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Chapter 215 Death is too ugly

By noon the next day, the raging humans had already recaptured Gore City.

After humans regained control of Gore City, they began to obtain a large number of weapons. The people who obtained the weapons became more and more crazy, and began to form groups and set off to the surrounding towns to hunt down the armored giant cockroaches.

Now, the busiest place is the vault.

The treasury has been controlled by Zhou Sen. He hired a group of police to guard the treasury, and then used the optical brain to screen the holographic images to distribute the bounty.

After humans recaptured Gore City, everything was in a hurry. Some public officials began to maintain order in the city, including restoring the city's energy supply and cleaning up all kinds of garbage and debris on the streets.

Among the numerous garbage and debris, the most troublesome thing is to deal with the corpses of giant armored cockroaches, because the corpses of giant armored cockroaches are too heavy. Each corpse of giant armored cockroaches weighs more than one ton, and there are huge numbers.

, This brings great difficulty to the clean-up work. However, this kind of thing cannot be difficult for humans who have mastered high-tech technology. After all, humans have taken back the city and there are too many resources at their disposal.

Someone has modified several antimatter incinerators.

The anti-matter incinerator is modified from a huge engineering hover vehicle. It can drag the anti-matter incinerator to a designated location to incinerate any substance. It is too easy to deal with something like an armored giant cockroach. After all, it is still a carbohydrate.

life, and the antimatter incinerator can incinerate metal, mud and other messy things cleanly...

Zhou Sen has handed over the municipal broadcasting building to Lu Yun's colleagues, and he has moved his office to the treasury building of the human interstellar federal government in Gore City.

Now, more and more people are queuing up to receive the bounty every day, and the cash in the vault has been consumed very quickly. If this rate continues, the money will be gone before all the armored cockroaches are killed. However, it doesn't matter.

Because the bounty for an armored giant cockroach has dropped to 2,000 empire coins. The key is, even if it drops to 2,000 empire coins, people who hunt the armored giant cockroach are still flocking to it.

For ordinary people with a monthly salary of 5,000, a bounty of 2,000 empire coins is still a huge income. What's more, hunting the armored giant cockroach is no longer as dangerous as it used to be. After all, everyone already has the equipment.

There was once a person who got an overclocked magnetic blade and killed more than 40 giant armored cockroaches in one day and earned two hundred thousand. It can be said that he became rich in one day and made countless people jealous.

Many people think that mechas are more efficient at hunting armored giant cockroaches. In fact, mechas are so huge that the lone armored giant cockroaches will run away when they hear the noise. Instead, they have hot-wire sniper rifles and overclocking magnetic swings.

The hunting efficiency of these people with blades is higher.

To put it simply, when a lone armored giant cockroach encounters an animal larger than itself, it will avoid it, but it will actively attack animals of human size. This allows those humans with individual weapons to obtain

In order to seize hunting opportunities, they often take personal risks to lure the armored giant cockroaches...

It is worth mentioning here that the bounty reduction was not a decision made by Zhou Sen, but by the temporary organizing committee.

The Provisional Organizing Committee is a group of former low-level government officials elected by the people. This group of people is mainly people who fought against the armored giant cockroaches without bounties on the first day. These people all have a certain amount of public support.

The basis, after all, is that those who can stand up in difficult times at least have justice and dedication in their hearts.

The order of the entire Gore City is arranged by the temporary organizing committee, including the distribution of bounties and the restoration of the city's energy. It can be said that the temporary organizing committee is indispensable for Gore City's ability to restore order in a very short period of time.


Of course, when deciding on some major matters, the interim organizing committee will ask Zhou Sen for instructions, because Zhou Sen is currently the nominal chairman of the interim organizing committee and has the final decision-making power, even though Zhou Sen has never exercised any rights.

Regarding the existence of the temporary organizing committee, Zhou Sen feels that it is good. After all, the chaotic and turbulent city of Gore needs such an organization, which is beneficial to those disadvantaged groups.

In addition, the evil boy Li Tianji had been sentenced to death by the temporary organizing committee. Someone took out an ancient gallows in the museum and hung Li Tianji on it.

For Li Tianji, being hanged was also a relief. After all, his palms were nailed to the wall, and a nail was hammered into his crotch to bear the weight. This kind of abuse made his life worse than death, and he would rather be hanged.


Order has been restored in the entire Gore City, and people have returned to their homes to tidy up.

Because the population has dropped sharply, there has been no food crisis, and the outbreak of the armored giant cockroach has been short-lived. The armored giant cockroach mainly eats humans, and has not yet had time to destroy human food...

While the survivors in Gore City were rebuilding their homes, Zhou Sen's plan was also in full swing.

The transport ship is already in place.

At first, Zhou Sen was worried about the lack of spaceships, but he worried too much because there were many private spaceships on Gore. Not to mention outer space, there were many private spaceships parked on the ground.

Because the outbreak of the armored giant cockroach was so sudden, many people died before they could board the spaceship. This is why there are many private spaceships on Gore.

Three days, and three more days to wait, Zhou Sen decided to run away with his gold.

However, what Zhou Sen did not expect was that tens of thousands of light-years away, there was a black shadow that was faster than light and was rapidly approaching Gore Star. In the blink of an eye, it had already appeared on the streets of Gore Star.


grim Reaper.

The God of Death followed the aura emanating from the gods and found the planet Gor.

However, what depressed the God of Death was that when he felt the Gore star, the aura of the god suddenly disappeared. Naturally, the God of Death did not know that Zhou Sen had put the Death Scythe into the space button.

The God of Death, who had lost the aura of a god, was naturally unwilling to go on a journey in vain and began to search for clues about the gods in the streets and alleys.

Soon, an old man in black robe with a death scythe in his arms reached Zhou Sen. News about the death scythe reached Zhou Sen. After all, Zhou Sen is now the king of Gore City. If there is any trouble, he will know it immediately.


Of course, there is another reason - the God of Death is too ugly.

The God of Death is indeed too ugly.

He also used the Death Scythe as a weapon, and Zhou Sen was young and handsome, and wore a pair of exquisite exoskeleton armor produced by Versailles. This image immediately conquered the men, women, and children of Gor Star. As for Zhou Sen's previous kicking trash

Tong's bad behavior has long been characterized as a true-hearted man. Many young people even imitated Zhou Sen and kicked over a trash can.

On the other hand, the God of Death is old and ugly. He is also wearing a dark robe and a gloomy head. The key is that it is also a sickle. Zhou Sen's sickle is exquisite, but the God of Death's sickle is also pitch black.

Appearance is justice, and the Gore people who have a persistent pursuit of beauty naturally regard the God of Death as a perverted fan obsessed with Zhou Sen. Naturally, they will not reveal Zhou Sen's whereabouts to avoid disturbing their hero.

The God of Death wandered alone in the streets and alleys, and was looked down upon...

This chapter has been completed!
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