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Chapter 266 Dimensionality Reduction Strike

"What are you doing?" Seeing Zhou Sen's malicious gaze, Olin asked uneasily.

"Why don't I do it..." Zhou Sen, who was enjoying himself, was asked inexplicably.

"what's on your mind?"

"I...I'm thinking about how to kill the God of Death." Zhou Sen chuckled.

"Why do you always have to deal with Death?" Olin asked with a frown. She didn't deal with such a dangerous person as Death, so he couldn't understand why Zhou Sen went to great lengths to deal with Death.

"I have no choice." Zhou Sen said calmly.

"I don't understand. As long as you don't provoke him, he won't necessarily cause trouble for you!"

"You also said that he may not be sure, but what if he comes looking for me?"


"If he takes the initiative to cause trouble for me, I have no power to fight back, because to me, he is God... Let's take an example. The sheep clan who now have thermal weapons are a dimensionality reduction attack on the headhunters, but if

Before we found the arsenal, they actually had a chance to defeat me and the Sheep Clan. For example, when the 'King Zhou Sen' appeared, they immediately sent out elites to arrest me. Even if they couldn't catch me, it was like

We can't find the arsenal even if we lose our dogs, and now, they have no chance."

"You mean, the headhunters' previous situation is your current situation?" Olin asked.

"It's probably about the same. However, the God of Death is different from the headhunters. He has the power of God himself. As long as he wants to kill me, he can kill me at any time."

"So, to you, the God of Death is a dimensionality-reducing blow?"


"So, you have to kill the God of Death."

"The possibility of killing him is unlikely. The only way is to weaken his strength so that he cannot kill me in a short time, or that he cannot locate me."

"Why don't we choose to stay away from the God of Death?" Olin was puzzled by Zhou Sen's behavior, because it was too dangerous to actively provoke the God of Death. She believed that the danger could be avoided without taking the initiative to approach the danger.

"Many times, human beings are working hard for survival. In this effort, they will choose to avoid various risks, but some risks cannot be changed by individual efforts at all. For example, if the military forces of the five star regions want to destroy this planet

Planet, it makes no sense for the Sheep people to move from the Eastern Hemisphere to the Western Hemisphere.

To give another simple example, when ancient humans wanted to enclose fields and build lakes, it made no sense for the ants in the fields to move from one field to another.

Finally, when it comes to class division, for ordinary people, a trivial move by the person at the top of the pyramid can determine their well-being and future. However, the barriers between classes are tight. The so-called advancement to a higher class is nothing more than being like an ant.

By moving one field to another, the best you can do is to move it a little higher than the same position.

Of course, there have always been geniuses in history who broke down barriers or changed the class structure from a God's perspective, but such people often only appear once every few hundred years to reshuffle the cards.

Finally, let us assume that if the Sheep people now know that military force is about to destroy the planet in one day, how many of the tens of millions of people on this planet can avoid this risk? I can tell you clearly that they can leave alive.

To the people on this planet, they are all god-like existences."

"If you and I can escape through a spaceship, then aren't you and I the gods of this planet?" Orin couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, for the Sheep Tribe and the Headhunter Tribe, we are Gods. In fact, just because we come from the five star regions, this is a dimensionality reduction blow for the Headhunter Tribe. Moreover, any of my

Decisions can affect their future. I am not God, who is God?"

"No wonder they gave you a golden body." Olin was convinced. In the past few days, Olin had seen Zhou Sen's ability to turn clouds and rain with his hands. It only took him more than ten days to change this.

This planet has maintained this situation for one hundred and fifty years.

"It's easy to talk about." Zhou Sen burped. He was a little dizzy now, because the power of continuous faith was so strong that it produced an effect similar to dizziness.

"Tell me the truth, is there any conspiracy behind your golden body?" Olin suddenly walked up to Zhou Sen, leaned forward, her face almost touched Zhou Sen's face, and stared at Zhou Sen with a pair of extremely aggressive eyes,

The method is to see through his internal organs.

