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Chapter 204 Leading the way

"How to give them courage?" Orin asked.

"On the ancient battlefield, do you know what motivated the soldiers the most? It was the leader who took the lead!" Zhou Sen stood up slowly.

"You...you want to take command personally?" Olin was inexplicably excited.

"Of course, otherwise, why would I get huge rewards!" Zhou Sen said with a smile.

"Are you alone?"

"Yes. By the way, can you broadcast me live?" Zhou Sen stared at Olin. He didn't want to be a hero, but wanted to gain the power of faith. Now, Zhou Sen has a strong desire for the power of faith, because

, he always felt that it was a little bit behind. Before, when Zhou Sen was refining the Tang Dao, he also felt that it was a little bit behind. In fact, he only refined the edge of the Tang Dao and did not improve the overall quality of the Tang Dao.

"Yes. Lu Yun said that there are a lot of interview equipment in this building, including holographic scanning drones. At present, the wireless signals in Gore City have been connected, so there is no problem with the live broadcast."

"Okay, remember, this is my activity route. I will stay in this place for about an hour." Zhou Sen pointed to a mecha modification factory road on the holographic map.

"Are you going to find the mecha?" Olin asked curiously.

"No, I'm going to find some handy weapons somewhere."

"Weapon..." Olin's eyes fell on the Tang Dao in Zhou Sen's hand.

"This weapon is not suitable for hunting giant armored cockroaches." Zhou Sen shook his head.

"Are you going to make a death scythe?" Olin Fu said to his heart.

"Yes." Zhou Sen pointed to a headset on the main control board and asked, "Can this headset maintain contact with the main control room?"

"Yes. However, I don't recommend wearing this kind of headset, because it is a headset worn by technicians, not combatants. It is very easy to fall off. Moreover, it can only communicate with voice and cannot connect with brain waves. I recommend this headset.

Wearable headsets not only enable instant communication, but can also form a holographic map in your mind through brain waves." Olin took out a wearable headset from the cabinet next to the main control room.

Zhou Sen finally put on the headset. This headset is made of two metal lines and can be worn on the head. It has a wireless receiving system and a brainwave chip receiving device, etc. It looks very simple but has very powerful functions.


After Zhou Sen put on the headset, sure enough, a holographic map of Gore City appeared in his mind. This map was made by Lu Yun according to his request. In addition to the streets and buildings in the entire city,

, and also marked some key buildings, including police stations, hospitals, arsenals, etc.

With this headset, Zhou Sen can not only fight independently, but also command the battle and control the entire situation.

"You..." Olin hesitated to speak.

"Is there a problem?" Zhou Sen looked up at Olin.

"Do you really want to hunt the giant armored cockroach yourself?" Olin said through clenched teeth.

"Isn't this obvious! Why do you want to ask this question?" Zhou Sen was a little confused.

"Your superpowers haven't... recovered yet... I don't think you're suitable for fighting on the front line."

"Do you think they would be convinced if I didn't take action in this battle to regain Gore City?" Zhou Sen smiled, and felt warm in his heart. He found that this female reporter didn't want to be as rigid as she looked on the inside.

Will care about people.


"Olin, there are things men do and things they don't do. At this time, if I don't step forward and take the lead to boost their morale, let alone regaining this city, it will be difficult to even survive. The biggest problem now is to

Let them believe that I can lead them out of the predicament. If I hide in this building and drink coffee and watch them kill to death, then, in the end, this temporary team will fall apart in a very short period of time. At that time

, it will be difficult to form another team, so I must set an example."

"I see."

"Just do as I say. By the way, the old villain will be back soon. Remember, he must not be allowed to leave this building. The safety of this building is related to the success or failure of the entire plan. His

The mission is to protect you and this building. Understand?!" The expression on Zhou Sen's face became serious.

"He won't listen to me..." Orin hesitated. She only had a heartfelt fear of the old villain after witnessing him killing people in the shelter.

"I don't listen to you, but listen to me!" Zhou Sen frowned.


"Lu Yun, you are familiar with the structure of this building. Once you find that the situation is out of control, take Olin out of here."

"Yeah." Lu Yun nodded.

"Oli, come here, help me tie the Tang Dao to my back." Zhou Sen took off his suit and shirt, revealing his strong muscles.

Aolin quickly tied the Tang Dao to Zhou Sen's back with a strip of cloth. During the process of tying it, Zhou Sen kept doing some movement tests to prevent the Tang Dao from getting in the way and to be able to pull it out with one hand.

The Tang Dao is not short, and it is not easy to pull it out with one hand after it is carried on the back. Zhou Sen repeatedly tested it several times and found that it was a bit unsatisfactory. In the end, he could only carry it on his back as a crossbody bag.

Then secure it with a rope around your waist to prevent it from moving.


After Zhou Sen tied up the Tang Dao, he strode outside.

"We'll wait for you to come back." Olin looked at Zhou Sen's back and said.

Zhou Sen didn't look back or answer, he just opened the door and left.

Seeing Zhou Sen's back disappearing from the door, Olin lost consciousness for a while. She discovered that everything this gangster did was unpredictable. At first, Olin thought that Zhou Sen would take command in this building, but she didn't.

To think that he went out alone in the middle of the night to hunt the giant armored cockroach.

The key is, it can be determined from the fact that he was hit by the giant armored cockroach before, and his super powers have not been restored, and under this situation, he actually went into the darkness alone...

The night is already deep.

After Zhou Sen came out of the broadcasting building, he found the sheet that had been smeared with the bodily fluids of the armored giant cockroach. He covered his body with the sheet and sneaked in the darkness.

High in the sky, there was a miniature interview device monitoring Zhou Sen from beginning to end.

Mecha modification factory!

Zhou Sen's current goal is a workshop-style mecha modification factory two kilometers away.

Zhou Sen wants to smelt a Death Scythe. Zhou Sen needs metal, and the mecha modification factory has plenty of metal.

Zhou Sen, draped in sheets, looked like a ghost in the night.

There were giant armored cockroaches everywhere, but they didn't notice Zhou Sen, who was sneaking around in bedsheets. Soon, Zhou Sen arrived at the workshop-style mecha modification factory...

This chapter has been completed!
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