's go." Jiutian Xuannv suddenly turned around to leave.

"It's Zhou Sen, I can feel his breath..."

Just when a group of people turned to leave, the King of Corpses suddenly shouted excitedly. Suddenly, he seemed to realize that something was wrong with the atmosphere. He turned to look at the four women and saw that there were already eyes in the four women's eyes.

Soaked in tears.

Obviously, all four women felt Zhou Sen's familiar aura.

Zhou Sen did not hide his aura because there was no need. Everyone in this world who is familiar with his aura is someone he trusts.

"If Zhou Sen does something wrong to you, I will help you kill him!" Seeing the pitiful looks of the four women, the King of Corpses suddenly felt pity and said with murderous intent.

"I want you to take care of it!" Shen Huimin glared at the King of Corpses.

"Hey, hey, everyone should unite as a front, okay..."

"Who unites the front with you!" Shen Huimin got angry for no reason. She pulled out her flying sword and was about to stab her. The King of Corpses was so frightened that he backed away and hid behind Jiutian Xuannu.

During this period, the King of Corpses was tortured by four women until he lost his temper.

If it were a woman, the King of Corpses would naturally not take it seriously, but there were four of them, and among these four, there was a master of alchemy and talismans who could blow her to pieces at every turn, and

One is a master in the early stage of ascension. Although the King of Corpses is not afraid, even the Soul-Breaking Divine Sword is powerful. The remaining two are not soft persimmons. They not only share the same mind. The nun named Ming Xian,

He is even more vicious-hearted, and the King of Corpses has suffered a lot.

Four women dealt with the King of Ten Thousand Corpses at the same time. No matter how arrogant the King of Ten Thousand Corpses was, he was tortured until he lost his temper.

Of course, the main reason is because of Zhou Sen.

Zhou Sen had originally told the King of Ten Thousand Corpses to help take care of four women. The King of Ten Thousand Corpses claimed to be the King of Nine Cauldrons, so naturally he would not break his promise. What's more, he also believed that a dignified King of Ten Thousand Corpses and a group of women

General knowledge is simply not what a man would do.

There was a long silence.

"I believe Zhou Lang! We should give him a chance to explain. I don't want to explain the misunderstanding clearly until someone is about to lose his life." Jiutian Xuannv suddenly said.

"I also believe in brother Zhou Sen," Mingkong said immediately.

"Huh, I'll wait and see for now. In short, if Zhou Sen doesn't give us a satisfactory explanation, I'll... I'll... I'll..." Ming Xian talked for a long time, but couldn't think of a way to retaliate against Zhou Sen.

"What do you think?" the King of Corpses asked inappropriately.

"...I will cuckold him all over the world!"

"..." The King of Corpses was speechless.

"If he is unkind to me, I will be unjust to him!" Ming Xian said proudly.

"I believe him." Shen Huimin's face was uncertain. After hesitating for a while, she finally uttered three words.

"What would you do if he really got married?" The King of Corpses' jumping thinking seemed to have suddenly recovered.

"..." The four women looked at each other.

"Don't worry, as long as you say a word, I will help you castrate that heartless guy!" The King of Corpses' deep-set eye sockets were filled with lightning flashes, and ten long nails were rubbing against each other as he gave the order.

The voice of the heart season.

"Are you done yet? Believe it or not, I will blow you up right now!" Shen Huimin was upset.

"It's over, it's over..." The King of Corpses had quick eyes and quick hands. He hid behind Jiutian Xuannv in a flash. He knew very well that among this group of people, Jiutian Xuannv was the only one who could suppress Shen Huimin.

"Let's go in and take a look, so as not to think too much."

In the end, it was Jiutian Xuannv who made the decision.

After the four people discussed it, they asked some people and found that as long as they brought heavy gifts, they usually had a chance to enter the restaurant.

After asking about the situation, the four of them found a gift shop, bought a lot of things, and hired a few big bear bears to hold them. They yelled all the way and managed to squeeze out a passage among the crowds of people.

Of course, people saw the group of them carrying a mountain of gifts, and the four women, who looked like gods, all consciously gave way to a way, so there was no need to squeeze desperately.

In addition to the contribution of the pile of gifts, the ugly image of the King of Corpses also contributed indispensably.

