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Chapter 269 Gods are all people

Temple of Death.

No, it is Zhou Sen Temple now.

When Zhou Sen saw his god holding the altar, he smiled from ear to ear. What would the God of Death think if he knew that the temple he had worked so hard to build had been occupied by him?

This time the God of Death even lost all his underwear. He never dreamed that he just wanted to send Zhou Sen into a desperate situation, but he did not expect that Zhou Sen not only survived the desperate situation, but also survived in just ten years.

Within the sky, the sun and moon were replaced by a new sky, all the gods were demolished, and the temple was occupied by Zhou Sen's magpie nest dove.

After Zhou Sen had a meal in the city, he pretended to pray for a group of sheep children in the temple, leaving a pile of gold. After gaining countless power of faith, he left with all the people kneeling to see him.

Before leaving, Zhou Sen told him to create gods for the outstanding heroes of the sheep tribe and enshrine them in this temple...

"...To have great ambition and sacrifice, I dare to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky." Zhou Senzhi, who was sitting in the driver's seat, recited the poem with great satisfaction.

"You seem to enjoy this feeling of hugging each other." Olin looked at Zhou Sen who was smiling happily and couldn't help but said. She always felt that Zhou Sen was a little complacent.

"I don't like it." Zhou Sen shook his head like a rattle.

"..." Olin didn't expect Zhou Sen to shake his head without hesitation. You know, in her eyes, Zhou Sen seemed to be greedy for power after coming to this planet.

"I'm just happy that the God of Death has lost his base."

"I thought you really wanted to be the emperor of the sheep people." Orin let out a long sigh of relief.

"Anyone who wants to be an emperor is a fool!" Zhou Sen said with disdain.

"Why do you say that?" Olin asked curiously.

"If you look at a little bit of history, you can see that in human history, every time there is a change of dynasty, there are a lot of deaths, and most of the members of the royal family are expelled and exterminated. Tell me, what are the benefits of being an emperor? Just to satisfy your own lust, for

Will future generations bring trouble?" Zhou Sen shrugged.

"But sometimes it's hard to get off the tiger. If you don't become emperor, you will be killed."

"There are situations like the one you mentioned, but to put it bluntly, the powerful ministers and generals facing this situation still want to be emperors in their hearts. Otherwise, they will choose to retreat at the right time instead of waiting until the end to make multiple choice questions." Zhou Sen

He said calmly.

"It makes sense..." Olin nodded and looked at Zhou Sen, who was absent-minded for a while. She found that this young man's thoughts were very deep and broad, and he could always find the simplest foundation among seemingly complicated truths.

"Actually, what I said is also one-sided. Who doesn't want to do a great job in life? As long as you are alive, you have to be responsible and responsible. As for the future, that is a matter for the future. You can't do it because of fear.

Escape." Zhou Sen opened the vast star map in the armed suspension vehicle and was in a daze for a while.

"Are you confused?" Olin asked.

"One hundred and fifty years ago, the Sheep tribe implanted star maps into their hovercars. In fact, they didn't need star maps at that time. Do you know why?"


"Because they have dreams of the stars, and they believe that one day, their people will be able to embark on a journey to the stars... However, they are still a little slow, just a little bit short, maybe in three or five years.

They were able to integrate with the most advanced human civilization in the universe. Unfortunately, their future was ruined by their own Madonna people. Not only was they delayed for a hundred and fifty years, they were also enslaved for a hundred and fifty years. This hundred and fifty years

In the past fifty years, the price paid by the Sheep people has been too heavy. The population of billions has dropped to tens of millions. If they had not deliberately maintained their fertility rate, they might have become extinct long ago... If the Sheep people had heroes at that time who could stand up and fight.

Otherwise, this tragedy would not have happened..." Zhou Sen said with a melancholy look on his face.

"So, when it's time to stand up, you still have to stand up."

"Yes, humans are different from other animals in that they have the ability to think. However, this ability to think often circulates in a closed loop of comedy and tragedy. If you look at the development trajectory of human history, it is actually different from the energy star Sheep.

The headhunting tribe and the headhunting tribe are similar. It is just that the forces of two or more parties are ebbing and flowing. This kind of internal friction has promoted the development of human science and technology to a certain extent. However, this so-called development is built on the bones of hundreds of millions of people.


"Is there any way to end this tragedy?" Orin asked.

"It is impossible for humans to break out of this closed loop." Zhou Sen shook his head.


"First of all, human desire is infinite, and the desire at each stage is different, which leads to human greed that can never be satisfied; secondly, no matter how excellent human beings are, they cannot reach the perspective of God.

, as long as we cannot examine human beings from a higher dimension, we will not be able to solve fundamental problems; in the end, human beings are not in charge of the future.”

"Ah... the future of mankind is not decided by mankind?!" Olin looked at Zhou Sen with wide eyes and an incredulous look on her face.

"Have you forgotten the gods?" Zhou Sen glanced at Olin who was making a fuss.

"Didn't you say that gods will not interfere in matters between humans?"

"But they have an agent."

"Agent..." Olin thought of Zhou Sen asking herself to be an agent.

"Wars between humans are basically controlled by gods behind the scenes. Just like this energy star, there is the God of Death behind the headhunters."

"What about the gods behind the sheep tribe?" Orin couldn't help but ask.

"God knows what the gods of the sheep tribe are doing. Maybe they are just taking a nap. After all, the gods will not always stare at their own territory, just like the God of Death will not always stare at this energy star.

Same, otherwise, he would have killed me long ago..."

"Wait a minute, I don't understand why gods want to manipulate humans?"


"What benefit?"

"This... you will gradually understand in the future. Also, don't regard gods as real gods. In fact, gods are people with supernatural abilities. This is why there are gods with various abilities."

Zhou Sen didn't want to tell Olin about the power of faith to avoid revealing his identity as a little hairy god. After all, he had now created thousands of golden gods for himself on the energy star.

"All gods are human beings!" Orin grinned from ear to ear.

"If you treat gods as human beings, you will slowly find that many things that are difficult to figure out can be figured out." Zhou Sen said calmly.


"The summit of the gods has arrived."

Zhou Sen interrupted Aolin's words and closed the star map. From the window, he could see a majestic mountain in front of him. Although their armed hover vehicle was in the air, its height was only at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, you can see from the side window that the mountain range extends outward, like a long winding dragon crawling on the earth, with Rudong Town at the end...

This chapter has been completed!
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