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Chapter 173 We are still good friends

Space jump completed.

Interstellar journey is an extremely boring thing.

Zhou Sen and the underground warden chatted all the time.

"Young man, how did you do it?"

"Old man, life is short. Please be pragmatic when asking questions and don't beat around the bush." ​​Zhou Sen lazily leaned on his chair, his eyes looking at the bright starry sky on the holographic screen.

"Ahem...how did you put a bomb on the sole of my shoe?" the underground warden asked.

"Are you still thinking?" Zhou Sen was stunned.

"Would you not want it if there was a bomb on the sole of your shoe?" the underground warden smiled bitterly.

"It's easy, you see." Zhou Sen took out a metal object similar to a pen from his pocket.

"What is this?" the underground warden asked curiously.

"This is a special tool. After you determine the shoes, I will find an opportunity to insert this thing into it, and a hole will be dug out in the heel of your shoe. Then, I will turn this thing around and insert it into the heel.

Once inserted, the bomb is installed." Zhou Sen took off his shoes to demonstrate in front of the underground warden.

"You... no wonder you want to see the style of my shoes. It turns out you want to tamper with them." The underground warden looked annoyed.

"Why else would I be looking at the shoes of a grown man like you?" Zhou Sen shrugged.

"We have been together, how did you get this thing?" The underground warden was puzzled because Zhou Sen had been with him all the time. In theory, it would be difficult for him to obtain such a thing.

"I made arrangements before the jailbreak." Zhou Sen said calmly.

"You... you are cruel!" the underground warden said with a convinced expression on his face.

"If you don't be cruel, you will kill me sooner or later."

"Is this thing easy to buy?" The underground warden quickly changed the subject.

"Can't buy it." Zhou Sen shook his head.

"Then where did you get it?" The underground warden was stunned.

"I gave them the drawings and recipes and asked them to make it."

"..." The underground warden stared blankly at Zhou Sen for a long time, speechless.

"Awesome!" Zhou Sen was secretly proud, because he had gained a lot of power of faith, and vaguely, he felt that his body was being pulled by some kind of force. Zhou Sen was a scientist, and he firmly believed

Once the power of faith reaches a certain level, it will undergo a qualitative change. This is why he chose to be high-profile, and even took the initiative to expose some information and let the underground warden contribute the power of faith.

In fact, Zhou Sen took the initiative to expose the sole bomb before, just to gain the power of faith from the underground warden, and he did gain a lot of power of faith.

Zhou Sen is most interested in the underground warden's power of faith, because every time he receives the underground warden's power of faith, his body will undergo significant transformation.

There wasn't much time to spend with the underground warden, so Zhou Sen cherished it very much and tried every means to gain more power of faith.

"Awesome!" the underground warden was convinced. He had no doubts about Zhou Sen's ability, because Zhou Sen had produced a large amount of combustible metal powder when he was in Mogan Prison. So far, he has no idea about Zhou Sen's abilities.

How did Sen do it? Because there was a lot of metal in the workshop. The underground prison warden never dreamed that Zhou Sen used the meteorites collected by the prisoners to wrap up the metal in the workshop.

"Do you know why I'm telling you?" Zhou Sen's mouth showed a sly smile.


"I just want to tell you that if I do anything wrong, the Bat will explode into ashes in the universe with a bang!" Zhou Sen opened his arms and made an explosion gesture.

"...Didn't we have a truce?" The underground warden felt on pins and needles. He discovered that he was wrong, so wrong. He had always wanted to control the young man in front of him, and he even thought that he had already controlled him.

, only now did he realize that he had been manipulated by the other party, and that after escaping from prison, he had been wandering around the gates of hell.

This young man is terrible!

The underground warden didn't know that he had contributed a lot of strong faith to Zhou Sen. Of course, the little transparent reporter Olin on the side also contributed a lot of faith.

"You are too confident. I have to let you know that the risk of killing me is too high and the gain is not worth the loss. That's why you will completely give up killing me." Zhou Sen, who had received the power of faith, said nonsense with satisfaction,

He just found any excuse to harvest the power of faith.

"Young man, it's not easy for the old man to live until now, and it's even harder to live until he is released from prison. Please, don't do this, we are still good friends." The underground warden's voice turned into a plea. The underground warden himself did not realize that,

The way he spoke was influenced by Zhou Sen.

"Of course, we are still good friends..."


While the two were chatting, the Bat, which had completed its space jump, had resumed normal navigation and entered the channel, and received real-time news from the interstellar base station.

It is worth mentioning here that human communication technology has reached the point where star regions can complete instant communications through interstellar base stations. In other words, the base station integrates the timelines of the five star regions and can provide real-time news on the same timeline to the five star regions.

F404 star fell.

A red headline alert popped up on the holographic screen.

Almost at the same time, Zhou Sen and the underground warden were shocked and looked at each other.

News link opens.

F404 star fell.

Mogan Prison fell.

A plague of giant armored cockroaches...

A series of sensational headlines.

When the holographic news was turned on, the bloody scenes turned the expressions on their faces to stone.

Iron-clad giant cockroach!

An alien creature that has never been seen before swept across the F404 planet and captured the indestructible Mogan Prison.

There are very few survivors in Mogan Prison...

Iron-clad giant cockroach!

Zhou Sen and the underground warden stared intently at the giant insect on the holographic screen that dyed the entire desert black.

This is not a large cockroach, but a combination of a cockroach and a praying mantis. Its back is covered with an exoskeleton that shines with metallic luster. It has cockroach-like wings on both sides, but its lower body looks like a praying mantis, with two handles.

Its forelimbs are as sharp as knives and move extremely fast.

The sizes of this kind of alien creatures, which are called armored giant cockroaches by the five star regions, are not uniform. The large one is more than two meters high, and the small one is half a meter high. It can be determined from their marching in the desert that they have strong

Organizational and disciplined, with strict hierarchy and clear division of labor, similar to army ants...

The holographic images transmitted from Mogan Prison showed that Mogan Prison was completely destroyed. Large numbers of armored giant cockroaches poured into the prison. Countless prison guards were drowned by the tide of armored cockroaches. Exoskeleton mechas were meaningless in front of them.

The only ones that can resist armored cockroaches are mechas, but there are too few mechas in Mogan Prison, and they are completely powerless against tens or even hundreds of thousands of armored cockroaches.

What happened to the prisoners?

How about She Meng?

The underground warden, Zhou Sen and Olin all stared at the holographic screen...

This chapter has been completed!
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