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Chapter 12 Danger Levels

"I have lost my memory." Faced with the temptation of the female prison guard, Zhou Sen could only resort to the cauldron of amnesia.

"But I know you want it." The female prison guard glanced at Zhou Sen's strong local reaction, her eyes as charming as silk.

"Yes, I want to, but what if I'm not the Zhou Sen you know?" Zhou Sen shook his head.

"I'll know after you try it," the female prison guard chuckled.

"No, that's not fair to you."

"Fair...when have you ever been fair to me? My aunt has been dumped by you again and again. Is it ever fair?" The female prison guard stabbed Zhou Sen's chest with a white finger and said angrily.


"I've lost my memory." Zhou Sen's current magic weapon is to use his amnesia to deflect blame.

"Amnesia! Amnesia! You have lost your memory, but I haven't lost my memory yet! Don't try to fool me with your amnesia, I have not forgotten how you treated me back then!" The female prison guard roared at Zhou Sen.

"If I did something sorry for you in the past, I apologize, but now, I have lost my memory."

"You... okay... if I knew you were pretending to have amnesia, I swear, I would cut off your thing and dry it into dried meat!" The female prison guard licked her pink tongue with an angry look on her face.

"..." Zhou Sen was speechless.

"Forget it, we don't have enough time. If you want, I can find a way to sneak to the solitary room to find you." The female prison guard's voice was full of regret.

"I have lost my memory."

"You say one more thing about amnesia, and I'll cut off that scourge of yours!" The female prison guard looked furious. She couldn't bear it anymore.

"But I really lost my memory."

"Okay...you have lost your memory...sister...come out..." The female prison guard straightened her clothes and walked to the small door and knocked on it, with a dejected expression on her face.

The door opened, and the female doctor in a white coat came out with an ambiguous look on her face.

"Sister, don't look at me like this, let's just chat." The female prison guard said weakly.

"Haha." The female doctor smiled.

"We really didn't do anything, okay?" the female prison guard argued angrily. She was dissatisfied with her desires now. When she heard the female doctor's teasing "haha" voice, the evil fire she had been holding in her heart suddenly came out.

"I know." The female doctor shrugged.

"How do you know?" The female prison guard's curiosity was immediately piqued.

"The air doesn't smell like that."


The female prison guard and Zhou Sen looked at each other, speechless.

"Lie on the bed."

The female doctor motioned for Zhou Sen to lie down on the bed, and then began to use some strange instruments to examine Zhou Sen's body.

"Very healthy, in good health, but..." the female doctor hesitated to speak.

"But what?" Before Zhou Sen could ask, the female prison guard asked nervously.

"His body prompts that he needs it, but nothing happens to you. Is it because your temptation is not enough..." The female doctor glanced at the female prison guard's chest.

"Ahem... Oops! You're not attractive enough..." The female prison guard blushed and punched the female doctor's shoulder, not forgetting to glare at Zhou Sen.

Seeing the shy look of the female prison guard, Zhou Sen reacted once again while lying on the bed. This made him feel extremely ashamed, but he could not control this primitive reaction of his body.

"Get up, you don't have time to think about it now." The female doctor looked at Zhou Sen and said meaningfully.

Zhou Sen quickly stood up and buttoned up the prison uniform that was untied by the female prison guard.

"Be careful, I'm leaving first." The female prison guard warned lovingly, kissed Zhou Sen on the ear, and then quickly left through the small door.

"By the way, doctor, what happened to the prisoner who was stabbed in the first place?" Zhou Sen asked after watching the female prison guard leave.

"It's a small problem, just stab it on the shoulder blade, and it'll be fine after a few days of practice."

"Can you help me take care of it?"

"Of course. By the way, congratulations!" The female doctor glanced at the optical brain on her desk with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Congratulations?" Zhou Sen was stunned.

"Your risk level has been reduced from the highest 5S level to S level." The female doctor said.


"According to the examination results, your pineal gland has become normal, which means that you have lost your superpowers and the prison will lift your level one alert," the female doctor said.