Fortunately, only after the war broke out in the Han Empire, all kinds of monsters with super powers have been walking openly in broad daylight, and ordinary people have become accustomed to it. If it were before, the King of Corpses would probably be beaten with a stick.

Run, or rush out of a group of super-powered people to slay demons.

Except for the King of Corpses, the four women felt heavy-hearted.

After arriving at the lobby, the five people successfully passed the first level of the restaurant owner.

Facing four heavenly-beautiful women, no one would deny face. Of course, the ugly king of corpses was simply ignored by the restaurant owner.

After passing the first level, the second level is Xiaoyu’s tribe, the Satsuma people.

There is no problem at this level. After all, they are guests, and they bring a mountain of gifts. This is Xiaoyu's face!

The visit of the five people was quickly reported to Zhou Sen.

At this time, Zhou Sen was like an ant on a hot pot, because he had already noticed the aura of everyone. At first, Zhou Sen was the first to notice the aura of the King of Ten Thousand Corpses, but he didn't take it to heart, thinking that the aura of the King of Ten Thousand Corpses was

The king came to look for him alone. What he didn't expect was that right after, he noticed the aura of Shen Huimin's group of people.

"Husband, there are a few people outside asking to see you." Xiaoyu walked in, looked at Zhou Sen who was walking around, and said softly.

"I know." Zhou Sen scolded, his tone stern.

Xiaoyu didn't speak and walked silently to the back room. Zhou Sen also immediately realized that the tone just now was too strong and quickly followed him into the back room.

"Feel sorry……"

"Husband, you don't have to be sorry. It's Xiaoyu's fault that made it difficult for your husband." Tears on Xiaoyu's cheeks flowed down silently.

"Don't cry, I will take care of it. From now on, you don't go out, do you understand?" Looking at Xiaoyu's pitiful appearance, Zhou Sen's heart softened. If this matter is investigated according to the customs of the Satsuma people,

Xiaoyu was the victim from beginning to end, and she didn't even know that he was the famous undefeated God of War Zhou Sen.


"I'm serious, don't go out!"

Zhou Sen told Xiaoyu word for word that he did not dare to take such a risk.

Among the four women, Jiutian Xuannv and Mingkong may not do anything outrageous, but Zhou Sen is not sure about Shen Huimin, Mingxian. With their tempers, it is possible for them to suddenly become violent and hurt others.


After some instructions, Zhou Sen tidied up his brand new clothes and walked out.

In the hall, Xiaoyu's sister and brother-in-law, as well as the shopkeeper of Xinghuo Trading Company's branch in Val City, were accompanying four women and a zombie.

Xiaoyu's sister and husband didn't know what happened and were talking to themselves happily. But the shopkeeper who knew the whole story had cold sweat on his forehead. He was restless and looked at Zhou Sen's room. When he saw Zhou Sen

When he arrived, he felt relieved. He let out a long sigh of relief, stood up, bowed deeply to everyone, and left with an excuse.

Four women, four pairs of eyes, all fell on Zhou Sen.

"You guys get out." Zhou Sen avoided the murderous gazes of the four people.


"Get out!" Zhou Sen snapped.

At this time, the shopkeeper hurriedly walked over and pulled the couple out with one hand and one hand, and closed the door at the same time.

"Ahem... would you like to hear my explanation?" Zhou Sen coughed awkwardly.


The four women, with cold expressions on their faces, uttered one word in unison.

"Wait a minute, Zhou Sen, where are the thorns on your back?" The King of Corpses suddenly said as his mind jumped.

"What vitex?" Zhou Sen was stunned.

"You have committed such a big sin, don't you deserve to be punished?" The King of Corpses laughed strangely, and his voice was filled with the pleasure of adding insult to injury.

"..." Zhou Sen was speechless.

"I have thorns here, do you want them?" The King of Corpses continued to add insult to injury.

"Shut up!" The four women couldn't bear it anymore and said in unison.

"Shut up, just shut up. It's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin. He doesn't know a good heart!" The King of Corpses snorted coldly, Didi murmured to himself, but no longer dared to make jokes.

"It's my turn...ahem..."

Zhou Sen cleared his throat and began to tell everything about what happened from yesterday to today. He didn't omit anything, and even explained his own psychological activities honestly. Zhou Sen knew very well that in order to get four women

Forgiveness cannot be concealed at all, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

This chapter has been completed!
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