"Ah...you...you know?" Zhou Sen stammered.

"Hmph, you think I don't know that you want to be the emperor of the Sheep Tribe." Olin stood up straight with a proud look on his face.

"Ahem..." Zhou Sen almost choked. He thought Olin had discovered his secret of absorbing the power of faith.

"Do you really want to be emperor?" Orin asked.

"...I think, but I can only think about having sex, because I will eventually return to the five star regions to live, so I might as well get a transcendental job in the temple and come here occasionally to satisfy my vanity.

Not bad." Zhou Sen climbed along the pole.

"Are you coming here again?" Olin said with a surprised look on her face.

"Why don't you come back?"

"Why are you back?"

"Miss, we already know the coordinates of this planet. In other words, we can include this planet into the five star civilizations."

"But, this planet is so backward, can the sheep people adapt to the civilizations of the five star regions?" Olin was a little worried.

"You are wrong. The technology of this planet is not very backward. It even surpasses the five star regions in many fields. Especially the development of energy crystals on this planet may change the technological direction of the five star regions."

"But the Sheep people have just come into contact with the technology from 150 years ago, so they probably won't be able to digest it in a short time."

"This is a problem for most backward planets, but it is not a problem for the Sheep people, because the Sheep people attach great importance to education and their literacy rate is very high. Even poor families will let their children go as far as possible.

Possible literacy. With this foundation, as long as you sign a contract with the professional institutions of the five star regions and let them train a generation of young people, within three to ten years at most, the young people of the sheep tribe will accept the civilization of the five star regions.

Ten years later, it will be fully integrated into the five star civilizations."

"Why must they be integrated into the five star civilizations? I think they are pretty good now and can retain their own culture and traditions."

"The island effect in the universe!" Zhou Sen said word by word.

"The island effect of the universe..."

"Yes, because of the island effect in the universe, they can easily be targeted by low-level gods like the God of Death. In addition, if the Sheep Clan does not integrate into the five star regions, there is a high probability that the Headhunters will resurrect themselves..."

"Wait a minute, you said the headhunters can use corpses to bring back souls?"


"But now I see that the Sheep Clan hates the Headhunters so much that they kill them all. How can they revive the dead?" Olin asked in confusion.

"Haha, you underestimate the vitality of the headhunters. Ran Xiaomin said that they have their own beliefs, their own living habits, and their own culture. It is impossible for you to completely exterminate them."

"Isn't it okay to kill them all?"

"Of course there is no problem in annihilating them from the ground. The question is, can you kill them all? You will definitely say that the Sheep people are carrying out genocide now. Yes, they are indeed carrying out genocide, but the problem is, always

There will be fish that slip through the net and survive by pretending to be sheep people. In addition, there are many possibilities for the continuation of the culture of the headhunters. For example, a certain sheep people military leader captured a beautiful headhunter woman and then married the headhunter woman.

A headhunter woman will make her children follow some of the headhunter’s ancient dogmas... Tell me, who can guarantee that this won’t happen?”

"This kind of thing will definitely happen, but it is difficult for a race to prosper with a small probability." Olin shook his head.

"I said you underestimated the tough race of headhunters. Their race has many ways to rise in a very short time. For example, they use marriage, whether they marry their women or marry them.

To believe in their religion, this method of proselytizing in the womb is similar to the way a virus spreads. It is not easy for outsiders to detect it. By the time the secular government is aware of it, they have already formed a huge force, and

, this force is quite united, it would be better if it were an iron-fisted government, but if the Holy Mother comes to power, the sheep tribe will fall into the cycle of eternal disaster again."

"So scary?"

"Haha, it's scarier than you think. Let's not waste time on these nonsense, let's go, let's go to the summit of the gods to visit!" Zhou Sen stood up.

"Go to the Summit of the Gods now?!" Olin's heart beat wildly.


Zhou Sen gave a decisive answer.

This chapter has been completed!
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