"Why is this happening?" Zhou Sen is a scientist, so he naturally knows about the pineal gland. In his opinion, the pineal gland is also the pineal gland in the traditional sense. It mainly secretes melatonin and the like, or has an impact on the human body.

Sending time signals and the like is equivalent to a biological clock.

"Why this is happening is not my research topic, and I don't have this ability. I am only responsible for regularly checking the physical functions of prisoners, which also includes using instruments to obtain data to determine the prisoner's risk level. Okay, the time is up..."


After Zhou Sen left the medical office, the female doctor took off her mask, revealing a stunningly beautiful face. Her beautiful eyes stared at the data on the optical brain. Then, a pair of white hands beat rhythmically on the virtual keyboard.

It keeps refreshing.

The data that the female doctor called up were the previous physical examination data. After comparing them, he found that there were huge differences between the two data, and the differences in these data were not limited to changes in the pineal gland data.

The female doctor has been engaged in human body data examination in Mogan Prison for five years. She has rich clinical experience. She has examined more than 5,000 prisoners. According to the requirements of the examination process, she has to compare the data for each examination and make the decision only after passing the data.

The degree of danger of the prisoner, and the so-called degree of danger is the standard of force value set by the prison.

Because the prison has equipment that locks superpowers, the strength of all prisoners imprisoned in Mogan Prison will gradually weaken. However, it can be said that it has never happened for someone like Zhou Sen, who was directly reduced from the most dangerous 5S level to the lowest S level without any warning.


Why is this happening...


Zhou Sen was a little distracted. He didn't expect that the criminal Zhou Sen actually had super powers. You know, he always disagreed with Master Dao's remarks that the criminal Zhou Sen could easily destroy this prison.

Are there really super powers?

Although Zhou Sen is a genius scientist, he is not a know-it-all. He is mainly engaged in scientific research and is addicted to the laboratory. He has almost no social circle. He has only heard about supernatural phenomena. He even does not believe in those legendary things.

As for superpowers, he believed that they were the result of some science, such as biochemicals, genetically modified humans, etc. But based on what Dao Ye and the female doctor said just now, it was certain that the criminal Zhou Sen did have powers that ordinary people did not have.

What surprised Zhou Sen most was that from the flat tone of the female doctor, it was confirmed that the Ronnie Empire government seemed to have known about superpowers for a long time. Therefore, the government had introduced a series of effective control measures, including

How to restrain prisoners with superpowers.

Although Zhou Sen has no experience, he is a genius scientist with superhuman wisdom. He can draw inferences from one example and quickly come to the conclusion that there are indeed people with super powers in this world, and the criminal Zhou Sen is the leader with this ability.

So what is the relationship between the female prison guard and the criminal Zhou Sen?

It was only then that Zhou Sen realized that he had forgotten to ask the female prison guard's name.

Regardless of the relationship between the female prison guard and the criminal Zhou Sen, it is certain that the female prison guard is very familiar with Zhou Sen, and her familiarity has exceeded the ordinary relationship between men and women. Moreover, it can be known from the few words of the female prison guard that she wanted to rescue Zhou Sen.

Zhou Sen actually took precautions to apply for the Imperial Police in advance, and then spent a huge amount of manpower and material resources to be transferred to Mogan Prison as a prison guard.

This is a terrible woman who has gone to great lengths to achieve her goal. Of course, what is even more terrifying is the criminal Zhou Sen, because he planned all of this in advance.

Due to Zhou Sen's random thoughts, two prison guards took Zhou Sen to a room, asked him to take off his prison uniform, put on a new set of prison uniform, and removed his shackles. Zhou Sen discovered that his

The color of the new prison uniform is much lighter, and there is only one S on the chest, while the previous prison uniform had five S.

After changing his clothes, Zhou Sen returned to the prison under the escort of two prison guards. When he passed the cell doors, the prisoners stared at the S on his chest with expressions of disbelief.

In addition to the expression of surprise, there is more gloating...

This chapter has been completed!
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