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Chapter 107 Return of the King

Children can be taught!

The underground warden watched Zhou Sen leave with a look of relief on his face.

Just now, the two of them were having a great conversation. The warden of the underground prison had not had such a lively chat for a long time. They were all talking about things he was interested in. He had a feeling that it was too late to meet him.

In this prison, it's not easy to find someone with whom you have something in common!

The most important thing is that this time Zhou Sen changed his previous rebellious attitude and became very humble, which gave the underground warden an unprecedented sense of accomplishment.

However, the underground warden never dreamed that Zhou Sen had directly ascended to the sky and entered the realm of gods. Although he was an insignificant little god, he was still a god in size!

Fortunately, the underground warden didn't know, otherwise, he would be so angry that he would hit the wall and vomit blood. He has been thinking about it for more than seven hundred years!

Comparing people to others will always make people angry.

Zhou Sen left the underground warden's study with satisfaction.

This meeting with the underground warden did not help Zhou Sen's practice very much, but it helped him understand some logical relationships, especially the law of conservation of energy, which prevented his subsequent practice from reaching a dead end.

Zhou Sen is a scientist, and his belief is science. Although he has encountered many things that science cannot explain, his belief has not wavered at all.

A scientist who believes in science must have an iron willpower, even to the point of paranoia. If Zhou Sen was the kind of person who can be easily changed, he would not have become a leading figure in the scientific world.

Zhou Sen firmly believes that all things involving gods and ghosts can be explained by science. At least, he has now understood the origin of the power of faith. It is also a kind of energy conversion in itself, rather than a groundless theory.

How to obtain the power of faith?

There is no doubt that building temples all over the world and building a golden body is the fastest shortcut. The problem is that although he is a self-proclaimed little god, no one regards him as a god. If temples are built all over the world, I am afraid that they have not even started yet.

Xiu was beaten to death by rotten eggs and rotten vegetables. After he was repaired, no one would kowtow or burn incense to his statue.

Do you want to harvest this wave of admiration and worship? Hey, there is also the power of surprise...

Zhou Sen shook his head to get rid of distracting thoughts in his mind.

It's a bit too early to think about the power of faith now. The top priority is to escape from this steel prison as soon as possible, otherwise, in a few months, he will be sent to the gallows.

It’s so sad to think about the gods being sent to the gallows!

Just as Zhou Sen was thinking wildly, he had been taken to the cell patio.

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Apparently, it was the underground warden who worked through it to get him out of the solitary cell.

While in the courtyard, Zhou Sen harvested a large number of admiring and astonished hodgepodge powers.

The prisoners welcomed the return of King Zhou Sen with enthusiastic eyes.

"Boss!" Shi Hu stood beside the iron railing and looked at Zhou Sen eagerly.

"I'm not your boss." Zhou Sen said calmly.

"I..." Shi Hu looked sad.

"I am your brother!" Zhou Sen said every word.

"Ah..." Shi Hu looked at Zhou Sen with a petrified expression.

Zhou Sen received a stream of pure warmth.

"Brothers forever!" The crowd was not surprised, but Zhou Sen struck while the iron was hot.

"Boss, you are my boss forever!" Shi Hu burst into tears. Zhou Sen once again gained a wave of pure power of faith.

"If I take your money, I will give it back to you in full!"

"No, no, boss, I don't want it. It's not easy for you these years. If you had told me earlier, I wouldn't want it." Shi Hu shook his head like a rattle.

"What did you say earlier..." Zhou Sen was stunned.

"Boss, everything is silent, I understand! I understand you too! I support you!" Shi Hu lowered his voice.

Zhou Sen originally wanted to ask, but seeing Shi Hu's mysterious expression, he didn't bother to ask. After all, there were plenty of opportunities.

Warehouse No. 11!

When Zhou Sen arrived at Warehouse No. 11, there was warm applause from Warehouse 11, and this applause set an example. The surrounding warehouses applauded one after another, and some people shouted Zhou Sen's name.

At this time, Zhou Sen was like a shining star.

Zhou Sen once again received a big wave of enthusiasm.

However, what makes Zhou Sen depressed is that the warm current is like a mud cow entering the sea, disappearing without a trace after entering the body.

"Hello, boss!"

Under the organization of old villains and stupid men, the prisoners in No. 11 warehouse stood in two rows, bending down and shouting in unison, in full gangster style.

Now, everyone in Warehouse 11 is convinced of Zhou Sen.

Kill crocodiles.

Kill Wang Zhong.

The key is to give everyone money. Where can I find such a brave, resourceful and wealthy boss?

I can’t even find it even with a lantern!

At this point, no one can shake Zhou Sen's position in Warehouse 11.

In fact, not only the prisoners in Warehouse No. 11, but also the prisoners in other warehouses also admired Zhou Sen. After all, everything Zhou Sen did was an earth-shattering event, especially the killing of prison guard Wang Zhong was applauded.

Because during this period of time, Wang Zhong was very domineering in the prison. He would think of ways to punish anyone he didn't like, and the prisoners suffered a lot from him.

In addition, Zhou Sen gave out money in prison to win people's hearts, while Wang Zhong blatantly plundered money. It can be said that he scraped everything. Many prisoners' hard-earned private money was completely plundered by him.

Zhou Sen himself didn't know that Wang Zhong's domineering behavior in Mogan Prison had reached the point of outrage. Not only the prisoners, but also many ordinary prison guards were bullied and exploited by him.

It is precisely because Wang Zhong will commit suicide if he commits many unjust acts that the reputation of Zhou Sen, who killed Wang Zhong, has reached its peak. This is also the reason why a group of prison guards are polite to Zhou Sen.

In the eyes of the prison guards, Zhou Sen only eliminates harm for the people.

In life, there will always be bumps and bumps. Just when Zhou Sen felt that he had reached the peak of his life, the ugly death row prisoner walked up to him dragging heavy shackles and handcuffs.

"I'm looking for you!" The death row prisoner didn't look friendly at all.

"You ugly monster, can you find the boss just by looking for him?" The stupid man who looked like an iron tower stood up and looked down at the death row prisoner, like he was looking down at an ant.

"Let him come over." Zhou Sen waved his hand and motioned for the death row prisoner to sit next to him.

"Congratulations!" The death row prisoner did not sit on Zhou Sen's bed, but sat against the wall.

"Thank you for your advice." Zhou Sen thanked him sincerely. When he killed Wang Zhong, Zhou Sen discovered that his previous murder plan was flawed. He was originally planning to pull back, but in fact, his

With the prison guard behind him, he didn't have much room to act.

Alternating upward and diagonal pulls is the best way to kill. Not only can you quickly saw through the flesh, but you can also easily saw through the bones.

"Who gave you the life-extending technique?" The death row prisoner looked at Zhou Sen with his terrifying eyes.

"Why are you asking me?" Zhou Sen asked back.

"Because you are his boss." The death row prisoner's eyes became as deep as the boundless starry sky.

"The underground warden." Zhou Sen said readily. Of course, there was a certain reason behind Zhou Sen's cheerfulness, because the death row inmates had no chance to contact the underground warden, so it didn't matter if he said it.

"Underground prison warden?" The death row prisoner was stunned.

"This is the person who built this prison." Zhou Sen added.

"He's still alive!" The death row prisoner suddenly stood up, his long hair flowing freely without wind, his eyes wide open, and the murderous intention in his eyes seemed to be real.

This chapter has been completed!
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